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单词 Economic recovery
1 Economic recovery is already underway.
2 The higher rates have been a hind-rance to economic recovery.
3 Economic recovery is just around the corner.
4 The export sector will aid the economic recovery.
5 The hoped-for economic recovery in Britain did not arrive.
6 Hopes of economic recovery are fading.
7 This is the primary impetus behind the economic recovery.
8 His prescription for economic recovery was not well received.
9 There are no short cuts to economic recovery.
10 Interest-rate cuts have failed to bring about economic recovery.
11 Economic recovery is gathering pace.
12 Tax increases now might imperil economic recovery.
13 Will the government's policies lead to an economic recovery?
14 It's a sure sign of economic recovery.
15 Stagnation in home sales is holding back economic recovery.
16 Improved consumer confidence is crucial to an economic recovery.
17 The government is forecasting an economic recovery.
18 The road to economic recovery is full of potholes.
19 Predictions of economic recovery have now lost all credibility.
20 Economic recovery has so far been sluggish.
21 The Chancellor of the Exchequer says that economic recovery is just around the corner.
22 The economic recovery in Britain was mirrored in the US.
23 Economists believe that economic recovery will begin to take root next year.
24 Unemployment is high and economic recovery is still a long way off .
25 The Labor Department figures underscore the shaky state of the economic recovery.
26 These figures kill off any lingering hopes of an early economic recovery.
27 The government claims that the fall in unemployment is the herald of economic recovery.
28 City economists pour cold water on the idea that the economic recovery has begun.
29 The unemployment figures make nonsense of talk of an economic recovery.
30 The latest trade figures have dealt a severe blow to hopes of an early economic recovery.
1 Economic recovery is already underway.
2 The higher rates have been a hind-rance to economic recovery.
3 The Labor Department figures underscore the shaky state of the economic recovery.
4 These figures kill off any lingering hopes of an early economic recovery.
5 This is the primary impetus behind the economic recovery.
31 The treasurer has been taking a more optimistic view of economic recovery in his recent public pronouncements.
32 Some of the nation's top economic forecasters say the economic recovery is picking up speed.
33 Hopes of economic recovery were dealt a body blow by this latest announcement.
34 Fears are growing that a tax increase may stall economic recovery.
35 The new policy did not bring the hoped-for economic recovery.
36 The country is expected to remain in the slow lane of economic recovery.
37 Trends in spending and investment suggest a gradual economic recovery.
38 Both parties will be outlining their prescription for economic recovery.
38 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
39 Her position was fortified by election successes and economic recovery.
40 He spoke glibly about an economic recovery just around the corner.
41 They were laying the base for a new economic recovery.
42 It is feared that higher interest rates might choke off economic recovery.
43 He argued that the economic recovery had been facilitated by his tough stance.
44 There are signs of economic recovery in the high street.
45 We will see some economic recovery, but it will be very anaemic.
46 We must be careful not to do anything that might endanger the economic recovery.
47 Investors' new bullishness has raised hopes of economic recovery.
48 These are the firm foundations of economic recovery.
49 Increased public investment is essential to economic recovery.
50 Signs of economic recovery may be illusory.
51 The group expected economic recovery in 1993.
52 There is every prospect of an economic recovery next year.
53 All he need fear is a general postponement of Britain's economic recovery.
54 In a speech last week,() Kohl predicted economic recovery before the end of the year.
55 Japan's economic recovery was seen as nothing less than a miracle.
56 Machungo told the meeting that, despite the high cost of living, there was no alternative to the economic recovery programme.
57 The privatization of up to 40 state-owned companies was at the centre of the governments economic recovery plan.
58 The country's economic recovery has been aided by increased international trade.
59 The benefits that will accrue following economic recovery are self-evident.
60 Such a rise in long-term rates sits oddly with still-scanty evidence of economic recovery.
61 The lower inflation and freer market, it is claimed, has generated an economic recovery.
62 Second, we have seen off the threat of a world trade war which would have destroyed any hope of economic recovery.
63 As Malden Mills continues its economic recovery, the victims of the fire are also improving.
64 They came in the period of relative economic recovery between the two big crises of 1929 and 1938.
65 He will initially help local authorities and other agencies plan for the economic recovery of Cumbria, the worst hit area.
66 He said spiralling public sector borrowing was the greatest threat to a sustained economic recovery.
67 He blames the policies of his predecessor, Nigel Lawson, for slow economic recovery.
68 The war will rage until Chancellor Norman Lamont spells out his plans for economic recovery on Thursday in the traditional autumn statement.
68 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
69 The slump in profits has limited the scope for corporation tax offsets but economic recovery should help ease the problem.
70 Mr Lamont said that both measures were aimed at helping small businesses lead the economic recovery.
71 He was critical, too, of government sources for changing the position of the goalposts when defining economic recovery.
72 What is needed is a period of steady law-making on the back of the economic recovery now unfolding.
73 The significance of the economic recovery, such as it was, in 1977- 8 caused much debate and some perplexity.
74 Economic recovery is forecast.
75 Toledo hopes to promote a tourism industry that he wants to make a cornerstone of economic recovery.
76 Mr McVeigh said the investment programme would enable the company to benefit from economic recovery in its most important markets.
77 The resulting deep distrust provoked by social surfaces leaves Chandler unimpressed by anything as literal as an economic recovery.
78 There followed an alarming period in which the carefully contrived economic recovery and social peace created under the Callaghan government disintegrated.
79 The revised method also shaves half a percentage point off average annual growth during the four years of this economic recovery.
80 If the rise in long-term interest rates threatens economic recovery, then so does the sharp rally in the yen.
81 I believe that doing so is a step in the tough task of getting ready to capitalise on economic recovery.
82 It also says full repayment would prejudice its economic recovery.
83 No details had yet been published of an economic recovery plan which the government had announced in January.
84 Cash has flowed out of the money markets into the stockmarket, well before there is any clear sign of economic recovery.
85 Yet increased defence spending could only injure Britain's economic recovery.
86 At Edinburgh we shall also discuss what else we can do to promote economic recovery.
87 This would decide whether the hard-won economic recovery of the post-IMF phase would be destroyed by rampaging wage demands and raging inflation.
88 The dramatic move - effectively devaluing our currency - exposed the Prime Minister's general election pledges of economic recovery as worthless.
89 Yes, you could say that pension funds are being asked to finance the economic recovery.
90 Some analysts say the new law could increase expectations of an economic recovery.
91 Forecasts now differed as to whether economic recovery had temporarily halted or whether a double-dip recession had occurred.
92 Investors are holding out from Mexican stocks until they see clear signs of an economic recovery.
93 Economic recovery is supposedly getting underway.
94 This is a Obama administration's latest economic recovery policy.
95 Despite US governmental rebuttals of the downgrading, and the Federal Reserve's reassurances, the move is still likely to bring new challenges to the US's already sluggish economic recovery.
96 Take a quick tour of the world economic recovery room.
97 Small cap outperformance indicates confidence in economic recovery, since the sector has a more cyclical mix than blue chips.
98 The push-pull between the dollar and assets such as stocks and commodities has diminished of late amid signs of economic recovery,[] but it has not broken down entirely.
99 However, a full 20 % increase will likely choke off the fragile Chinese economic recovery.
100 The frugal consumer has become a concern as investors worry a strong economic recovery will be impossible without improved discretionary spending.
101 Jeff Rubin, director of research at Birinyi Associates, said the weak job market was not enough for him to rethink his economic recovery assumptions.
102 But bets against the dollar could sour fast. One risk is that the economic recovery could outdistance almost everyone's expectations.
103 He has pencilled in a further 100m lats in better tax revenues—counting, apparently, on a faster economic recovery than anyone expects.
104 But call these projects "stimulus," and suddenly a ship headed for the reef of economic disaster might sail through Congress flying the flag of economic recovery.
105 A week after the nation's worst natural disaster, the threat of a nuclear meltdown is emerging as the biggest threat to the country's economic recovery.
106 The economy contracted 0.5% in the fourth quarter, reviving fears that the austerity program introduced by the coalition government may derail the economic recovery.
107 Lower borrowing costs are a key to spurring an economic recovery after months of sluggish growth.
108 The stabilisation of prices turned out to be a precursor to broader economic recovery.
109 Had we reversed mark-to-market accounting at that time, bad loan disposal and economic recovery would have taken even longer.
110 European stocks rose to a two-year high as reports reassured investors that the global economic recovery is intact. Asian stocks and U.S. stock-index futures also advanced.
111 Any sustained economic recovery will ultimately have to come from the revival in private demand—i.e., through consumption and investment—both of which will be constrained by structural factors.
112 "The economic recovery is proceeding" and "the labor market is improving gradually, " the Federal Open Market Committee said in its statement.
113 This shows that large cap earnings have been revised up a lot more, leaving more upside to small cap earnings during the rest of this economic recovery.
114 Fears of a double-dip recession trumped rays of hope for an economic recovery, driving down prices for industrial raw materials.
115 Mr. Obama was introduced in Fort Myers by Charlie Crist, the popular Governor of Florida, who is one of few nationally-known Republican politicians to endorse the president's economic recovery plan.
116 Obstructing a nominee as well-qualified as Peter in a time of economic crisis is a harmful attempt to score political points that hurts our middle class and our broader economic recovery.
117 The wolf market may be here to stay, at least until the economic recovery accelerates or another catalyst prompts the market to find footing.
118 Second, the global economic recovery the process and the resumption of external demand.
119 Laura D'Andrea Tyson is on the president's Economic Recovery Advisory Board.
120 Its refusal to devaluate its currency during the 1997 Asian financial crisis had a positive impact on Asian economic recovery.
121 There were other reasons for concern about the robustness of an economic recovery.
122 Step number one, we have to pass an economic recovery and reinvestment And we've made progress.
123 Financial minister Yanchuan Zhengshilang proposed a tax cut plan over 1 trillion, mainly focusing on decreasing capital expense of enterprises to stimulate economic recovery .
124 If you don't get the policy reform and the aid, you don't get the economic recovery, which is the true exit strategy for the peacekeepers.
125 Defending President Obama's economic recovery program, the largest peace-time stimulus in U.S. history, Summers said jobs will be created and confidence restored.
126 Dealers grew concerned over the sliding dollar and receding prospects for economic recovery.
127 And Mr. Obama announced the creation of a President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board.
128 On the way toward global economic recovery, we must continue to help each other and move forward hand-in-hand.
129 Sub - sectors as a leading soda ash, chemical Sanyou will benefit from real economic recovery.
130 These won't just hit hard at average families -- they threaten to derail any economic recovery.
131 In addition, the U.S. Export-Import Bank has approved $80 million in insurance that will support Egypt's economic recovery by backing letters of credit issued by Egyptian financial institutions.
132 Retail sales figures in the United States for May will also provide an insight into the state of the economic recovery; consumer spending accounts for around 70 percent of the nation's economy.
133 Two steps are critical to an economic recovery: stabilization in the housing sector and an unclogging of the credit system, to allow the Fed's low interest rates to spur demand.
134 Step number one, we have to pass an economic recovery and reinvestment plan.
135 Economic recovery can best be brought about by radical policy change.
136 They also note work on his economic recovery package began weeks before Inauguration Day.
137 Obama was introduced in Fort Myers by Charlie Crist, the popular Governor of Florida, who is one of few nationally-known Republican politicians to endorse the president's economic recovery plan.
138 The inflexibility of the country's labor market seriously impedes its economic recovery.
139 it is now likely that a shaky economic recovery will be under way before polling day (probably next spring).
140 That said, if the troubles in Greece lead to a slowdown across Europe, it could choke off our economic recovery as Europe as a whole is a major trading partner.
141 President-elect Barack Obama is urging Congress to act quickly on his economic recovery program, warning that inaction by Washington could extend the current recession for years.
142 China is one: Even if its nascent economic recovery falters, it will likely keep gobbling commodities.
143 Korea's economic recovery strengthened in first quarter of 2010, according to the bank's advance estimate.
144 Since then, with the concerted efforts of all the members and the international community, the basic trend of world economic recovery has been set and the most difficult time has passed.
145 Step number one, we have to pass an economic recovery and reinvestment plan. And we've made progress.
146 Obama's economic recovery advisory board, modelled after the foreign intelligence advisory panel, includes business leaders, labour figures and academic economists.
147 Given the scale of the crisis he inherited, he could have decided to focus the whole of his first term single-mindedly on economic recovery.
148 And it doesn't even do much to reduce our future debt burden, because stinting on spending now threatens the economic recovery, and with it the hope for rising revenues.
149 This has been a tailwind for technology companies and manufacturers, a bright spot in the otherwise slow economic recovery.
150 However, its rate-setting committee said in a statement that it believed "the economic recovery is on a firmer footing".
151 According to later analysis, the earliness with which a country left the gold standard reliably predicted its economic recovery.
152 A second factor in the sluggishness of the economic recovery is the housing market.
153 Obama announced the award at the economic recovery program of the first in a highway construction contract, made the above remarks.
154 Autocatalyst metals platinum and palladium, which have both recorded a stellar year in 2010, could be set to outstrip gains in gold if the economic recovery gains traction, analysts say.
155 Entered after 2009, economic recovery become apparent signal, the stock market also began to rise restorative.
156 Suggested our government should adopt in fiscal and tax policy, not only can promote short-term employment at the same time without prejudice to the country's economic recovery and development.
157 Economic recovery is here.
158 Such a measure would not only provide much-needed revenue for the economic recovery, but would also reflect at least partial recognition of the ultra-rich's duty to help those in need.
159 Obama made the stimulus a cornerstone of his economic recovery plan even before he took office, but his calls for bipartisanship were an early casualty.
160 Underemployment, along with unemployment, is widely seen as a force slowing the economic recovery.
161 The wolf market may be here to stay, at least until the economic recovery accelerates or another catalyst prompts the market to find footing. Mr.
162 Oil's rapid return to $ 60 has sparked concern that rising prices could slow an economic recovery.
163 The level of inflation is a serious impediment to economic recovery.
164 One risk is that the economic recovery could outdistance almost everyone's expectations.
165 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Consumer spending and incomes were flat in June while home purchase contracts tumbled to a record low, implying an anemic economic recovery for the remainder of this year.
166 Though Japan is now showing signs of economic recovery, economists say the long-term forecast remains unclear, as exports remain weak.
167 In terms of economy, the Iran-Iraq War results in privatization of economic formation with political purpose and many problems in economic recovery, debts,(http:///economic recovery.html) .
168 The ratings agency outlook and concerns about the strength of the U.S. economic recovery helped cause U.S. stock markets to take a sharp drop at the opening of trading in New York Monday.
169 Ten months after Marshall's speech, the U.S. Congress overwhelmingly approved the European Recovery Program. On April 3, 1948, President Harry Truman signed the Economic Recovery Act of 1948.
170 A sustained economic recovery will not be possible until the financial sector's functionality is restored and credit markets are unclogged.
171 On the way toward global economic recovery, we must continue to help each other and move forward hand-in-hand.Let us work together to shape a prosperous and harmonious future for Asia and Europe.




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