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单词 Cooperation
1, Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondly on institutions such as courts of justice and police. 
2, We thank u for your cooperation and...
3, There is a tendency towards regional cooperation.
4, Thank you very much for your cooperation.
5, I require cooperation of you.
6, Your kind cooperation on this issue is greatly appreciated.
7, She called for closer cooperation on drugs control.
8, We appreciate your cooperation and..
9, Your kind cooperation in this respect is greatly appreciated.
10, Such policies would require unprecedented cooperation between nations.
11, Thank you for your cooperation.
12, We hope we can count on your continued cooperation and support.
13, The agreement on cultural cooperation between the two countries was rescinded on 30 April,[http:///cooperation.html] 2002.
14, There is the strong possibility that such cooperation will prove unworkable.
15, The charter should serve as a blueprint for cooperation.
16, We acted in a spirit of cooperation.
17, We are counting on your cooperation.
18, She stressed the need for cooperation with the authorities.
19, They are seeking the cooperation of senior medical staff.
20, The Mexican president expressed hope for cooperation on trade.
21, He emphasised the wider issue of superpower cooperation.
22, You can't enforce cooperation between the players.
23, They sealed their cooperation by an agreement.
24, The two countries signed a basic treaty of cooperation.
25, There is a need for greater economic cooperation.
26, There's very little cooperation between the two countries.
27, They offered their cooperation on the project.
28, The two leaders have laid the foundations of a new era in cooperation between their countries.
29, We all agreed on a treaty to strengthen the cooperation between our two parties.
30, The meeting ended with a pledge to step up cooperation between the six states of the region.
1, We thank u for your cooperation and...
2, There is a tendency towards regional cooperation.
3, Thank you very much for your cooperation.
4, I require cooperation of you.
5, Your kind cooperation on this issue is greatly appreciated.
6, She called for closer cooperation on drugs control.
7, We appreciate your cooperation and..
8, Your kind cooperation in this respect is greatly appreciated.
9, Such policies would require unprecedented cooperation between nations.
10, Thank you for your cooperation.
11, We hope we can count on your continued cooperation and support.
12, The agreement on cultural cooperation between the two countries was rescinded on 30 April, 2002.
13, The two leaders have laid the foundations of a new era in cooperation between their countries.
14, There is the strong possibility that such cooperation will prove unworkable.
15, We all agreed on a treaty to strengthen the cooperation between our two parties.
16, The meeting ended with a pledge to step up cooperation between the six states of the region.
17, The relations of friendly cooperation between our two countries are developing satisfactorily.
31, Caldwell, in his remarks, emphasized the need for cooperation.
32, Martial arts teach respect, discipline, and cooperation.
33, The success of our plan rests on your cooperation.
34, Cooperation could be mutually profitable.
35, Public cooperation is vital in the fight against terrorism.
36, Her arrest was a triumph of international cooperation.
37, Your full cooperation is requested.
38, We should like to thank you for your cooperation with us.
39, Does the scheme have the trust and cooperation of the workers?
40, The company produces computers in cooperation with a German firm.
41, We hope the spirit of friendship and cooperation between our countries will remain strong.
42, The technical cooperation and cultural exchanges between the two countries are daily on the increase.
43, I strongly incline to the view of our going into cooperation with them.
44, The opposition appear to have chosen the path of cooperation rather than confrontation.
45, The agreement would give a new solidity to military cooperation between the two countries.
46, The film was made in cooperation with the Sports Council.
47, The workers, in cooperation with the management ,[] have increased output by 10 percent.
48, With the cooperation of the public, the police may be able to catch this man.
49, Today's talk will steam up the economic cooperation between our two countries.
50, Woodrow Wilson hoped the League of Nations would replace power politics with international cooperation.
51, Among the difficulties encountered was a lack of cooperation on the part of the authorities.
52, They said they would give the police their full cooperation.
53, He pledged his cooperation.
54, We are hoping to enlist the cooperation of women's groups.
55, The relations of friendly cooperation between our two countries are developing satisfactorily.
56, Your cooperation means much / a great deal to us.
57, What we need now is closer cooperation between the club and supporters.
58, It needs cooperation from all the powers to get any movement in arms control.
59, We hope that they will join us in opening a new chapter of peace and cooperation.
60, The two leaders signed a treaty of entente and cooperation.
61, We asked for their cooperation in the collection of data.
62, We would be grateful for your cooperation in clearing the hall as quickly as possible.
63, Have your passports ready, and thank you for your cooperation.
64, He got a bottle of whisky in thanks for his cooperation.
65, The meeting ended with protestations of friendship and cooperation from everyone.
66, This agreement laid a sound foundation for future cooperation between the two countries.
67, We would like to see close cooperation between colleges and schools in developing computer use.
68, This documentary was made with the cooperation of British Rail.
69, The future of the talks on the technical cooperation between the two companies is problematic.
70, When talking about cooperation agreement, they held out several harsh terms.
70, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
71, He homed on a pointless quarrel when we discussed the plan of cooperation.
72, They hoped the new venture would further the cause of cultural cooperation in Europe.
73, The conference was seen as an ideal vehicle for increased cooperation between the member states.
74, You will need a bit of cooperation from your family.
75, This cooperation is not a new age spiritualism.
76, Personality implies cooperation and personal autonomy.
77, Thank you for your cooperation and your participation.
78, The IoT would welcome continued cooperation.
79, We must all work together in close cooperation to provide the best possible service for our clients.
80, Finally, we emphasise that close cooperation between microbiologists and clinicians is important.
81, A treaty was urgently required and strenuous efforts should be made to secure participation and cooperation with the Soviet Union.
82, Such an interchange is identified as crucial for maintaining the cooperation that appears absent in adversarial Western systems.
83, Nevertheless, unless there's some cooperation between us, your daughter could lose her life.
84, Smiling people are better rewarded socially - they have more friends and receive more cooperation, help and support. Dr T.P.Chia 
85, Nevertheless, the process of building and using electronic records will require time, cooperation, money - and confidence about confidentiality.
86, The visits are intended to facilitate cooperation between the two former Cold War rivals in future space exploration activities.
87, Fourthly, reference has already been made to the need for cooperation to be perceived as beneficial.
88, Order requires power to produce compliance and cooperation among the organization's members.
89, These papers demonstrate also the necessity of international cooperation between analytical laboratories.
90, Because, they argued, the males in coalitions were almost always close relatives, kin selection enhanced the benefits of cooperation.
91, Cooperation between general practitioners and district health authorities requires mutual accountability.
92, Only in this way can opportunities for vertical integration and strategic cooperation between organisations be investigated.
93, Even those committees so bold as to demand to see papers and witnesses are unlikely to receive the cooperation they require.
94, Not only may cooperation be discouraged, but most classrooms are highly competitive and individual effort is rewarded highly.
95, Even so, a spirit of close cooperation and bonhomie was generated, contributing much to the success of the Workshop.
96, This rapprochement of basic attitudes of educationalists and linguists is an important foundation for constructive dialogue and cooperation.
97, Well, nevertheless, the Court appreciates the effects of this cooperation among counsel, and so states on the record.
98, The Church has a duty to promote cooperation between Christians and Jews.
99, Our role in each of these investigations was proper, appropriate, and done in full cooperation with other agencies.
100, With his death the close cooperation between these two organisations, initiated by Ayliffe and William McDougall, came to an end.
100, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
101, The course organisers were informed about the study and its objectives and were asked for their cooperation in data collection.
102, First steps in cooperation will include the exchange of acquisition lists and publications, and visits among participating centres.
103, When times are tough, constant conflict may be good politics but in the real world, cooperation works better. Bill Clinton 
104, What we need now is closer cooperation between the sales and marketing staffs.
105, A spirit of cooperation is the key to a constructive partnership between the media and the public.
106, Finding the right balance between cooperation and competition has been the goal and bane of Western politics for centuries.
107, In the meantime, new issues were dominating the international agenda, with new possibilities for cooperation between and beyond governments.
108, The company currently works in cooperation with the University of Salford, where Bennett lectures students on space technology.
109, The major area of cooperation is infrastructure, mainly pollution and flood control.
110, These initiatives are intended to strengthen the infrastructure for research, expand knowledge in computer technology, and further international scientific cooperation.
111, Clinton said he offered the deal as a sign of bipartisan cooperation.
112, What is the main reason for local companies' preference for cooperation or partnership with those major companies in the pipeline development?
113, So the algae hang on as debilitating parasites rather than evolving towards benign cooperation.
114, Another issue before Congress that will require bipartisan cooperation is campaign finance reform.
115, The school security specialists also want local law enforcement officials and school administrators to improve their cooperation to stem the violence.
116, A more important transatlantic forum for cooperation and exchange of knowledge was the Teetotal Movement in which Nonconformists predominated.
117, No-Layoff Policies Perhaps the best way to secure union cooperation is to adopt a policy of no layoffs.
118, Carrillo managed to keep the peace and promote cooperation among rival drug bosses.
119, In our postindustrial economy, spontaneous cooperation is a regular occurrence.
120, One factor, already mentioned, is the demand of social experience, which encourages cooperation and a consistency in affective life.
121, She hoped that the two countries would develop a better relationship and undertake closer cooperation.
122, An unsupervised learning algorithm might emphasize cooperation among clusters of processing elements.
123, Alternatively, it is treated pleasantly and gently if the magician wishes to secure a person's cooperation.
124, Cooperation between all concerned with patient care will be improved when the function of each role is discussed and understood.
125, Although the personal attitudes of the protagonists are unknown, it is clear that their working relationship was one of cooperation.
126, I hope my work on the evolution of cooperation helps the world avoid conflict.
127, The organisation of this has only been possible with the close cooperation and support of District Managers, and their designated staff.
128, When the cost of cooperation outweighs its benefits, society soon breaks down.
129, An objective criterion is a typically social construct and presupposes a degree of inter-subjective understanding and cooperation.
130, To many,[] the postwar economic problems of the continent demanded a substantial element of very close cooperation.
131, The bait here is a certificate good for future travel for your cooperation in delaying your trip.
132, The project is organized in cooperation with several construction unions under the guidance of the Oakland Private Industry Council.
133, He could hardly insist on Westbourne's cooperation with the Grand Duke present.
134, The dynamics of partnership bargaining are hardly propitious for the specific kinds of cooperation that marriage and family require.
135, Community care also depends crucially on cooperation between different professional workers, and between different service providing agencies.
136, This difference could negatively affect the promotion of cooperation among four countries.
137, Various institutional arrangements both support and reproduce cooperation such as continuous consultation with the union and the practice of delegated decision-making.
138, It represents an experimental revolutionary hotel sleep environment we are creating in cooperation with the National Sleep Foundation.
139, Just how does cooperation between a planner and the creative team work?
140, The parties can also provide mechanisms for facilitating cooperation and regulating conflict among different parties.
141, Children come to oppose Lying because truthfulness is necessary for cooperation.
142, They credited the unusual cooperation among businesses and governments worldwide to address the issue.
143, Organized cooperation among various levels of producers and consumers is the essence of what economic systems are supposed to contribute to civilization.
144, We plan to do this in cooperation with comrades around the world.
145, Successful marriages so submerge the costs under mutual benefits that the cooperation can predominate; unsuccessful ones do not.
146, The fully illustrated catalogue acknowledges the cooperation of Galerie Jan Krugier of Geneva.
147, All parents are made to feel welcome as we fully appreciate the value of close cooperation between home and School.
148, I think Jim Mason's viewpoint is also urging for cooperation with the environment but he may cause a bit of controversy.
149, The second period, between age 8 and age 11, evolves around concepts of cooperation.
150, With the need for international cooperation more urgent than ever, there were still as many frontiers as in any earlier age.
151, The secret of success here will be the basis of consultation and cooperation which can be seen as beneficial to both sides.
152, The peace talks proved that even great adversaries were capable of cooperation.
153, At last, we formalize MTI cooperation model detailedly.
154, Second, uphold mutually beneficial cooperation to achieve common prosperity.
155, Your expediency and cooperation are greatly appreciated.
156, The movie director had thespian cooperation.
157, Fifth, mutually beneficial cooperation and common development.
158, Good with group cooperation spirit and with determinate leadership.
159, Neaten, archive and manage the channels cooperation agreement.
160, Cooperation with foreign law enforcement agency.
160, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
161, The indetermination brings certain risks to both cooperation parties.
162, The cooperation is still in trial and fumble.
163, Ministries of harmonization, solidarity and cooperation, Division, scientific rigour.
164, Please clear the gangway, thanks for your cooperation.
165, China - EU trade and economic cooperation has yielded heartening fruits.
166, Mutually Beneficial and Win - win Sino - African Economic and Trade Cooperation.
167, Registered in 1996 in the city of Foshan , Guangdong province , Foshan Audiovisual Production Cooperation in Guangzhou.
168, Since handball is a team game, cooperation is required in the match.
169, Follows the cooperation system basic principle, the standardization has the foreword operation.
170, The philosophies of Shanghai Expo are understanding, communication, togetherness and cooperation.
171, Radial flow type. Gaining large cycle flow with baffle's cooperation.
172, Respect for gentility, Cooperation for efficiency, Innovation for progress, Common benefit for future.
173, The philosophies of Shanghai Expo are understanding, counication, togetherness and cooperation.
174, Economic cooperation to mutual benefit made gratifying progress and yielded concrete results.
175, Cooperation for the development of the Mekong River valley is about to unfold.
176, Regional monetary cooperation is a new thing emerged after disorganization of Bretton Wodds System.
177, Mutually beneficial cooperation and common prosperity constitutes the economic guarantee for world peace.
178, Conclusion: The successful treatment of subacute fat embolism syndrome need cooperation of nursing.
179, Don not lean against the door and thank you for your cooperation.
180, Athens Olympic Games in the women's 3 m diving board - bombs and double ( with Wu Minxia cooperation ) champion.
181, This cooperation became the method Ellington used again and again to produce beautiful sound colors.
182, The results show the polymer gel has good cooperation with microorganism germ.
183, Thus, it is incumbent on the government to support and develop the cooperation agencies.
184, Inter and intraspecific conflict and competition, and cooperation, are part of nature in most species.
185, To enhance the deep - going and all - round communication and cooperation between China and Madagascar.
186, This competition revealed the high English standards in Tianjin and promoted intercollegiate exchange and cooperation.
187, We plan to elongate the cooperation with that company in Australia.
188, The only rules are team spirit , cooperation, development, standardization and specialization.
189, The particular form of this kind of systematism is cooperation.
190, Internally' sike " advocates the Solidarity and mutuality; externally emphases on the cooperation and coexistence.
190, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
191, We should develop a pattern of mutually beneficial and win - win cooperation.
192, The language barrier is a roadblock to potential cooperation between foreigners and Chinese.
193, The EU and NAFTA are successful models of economic cooperation region.
194, Meanwhile , China attached importance to the cooperation in drug control with Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
195, Fill in the registration form and signing cooperation letter of intent.
196, Fourthly, pay more attention to databank construction, take communication and cooperation seriously.
197, It can promote international cooperation and good will toward this country.
198, The task cooperation mechanism based on generative communication in tuple space was deeply researched.
199, Enterprise and so on company and multitudinous foreign merchant, businessman has established the close cooperation relations.
200, The communication can develop and the cooperation square can surmount!
201, To promote bilateral cooperation, it is essential to enhance mutual understanding.
202, On our part, we appreciate the longstanding cooperation between us.
203, Sincerely hope that with your cooperation, join hands: Wing Lap head sea!
204, Welcome worldwide household appliance , OEMs to contact us for future cooperation.
205, Share resources from high - quality learning website and promote the digitally cooperation.
206, The Company will be high - quality products, improve service and your sincere cooperation, the grand total exhibition.
207, The picture shows the drilling of Eritrea - China Mining Cooperation, the only joint - venture company mining field.
208, However, compared with Europe and North America, Asia legging in regional cooperation.
209, Green River's cooperation in major cities nationwide total of nearly 100 units and professional bodies.
210, Farmer major cooperation is the important form that raises farmer systematism.
211, They discus how to promote cooperation between the two countries.
212, Scientists have appealed for international cooperation to protect leatherback sea turtles.
213, The foundation that administering a mechanism is company network cooperation assures with what realize synergism.
214, The municipality carried out a policy on agricultural - industrial - commercial cooperation and joint development.
215, I hope your trip to China will mark the beginning of longstanding cooperation between us.
216, Seeks the technology advancement and the downriver technology development cooperation.
217, And we should oppose terrorism, separatism and extremism in all manifestations and deepen international security cooperation.
218, China Quarantine Inspection Bureau under the fumigation enterprises and cooperation will develop rapidly.
219, The financial cooperation mechanism of Rural credit union is incomplete.
220, But in the past, non - cooperation has been deliberately expressed in violence to the evildoer.
221, Symbiosis Cooperation Marketing is trenchancy weapon of Chinese retail enterprise.
222, Look for a person to assure, to hock travel or cooperation go.
223, Solidarity and cooperation, and hard work, innovation, top - notch in its most basic form of externalization.
224, The 16 th Asia - Pacific Economic Cooperation informal leadership meeting of 22, held in Lima, Peru.
225, As loose cooperation between countries, the economic cooperation in GMS confronts flinty strategic and practical challenges.
226, Conflict and cooperation are the two fundamental issues in game theory.
227, To elucidate the role of bone marrow stromal cells in cooperation with exogenous cytokines in hematopoiesis.
228, Our mutual understanding and cooperation will certainly result in big business.
229, We propose the conclusion of a legal document on security cooperation regarding cross - border gas pipelines.
230, It also said a lack of Iranian cooperation had crippled IAEA probes into the program.
231, Our mutual understanding and cooperation will certainly result in important business.
232, Cooperation between institution and martial art school: We offer short or long term Qigong training service.
233, Paul Ehrlich sees coevolution pushing two competitors into " obligate cooperation. "
234, Willing to take responsibility . Be devotional. Good ability in personal communications, cooperation and team work.
235, Company and the world's top Cymbidium companies - Japan cooperation to the Hill Park - scale production Cymbidium.
236, Scientific and technological cooperation is a win - win and mutually beneficial cause.




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