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单词 Fair play
1. There must be fair play whatever the competition is.
2. His sense of decency and fair play made him refuse the offer.
3. The spirit of fair play is sadly missing from the sport these days.
4. He has a reputation for fair play and good sportsmanship.
5. The committee's job is to ensure fair play between all the political parties and candidates during the election.
5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. The film tears down the cosy myths about fair play in war.
7. The task of the organization is to ensure fair play when food is distributed to the refugees.
8. Curiosity alone kept me there, and fair play.
9. We stand for fair play.
10. It violates their sense of fair play.
11. Also, Haines reckons that fair play has helped it win repeat orders.
12. It was fair play, wasn't it, my lad, absolutely fair play.
13. At a practical level, we see fair play, and deliver the groceries.
14. Ever keen to see fair play, we are happy to oblige the handsomely-coiffed Cumbrian arts supremo.
15. It doesn't feel like fair play, but I have to forgive them.
16. Boxing is a means toward good citizenship, of fair play, of self-reliance.
17. Blue Coat won the Fair Play award at an under-18 international badminton tournament in Barcelona despite not winning a match.
18. The umpire's duty is to see that competition is fair play.
19. This kind of behavior violates many people's sense of fair play .
20. These clubs did not necessarily take their sport in the spirit of fair play.
21. Only in a secure Britain can we break down barriers and give people a real sense of fair play.
22. Claiming credit for other people's work violates our society's sense of fair play.
23. So let's it hear it this morning for Allan Lamb. Stand up and be counted for fair play and truth!
24. There are still people out there who teach and practice fair play, sportsmanship, and competition.
25. Aladdin was very good-natured and had a sense of fair play.
26. In fact, the Globe favored public ownership but believed in fair play for the private interests.
27. As a nation we pride ourselves on our strong sense of sportsmanship and fair play.
28. The intention is noble, I suppose: Teach them sportsmanship, fair play and all that.
29. First Kennedy, then Johnson, had placed themselves firmly on the side of fair play and integration.
30. I play by ear I use my loaf I suspect fair play.
1. There must be fair play whatever the competition is.
2. His sense of decency and fair play made him refuse the offer.
3. The umpire's duty is to see that competition is fair play.
31. Turn about is fair play.
32. Turnabout Is Fair Play, Search Them!
33. Tit for tat is fair play.
34. I will see fair play.
35. Is it mutual understanding, friendship(), unity and fair play?
36. We want to see fair play.
37. Fair play and no favours - and may the best man win.
38. Fair play and sportsmanship are promoted in all of our personalized sports books.
39. Love is never without jealousy .44 . Promise is debt .44. Tit for tat is fair play.
40. When questioned about Lambert's actions, team coach Kit Vela said: "Her actions clearly crossed the line of fair play and good sportsmanship."
41. Mr Beaton is not involved in the dispute - he's only here to see fair play.
42. Boy'. ' was ill-treated , he said that it was a fair play.
43. Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play. It is bound up with hatred, jealousy, boastfulness, disregard of all rules and sadistic pleasure in witnessing violence.
44. Although the boy was ill-treated , he said that it was a fair play.
45. I could not hinder myself from pondering on the question - Had he had fair play?
46. Since then, all the athletes, world champion Go coulee and the referee has on behalf of the Council in its declaration,(http:///fair play.html) expressing the determination of fair play.
47. The suitors gathered round laughing to watch the duel between the two beggars, and promised to see fair play and reward the winner.
48. It is of particular importance for us to re-understand and re-explain "fair play" with China's open to the world and Chinese sports merging into international society.
49. The team also won praise for sportsmanship and fair play.
50. It was revolting to the Englishman's idea of fair play.
51. Whenever we have a game, one of my coaches will be there to see fair play.
52. Your watchword is fair play; your hatred , foul play.
53. In football matches, referees are appointed to decide the contest, and also to see fair play.
54. The definition was given of the power market : the power market is a system that rely on the economic principle, using method of law and economy, that is strictly bound to fair play.
55. These awards are all about "fair play" and as the independent ballot counter we will do our part to ensure that there is fair play in the counting process.
56. It has a reputation for fair play and honesty with both employees and customers a like.




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