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单词 Bound up
(1) His death was bound up with the matter.
(2) His mind was bound up in that question.
(3) She bound up his wounds.
(4) Economic progress is closely bound up with educational development.
(5) Her long hair was bound up.
(6) Their interests were completely bound up in their careers.
(7) He seems very bound up in his work.
(8) He is bound up with this matter.
(9) She bound up his wounds with bandages.
(10) My fate was bound up with hers.
(11) Parcels must be properly bound up for posting to other countries.
(12) The survival of whales is intimately bound up with the health of the ocean.
(13) Her illness is bound up with the pressure of her study and work.
(14) They are completely bound up in the dictionary they are compiling.
(15) He is bound up in his work with old people.
(16) The history of the company is closely bound up with the history of the Grant family.
(17) He was too bound up in his own problems to listen to any of mine.
(18) Mark's problems are all bound up with his mother's death when he was ten.
(19) The future of the island is bound up with the fortunes of the ruling power.
(20) From that moment my life became inextricably bound up with hers.
(21) He's too bound up in his work to have much time for his children.
(22) The welfare of the individual is bound up with the welfare of the community.
(23) Economic and social history are inextricably bound up with each other.
(24) There are a number of complex issues bound up with this particular matter, ontological and epistemological, practical as well as theoretical.
(25) As such it was to become inextricably bound up with a number of conflicts surrounding such provision.
(26) The manager of a company does not like having a large chunk of his wealth bound up in its shares.
(27) A person's name and their sense of their own identity are often closely bound up together.
(28) The people of Transkei began to realize that their future was inseparably bound up with that of South Africa.
(29) For in fact political theories, doctrines or ideologies, and political action are inextricably bound up with each other.
(30) This therefore brings me to the second reason why democracy is bound up with a measure of economic and social equality.
(1) His death was bound up with the matter.
(2) Parcels must be properly bound up for posting to other countries.
(31) This led him to doubt whether authentic religious belief can properly be tied to and bound up with particular historical events.
(32) The history of music is, of course, bound up with the development of musical instruments.
(33) Hence the study of primitive culture is intimately bound up with that of primitive religion.
(34) It was coming out too bound up in hurtful things.
(34) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(35) It is bound up with the family as a whole.
(36) That, of course, is bound up with the issue of income maintenance.
(37) The history of musical form is obviously bound up with the development of musical instruments.
(38) But how best to direct our efforts for improvement is bound up with our perceptions of the reasons for the differences.
(39) All these things were bound up together and by defying his father he was in effect abandoning them.
(40) Extension cords that looked frayed or suspicious were bound up in Scotch cellophane tape.
(41) A political motive was clearly bound up with this economic activity.
(42) I also bound up with my brochure, a number of photographs; for I had taken two cameras abroad.
(43) It makes you understand that you are inextricably bound up with each other and that your fortunes depend on one another.
(44) These very weak stones are rich in water, which is bound up in both hydrated salts and clay minerals.
(45) Basically their nationalism was an ideology closely bound up with the idea of popular sovereignty.
(46) Human rights in general and the right to communicate in particular are bound up with the notion of democracy.
(47) Moral and economic rights are bound up in the concept of copyright.
(48) The doctrine of precedent is bound up with the need for a reliable system of law reporting.
(49) In her mind the murder and the attack at the Chagall museum were inextricably bound up with the secret of the Durances.
(50) These are intimately bound up together, not least because of the way in which the marriage contract is defined.
(51) Jim's too bound up in his own worries to be able to help us.
(52) Do we have here an expression of the belief that the redemption of nature is integrally bound up with man's redemption?
(53) Although activists take on global economic and political issues, their affiliations, allegiances and loyalties are bound up in local communities.
(54) The Hebrew scriptures are bound up with the history of a particular society, and that society was patriarchal.
(55) Aviation is usually forward-looking, bound up with the future and with technological progress.
(56) Occasionally, he broke off to bound up to Ruth Bassett's bedroom where she was getting ready.
(57) Mastery of the code of reading is intimately bound up with oral competence in a language.
(58) The victim of horrendous physical and emotional abuse, she was failed by all those who were bound up in her care.
(59) I was too bound up with the problems of the present moment to enjoy the luxury of retrospection.
(60) It was from the first bound up with the establishment of a foreign ministry archive.
(61) Like that of Curgenven, his own rising professional career was bound up with a commitment to expansionist sanitary reform.
(62) Within the workplace inequality and conflict are inextricably bound up, irrespective of the relationship between particular managements and workforces.
(63) More than most industries, telecommunications has been bound up worldwide in strict monopolies and restrictive policies.
(64) According to a long and dominant tradition, the physical is bound up with the spatial.
(64) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(65) But they were important in their time, and their families were bound up with Fred Taylor all his life.
(66) Gedamke was a widower, and he may very well have been too bound up with his teaching and with his students.
(67) More usually, the body was bound up in a folded position, with the knees under the chin.
(68) Identification Definitions of pollution are bound up with the process by which pollution is formally brought to light and identified.
(69) All our limitations are bound up in our intellectual mind with its boundaries and imperfections and its tendency to emotional distortion.
(70) The success of a system is often bound up with the success of the state that is its main proponent.
(71) A most sacred obligation was bound up with a most atrocious crime.
(72) They were bound up in fetters of conventionalism.
(73) She bound up the child's bleeding wound with gauze.
(74) She had her hair bound up in a neckerchief.
(75) The combat medic bound up the wounded soldiers.
(76) He bound up the two books into one volume.
(77) The fates of the two families were closely bound up.
(78) Her life was bound up in the study of nuclear physics.
(79) Sleep conflicts seem to be bound up with fundamental biological and behavioural differences between the sexes.
(80) The stamping function of the pre-Messianic Sabbath was bound up with the eschatologically forward-looking position of the covenant community (whether pre-fall or Mosaic).
(81) Uranic mineralization is bound up with the continental red beds which was formed under dry and hot climate, but has no relations with the marine red beds.
(82) I didn't want to be bound up in any roadblock or be bound up with her, because I knew my boss would be bound to realize that I was not at work if this event was on the TV news.
(83) Sense experience is more impressive than our higher, rational consciousness, and sensation is essentially bound up with the bodily organism.
(84) Dressed in a sheepskin coat, with a fur cap on his head and his mouth bound up with a handkerchief, he seemed paler and thinner than ever.
(85) Huang's exegetical achievements are directly bound up with his exegetical methods, his scholarly spirit and his academic foundation.
(86) It is bound up with hatred, jealousy, boastfulness, disregard of all rules and sadistic pleasure in witnessing violence: in other words it is war minus the shooting.
(87) Any kind of translation, literary or unliterary, is bound up with the understanding and explication of source text.
(88) The story of their exploration is inextricably bound up with the character of the caves themselves.
(89) This behaviour is believed to be bound up in the activity of dopamine, a brain hormone which, among other things, can produce a sense of enjoyment connected with certain activities.
(90) Our sense of the Depression may be bound up with the tragic social realism of Steinbeck's 'The Grapes of Wrath'.
(91) Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play. It is bound up with hatred, jealousy, boastfulness, disregard of all rules and sadistic pleasure in witnessing violence.
(92) Why should happiness be bound up with the presence and movement of water?
(93) Grassmann's exposition was almost inextricably bound up with geometrical ideas.
(94) Before sweeping the house she bound up her hair in a large handkerchief.
(95) Though of course , our personal interests are closely bound up with those of the company.
(96) From this perspective the interests of the individual are bound up with the interests of the kinship group as it extends forward and backward across the generations.
(97) The soldier was wearing a coat of blue fine cloth, he had no knapsack nor shako , his head was bound up, and across his shoulders was slung a French cartridge case.
(98) The test of wireless fusee is an important part of the test of missile detonating controlling system and it play a crucial role for the missile to detonate at the point bound up in advance.
(99) Your future is bound up with the fate of your motherland.
(100) The unemployment figures are not necessarily bound up with the rise of prices.
(101) They'd have a lot of hydrogen sulfide gas bound up in their cells.
(102) I pray that all beings will not gain a mind of greed, will not be bound up in body-and-mind.
(103) Its antioxidant curve is similar to L-histidine, which implied that the antioxidant ability of carnosine is closely bound up with its imidazole cycle.
(104) His future is closely bound up with that of the company.
(104) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(105) He is bound up in the study of nuclear physics.
(106) Basins in China offshore that their origins are bound up with the deep geologic process (Mantle Plume Tectonics), are in accord with the special geologic background of East Asia.
(107) All the documents have been bound up and placed in file.
(108) Unique Chickadee: You spoke to your friend recently about how time and place are bound up with each other.
(109) The iniquity of Ephraim is bound up ; His sin is stored up.
(110) With his wounded arm bound up, he had to shuffle into or out of his coat.
(111) Money again will be bound up with what is happening.




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