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诗文 中国文学作品道家意境美的再现







Listen not to the rain beating against the trees.

Why don't you slowly walk and chant at ease?

Better than saddled horse I like sandals and cane.

O,I would fain

Spend a straw-cloaked life in mist and rain.

Drunken,I'm sobered by vernal wind shrill.

And rather chill.

In front I see the slanting sun atop the hill;

Turning my head,I see the dreary beaten track.

Let me go back!

Impervious to wind,rain or shine,I'll have my will.

原词上阕写诗人遇雨却不躲雨,而是在细雨中逍遥前行,自得其乐。诗人坦然面对人生的坎坷。下阕写诗人面对人生的失意达观开朗,纵浪大化,回归自然。许译上阕,Listen not to the rain beating against the trees/Why don't you slowly walk and chant at ease?保留了原词的祈使句和反问句式,语气强烈,chant at ease再现了诗人逍遥自在的风度。O,I would fain/Spend a straw-cloaked life in mist and rain采用祈使句式,表达了诗人对回归自然、逍遥林泉的隐士生活的强烈渴望。下阕,Drunken,I'm sobered by vernal wind shrill/And rather chill中shrill、chill押韵,表现春寒料峭,富于音美和意美。祈使句Let me go back!语气强烈,传达了诗人归隐林泉的坚定决心,Impervious to wind,rain or shine表现了诗人对人生的沉浮坎坷处之泰然,I'll have my will传达了诗人纵情山水、随心所欲的人生态度。




Functionally versatile in application;

Substantially erudite by cultivation.

Through Nothingness to Wholeness;

With vim to build up forcefulness.

Galaxies of the brilliant and permanent;

Present forever across the firmament.

Massive clouds gathering momentum;

Strong winds carrying all before them.

Something divine beyond the image,

From the void emerges a message:

The attainment not forced,

Nor,once there,exhausted.


The greatest functioning extends outward;

The genuine form is inwardly full.

Revering to the empty brings one into the undifferentiated;

Accumulating sturdiness produces the potent.

It contains the full complement of all things;

Stretching all the way across the void:

Pale and billowing rain clouds;

Long winds in the empty vastness.

It passes over beyond the images

Attains the center of the ring.

Maintaining it is not forcing;

Bringing it never ends.


道家美学追求天人合一、纵浪大化,强调与自然和谐,《二十四诗品》与一年二十四节气相对应,表现大自然的阳刚阴柔之美。《雄浑》为二十四诗品之首,文论家杨庭芝说:“首以《雄浑》起,统冒诸品,是无极而太极也。”“大用外腓”化用《易》咸卦六十二;“咸其腓”,意为伸缩、变化,“返虚入浑”源自《庄子》“唯道集虚”。《雄浑》表现了一种壮美,司空图认为审美主体养浑然之气,以达内心之充实,方能体察变化无穷之万物。总体而言,谢译重味、神、境、虚,宇文译重意、形、象、实。谢译Functionally versatile in application强调客体之无穷功用,Substantially erudite by cultivation强调主体之内在修养,两句形成对偶,揭示主客体之关系。宇文译The greatest functioning extends outward/The genuine form is inwardly full为直译,原文“真体”指主体,而form指客体。原文“超以象外,得其环中,持之匪强,来之无穷”化用《庄子》“彼是莫得其偶,谓之道枢;枢始得其环中,以应无穷”,谢译Something divine beyond the image/From the void emerges a message采用意译,message后用冒号,与后两句The attainment not forced/Nor,once there,exhausted紧密相连,主体内养深厚(erudite),才能洞察客体之万用(versatile),“超然于物象之外,则即如处空虚之圆环中,可应无穷之变化”(nor…exhausted)。谢译用message得原文之味,宇文译It passes over beyond the images/Attains the center of the ring留原文之意。



Plain living in serenity,

With beatific vision's gleam.

Over a great harmony drinking deep,

Then to fly with a crane in a dream.

As with clothes flapping,

In a wind gently patting,

One listens to tunes played by bamboos slim,

To bring home the beauty a bliss to him.

Fathomable on chance meeting,

Elusive for purposeful seeking;

No sooner does one see her outer grace,

Than she slips away without a trace.


Reside in plainness and quiet:

How faint,the subtle impulses

Infusing with great harmony,

Join the solitary crane in flight:

Like that balmy breeze of spring,

Plainly changing in one's robes.

Consider the tones in fine bamboo -

Lovely indeed,return with them.

One encounters this not hidden deeply away;

Approach it and grows more elusive.

If there is some resemblance in shape,

The grasping hand has already missed it.


《二十四诗品》中《冲淡》和《自然》集中体现了道家美学思想。老子《道德经》说“道之出口,淡乎其无味”;《庄子》说“淡然无极而众美从之”;陈良运在《中国诗学批评史》中认为冲淡是天地之大美。原文“素处以默”化用老子“见素抱朴,少私寡欲”,原文“饮之太和,独鹤与飞”描写了主体的一种朦胧飘忽的灵感体验:主体清静寡欲,心无杂念,才能思接千载,视通万里,才能神思方远,万涂竟萌,思绪飞扬之间“独鹤与飞”。这种虚幻的灵感体验可神遇而不可力求,故“遇之匪深,即之愈稀,脱有形似,握手已违”。谢译beatific vision's gleam和in a dream传达了主体的幻觉体验,Fathomable on chance meeting与Elusive for purposeful seeking形成对比,表现灵感体验的可遇而不可求,与No sooner does one see her outer grace/Than she slips away without a trace相互联贯,表现了主体灵感体验的稍纵即逝。宇文译Join the solitary crane in flight将原文的虚境化为了实境。



In a pot are held both wine and Spring.

To the cot poetic transport rains bring.

A gathering of scholars true,

Their miens set off by bamboo.

Clouds white in the clear sky,

Frolic and free birds fly.

The zither rests in the cool shade.

From above hangs a roaring cascade.

Petals falling in a silent way,

Men like chrysanthemums not so gay.

Recording life's prime,

One's poetry is sublime.


With a jade pot he purchases spring[wine],

Appreciates rain under a roof of thatch.

Fine scholars are his guests,

All round him,fine bamboo.

White clouds in nearly cleared skies,

Birds from hidden places follow one another.

A reclining lute in the green shade,

And above is a waterfall in flight.

The following flowers say nothing,

The man,as limpid as the chrysanthemum.

He writes down the season's splendors -

May it be,he hopes,worth reading.


《典雅》展现了道家人淡如菊的人格理想,与《雄浑》的阳刚美相对比,淡表现了阴柔美。《庄子》说“游心于淡”,“平易恬淡”。吴健民在《中国古代诗学原理》中认为“无欲无求、轻淡名利、自适自足、淡泊清远的生命态度和人生理想”是平淡风格的内核。原诗以“玉壶”、“茅屋”、“修竹”、“白云”、“幽鸟”、“眠琴”、“绿荫”、“飞瀑”、“落花”等意象来衬托主体之神(“人淡如菊”),淡泊的人生是诗化的人生,“书之岁华,其曰可读”比喻人生境界的升华。译者应再现原诗所表现的人生之诗境。刘华文在《汉诗英译的主体审美论》中认为诗歌表现一种诗意的存在,译者要抬升原文的这种诗意,这是“翻译主体参与其中的存在性理解过程”,主体性意识和存在是“提升译文诗性价值的强大力量”。在翻译审美感应中,“我”本关系追求离形得似,即译者“通过对原文的解读获得了隐含在原文文字符号下面的‘神’”,在译文中“注入自己的理解、感悟、体验和认识”,以自己解读出来的“神”去“化译原文”。在翻译审美感应中,“他”本关系,强调形合神通,即译文保留原诗的“形象、意象和意境”,“使原有的‘形’继续在译诗中传达‘象外之旨’和‘言外之意’”。谢译To the cot poetic transport rains bring中加入poetic transport,体现了译者的创造力,与Recording life's prime/One's poetry is sublime相联贯,再现了原文所表现的人生的诗意境界。中国古诗强调文脉,谢译从poetic transport到(sublime)poetry再现了原文的内在文脉,表现了翻译审美感应的“我”本关系。比较而言,宇文译The following flowers say nothing/The man,as limpid as the chrysanthemum/He writes down the season's splendors-/May it be,he hopes,worth reading.体现了翻译审美感应的“他”本关系。




A hut in the wood green.

Sun setting,an aura serene.

In casual dress for a walk alone.

Bird's song steeped in twilight's tone.

The bosom friend in strange land will stay.

No tidings by wild geese,to one's dismay.

Yet the image always seems not far away,

And as intimate as in the good old day.

Clouds set in commotion by a sea gale.

The creek lies still in moonlight pale.

Suddenly a river looms large across,

The moment some poetic insight crops.


A rude dwelling in green forests

As the sun sets,the air is clear.

He takes off his headband,walks alone,

At times hearing voices of birds.

The wild geese do not come,

And the person travels far away.

But the one longed for is not far -

It is as it always was.

A breeze from the sea,emerald clouds,

Moonlight brightens the isles by night.

If there are fine words,

The great river stretches out before him.


《二十四诗品》通过大量的自然意象展现了一幅幅多姿多彩的画面,意象与情趣相融,诗意、诗趣、诗理、诗味、诗境浑然化一,表现了或迷离缥缈或淡远清致的意境。《沉着》描绘了一幅天高气爽、风清月淡的景象,表现了淡远清雅的道家审美情趣。诗歌应淡而有味,淡中有理。胡晓明在《中国诗学之精神》中认为《二十四诗品》表现了一种内心生活、内在人格之追求,呈现了“默契的欣悦与陶然适意”,展示大自然之“粲然机趣”。刘华文在《汉诗英译的主体审美论》中认为汉诗语言富于意象性,善于表现天人合一的境界,这种境界构成中国诗学的元隐喻。译者应通过审美介入传达诗人的“原欲”,即“通过为本体(原文)寻找介体(译文)实现表征为原文和译文之间同一的‘我’与‘他’(原文或原文作者)的融通合一”。原作前四行“绿杉野屋,落日气清,脱巾独步,时闻鸟声”暗含了诗人与大自然的默契欣悦,这是写喜。“鸿雁不来,之子远行”,表现诗人思念远方的友人,却无鸿雁传书,内心惆怅,这是写忧。中国古人云:“海内存自己,天涯若比邻。”所以诗人说“所思不远,若为平生”。末尾四行“海风碧云,夜渚月明,如有佳语,大河前横”,诗人把对友人的思念化入这美景中,内心回归平静。谢译Sun setting,an aura serene和Bird's song steeped in twilight's tone再现了大自然的安宁静谧,表现了“鸟鸣山更幽”的意境,No tidings by wild geese,to one's dismay中加入to one's dismay表达了诗人内心的怅惘,the image(as intimate as in the good old day)表现了诗人与大自然的亲切,The moment some poetic insight crops传达了诗人在与大自然的心灵感应中所获得的一种精神顿悟,译文在诗意上得到了升华,达到了与原作的融通合一。宇文译基本采用直译,在诗味上逊于谢译。




Let it ever come handy.

Not to copy and bandy.

The Law guides you on the road,

You will capture it at Intuition's goad.

Flower to bloom and Season to succeed,

All follow a course as nature decreed.

Truth's gift is a lasting treasure,

Forced gains useless in any measure.

Like a hermit in a vale,

Culling some plants after rain,

In the lap of Nature hale,

Imagination always reaps fresh gain.


It's what you can bend down and pick up -

It's not to be taken from any of your neighbors.

Go off,together with the Way,

And with a touch of the hand,springtime forms.

It is as if coming upon the flowers blossoming,

As if looking upon the renewal of the year.

One does not take by force what the genuine provides,

What is attained willfully easily becomes bankrupt.

A recluse in the deserted mountains

Stops by a stream and picks water plants,

As it may,his heart will be enlightened -

The Potter's Wheel of heaven goes on and on forever.



谢译Let it ever come handy/Not to copy and bandy/The Law guides you on the road/You will capture it at Intuition's goad中it为虚指,意为主体体道过程中的一种生命体验和直觉感悟。“道”译为the Law,指宇宙生命之基本规律,而不是一味译为the Way。许渊冲在《道德经》英译本译者序中认为“道”指“天道”、“道理”、“真理”、“自然规律”,故“道可道,非常道”可译为The divine law may be spoken of/but it is not the common law。谢译Intuition表达主体的直觉体验,与下文的imagination相联贯。All follow a course as nature decreed和In the lap of Nature hale中两个nature相互照应,强调了顺应自然的核心思想。Truth's gift is a lasting treasure中lasting与Imagination always reaps fresh gain中的fresh传达了大自然生生不息的哲理内涵。比较而言,宇文译拘泥于原文,诗趣、诗味略显不足。

二十四诗品贯穿了“体道、贵真、自然、淡远”的道家美学思想,由此相互钩联成一个整体。谢译比较忠实地传达了原文各诗品之间的内在联系,对“道”、“气”等核心词语的翻译做到既统一又灵活。如“道”的翻译,宇文译均为the Way,谢译则比较灵活:“俱道适往,着手成春”(The Law guides you on the road/You will capture it at Intuition's goad);“由道返气,处得以狂”(Following the way to Vitality bound/With gusto and abandon does he fare);“道不自器,与之圆方”(So,not a straight course would Muses follow/Nor square-peg-round-hole to invite sorrow);“忽逢幽人,如见道心”(It seems suddenly on a chance meet/A sage tells you where the Way leads);“大道日往,若为雄才”(The way dimming,the moral sinking/If only a man of great thinking!);“俱似大道,妙契同尘”(All to the Great Way submit/Just feel at one with it);“少有道契,终与俗违”(Not in mystery steeped deep/Nor to beaten track to keep)。如“气”的翻译,宇文译为qi或weather,谢译则变化更多:“行神如空,行气如虹”(O!The moving spirit knows no bound/Rainbow-like the Vital Breath is found);“由道返气,处得以狂”(Following the Way to Vitality bound/With gusto and abandon does he fare);“生气远出,不着死灰”(Beauty will shine far and vivid/Distance can't make it insipid);“如月之曙,如气之秋”(As the crescent gives off her virgin rays/And Autumn's first breath marks a new phase)。


以《雄浑》英译为例,谢译前八行每两行押韵,后四行隔行押韵,Functionally versatile in application和Substantially erudite by cultivation,Massive clouds gathering momentum和Strong winds carrying all before them形成对仗结构,在音美和形美上胜于宇文译。在句式上,原诗共十二行,谢译仅From the void emerges a message为完整句,其余均省略主语或谓语,正如译者在《中国诗歌与诗学比较研究》中所谈道:I have tried to convey Sikong Tu's original terse style of“image beyond image”,truncating as many link verbs and finites as possible。比较而言,宇文译体现了英语繁复精确的特点,除Stretching all the way across the void,Pale and billowing rain clouds和Long winds in the empty vastness外,其余均为主谓句,分别使用动词extends、is、brings,produces、contains、passes、attains、is、ends。又如《缜密》前四行“是有真迹,如不可知,意象欲生,造化已奇”,宇文译This does possess genuine traces/but it is as though they cannot be known/As the conceptimage is about emerge/The process of creation is already wondrous采用并列句和复合句,谢译Seemingly untraceable the trace/Of the traceable divine grace/Though the imagery not yet borne out/The marvel of creation already beyond doubt采用省略句式,同源词untraceable,trace,traceable的使用很巧妙,传达了原诗意境的飘忽朦胧之美。






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