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单词 To the north
1. The wind shifted to the north.
2. The cliffs fall away to the north.
3. The wind has come round to the north.
4. The wind has come around to the north.
5. Mount Kenya is to the north of Nairobi.
6. He lives to the north of here.
7. Interstate 8 bypasses the town to the north.
8. A lot of firms are relocating to the North of England.
9. North of the city to the north is not to miss.
9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
10. It faced seawards to the north.
11. There are mountains to the north.
12. There are mountains to the north/south/east/west of here.
13. The building points to the north.
14. Scotland is to the north of England.
15. Canada lies to the north of America.
16. Atlanta was only an hour's drive to the north.
17. Fighting was concentrated around the towns to the north.
18. Manchester is known as the gateway to the north.
19. The wind is tending to the north.
20. Cambridge is/lies to the north of London.
21. The needle of a compass points to the north.
22. Poverty and deprivation are by no means confined to the north of the country.
23. The army had been positioned to the north and east of the city.
24. He had flown to the north of the country to drum up support for the campaign.
25. The Yorkshire Dales are twenty miles to the north of the city.
26. The factory will be built at a site to the north of the city.
27. The scenery to the north of the lake is equally impressive.
28. Our troops hunched to the north for another 10 miles.
29. Cheshunt is a few miles to the north of London.
30. When we think of adventurers[], many of us conjure up images of larger-than-life characters trekking to the North Pole.
1. The wind shifted to the north.
2. The cliffs fall away to the north.
3. The wind has come round to the north.
4. The wind has come around to the north.
5. Mount Kenya is to the north of Nairobi.
6. Interstate 8 bypasses the town to the north.
7. A lot of firms are relocating to the North of England.
8. When we think of adventurers, many of us conjure up images of larger-than-life characters trekking to the North Pole.
9. The needle of a compass points to the north.
9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
31. The garden is flanked to the north with large maple trees.
32. To the north lie the flat and fertile farmlands of the Solway plain.
33. To the north are the hot springs of Banyas de Sant Loan.
34. A decrepit footbridge crosses to the north bank.
35. To the North there are great expanses of beaches.
36. Spyglass shoulder, to the North of North-North-East.
37. To the north lies freeway and its speeding traffic.
38. Gran Sasso to the north is the highest peak in the Apennine range, and a cable-car runs up to Campo Imperatore.
39. The Friar made for the further side of the water(/to the north.html), skirting it to the north.
40. The old homestead where I built my cabin is visible over there to the north.
41. To the north of Selborne the path goes past damp hollows which were once medieval fish ponds.
42. The man had never seen it, although it lay only twenty miles to the north.
43. Further to the north you take the ferry across from East to West Cowes to avoid a big detour inland via Newport.
44. I have deliberately confined most of the detailed consideration in this study to the north bank of the Tyne.
45. Home, for Mr Kronweiser, was a large bedroom in a working-class house to the north of the town.
46. To the north narrow valleys rise steeply through the craggy passes to peaks and mountain lakes.
47. From inside it provides a perfect view of the Downtown skyline to the north.
48. Center developers say they haven't decided for sure to destroy the waterfall and realign the creek 150 feet to the north.
49. We hope within a few weeks to move the pair of south bound stops on Clerk Street a little to the north.
50. It is represented by small-scale open folds that trend NNW-SSE and plunge to the north.
51. He also recalled there was a heliport near Beccles to the north.
52. He returned to the North to work on the problems of reinforced concrete for a commercial company.
53. Jellicoe and his battle fleet were still well to the north.
54. She tells them the baseball stadium is eight blocks to the north.
55. A busy quay and some ferries make if often more pleasant to anchor to the north of the town.
56. It moved over to the north before it reached the camp, so that we never heard much of the thunder.
57. Large as icebergs they drifted off to the north carrying the remaining followers of the Witch King.
58. Fancy standing back to the North Sea for ten hours or more handling cold fish!
59. There has been bitter fighting in the hills to the north of the capital.
60. Very little of it relates to the north and north-east, although Salvian does describe the sack of Trier.
61. To the north and east were storehouses; huge, covered reservoirs of grain and rice.
62. Pentonville, north London suburb, lying just to the north of Clerkenwell.
63. Away to the north, curving smoothly, stretched a branch line that Holly could see illuminated by the arc lights.
64. The piste, marked by oil drums, was completely out of sight, over a mile away to the north.
65. The world is becoming increasingly interdependent and an improvement in the standard of living of Southerners will be advantageous to the North.
66. In some places on exceptionally clear days you can almost see from the south to the north coast.
67. In the South, some slaves managed to purchase their freedom or to escape to the North or the Midwest.
68. And on the other side, to the north, there was that shallow depression, the empty lot.
69. In addition to these yards terraced cottages that were similar in size and appearance were built to the north of Mutton Lane.
69. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
70. We drove up to the provincial government building in Xiangzhou, a few miles to the north.
71. Co-operation with the South was obstructed by the Republic's territorial claim to the North.
72. He led the way down the slope to the river, now frozen solid from here to the north bank.
73. These rivers are the Aver Reach to the north and the Blue Reach to the south.
74. Longhorn cattle grazed on mesquite, and dropped the seeds along the way on drives to the north.
75. He selected Captain Henri Riviere to lead two companies of troops to the north.
76. The Old World was saved and the Realm of Chaos shrank away to the north.
77. Why are many of the industrial areas placed to the north of the city?
78. Although the name Savoy later developed out of Sapaudia, the area in question seems to have lain to the north of Geneva.
79. When Southern blacks first came up to the North, it was conventional for other blacks to take them in.
80. He did not know that Henry Schoolcraft had discovered the headwaters four years before and far to the north.
81. But when the wind swung round to the north, we were forced away from the land.
82. Innovations in this area could lead to a positive flow of information from developing countries to the North.
83. He'd told her about Valldemosa too, which was why she was taking this route to the north of the island.
84. Beyond this point the observer would be returning to the north pole.
85. Tagan roamed the country to the north of the company, but it was deserted, empty of both men and beasts.
86. The city lies on the main trade route between the Reikland and lands further west, and the Kislevites to the north.
87. He had been through college, and yet, he reflected, he was still ignorant of the continent to the north.
88. Nothing breaches the flatness except some kind of smokestack or cooling tower a couple of miles to the north.
89. On the south side of the structure the concrete was cleaner than to the north, where it was discoloured with moss.
90. All these lands lie to the north of the Empire, beyond the land of Kislev.
91. Some of the women are lifelong volunteers, but many began to get involved once they moved to the north coast.
92. Crane was up at the corner to stop the others breaking back to the north.
93. She was drawn to him like a magnet to the north.
94. That domination brought a unity to the north which had been notably lacking since the end of the previous century.
95. Heavy bombers were not sent to the North until 1972.
96. There are some particularly interesting walks to the north of the city.
97. She came back to the north with him after that and they lived together again for a time.
98. Its neighbouring census tract to the north exhibited diametrically opposite trends, suggesting that whilst one area improved another declined.
99. Theelegantly turning gyroscope rose steadily skywards, and at a given signal all the storks cruised purposefully off to the north.
99. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
100. He was unable to find work and went back to the North to be near his little boy.
101. The castle is set in rolling hills to the north of Orvieto.
102. North Shields is very well placed in relation to the North Sea grounds.
103. Enrique headed through the field at the back of the garage making for the woods to the north.
104. As the Wolverines sashayed closer, the percussion concert of battle to the north became more insistent.
105. The rustling of bushes and the sounds of heavy breathing at the sandbar to the north deepened the stillness of dusk.
106. The latter had two locations which were equidistant from the two furnaces which were constructed on that wall to the north.
107. The thrust plane is on strike with the outcropping Mendip folds which are overthrust to the north.
108. Britain also is the largest contributor of heavy metals, copper, cadmium, lead, to the North Sea. 3.
109. To the north, the Grand Union Canal drew the line before the industrial estate.
110. Their line in a moment front-faced to the north, facing me, and gave a salute, which I returned.
111. The beach there is stony; the sandy beach is two blocks to the north.
112. The main froze solid, cutting off water to the north side of town.
113. In late May the wildebeest and zebra move to the north and west of the park where there is permanent water.
114. The vessel approached the coastline at dawn, somewhere to the north of Mount Carmel.
115. The country to the north and north-east of Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port is much lower and for that reason more cultivated.
116. Hence dependence, not interdependence, characterizes the relationship of the South to the North.
117. For centuries it has been a buttress against the onslaught of Chaos from the wastes to the north.
118. He also proposed to remove Dover House and extend the park through to the river to the north of the offices.
119. At the end, to the north side, the policeman led Duncan into a small suite of offices.
120. The narrow river formed the boundary between two counties-Pale Horse to the south, Paradise to the north.
121. Tonight, scatter half into the wind to the north, the south, the east and the west.
122. There is a counterpart to the north known as Stennerskeugh Clouds.
123. Police said it would be months before the traffic gateway to the north was normal.
124. Inside, the door to the North Bedroom had been nailed up, to prevent anyone from wandering in there by accident.
125. The valleys to the north are more fruitful.
126. The explorer organized an expedition to the North Pole.
127. Japan lies to the north of Philippines.
128. Monterrey lies to the north Mexico.
129. The road from Mansfield swerved round to the north.
130. The campsite is ten dams to the north.
131. A grassy lawn, embraced by crape myrtle woods, sprawls to the north of the Lotus Pavilion.
132. Hello , welcome to the North Point Baptist Church Fellowship Sports Committee Page.
133. A river, about 193 km (120 mi) long, of southern Wyoming flowing north and west to the North Platte River.
134. Drainage water also feeds into Manchhar Lake through the Main Nara Valley Drain (not shown), which connects Manchhar to Hamal, another lake to the north.
135. During vacation, we're going to travel to the north of Thailand.
136. They did not even limit the supply of food and non-military goods to the North.
137. In this paper, 8-27 years seiche data in 18 harbors along Yellow Sea-Bohai Sea to the north of Rizhao Harbor are analyzed.
138. It was autumn, 1541. Following the uncovering of a plot against his throne in Yorkshire, King Henry VIII has set out on a spectacular Progress to the North to overawe his rebellious subjects there.
139. Salinas was deeply committed to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which he had negotiated with President Bush.
140. The paleogeography was dominated by the supercontinent of Gondwana to the south, the continent of Siberia to the north, and the early formation of the small supercontinent of Euramerica in between.
141. Flanking the nave to the north and south are side aisles with galleries over them.
142. Then came a period of reflection and inner-struggle as Herbert set out to write Peary's biography and reluctantly disprove his hero's claim to be the first man to the North Pole.
143. Merle : With my company doing badly, maybe we should all just move to the North Pole.
144. The spokesman said South Korea responded by sending a radio warning to the North.
145. The Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic (an exclave of Azerbaijan) borders Armenia to the north and east, Iran to the south and west, and Turkey to the northwest.
146. It is bordered to the north by Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe, to the east by Mozambique and Swaziland and encircles the kingdom of Lesotho.
147. From Robert E. Peary's expedition to the North Pole to the discovery of the Titanic, National Geographic highlights a century of exploration on its centennial cover.
148. The Kudzu plant infests much of the South and is spreading to the North.
149. Australia"s neighbouring countries are Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New Caledonia to the north-east, and New Zealand to the south-east.
150. They were either "Shandong" writers or writers moving from the south to the north with the northern scholars as its backbone, and the age distribution of members of Wenlinguan was appropriate.
151. Lower Egypt is to the north and is that part where the Nile delta flows into the Mediterranean Sea.
152. To the north, nomadic tribes have always roamed, developing skill of horsemanship, raiding, and warfare.
153. The Red Army pushed across the Dnieper and threatened to open a breach between the Wehrmacht's Army Group South and its neighbour to the north, Army Group Centre.
154. To the north, rocky Cape Ann extends into the Atlantic Ocean; the border with New Hampshire is located approximately 30 kilometers (18 miles) up the coast.
155. The project is located at the launch area of Zhongxin Eco-City project, Binhai New District, Tianjin City, with Zhongxin Avenue to the north and Zhongsheng Avenue to its east.
156. As they were going to move to the north, they would sell the farm lock, stock and barrel.
157. TO the north of Baku Boulevard, the namesake promenade that separates the capital of Azerbaijan from its Caspian Sea waterfront, stands the Maiden Tower.
158. Soon after landing at South Korea's Incheon Airport, Tuesday, Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill confirmed he will be heading to the North Korean capital, Pyongyang, Wednesday.
159. Therefore(), there is no great progress in the gold exploration in the Hercynian granite to the north and in the metamorphic terrene near Baishanzhen to the south.
160. Florida's neighbor to the north grows some of the sweetest fruit in America. So Georgia is the Peach State.
161. Mexico, in particular, has gained an edge thanks to the North American Free Trade Agreement and fast, inexpensive trucking, says Mike Romeri, an executive with Emptoris, the consulting firm.
162. There is a town upstate, two days to the north, in the Hudson Highlands.
163. To the north, Elk Mountain is another well - known landmark, about 100 miles distant.
164. All this was taking place in what is now the south-central part of the United States. Far to the north, another struggle was taking place involving the great Sioux Indian tribe.
165. On August 24, an inconclusive action was fought to the north of the Solomons.
166. Of course, with large-scale industrialization, which begins in the middle of the eighteenth century, you'll see this dramatic shift up to the north.
167. Behind the habitations, the sandstone cliffs rose abruptly to the north and west.
168. Its closest neighbours to the north are New Caledonia, Fiji, and Tonga.
169. Shallow water to the west-southwest (below the island in this view) appears bright blue, in contrast to the deeper ocean waters to the north, east, and south.
170. Africa borders it on the west, and Australia and the East Indies are to the east. Asia lies to the north.
171. The general is charged with using his connections in the army to collect top-secret information, including field manuals and troop deployments, which he then turned over to the North.
172. That speed is also too fast to be explained by a phenomenon called true polar wander, in which the Earth's entire crust and mantle reorient, moving a different geographic region to the north pole.
173. The town was meant to house 150, 000 people displaced from Shanghai's 2010 World Expo, which is situated to the north of the "citta, " but only half of the town has been completed.
174. Yet to the north, the breakaway region of Somaliland is stable and at peace.
175. Hundreds of miles to the north, in Zambia's copper belt, the coal from the Collum mine helps fuel Chinese copper smelting.
176. It is also one of the not-to-be-missed attractions of Oman, an oil-rich and peaceful sultanate, bordered by Saudi Arabia to the west, Yemen to the south and the United Arab Emirates to the north.
177. The horizontality of the building is reinforced by the two main access routes: the curved corridor to the north, and the straight corridor which accesses the examination and treatment areas.
178. The pilot in Nevada then launched his laser-guided bomb, "resulting that 3 x INS fled the area to the north, 1 x INS fled the area to the south".
179. Moore burned his small ships and retreated to the north. He burned the town of Saint Augustine before he left.
180. To the north, ELK Mountain is another well - known landmark, about 100 miles distant.
181. Likewise he erected the order of the marine trade in East Asia from Dang(China) and Japan to the North China sea.
182. Behind the main building was the H-shaped reservoir flanked to the north and south by two small fountains.
183. The former back garden of a two storey over garden level Victorian terraced house, it is accessed from a lane to the south with the garden to the north.
184. From where I live a couple of hours north of New York City, I can feel the peculiar gravity of the Adirondacks, which lie another two hours to the north and west.
185. The partnership of Royal, Simon, and Tare sells its business to the North Corporation.
186. The reconnaissance plane made off to the north but before its puny noise faded, the air grew thick and powdery with the roar of heavy bombers.
187. I am looking forward to the North American version of this game and have decided that once this game is set for players to play that I would make a male musketeer.
188. Drainage was to the north and individual channels bifurcate in that direction.
189. The Taklimakan is the largest, driest and highest desert in China(), filling the Tarim basin between the Tien Shan mountains to the north and Kunlun mountains to the south.
190. Because the Arabian Sea is landlocked to the north, it is less influenced by large-scale ocean circulation and more strongly influenced by the monsoon winds.
191. The Kurdish regional government also shares this view, and has been working to revise its foreign investment law to attract international investors to the north.
192. Tokyo yesterday announced planes to develop its first spy satellite in response to the North Korean missile threat.
193. Pit 3 is located 25 meters to the north of Pit 1 and to the west of Pit 2. The plane of the pit is of concave shape, totaling about 520 square meters.
194. The town belong to the north temperate zone continental monsoon climate with four distinct seasons.
195. By 2012, a regional railway — hailed by some as a modern-day Silk Route — is expected to connect Baku to Tbilisi, Georgia’s capital to the north, and to Kars, Turkey, to the west.
196. Mexico's neighbors are the United States to the north and Guatemala and Belize to the south.
197. Then he took me to the door of the way into the Lord's house looking to the north; and there women were seated weeping for Tammuz .
198. The main town of Lerwick is a centre for the oil industry and further to the north is Sullom Voe oil terminal.
199. Cassiopeia appears in the northeast sky at nightfall and high to the north as evening progresses.
200. The China Pioneer Area of Eastern Pacific Ocean is to the north of the equatorial high nutrients area, across the the boundary of the North Equatorial Current and North Equatorial Countercurrent.
201. To the north of the river is an immense wooded tract.
202. At this point the fiver hooks around to the north.
203. To the north it is bordered by the world's highest mountain chain, where foothill valleys cover the northernmost of the country's 26 states.
204. President Barack Obama has written a personal letter to the North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, apparently urging him to return to nuclear talks.
205. On the hanging wall of the nappe (thrust), isoclinal folds are developed with the axial planes inclined to the north in association with imbricated thrusts dipping to the south.
206. He called a cab and was driven through the dreary rain to the North Side.
207. Location: It is located in southwest Asia, bordered by the Russia to the north, Turkey ad Iraq to the west, Pakistan and Afghanistan to the east and Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman to the south.
208. The Mandarin duck is a medium-size perching duck , closely related to the North American wood duck .
209. First lady Laura Bush walked outside to receive the Fraser Fir that was pulled up the driveway to the North Portico by two horses, including one that didn't seem happy in his work.
210. The Cascade Range , to the north, is made up of volcanoes.
211. They request that the spectators back off 100 meters to the north.
212. The declaration called on the people of the South to unite and be firm in their opposition to the North.
213. Further to the north is the great plain, still steadily thawing and drying.
214. On their research trip, Toberg and Wagner went to the north Greenland Sea and measured sea-ice thickness at multiple sites using power drills, snow-depth measurements and GPS readings.
215. The Yangtze River is a natural barrier to the north - east.
216. Below The typical east and west (gable end) elevation of the standard hours types units. Showing the commercial mews to the north and the residential element facing south.
217. Born in Pennsylvania in 1734, Daniel Boone moved with his family to the North Carolina frontier as a youth.
218. Observers reckoned it was significant the meeting happened at Mount Kumgang, where Hyundai Asan ran tourist trips to the North until a South Korean holidaymaker was shot dead by a soldier last year.
219. Little red: OK, you pick one: BMW, LV's bag or a trip to the North Pole?
220. This generates ascent as well as negative vorticity source, which corresponds to a strongly anomaly anticyclone center appearing to the north of the heating region.
221. It is bordered by Turkey to the west, Georgia to the north, Azerbaijan to the east and Iran (Persia), and the Nakhichevan exclave of Azerbaijan to the south.
222. The cathedral appears as a cross-shaped building casting a shadow to the north.
223. Many difficulties attend on their scientific expedition to the North Pole.
224. It borders the Black Sea to the east, Greece and Turkey to the south, Serbia and Montenegro and the Republic of Macedonia to the west(), and Romania to the north along the river Danube.
225. Surrey is bordered by Greater London to the east, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire to the north and Hampshire, Sussex and Kent to the south.
226. One is that the people of the Orkney Islands, to the north of Scotland, share some ancestry with Siberians, possibly because some ancestors of modern Orcadians ventured to Asia via the Arctic Circle.
227. Washington should make clear to the North that sales to non-state actors would be a casus belli; no amount of money received would be worth the resulting risk.
228. The Northern Hemisphere owes its climate to the North Atlantic Current.
229. The Mengku region is located at the southern foot of the Altay Mountains to the north of the Junggar basin.
230. It is located between Bangladesh and Thailand, with China to the north and India to the north-west, with coastline on the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea.
231. They lie to the north of Japan's Hokkaido island and to the south of Russia's Kamchatka peninsula.
232. My friend and I travelled up to the North Yorkshire on a still winter afternoon.
233. One of you asked this question. " Does a magnetic compass point to the North Pole? "
234. The islands lie to the north of Japan's Hokkaido island and to the south of Russia's Kamchatka peninsula.
235. in the first stage the jet stream lies well to the north and it takes a general west-east direction.
235. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
236. The Wingate estate is to the north of the ground, behind Paxton Road and between the High Road and Worcester Avenue.
237. Characterized by mercantilism , the First Empire in British history started from the Glory Revolution to the North American War of Independence.
238. Ponce de Leon, freed of his governorship, decided to explore areas to the north, where there was rumored to be a fountain of youth that restored the youth of anyone drinking from it.




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