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单词 Limestone
1. The large limestone caves are also quarried for cement.
2. The local limestone is very porous.
3. Limestone was frequently used as a building material.
4. Limestone is known to retain moisture.
5. The area is being quarried for limestone.
6. The river had carved channels in the limestone rock.
7. The limestone has simply dissolved away.
8. Limestone is often used in building construction.
9. Between the white limestone and the greyish pink limestone is a thin bed of clay.
10. The boat was tied up alongside a crumbling limestone jetty.
11. The horseshoe crab is preserved on a flat-bedded limestone.
12. This large gastropod is preserved in an oolitic limestone.
13. Limestone and sandstone are quite unsuitable.
14. Sapan sailed in beneath the overhang of limestone.
15. Limestone Any sedimentary rock consisting essentially of carbonates.
16. Above: A Norber erratic on its limestone pedestal.
17. Sections have been cut through well-preserved coral in limestone./limestone.html
18. A beautiful species preserved in an impure limestone.
19. Great limestone mansions were rising in New York.
20. There is little limestone left in the cave, and the existing formations tend to be dusty.
21. Water seeps down through the limestone, carrying along tiny deposits of the rock it's washing away.
22. Ivins lives alone in the Austin limestone house remodeled with her book money.
23. In a disused limestone quarry we tackled one of these obstacles safely, once we had been told how to do it.
24. Limestone reappears and is much in evidence when Hellgill Bridge is reached, this centuries-old structure spanning a deep gorge.
25. The pockets in the perfect grey limestone became smaller and more spaced, the footholds doubtful, sloping smears.
26. The cliffs are characterized by remarkable zigzagging strata of shale, limestone and sandstone.
27. Summary: A long, north facing wall of variable quality limestone.
28. A shallow river had scooped a fertile valley out of the limestone mountains.
29. Examples with stone foundations are also known at Bourton-on-the-Water and Ashton, the latter with unusual upright limestone slabs.
30. The dragonfly is splendidly preserved on the flat bedding plane of a limestone.
1. The large limestone caves are also quarried for cement.
2. Limestone is often used in building construction.
3. The boat was tied up alongside a crumbling limestone jetty.
31. This is the richest of the indigenous churches of the district where limestone is plentiful and masonry developed early.
32. The role of organisms in directly creating both erosional and depositional microforms on limestone has probably been underestimated.
33. It dripped like a slow percolation through limestone, so slow that she forgot it between drops.
34. At daybreak or dusk, the pyramids most resemble the limestone monuments seen by the old explorers.
35. From Flamborough Head northwards there is a stretch of spectacular limestone cliff scenery, reaching its highest point around Bempton.
36. Limestone is defined as a rock which contains at least 50 percent, which nearly always occurs as the mineral calcite.
37. Many feature spectacular limestone cliffs of the sort that rock climbers find irresistible.
38. The plaintiff, being unaware of this exemption, paid dues upon limestone which he had landed and ultimately burnt into lime.
39. The commonest pre-Permian formation encountered in boreholes in sheet S is the Carboniferous Limestone.
40. From Port Eynon the limestone cliffs extend for five or six miles to Worms Head.
41. This action of the Way passes through wonderful limestone scenery including the impressive mass of Kilnsey Crag.
42. In this case I think it is more likely that limestone deposition started in several or many different centres and spread outwards.
43. The white limestone formed a dramatic panorama against the darkening sky.
44. Frangipani grew wild and rampant up a grey cliff of limestone above the south bank.
45. Other systems do not need large amounts of limestone and produce usable pure sulphur or acid rather than waste.
46. Bourbon producers set great store by the soft local water which passes through limestone on its way to the distilleries.
47. I focus for a moment on one arch carved into the Redwall limestone.
48. Many of the dark rocks stand on limestone pedestals,() the surrounding rocks having been eroded away.
49. A track led her through haphazard planting into a clearing where three shacks listed companionably on limestone supports.
50. After a delay of some years there is now some momentum behind the production of a guidebook for the Clwyd Limestone area.
51. He led the way around the edge of a marsh and then through drier land, with limestone boulders on it.
52. Behind the beach is a huge semicircle of limestone cliffs.
53. The sediments filling caves or fissures in limestone are frequently repositories for fossil teeth.
54. No shells I have a four foot Tanganyikan tank with undergravel filtration through coral sand and limestone as decoration.
55. Millions of tiny polyps have emerged from their limestone cells to stretch out their minuscule arms and grope for food.
56. Then it started on Cumbrian limestone, blossomed to Lakeland quarries and so, finally, to Raven Crag.
57. Turn left along this lane; a signpost points the way to Norber, a long limestone ridge forming the north-western skyline.
58. They would require extensive tunnelling through limestone under the Judean Hills where there was a danger of underground caverns or water.
59. This means, for instance, that only the uranium isotopes are present in waters that seep into limestone caves.
60. There is very little pretty here, only the limestone ravine of Swinnergill Kirk being worthy of the camera.
61. Some degraded sections of higher level limestone on present reef flats may represent interglacial or Post-glacial higher sea levels.
62. This is a mile-long limestone scar, given the name of Fell End Clouds by the imaginative early settlers in the district.
63. If later generation was significant, the cavernous conditions in parts of the Carboniferous Limestone could provide remarkable reservoirs.
64. A comrade had found a cave near Pac Bo, a village nestled amid the strange northern landscape of limestone hills.
65. The gang ran through the streets off the Limestone Road waving guns in the air to terrorise residents.
66. Yellow flowers grow in the crevices of the limestone cliffs.
67. Studies indicate the limestone is of very pure,() and meets international specifications for almost all uses.
68. Something of a cult hero to modern limestone climbers, or so I understand.
69. Whether or not these were in silo reefs is still a matter of dispute, but the dominance of the limestone is everywhere obvious.
70. Alan Austin and the Barley Brothers seemed afflicted by a similar grading paralysis on Yorkshire limestone.
71. And they would come: diddy-jackets glowing like street lamps, shovels sparking in the limestone chips.
72. The Palace, a reconstruction of which is shown in Fig. 135, was built of limestone in a little over 10 years.
73. Above the Magnesian Limestone event a number of reflections have been tied in with the sequence in Larne-2 and Newmill-l.
74. It was made of local limestone, not marble, and roughened by weather.
75. The species is preserved in relief in limestone, which is very fine grained, and retains many fine details.
76. Even certain elevated atolls seem to have such a thickness of limestone as to indicate subsidence before present uplift.
77. The building was a prodigious limestone parthenon done in the early thirties in the Civic Moderne style.
77. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
78. In one of the passes they pulled off the paved highway and parked out of sight of it, among limestone boulders.
79. Rich mineral deposits were discovered here in the early nineteenth century: coal, iron, limestone.
80. Here are scattered numerous slate boulders which have been carried by glacier action and dumped on a limestone shelf.
81. When liming the soil choose magnesian limestone to correct the problem.
82. Carrara's alps of marble could not match the limestone quarries near Wenlock Edge for sheer potential.
83. The portal is of local limestone and classical design, with attached Doric columns flanking the round arch.
84. Under dark trees outcrops of limestone form even darker shapes.
85. The gypsum crust is more soluble than the limestone so it is quite rapidly weathered by rainwater.
86. The shallows lashed themselves to white foam over the limestone boulders of the valley floor.
87. The west pediment, a Gigantomachy, was in limestone, but the east front was finished in marble.
88. The lithographic stone is made of a slab of almost pure limestone, which easily absorbs grease.
89. Lasers are also being used to vaporise the dirt from limestone and marble sculpture.
90. The Limestone Link will take walkers through a rare limestone area with a wide variety of flora and fauna and limestone pavements.
91. The company's system cleaned soot from the blackened limestone and brick without damaging to the venerable surfaces.
92. When old Aaron Tyson from Limestone Hill sold to the greengrocer's the turnips he'd stacked up for his sheep.
93. This studied the economics of reducing groundwater pollution in ten catchments overlying chalk, sand or limestone aquifers.
94. Bristol is penetrated by calcium-loving vegetation growing on the limestone cliffs of the Avon Gorge.
95. The limestone was deposited in very quiet water conditions, which accounts for the preservation of this delicate little fossil.
96. To date, the limestone chippings have not yet been installed.
97. Diving into woods with old limestone spoil heaps and scrubby clearings is like discovering a stash of lost gems.
98. Here there are thick deposits of iron ore near the base of some rocks of oolitic limestone which are of Jurassic age.
99. The acid cuts into the limestone and makes holes that, over the years, fill with muck.
100. We had come to Phang Nga to visit the limestone islands that rear in their hundreds from the bay.
101. The islands rose sheer out of a millpond sea, pillars of white limestone with ochre splotches capped in crinkly green.
102. The calcareous skeletons of this distinctive species have weathered out from the limestone matrix.
103. Men, who comprised the primary workforce for these activities, sometimes organized independently to exploit local marble and limestone deposits.
104. In the area there are only limestone rocks which splinter easily and so are unsuitable for an inscription.
105. The pass gets its name from two groups of deep limestone potholes set either side of the road.
106. Under normal conditions limestone allows aqueous salt solutions to move constantly through the stone.
107. This larva eventually settles down on a rock, usually chalk or limestone, and grows the two valves of its shell.
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108. In the field opposite are fissures in the underlying limestone, entrances to long subterranean passages.
109. In southern Britain there are many such sudden changes mainly between clay lowlands and escarpments of chalk or oolitic limestone.
110. Here you gaze across the terraced vineyards and orchards to the bare limestone summit of Mont Vertoux.
111. Past the end of the lake a limestone grotto is reached, affording shelter but not now maintained in pristine condition.
112. Limestone had been carved away.
113. Economically minable limestone does not occur so frequently.
114. Caves form when water infiltrates limestone.
115. The limestone must be calcined in such a way.
116. A thin, resistant limestone escarpment is present just basinward.
117. Limestone is rock composed of calcium carbonate.
118. Cement is made from limestone.
119. The limestone walls of Neversink, a 162 - foot - deep air pit, provide habitat for a rare fern.
120. Even the limestone in the Egyptian pyramids contains foram remains, the ancient historian Herodotus noted.
121. There are types of non - metallic phosphorus, limestone, dolomite, quartzite, gypsum, clay, bentonite, and other minerals.
122. There is more methane, ethane, isobutane and isopentane in shaly limestone than in marlite.
123. Young langurs, still with traces of the canary yellow fur of their newborn days, play on vertical faces of limestone rock.
124. Limestone is a main factor to influence quality condition in chamotte production by means of analyzing.
125. The territory of limestone, clay, clay crucible substantial reserves and other resources(), greater potential for development.
126. Yes, you read ed right: a rock concert in a limestone quarry.
127. Bleaching occurs when the tiny plant-like coral organisms die, often because of higher temperatures, and leave behind only a white limestone reef skeleton.
128. A shrinking core model is used to account for the calcination process of ultra - fine limestone.
129. The little animals fossilized and are now embedded in the limestone.
130. The hills are largely carboniferous limestone, which is quarried at several sites.
131. Material illustrating detailed structure of graptolites has been etched from limestone by means of hydrofluoric acid.
132. These pale gray and ivory "tufa towers," located in California's Mono Lake, may look like eerie art instillations, but they occur naturally and are made of limestone.
133. An iron cleaning agent that consists of limestone and lime. These products react with impurities in the metallic pool and float to the top of the liquid iron.
134. Round about , piles of limestone glistened in all the colors of the rainbow.
135. The first member of Daye limestone yields hummocky ripple marks, hummocky cross bedding and graded bedding, which are the reflection of storm process.
136. Limestone moves downward driven by the push rods, which can ensure the calcination quality of limestone.
137. The reactivity of limestone is of very importance to flue gas desulfurization ( FGD ) process.
138. OK?S acid eats away of limestone very aggressively,() so you get bigger cracks and then passage ways being formed along openings on the rock. And it's all underground.
139. The clasts of the Jurassic strata, particularly the stromatolite-bearing, cherty limestone and purple quartzite, can be correlated with those in the footwall of the fault.
140. The paper made a relatively all - round expounding on large diameter filling pile engineering in limestone areas.
141. The grained Carbonate rocks of Qianjiang Formation in Qianjiang Sag can be divided into oolitic limestone, sand-clastic limestone, mud-crystal sand-clastic dolomite, alga-gobbet limestone etc.
142. Thus we hold that the direct HCl dissolution method can replace the high temperature alkali fuse to analysis the calcium oxide and magnesian in limestone.
143. The channel is overlain by siltstone and lenticular beds of limestone.
144. In addition still quartz of gold, iron, aluminous, crystal, arteries and veins, granite, limestone waits.
145. We spend our first day in Amman, Jordan's bustling limestone capital.
146. That is to short-circuit the natural geological process of weathering and use the CO2 to convert volcanic rocks into limestone.
147. Wolfram tailing glass - ceramic proportion of wolfram tailing and other ingredients such as feldspar , limestone, and flux.
148. Application : for granite, sandstone, limestone , brick refractory material etc.
149. The answer is the same if the limestone overlays the sandstone.
150. Each sequence is composed of incised valley sandstone of low system tract, limestone, marl, coal and mudstone of transgressive system tract and clastics and coal of high system tract.
151. Crucible still the main mineral mud, clay, limestone and so on.
152. The lentoid limestone was formed by the differential pressures between the water body and the overlying sediments. Every kind of nodular limestones had its main influential factor.
153. The limestone, slaked lime, calcium carbide slag, paper making waste and red mud are used as sulfur retention sorbent for briquette coal.
154. Limestone Aggregate (98% Calcium) Mining and residual products manufacturer. Deep Harbor facility with a loading capability of 1000 tons per hour. Vessel berthing capacity up to 20, 000 tons.
155. White Burgundy is essentially a chardonnay, with an added depth and delicacy courtesy of the limestone soil in which it's grown, while red Burgundy is a gutsy pinot noir.
156. This recording was taken on weathered outcropping limestone with a relatively short AB ( 40 m ).
157. Hydrocarbon source rock in Langshan Formation is mainly limestone of neritic facies, whose thickness increases toward the depocenters. The organic matter is mainly of sapropel type.
158. The Fault - fracture network is the main space of accumulating karst - fissure water limestone of Weibei coalfield.
159. It can crush materials with middle and high hardness such as, ironstone, copper ore, granite, basalt, cobblestone, marble, limestone and so on.
160. Calcitic limestone is mainly CaCo 3 with relatively small amounts of impurities.
161. Cement, Clinker, Slag, Gypsum, Limestone, Tsp Fertilizer and Soda ash Light Lime and Lime Products.
162. It is put forward to adjust burden proportion and to add a small amount of limestone so as to improve the slaggy properties and to raise the technical and economic benefits of technological process.
163. A hilly region of western Germany west of the Rhine River. The barren area has limestone moors and crater lakes.
164. A lot cephalopoda fossils were found in the section of dolomite with limestone, which belong to early Ordovician.
165. Another one is suitable to limestone oil reservoir with bottom water drive.
166. The results demonstrated that the Lower Carboniferous of Chaobei area is a set of littoral facies deposit, mainly limestone, a few sandstone and mudstone, ten microfacies can be identified.
167. North of the Cordillera is the karst country where the limestone has been acted upon by water to produce a series of small steep hills and deep holes,() both conical in shape.
168. There are distributed the transmutative rock in the Hills area of Taishan Montain, the limestone stratum of the Paleozoic in the middle and south of Shandong.
169. Look at these two folds. One is convex upward with older rock of Ordovician limestone toward the center of curvature.
170. Limestone often contains small amount of magnesium oxide that is harmful to soundness of cement.
171. Because of abundant lime stone resource in our city, the author has researched into preparation and application technology of concrete with milled limestone powder.
172. The shell limestone is thin bed, compact and anisotropism, so the reservoir is of low porosity, low permeability and pore fracture character.
173. The limestone, sandstone and shale of this area were soft.
174. Limestone deposited in the whole inner shelf basin, including the swell belt, excepting a small mass of dolostone or dolomitic limestone could deposit in the center of basin.
175. The limestone is sufficiently fissured for tree roots to have breached the roof of the cave.
176. By relying on technical reform, increasing limestone distribution ratio of whirlwind stove and the content of granulated slag CaOxid, Hegang Heat Power Factory lifted complex benefit.
177. Geologist Dhanajay Mohabey of the Indian Geological Survey first unearthed the fossil 26 years ago in a limestone outcropping in the northwestern Indian village of Dholi Dungri.
178. It is an effective way of eliminating the occurrence of silicosis in fettling workers by substituting silica with limestone as molding material in steel casting factory.
179. The reactivity of limestone is very important to the wet flue gas desulfurization process.
180. There the soil is from weathered limestone soil or loess.
181. The lower limit of limestone size should be larger than minus 120 meshes.
182. Combine the limestone rock body characteristic of mountain area , we have analyzed the corresponding side slope safeguard procedures.
183. Its massive oaken door stood unbarred. Within was a small chamber, chilly as an ice-house, and walled by Nature with solid limestone that was dewy with a cold sweat.
184. The mud is interrupted by numerous thin beds of limestone.
185. The East Dengba section is a record of the late stage of oceanic island development, with interbeds of acid lavas at the top, overlain by continuous deposits of limestone and sandstone.
186. Limestone and dolomites are calcium - based materials occurring widely in nature.
187. Masonry of Rotary Kiln and Practice of Drying Oven of Limestone Ore.
188. With limestone the pressure is a little lower than with crystalline stones.




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