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单词 snot
释义  snot /snɒt $ snɑːt/ noun informal  1. [uncountable]HBHLIQUID an impolite word for the thick mucus (=liquid) produced in your nose 鼻涕〔不礼貌用语〕2  [singular]PROUD someone who is snotty 高傲的人 the little snot 那个妄自尊大的小人Examples from the Corpussnot• I think I cried about ten minutes in great sobbing bursts of noise, tears, and snot.• Carolyn lifted her head sightlessly, tears and snot streaming down her face.• Pressed against me, the women stitched, blew snot out of their noses, spat and belched.• In fact they would declare that no man worth his snot would sign up for welfare.• When I got to my feet I wiped a mixture of snot and blood from my nose and looked around.• Long strands of snot were hanging from her nose.• After which Sal and I could take him outside and beat the snot out of him.Origin snot Old English gesnotsnot nounChinese  (=liquid) word the mucus thick impolite an for Corpus




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