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单词 Slave
1 Do business, but be not a slave to it. 
2 He will always be a slave who knows not how to earn and save. 
3 I am not a slave, I am not a captive, and by energy I can overcome the greater obstacles. 
4 The slave fearlessly lammed into his master.
5 She treated her daughter like a slave.
6 The children were used as slave labour in gold mines in the jungle.
7 He was a slave ten years ago and was ransomed later by an old rich woman.
8 Speak with contempt of none,form slave to king,the meanest bee,and will use,[]a sting.
9 She's a slave to fashion.
10 I left because the job was just slave labour.
11 My boss is a real slave driver.
12 Sue's a slave to fashion.
13 It's slave labour working in that office.
14 Huge palaces were built by slave labour.
15 He leathered the slave black and blue.
16 I'm tired of being treated like a slave!
17 Slaves were mercilessly ground down by slave holders.
18 He's been forced into slave labour at burger bars to earn a bit of cash.
19 It is thought that Stonehenge was built using slave labour.
20 The days of the slave trade are brought to life in a themed experience which includes interactive displays and a museum.
21 The slave trade had an ineradicable effect on world history.
22 The story tells of a runaway slave girl in Louisiana, circa 1850.
23 The slave trade involved a three-cornered system of exchange.
24 Second, to free a slave.
25 Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive ; easy to govern but imposible to slave
26 He who will not reason, is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool ;and he who dares not is a slave
27 We prefer to die a hero, rather than live a slave.
28 Do not quench your inspiration and your imagination. Do not become the slave of your model.
29 Smith says he smokes fifty cigarettes a day; he's a slave to smoking.
30 The old factory hand treat the tenderfoot like their slave.
1 She treated her daughter like a slave.
2 The children were used as slave labour in gold mines in the jungle.
31 At that time, a slave was considered property.
32 A hopeless slave like the best of them.
33 Why is that man a slave to his genes?
34 Sometimes the Moors sell prisoners in the slave markets.
35 The slave didn't even glance at him.
36 They were passing the crowded slave market.
37 But she wasn't Jake's little slave girl any more.
38 A slave men drive like cattle.
39 An end to child abuse and slave labour?
40 You don't need to be a slave to fashion.
41 He would not be a slave to wealth.
42 The Confederate government provided troops to suppress slave revolts.
43 She wasn't his little slave girl any longer.
44 At the end,[http:///slave.html] the uncle finds out that the young slave girl is Lisa.
45 What it was like was being anointed by some slave girl.
46 If the conference succeeds in labelling slave trafficking a crime against humanity, demands for compensation will surely follow.
47 Slave was abolished not only in disloyal states, but throughout the Union.
48 The enduring point is that close links did not make finance the slave of industry.
49 By 1714 there was no longer any monopoly of the slave trade.
50 Some Union commanders even continued to uphold the antebellum policy of protecting resident slaveholders from slave revolts.
51 What was she, a communal slave to be passed around at their pleasure?
52 Could the slave-plantation economy bear the double cost of investing heavily in both mechanisation and slave workers?
53 They devised a simple solution to this problem: the slave trade.
54 At first, I did not want to sell Xury as a slave, after all our dangerous adventures together.
55 The industry is desperate to shake off the allegation that the chocolate sold in the West may be tainted by slave labour.
56 And by the time I was ten, I had become her slave.
57 I have been made a wet-nurse, a slave to savage women.
58 With its ability to sound the call of slave revolt across the miles, it was simply too dangerous to exist.
59 He will always be a slave who does not know how to live upon a little. Horace 
60 A slave was serving Jehana with sweet cakes on a tray.
61 Christabel does not achieve enlightenment through this union because she becomes a slave to Geraldine, instead of her equal.
62 This was only one of the disadvantages of a slave labour force.
63 Equally parliamentarians spoke of cruelty, inhumanity and tyranny as features of the slave trade and slavery, often providing vivid examples.
64 Don't be the slave of a negative character. Be the master of a positive character. Dr T.P.Chia 
65 Further, the Fugitive Slave Act specifically provided for the rendition of runaways in the northwestern and southwestern territories.
66 Boat people, refugee camps, people-smugglers,[] slave labour and much of the world's poverty are the result.
67 I see the savage dragged from the slave ship, frantic, eyes wild, searching for escape.
68 Such activities were by no means limited to the slave trade.
69 Like the black woman in a slave narrative, the Chicana remains here an abiding if sometimes invisible medium of exchange.
70 Were you, a slave, called? Let it not worry you.
71 Yet in the hierarchy of human freedom, there is now a level below that of the slave.
72 Not many years after these freed men invented their church organization, desperate militants inspired slave revolts.
73 From the late 1780s onwards evangelicals contributed substantially to the pamphlet literature against the slave trade.
74 Almost all locomotive firemen were slaves, either hired from slave masters or owned directly by the railroad companies.
75 It was possible for a person to be given a legacy on the understanding that he would manumit a slave.
76 There's too much hype connected to most beauty products so I've never become a slave to any particular shampoo.
77 You can end up a slave to the system, putting in endless hours of tedium and hating it.
78 With slave labour they were cheaper to build than it was to provide the necessary lead or bronze piping for alternative means.
79 While she had been a slave to her newly awakened senses, Travis had always been in control.
80 Still, the shift from slave to non-slave labour was striking.
81 Without slave labour the plantations of sugar and cotton could not have been as rapidly developed.
82 Before they entered the slave market or inspected a slave, many slaveholders had well-developed ideas about what they would find there.
83 He wondered what she'd do if she ever met a Chinaman or a black slave.
84 Sport constituted an avenue of social mobility for any slave willing and capable enough to pit his sporting skills against another.
85 After 13 years as a slave, Joseph becomes Pharaoh's vizier.
86 In New Orleans in May 1861, disturbances among the slave population were suppressed by the militia.
87 Some say they included his black slave Sally Hemings and that she bore him four illegal offspring.
88 I felt a bit like a Circassian slave being taken to Constantinople.
89 And the freedom of the emancipated slave was relative rather than absolute.
90 Make your own rules or be a slave to another man's. William Blake 
91 She was treated like a slave by her husband who she was forced to marry.
92 Appliances plug into slave units which may resemble oversized 13A adaptors.
93 The society boasts that it has become the most successful single-issue pressure group since William Wilberforce and opposition to the slave trade.
94 Profits from the slave trade were invested in banking, insurance and industry, Williams showed.
95 In "The Young Slave" the jealous stepmother turns the main character into a slave, hence the story's title.
96 As she did[/slave.html], she saw the young slave girl on the auction block.
97 It also mentioned the increasingly documented use of slave labour and the routine torture of prisoners and detainees.
98 Then in 1758 the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting passed a surprising resolution to exclude slave buyers and sellers.
99 The plan of a slave ship issued by Clarkson was also extensively taken up and became an antislavery print.
100 So, despite the great depredations of the slave trade, there was demographic growth.
101 The box is largely a slave to the central computers of the interactive system.
102 Something about the slave girl fascinated Heather as she took in the pink silk dress hugging the curves of her body.
103 His great dragon Nightfang went berserk and slaughtered many Dark Elves and their slave troops.
104 The film tells the story of a mutiny aboard a slave ship.
105 The fugitive slave problem on the southeastern frontier dated back to the colonial period.
106 He wondered what she'd do if she ever met a Chinaman or a black slave. Run a mile probably.
107 Why is the fugitive slave, the fiery orator, the political activist, the abolitionist always represented as a black man?
108 The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 generated a w ve of violence inundating those who persisted in helping slaves to gain freedom.
109 During the first half of the nineteenth century Britain made the slave trade illegal.
110 The colonists' principal instrument of slave control was the local militia.
111 Patsy, looking like the faithful old black mammy slave in a film except that she was white and she was only twenty-five.
112 Have you forgotten that your tribe, the Efik, were among the most notorious slavers on the slave coast?
113 I'm reading a book about a little girl who was a slave in 19th century Atlanta.
114 Left to their own devices, the Confederates dealt poorly with the management problem of their enormous hostile slave population.
115 These areas need developing, so entrepreneurs pump in investment: capital accumulated from the slave trade, sugar and cotton.
116 Representative David Bard of Pennsylvania proposed that the national government levy a tax on each slave imported.
117 On a drafting table against one wall lay a pile of ships' blueprints: cross-sectioned schooners, submarines, slave galleys.
118 Their speeches provided emotional satisfaction but their actions failed to liberate a single slave.
119 For the slave called by the Lord is a freedman of the Lord.
120 A religious group that could effectively weed out offensive people, the Friends found slave owners sufficiently inoffensive.
121 There was no niche or corner of safety for the free black in a slave society.
122 A pumpkin was worth four beans and a slave was worth up to 100.
123 Woolman was on the examining team that went to the Rhode Island port to see the slave ships at close hand.
124 The passage of the act was opposed strenuously by congressmen from border slave states but was carried over their opposition.
125 Some early petitions in 1788 to the Commons on the slave trade came from county meetings held in customary county meeting places.
126 Slavery and the slave trade, however, denied self-love to the slave,[/slave.html] provoking permanent discontent and possible rebellion.
127 Quite naturally, this refuge for runaways was a provocation as well as a threat to southern slave interests.
128 As the number of blacks increased alarmingly in the colonies, some southern colonists made efforts to control the slave trade.
129 Thomas Jefferson became the third president in 1801 despite published accusations of his seducing two married women and keeping a slave mistress.
130 State legislatures responded by tightening restrictions and supervision of slave activities.
131 This happened a mere seven or eight times a day and Jack was a slave to her whims.
132 There was a female slave working outside, but when Burun rode up she did not even raise her head.
133 He opened his window and hollered down into the courtyard for the scraggy Monkey-boy who had become his slave.
134 She kept four slave girls by her; no one else.
135 Good victuals and ale to any man but a slave master.
136 Thus, a person who becomes a slave loses this opportunity.
137 There was one Moluccan slave, Enrique, who would act as an interpreter if the crossing was accomplished.
138 Some historians have estimated a slave population in eighth-century Sussex of almost twenty thousand.
139 The precedents for slave control as a local responsibility were well established.
140 For the Berry family, this ancestral slave was exemplary, a model for them to emulate.
141 He pretended to show how an uneducated slave boy could be led to prove Pythagoras' theorem for doubling the square.
142 Initially, the War ment accepted this legalistic definition of slave status.
143 One remains a slave for as long as one still addresses the master and seeks redress from the master.
144 I see myself as a voluntary servant of the composer, not as his slave.
145 Reformists were appalled by the immorality and inhumanity of the slave trade.
146 Later generations were frequently reminded that they were once members of a slave community whom the Lord had mercifully redeemed from bondage.
147 In 1757 Woolman made a second journey into the South, where he found slave owners tense and even hostile to him.
148 A slave might not be ill-treated or subjected to undue hardship.
149 This produced a certain cultural and behavioural differentiation in the slave population, among whom language differences must have been highly significant.
150 But the picture was the same everywhere: a strange mixture of primitive, medieval, slave existence and capitalist life.
151 So many families had changed sides, and she was not imprisoned, nor even a slave.
152 This was the first slave she had ever purchased, making her a firsthand slave owner.
153 Page three models and married rubber fetishists, with a slave on the side, flickered before our very astonished eyes.
154 In the beginning, the linguistic plight of the Negro slave was deliberate policy.
155 The obedience envisaged by Paul is not the obedience of a slave.
156 She was, at this moment, like a slave on a podium waiting for the bid.
156 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
157 After his trial the Quaker was chained to a wheelbarrow and twice beaten by a Negro slave until he collapsed.
158 They lay scattered here and there all over the yard, in the corn-house, smoke-house, and slave shanties.
159 These works can be partly seen as a continuation of the nineteenth-century tradition of exotic genre such as depictions of slave girls.
160 A government minister said there had been a mixup, and that another unidentified vessel was the slave ship.
161 The canals linking the city to St Petersburg in the south were built by slave labour in Stalin's days.
162 People say the house is haunted by a former slave.
163 Fools rush on war to make a weaker country their slave.
164 It was to be a shield of freedom to protect the emancipated slave against abuses from the states.
165 Our eagerness for capital punishment echoes the mentality of the old slave code.
166 They wanted state authorities to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act to avoid establishing new precedents for national intervention in state affairs.
167 Later the slave was recaptured and sentenced to die in the arena facing a wild beast.
168 But the soldiers were used by the slave owners to protect their wealth.
169 Came in for a haircut, ordered me around like a slave.
170 Although he was personally opposed to slavery, in 1835 Barnum purchased a slave woman named Joice Heth.
171 The immense surrogate slave power released by the steam engine ushered in the Industrial Revolution.
172 But we do need the slave trade if we're not to go under.
173 If you try and interpret the public mood, you become a bit of a slave.
174 Earlier, slave owners had at least minimal responsibility for slaves as property.
175 Do what you want to do because if you don't, you are nothing but your own slave. RVM 
176 I outlined earlier how several of the themes developed in early slave days continue throughout the course of black involvement in sport.
177 The island community Nichols studied traditionally spoke Gullah, a creole variety developed from the African/English pidgin of early slave plantations.
178 Many intransigent southerners never yielded the notion that the war itself was of no importance if the slave system was not maintained.
179 While making Slave Ship in 1937, he had to slap cabin boy Mickey Rooney around.
180 It made me start thinking what it was like on the slave ship.
181 Once a man has tasted freedom he will never be content to be a slave. Walt Disney 
182 Even the accounts of the slave revolt are woven skillfully into the novel.
183 If a slave turned out not to be a virgin, the buyer had a legal case against the seller.
184 At the very least, he decided that he personally could shun anything that had to do with slave trade.
185 In general though it is better to make your existing drive the master and the new drive the slave.
186 Analogies with the slave trade and slavery and the movement against them were apparent to such reformers.
186 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
187 However, no significant slave revolt took place in the Confederacy as the war progressed.
188 Nigel's father has worked like a slave to create a modern environment for his family.
189 He was sure that the national government would not wish to be responsible for a bloody slave uprising.
190 Africans had long carried on a slave trade.
191 Zachary Taylor was a slave owner.
192 How does he act like a literal slave driver?
193 And the slave ship was especially selling his art.
194 The cause was ultimately the war between two white slave nations, one with gray inheritance and one without.
195 Modbus is a master-slave application-level protocol. That is, it is independent of the type of underlying network supporting communication between a host and set of slave devices.
196 The Ryder Cup has issued a "slave of speech" and caused great controversy Hunter - 4, Mahan is more games and the team won 3 points, and Ian Poulter tied together all of the player scoring.
197 In one case, when the captain of a slave ship refused to pay a ransom, Roberts set fire to the ship with all of the slaves still inside.
198 Sugarcane still grows here — and pecan trees, the grafting pioneered by a slave gardener.
199 The Wise Masters had established their slave pens and auction block just south of the Skahazadhan, where the wide brown river flowed into Slaver's Bay.
200 In Philippians you get the famous hymn where Christ descends into the body and he suffers as a slave and is raised back up.
201 But then the celibatarian and non-salaried class don't have to consider the house problem. They can enjoy the life to the full and never be mortgage slave.
202 Although main INS with high accuracy, its' error affects transfer alignment precision of slave INS.
203 Two modes of communication, one is PPI master- slave protocol, one is free port protocol.
204 United Mine Workers president John L. Lewis called it a "slave labor" law.
205 A river of northwest Canada rising in northeast British Columbia and flowing about 853 km (530 mi) generally northeast across northwest Alberta to Great Slave Lake in southern Northwest Territories.
206 Finally, it sends the frame synchronization signal to slave nodes for swapping frame buffers.
207 Second, the master and slave kinematical models were analyzed separately, and the master-slave model for the motion inside the laryngoscope was proposed.
208 During my years as a corporate wage slave, breakfast was a meal I ate alone in my car.
209 Even by the standards of the time, Picton's behaviour shocked: he was recalled to England in 1806 to stand trial for ordering the illegal torture of a slave.
210 Sir said he got a present for me - a collar to leash this horny slave boi.
211 The PCI9052 provides a PCI bus slave interface for extended boards. It connects variety of local bus to PCI bus.
212 But recent events indicate that she may be a slave to her baser urges.
213 I was conscious that a moment's mutiny had already rendered me liable to strange penalties, and, like any other rebel slave, I felt resolved, in my desperation, to go all lengths.
214 While a black man can be turned out of a car in Massachusetts, Massachusetts is a slave State.
215 By night he was a "conductor" on the Underground Railroad, helping people slip by the slave hunters.
216 This paper proposes a method of using PCI9054 of PLX to realize the interface between multi-DSP and CPCI bus. Moreover,[http:///slave.html] the process of master and slave operation is narrated.
217 Mary Elizabeth Bowser, likely born Mary Jane Richards, was a slave of the Van Lew family in Richmond, Virginia.
218 A kin slayer and fugitive, Tyrion assumes manifold roles in "Dragons": mummer, soldier, paymaster, slave, river rat and captive.
219 According to the system sequence, the flow chart of injection measurement was drawn and then the software of host computer and slave computer were also designed.
220 This week on our series, we tell more about James Buchanan. And we discuss his influence in the Supreme Court ruling in the case of a slave from Missouri named Dred Scott.
221 The whole system is made up of a main computer and many intelligent nodes. Each intelligent node takes on microcontroller AT89C51 as host processor and Neuron chip TMPN3120 as slave processor.
222 In the part of hardware, the thesis describes the hardware scheme of the DP slave system firstly, and then gives the practical recommendations on PCB layout and hardware debug according to experience.
223 What's the good of me workin' like a slave all week, a-savin' minutes, an' them a-comin' an' ringin' in fancy- starch extras on me?
224 Aiming at airborne dual-antenna InSAR imaging, the characteristics of wavenumber domain imaging algorithms for master and slave antennas are analyzed.
225 Each slave is a small-scale control system com-posed by AT89S51 and its main function is frontal acquisition and control of datas.
226 The structure and work process of ASI slave are described, and the technical characteristics of the slave interface are briefly introduced.
227 The founding fathers compromised , permitting the continuation of the slave trade through 1808.
228 Or at least the relief that some must have felt. For others, taken captive by wild tribesmen then sold to merchants, the town's infamous slave market would only be the latest stage of their nightmare.
229 The racist aspects of the custom have been downplayed in recent decades, and the tale of Black Peter now describes him as a chimney sweep instead of a slave, which explains the blackface.
230 The aim of this thesis is to present a new strategy of fitting offset to adjust time in order to achieve the effective synchronization between slave nod and reference node.
231 The program of this system includes slave computer program and master computer program.
232 Another major feature introduced in MongoDB 1.6 is Replica Sets, a replication feature based on the initial master/slave replication but adding automatic failover and recovery.
233 DSP as a slave processor, is responsible for rapid data processing operations.
234 Philemon was a prominent Christian, probably a member of the church at Colossae and the owner of a slave named Onesimus.
235 LOA encompasses African-American literature from slave narratives to the essays of intellectuals like Frederick Douglass and W.E.B. DuBois and the fiction of Richard Wright.
236 It'started innocently enough : fighting off raiders, destroying slave ships.
237 The communication protocol between the master computer and the slave computer has been designed to transmit the data synchronously and modify the errors automatically.
238 The system uses PC as its master computer and TMS 320 C 25 as the slave microprocessor, also adopts shared memory for parallel communication.
239 Ultimately, Jango escaped aboard his starship, Slave I, but not before Kenobi was able to secure a homing device to his ship.
240 ASI system consists of the master, the slave and the transmission system. The transmission system is made up of the two wire ASI cable, ASI power supply and the data decoupling circuit.
241 The hydraulic system comprises a master cylinder and the slave cylinders.
242 I am come in very truth leading you to Nature with all her children to bind her to your service and make her your slave.
243 Missouri laws did not give freedom to slaves who lived temporarily in free territory. Therefore, said Taney, Scott was still a slave.
244 instead these clapboard houses made me think of the slave quarters of 19th century cotton plantations across America's southern states.
245 GREGORY That shows thee a weak slave; for the weakest goes to the wall.
246 Actually, no, considering the real St. Nicholas first came into contact with Peter when he raided the slave market in his hometown and railed against the trade.
247 Both the High Replication Datastore and the Master/Slave Datastore are converging on $0.24/G/month.
248 The master station manages all slave stations and passes IED data into PI system.
249 Even some people think that he was a representative of the slave owners, who carried out a policy of obscurantism .
250 In this paper, we propose to use a novel adaptive noise canceller with master slave structure (MS ANC) to cancel those harmonic interference and Gaussian noise appeared in the electrified railway.
251 But you were captured by pirates, who sold you to a slave dealer.
252 Kansas would continue as a territory for a few more years. But there would be no further attempt to make it a slave state.
253 Ah this is an ancient script that came from a limited group of Pleiadians that came to earth to strip mine her of all gold; and created a slave civilization to do so.
254 NIS servers maintain replicated servers, with the principal servers being referred to as master servers and the replicated servers referred to as replica or slave servers.
255 His mother was a black slave of exceptional intelligence, his father a white man.
256 Equiano, separated from his sister, was sold to an African chief, who sold him on to a trader, who took him to the coast and sold him in turn to an English slave ship.
257 The Master switch polls the network for all slave and Masterswitches in the subnet and displays a list of the switches in theStacking Services menu.
258 The heaviest load on his mind, after his conversation with the slave trader, lay in the foreseen necessity of breaking to his wife the arrangement contemplated.
259 Supporters of slavery wanted to organize a constitutional convention that could put Kansas into the Union as a slave state.
260 When we deny the freedom to speak each time we hear something we don't like, as Thomas Paine reminds us, everyone becomes a slave to their own opinions.
261 The cause of this ended up being a surprising one - by enabling master/slave replication on our database server, the version of Jive which currently use was losing comments.
262 Born a slave two decades before, in the 1820s, Parker had been taken from his mother at age eight and forced to walk in chains from Virginia to Alabama, where he was sold on the slave market.
263 This satisfied the slave owners of the South who wanted Texas in the Union as a slave state.
264 Now the masochist is not a slave. He is on the contrary, as I will tell you later, a cute whore, someone very able.
265 It was ten o'clock at night before we ventured to creep in again, and then she asked Joe why he hadn't married a Negress Slave at once?
266 What dares the slave come hither, cover'd with an antic face, to fleer and scorn at our solemnity?
267 The decision was made in the case of Dred Scott, a negro slave.
268 Four thousand years ago, Da Yu, the reputed founder of the Xia Dynasty (21st-16th century B. C. ), established a slave state here. It is said that Mt.
269 Abetting a fugitive slave in antebellum America was widely considered a sin against God, but Huck destroys the letter with the defiant avowal: “All right, then, I’ll go to hell.”
270 In distributed measurement and control system with bus structure, master slave communication may be replaced by race communication, when real time and burst are needed.
271 Slave, serf, bondsman The peasant farmers were the thralls of the lord of the castle.
272 This paper presents a method of CAN bus communication between the master computer and the slave computer in the measurement system of cable's gradual changes.
273 I thought she was a highly evolved creature of pure intellect, like me. But recent events indicate that she may be a slave to her baser urges.
274 Madonna the producer may have chosen the chain, but Madonna the sexual persona in the video is alternately a cross-dressing dominatrix and a slave of male desire.
275 The materialcentric economy makes people as slave of wealth, who often feel the self- lose and inanition of spirit under the vanity of material wealth.
276 In the 8th and 9th centuries its port was a base for slave trading, privateering, whaling, and shipbuilding. Population, 2, '25.
277 The last chapter gives the connect steps between the DP slave and SIMATIC PCS7 host, and ends with the performance test analysis.
278 When slave labour camps are part of your family history, you may feel a bit queasy about seeking friendship with a country whose system of prison labour looks unpleasantly similar to the Soviet gulag.
279 Originally, the Whydah was a fast slave ship that transported captured slaves from Africa to the Americas .




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