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单词 Done in
1. Nothing is ever done in a hurry. 
2. It must be done in the proper way.
3. Most seasonal hiring is done in early October.
4. I'll never get all this work done in a week - I'm not superhuman!
5. I asked myself what I would have done in such a situation.
6. We can ensure that the work shall be done in the right way.
7. Leaving you was the hardest thing I've ever done in 100 years.
8. Justice must be done in every case.
9. It was done in a flash.
10. Did you get your article done in time?
11. Sit down - you look done in.
11. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
12. I feel absolutely done in!
13. I was/felt really done in after the match.
14. Showing affection in public just isn't done in Japan.
15. The old man was done in by a swindler.
16. Come in and sit down you look done in.
17. I was done in that time.
18. Painting is best done in daylight.
19. Home removals are best done in cool weather.
20. The walls have been done in beige.
21. Come and sit down-you look done in.
22. This exercise is done in one smooth motion.
23. The whole performance is done in drag.
24. We were completely done in after the long climb.
25. I'm in a panic about getting everything done in time.
26. I am delighted with the work he has done in training.
27. Does he get done in at the end of the film?
28. Do stop flapping about, we'll get the job done in time.
29. It seems to me that a lot of evil deeds are done in the name of religion.
30. Make up your mind to act decidedly and take the consequences. No good is ever done in this world by hesitation.
1. It must be done in the proper way.
2. Most seasonal hiring is done in early October.
3. I'll never get all this work done in a week - I'm not superhuman!
4. I asked myself what I would have done in such a situation.
5. We can ensure that the work shall be done in the right way.
6. It seems to me that a lot of evil deeds are done in the name of religion.
31. The restaurant's yuppified interior was done in colors like teal and mauve.
32. It was a hard struggle to get my work done in time.
33. We have extrapolated these results from research done in other countries.
34. Dennis is a bit of a plodder, but he gets the job done in the end.
35. He will cast away this money just as he has done in the past.
36. It was the first interview I'd done in front of a live audience .
37. Do stop flapping around, we'll get the job done in time.
38. It was all done in the heat of the moment and I have certainly learned by my mistake.
39. I mean, what's he ever done in his life, for crying out loud?
40. There is plenty of work to be done in the garden.
41. When I told him what his son had done in the evening party,(http:///done in.html)he laughed himself into fits.
42. What would you have done in my place, my dear?
43. If you need repairs done in the house, Brian's your man.
44. Is that the sum of what you've done in the last two years?
45. Is there anything you've done in your life that you regret?
46. The mountain people say that, with guides, the journey can be done in fourteen days.
47. The problem is to get it all done in the time available.
48. The rules make it quite clear what should be done in such a situation.
49. Walking, done in the right way, is a form of aerobic exercise.
50. All the procedures must be done in the correct order.
51. You'd better watch out, or you'll be getting done in.
52. The problem is getting it all done in the time available.
53. She could get that essay done in a couple of hours if she really tried.
54. I felt absolutely done in by the end of the day !
55. The manager expressed anxiety that it should be done in no time.
56. I've been tearing my hair out trying to get done in time.
57. He told me how well I'd done in that greasy way of his.
58. Don't be afraid to ask questions as to why things are done in the way they are.
59. It wasn't serious - it was all done in fun.
60. I got all my Christmas shopping done in one fell swoop.
61. The love scenes are all done in the best possible taste.
62. It's all done in a flash these days.
63. Major pruning is done in late winter.
64. Handling Handling may be done in several distinct ways.
65. Cooking was no longer done in the winter kitchen.
66. When possible, psychotherapy is done in a professional office.
67. He likes things done in a precise way.
68. This must be done in the correct order.
69. It was all done in a rush.
70. It was done in a bad way.
71. The whole operation was done in a spirit of perfect disdain.
72. It would also not hurt to show what could be done in terms of a pinpoint landing.
73. People say having a baby ruins your life,(http:///done in.html) and talk about what you could have done in a job and that.
74. Modern planting tends to be done in large blocks, not for shelter, but as a crop in its own right.
75. The authors point out that their study was done in a rural area and results may differ with urban clients.
76. Make me dictator for five years and I'll show you what I can do. I'll clean the dirt out. We need to bring law and order and should bring about the necessary changes in the constitution to achieve this. And we should stop vote bank politics done in the name of communal harmony. People have stopped loving their country. Everybody has forgotten the "mother" in motherland. Dharminder 
77. If this is done in hardness of spirit, it tends to harden attitudes and drive people away for the Lord.
78. Mrs Maugham did not like crazy paving, because the stones worked loose, and she wanted it done in asphalt.
79. I start from the assumption that we are interested in what is done in any communicative act.
80. The cost of launderettes is prohibitive on a subsistence income - so the washing gets done in the sink.
81. Mixing was done in open vats like large domestic food mixers.
82. The kitchen was done in thirty-year-old linoleum with cabinets painted an intense shade of pink.
83. The tests were done in a quiet room with patients sitting at a table.
84. Was the reputed bid rigging really a favor done in return for the write-off?
85. For two weeks afterwards I cried more than I had done in my whole life.
86. Various experiments done in volcanic environments have shown that proteinoid globules are very likely to form in such regions.
87. Nothing is so funny as something done in all seriousness.
88. Her attitude irritated Froebe more than anyone else's had ever done in his military career.
89. When you make a conscious decision, it is done in the summit of the brain.
90. A Taking out an endowment on a joint mortgage can be done in one of two ways.
91. Such a move could enhance the UMass image in academia much as its basketball team has done in the sports arena.
92. Even some Right-wing opposition politicians reckoned it was the best Mr Mitterrand could have done in the circumstances.
93. The technology which has emerged from an experimental analysis should be evaluated only in comparison with what is done in other ways.
94. Common Cause said the participation of the reform-minded lawmakers would shatter their vow to change the way business is done in Washington.
95. Boat building, mainly for yachts and motor launches, is done in many small yards.
96. Some of his best work, on glaciation and on Old Red Sandstone, was done in his spare time.
97. By far the greatest amount of empirical research on democratic attitudes has been done in the United States.
98. The committee express their thanks for the work he has done in a voluntary capacity over the past months.
99. Trade interested him now, as other intelligence spheres had done in harder days.
100. It has been subtly shifting the goalposts of what can be done in and through art.
101. Our role in each of these investigations was proper, appropriate, and done in full cooperation with other agencies.
102. These extensions were all done in red brick to fit in with the original structure.
103. Machining a locomotive tire, he reported, was now done in one fifth the time.
104. His most consistent phrase was that he wants to accomplish in Washington what the governors have done in their states.
105. Other groundbreaking work was reportedly done in the areas of fault tolerance support and compiler optimisation.
106. Carlin shook Bond's hand to show his act was all done in fun.
107. Several of her early paintings were done in an expressionistic style.
108. It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done. Vincent van Gogh 
109. This board would receive wide delegated powers and be the sole channel through which business done in committees reached the full council.
110. But none of this alters the ethical issue and the consequent injustice done in 1985.
111. That was precisely what women had done in the past - sit back and wait for men to make the running.
112. There is no excuse for inflicting them on your fellow-citizens by saying it is done in a good cause.
113. This is done in both large factories and small workshops.
114. This must be done in the local market area because market conditions vary in the different regions of the United States.
115. This may have been done in the Middle Ages, but many warrens seem to date from the sixteenth century onwards.
116. Some of the most daring work was being done in that no-man's-land between painting and photography.
117. It was under the old law if done in pursuance of the ulterior intent, not if done simply to gain access.
118. The postmortem was done in the pathology department of the Perth hospital.
119. During the campaign, Clinton acknowledged the need to fix the programs and said it should be done in a bipartisan way.
120. This is often best done in conjunction with those who are going to be on the receiving end of an appraisal interview.
121. Faced with a bolted door, Seymour did what thousands of pentecostal preachers have done in similar circumstances ever since.
122. That necessary ditching, in all likelihood, will now be done in time for the next election.
123. It must be done in a context that makes it worth while or it is just an expression of talent or ego.
124. Actually this was done in double-quick time but I can never forget the excitement and the terror of that night.
125. Some months ago I suggested that this could be done in a new version of Question Time.
126. Accordingly, as much preparatory work as possible should be done in advance.
127. The vase is a piece of modern art done in a classical Chinese style.
128. He says this is scariest thing I've ever done in my life.
129. Much may be done in those little shreds and patches of time which every day produces, and which most men throw away. Charles Caleb Colton 
130. The Feldwebel bounced up and down on his seat with laughter as he had done in the car at Amsterdam.
131. How you explain situations to yourself therefore,(http://) determines how likely you are to feel done in by them.
132. I always thought that I would get more done in one day than it was possible to do.
133. In this outlook the minimal work accomplished by life resembles the physics and thermodynamics of the minimal work done in a computer.
134. Instead of acquiescing, as most blacks had done in the nonviolent marches in the South, the crowd attacked the police.
135. No work's been done in the office today, bar a little typing.
136. Only when the inevitable standing ovation was over, and their work was done in the conference hall, could they relax.
137. Unfortunately evaluation is very difficult and has seldom been done in special educational practice.
138. The building was a prodigious limestone parthenon done in the early thirties in the Civic Moderne style.
139. Going to the shops may be done in such an automatic way as to not seem to be the fulfilment of desire at all.
140. And she had her hair done in pigtails with green ribbons, and a stupid green hat stuck on her head.
141. However, this is done in the ideal conditions of the laboratory.
142. I've got a plain TeX version of Leeds' league fixtures for this season all nicely done in a ruled table.
143. The things the Vikings had done in Raynes Park were, let's face it, unspeakable.
144. Interviews done in the week after the shows aired found dramatic increases in awareness and understanding of medical issues surrounding both topics.
145. It is apparently done in quite a crude fashion, using a look-up table.
146. The whole process was one of the most tiring and yet satisfying things I have ever done in my life.
147. Done in a sympathetic way, a loft conversion can blend in almost anywhere.
148. We must meditate on what God has done in our life instead of what we are still waiting on Him to do. Joyce Meyer 
149. All is done in not much over an hour; and yet there is no sense of haste or excessive compression.
150. But, as usual, it's all done in the best possible taste ... Review by Neville Marten.
151. The amount of logging being done in national forests is mind-boggling.
152. The format of the church funeral service allows this to be done in a recognized, public, orderly and time-limited way.
153. Of course, everything was done in a way that cost a fortune.
154. It can be done in spring too, but there are usually more pressing jobs then.
155. Contact with western scholars increased, as did knowledge of the work being done in the West.
156. At trial she also said that any fighting done by her was done in self-defence.
157. As he had done in Pretoria Braam Van Straaten easily landed two of his three early opportunities.
158. It's important that the calculation is done in a particular way, that it is managed and owned by the department.
159. The pupil seems to be giving instructions for others to follow rather than saying what was done in this specific instance.
160. Most of the damage was again done in the financial sector, where worries about scandals and the recession abound.
161. Nothing that we do, is done in vain. I believe, with all my soul, that we shall see triumph. Charles Dickens 
161. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
162. Is there a difference between requesting an act and specifying an act to be done in return for the promise?
163. He rightly paid tribute to the West Midlands police for what they have done in this process.
164. There are two important distinctions to be made in the type of business done in the banking sector.
165. Nevertheless, to require that all educating be done in public schools was considered arbitrary and unreasonable.
166. The second guidance was in respect of roads, and much needed to be done in this regard.
167. The test was done in both erect and supine positions.
168. This apparently was done in spite of their claim that they required strong scientific support for their categories.
169. To meet that schedule, the Council was informed that construction bidding for the building had to be done in January.
170. The principals have had their shot at getting this done in privacy for weeks, and it has produced zip.
171. This can be done in three forms - diet, exercise and treatment of the surface of the skin.
172. Nina felt in that moment that somehow she must make amends for all the wrong she had done in her life.
173. Of course, much of that would have been done in his lectures, to which the anti-Aristotelian Exercises are an appendix.
174. The seeking of business success is far too difficult and serious a matter to be done in a cosy way.
175. Who knew now, or cared, what old Eddy had done in his prime?
176. There are good examples of what can be done in private care.
177. It all had to be done in the dark and was rather frightening.
178. She was cleaning up after white folk as she had done in Texas, but it was a job.
179. The exercises have been designed and arranged progressively, and for greatest benefit the days must be done in proper sequence.
180. This is not usual in civil aircraft systems though it is occasionally done in some military aircraft.
181. A substantial amount of the training will be done in teaching practice at local schools and using distance learning methods.
182. Of course, you told me later that this was all done in an attempt to save my name.
183. The organisation of the planning process tends to be done in corporate head office by a central corporate planning department.
184. All this is being done in the name of free enterprise.
185. At this the lowest level, what is done is done in a compliant way.
186. The two of them would bellow at each other as they must have done in their old law office.
187. The ceremony was held in the Grand Ballroom, which was all done in white roses and orchids.
188. Patching is more effective if done in the pre-school years.
189. He says it was all done in stages, bit by bit.
190. There were two snow-white cotton ditty bags inside with their tie strings done in dainty bows.
191. This in turn underpins the move to decentralised care and the stripping away of much that is done in acute hospitals today.
192. He would do what had to be done in his own good time; she must leave him to it.
193. Most of the important Physics that has been done in the laboratory during that time has been profoundly influenced by Sir Charles.
194. Fortunately more and more psychobiology is being done in this way.
195. Those designs are mine,(http://) done in my own time and made up by my own outworkers.
196. A child's education may consist largely of the mastery of traditional skills to be done in a traditional way.
197. But the quality and quantity of the skiing to be done in these places is almost a secondary consideration.
198. For now, there is work to be done in Seattle with a team expected to be much improved this season.
199. Make another subtraction for everything else other than spending on the elderly that has to be done in the social welfare system.
200. This was done in order to avoid phase separations during the incubation process.
201. Much might be done in the scientific analysis of these processes and responses, many of which are self-evidently material and physical.
202. But the Hopkins surveys were done in large community-based primary care practices that represented a cross-section of the population.
203. The work was done in snatches.
204. POSIX signal handling is done in kernel space.
205. This is done in a separate enforcement procedure.
206. These studies were done in France with four-day-old babies.
207. Aboard the USS Carl Vinson, the burial of bin Laden was done in conformance with Islamic precepts and practices.
208. And they heard of their battles, and their noble acts, which they had done in Galatia, how they conquered them, and brought them under tribute.
209. With the two - chamber plant, make - up is done in batches and allows a continuous discharge.
210. The engineering modification is also the contract modification, which means that some modification, superaddition or canceling is done in content of contract.
211. Methods OGTT was done in 1335 cases who had been suspected cases with microcide.
212. What is done in car-free zones is open to the creativity, desires, and priorities of a city. It can be one activity or several.
213. It will be a cinch to get the job done in two months.
214. As for perfecting the crime, work should be done in making clear the mode of behavior, defining the law term, enhancing the breadth of penalty and adding additional penalty.
215. After the literary review is done, we find that the study of silence has not been adequately done in both domestic and broad academic world, and this is especially the case in our country.
216. The Orlando Magic must make do without little leader Jameer Nelson, who was done in by a torn labrum before he could play in his first All-Star game.
217. In the far zone, the relative distance of the source and survey station has no effect on the measurement result, namely, in the far zone measurement can be done in any azimuth.
218. In mice and tobacco, this was overcome by over-expression of prolyl hydroxylase , analogous to what has been done in yeast and insect cell culture.
219. If primary language acquisition is constrained by Universal Grammar (UG), is UG still applicable to second language acquisition (SLA)?Research has been done in this field from different perspectives.
220. Conclusions:Incision and drainage should not be done in tuberculous retropharyngeal abscess in order to prevent the incision from no healing up.
221. We prefer to wait bit longer for something special rather than to satisfy with only ok one being done in flash.
222. In effect,(Sentencedict) the SAN does in a network environment what traditionally has been done in a back-end I/O environment between a server and its own private storage subsystem.
223. As a result, very careful planning and exhaustive testing must first be done in a lab environment.
224. Cognition of stratum scientific meaning must he done in visual of society change, macrocosmic and microcosmic, and in a broad and narrow sense explain.
225. These are very easy to flush out with some basic research: how many deals has the fund done in the past 3 years and when was their current fund raised (many funds are 10 years in length).
226. These values do not exhaust the many goals which we wish to achieve, but they capsulize them as well as can be done in a few words.
227. This example illustrates two ways that background processing can improve performance and responsiveness: I/O waits are done in parallel and processing dependent on that I/O can also occur in parallel.
228. The results of the holographic analysis, done in the centre of Shanghai, for the dynamic chara...
229. Somatic embryogenesis was successfully done in Liriodendron hybrids with the immature zygotic embryos as explants.
230. I think virtually nothing has been done in this field so I think this is an area that is a real head scratcher and we do not even have any exploratory data.
231. The principle for calibrating the current probe is introduced in this paper. And the analysis and evaluation of the uncertainty have been done in detail.
232. Placing an implantable cardioverter defibrillator ( ICD ) requires minor surgery, which is usually done in a hospital.
233. The excision , if not done in time, tends to complications.
234. Methods A retrospective analysis was done in the treatment of femoral peritrochanteric fractures(72cases).
235. A rearing trial was done in Beijing Fatty Chicken, which showed growth performance and feed conversion ratio of Beijing Fatty Chickens.
236. We have known a foreigner, dissatisfied with the slow progress of his carpenters in lathing, accomplish while they were eating their dinner as much work as all four of them had done in half a day.
237. We won it convincingly and hopefully the same can be done in Cardiff.
238. This too is done in the night and while asleep and as long as one remains connected to one's oversoul .
239. Methods Black-diaphragm intraocular lens implantation were done in 14 patients (14 eyes) with traumatic aniridia after vitrectomy vision and complications were observed.
240. One of the age old activities that kids have done in the summer months to wile away the hours is to create a skit involving neighborhood children.
241. It also covers what should be done in the termination phase of the project life cycle.
242. Analysis done in Chile of the test results in the 65 countries that took part finds that it ranked 64th in terms of the variance of the results according to social class.
243. Private capitalists in contrary to what was done in the advanced Western countries over hundreds of years did not have the chance to expropriate the accumulated state wealth then.
244. Clinical studies on squalene-containing vaccines have been done in infants and neonates without evidence of safety concerns.
245. Results: Squareshaped anterior capsulotomy was well done in 56 eyes ( 94.9 % ) during the operation.
246. Burning at the Stake was normally done in one of two ways.
247. As he had done in the wilderness and at Spotsylvania, Grant ordered his men to attack hard.
248. This is easier said than done in white light but it's well worth trying.
249. That zoom-in camera was done in real-time to capture the kind of video-like footage that we had.
250. Most genomic studies done in Africa so far have focused on the Yoruba of Nigeria.
251. In broadband receiver applications,() one ADC digitizes multiple channels in the receive path. Individual channel selection and filtering is done in the digital domain.
252. The mapping from a library name to a specific filename is done in a system-specific manner.
253. The method is similar to light or optical aggregometry except that it can be done in whole blood, thus obviating the need for preparation of a platelet suspension.
254. This incident drives me home to the point that however much preparationary work you have done in other times, an incident or emergency can make all your efforts in vain .
255. MethodsA simultaneous operation-PKRP and hernioplasty-was done in 60 patients with BPH concurrent inguinal hernia under epidural anesthesia.
256. The mesorectum was not dissected off the levator muscles at abdominal part of the operation, the perineal part of the operation was done in the prone position.
257. Altogether the ghost image suppression is well done in all three of the competitors.
258. Talk to your pediatrician about butterbur, as very young children should not take it, and no studies have been done in children under 6 years old.
259. Getting around in Tabora can be done in several ways.
260. The works about the behavior of rigid-polyurethane foam mitigator done in previous stage are summarized briefly.
261. Celtic is the beautiful, intricate knotwork of the Celts. These are much harder for artists to do, also usually done in just black ink.
262. A film producer is the guy who, when a writer tells him about a good idea he's got for a screenplay, says, "That was done in 1938 by William Wyler.
263. Create a short - task list - things that could be done in five minutes or less.
264. Furthermore, the conventional observations are done in the MM5 model system, and a four-dimensional variational data assimilation test is made based on observed data.
265. It took 15,000 naira and two more days to complete the paperwork that his lawyer says "could [have been] done in a few hours—even if there is no electricity."
266. The separation of human dejecta degradation bacteria from the biological stuffing in the ecological non-water sanitation and the soil of the organic fertilizer farmland were done in the paper.
267. The printing work done in accordance with the research results shows that this new collotype sensitive glue can improve significantly the film quality of sen...
268. In this paper, it was reviewed that the new studies of clinical application and adding in health food of levo- carnitine were done in China in recent years.
269. Parotidectomy with retaining facial nerve was done in treating benign tumor.
270. As a trauma chief resident or trauma surgeon , cental lines or chest tubes should be done in 1-2 minutes, tracheostomy should be within 5 minutes.
271. Acording to the shrinkage one over two hundred, the mold has been done in the right dimension, but the part falls short to your part drawing, are you sure the shrinkage is right?
272. In order to avoid the photolysis of ferric ferrocyanide precipitate, the operation can only be done in dark.
273. The first Dorr - Oliver single - tank reactor installation was based on a small - scale pilot - plant study done in 1959.
274. Most research on residential satisfaction is done in the social or behavioral science fields.
275. However, voyage charter shall be done in writing. Telegrams, telexes and telefaxes have the effect of written documents.
276. Methods A retrospective analysis was done in 5 cases with canceration of hereditary multiple osteochondroma that were proved by operative histology, X ray and CT scanning.
277. It is a fact that we have got to render an account for the deeds done in the body.
278. Other Special Order would be done in the next working day morning startingorder collected.
279. This thesis advocates that the study of the common core of Chinese vocabulary has to be done in the comparison of the Sino-Tibetan linguistic system, and centered with Han Chinese.
280. After extra-mousy plant researcher Pamela Isley is done in by a fellow mad scientist's toxins, she trades in those latex gloves for a skin-tight latex suit.
281. Migrating an existing project is often more challenging than when a project is started from scratch(sentence dictionary), since a migration project is usually done in the context of a productive system.
282. And call to remembrance the works of the fathers, which they have done in their generations: and you shall receive great glory, and an everlasting name.
283. Postoperative computer tomography scan done in 2 patients confirmed complete extirpation of the nidus.
284. But despite these risks, Sapir believes a restructuring of Greek debt should be done in the next one to two years.
285. The Gerald R. Ford is the first-ever aircraft carrier to be constructed based on designs that were first done in a 3D collaborative visualization tool called ROVR.
286. Methods Pripheral blood analysis was done in all 20 cases with fever, angina, enlarged lymph nodes and enlargement of liver and spleen. Heterophil agglutination test was done in 15 of these 20 cases.
287. But when countries do emerge from crisis, as Sierra Leone, Liberia, the DRC, and the Central African Republic have done in recent years, they face a new set of obstacles on the road to development.
288. For the experiment with Poisonous and causticity air, it should be done in the draught cabinet, which is to against the happening of contingence.
289. Demonstration effect of the technology will be done in try-out of Olympic game and in Olympic game. As the heritage of the Olympic game, the technology will be kept using in the state food security.
290. Diving for the cross is done in several Orthodox countries to mark Theophany, also known as Epiphany, a Christian feast day in January.
291. This is done in the doctor's office to look down the throat at the voice box and vocal chords.
292. From 1983 to 1995, subtotal pericardectomy were done in 16 children of acute purulent pericarditis. All of them were healed.




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