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单词 Typist
(1) She is a very fast typist.
(2) The typist omitted the last letter.
(3) The publishing firm was advertising for a typist.
(4) Place the girl as a typist.
(5) We have vacancy for a typist.
(6) Kitty was down on the junior typist.
(7) I worked as a secretary, or rather, a typist.
(8) Many women applied for the post of typist.
(9) The two typist have already worked away all day.
(10) The typist is away on holiday this week.
(11) She dictated a letter to a typist.
(12) I'm quite a fast typist.
(13) The typist is engaged for a week on trial.
(14) I was deemed to be a competent shorthand typist.
(15) I got myself a job as a typist and general dogsbody on a small magazine.
(16) £45,000 was awarded to a typist with an injured hand.
(17) Your teasing of the new typist has got beyond a joke and I advise you to stop it.
(18) I'm a slow typist.
(19) My job is somewhere between a typist and a personal assistant.
(20) She was only a typist in the navy.
(21) She was a more than competent shorthand typist and an efficient secretary.
(22) I expect a typist mixed up two separate reports from two different patrols.
(23) Mere dictation to a typist in the normal course of business is not evidence of excessive publication.
(24) She trained as a typist and learned reception duties on the job at the Royal Oak.
(25) A politically appointed typist could be required to type the same number of words a minute as the civil service typist.
(26) We asked our effervescent typist what she might have been thinking at the time[Sentencedict], but she only blushed.
(27) Barbara joined us as a junior shorthand typist in 1949.
(28) No time to waste: a 1920s typist takes dictation as the train speeds to the next business meeting.
(29) He always checked the manuscript over carefully before passing it to the typist.
(30) Speech is the most rapid form of human communication - faster than both handwriting and the output from a trained typist.
(1) She is a very fast typist.
(2) The typist omitted the last letter.
(3) The publishing firm was advertising for a typist.
(4) He always checked the manuscript over carefully before passing it to the typist.
(31) Little did I think that the one-time pretty young copy typist would end up bellowing in my ear.
(32) I used to be a typist in Lord Silcaster's estate office.
(33) Instead, the questions are relayed by a chat moderator, and a typist enters the replies.
(34) If you are not a proficient typist, do not type your own work.
(35) Of course, Nora felt being a typist was below her, and she couldn't bear the people she worked with.
(36) My first job was as a shorthand typist - I was fired after three days, mainly for poor spelling.
(37) But the typist turns out to be a prisoner serving a sentence for rape.
(38) I got myself a job as typist and general dogsbody on a small magazine we thought was being financed from Moscow.
(39) She used to be a typist and is married to a car patrolman on shift work.
(40) He substituted as the typist in the office.
(41) She worked as a typist in a law firm.
(42) She is a typist in a publishing firm.
(43) She is a dexterous typist.
(44) I am ALERT, adaptable, and keen-minded. I am an efficient stenographer and typist. I can write clearly, concisely, and entertainingly.
(45) That development compressed the work of five operatives into the work of a single worker – typist, compositor, editor, proof reader, layout artist.
(46) Derrick is the most proficient typist in our typing class.
(47) The typist was asked to bang out a fair copy of the speech.
(48) The typist received an admonition from the supervisor for being careless.
(49) During her stay in our firm, she did the work of typist, bookkeeping, and stenography and proved herself highly satisfactory and trustworthy.
(50) This typist who is holding a typescript is using an eiectric typewriter to typing.
(50) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(51) Whether you're a hunt-and-peck typist or a Rachmaninoff of the keyboard, you will make mistakes.
(52) Check over the paper carefully before passing it to the typist.
(53) What are your qualifications for being a typist ? I can type 60 words per minute.
(54) I have been a shorthand typist within the marketing department for 2 years and I have been very happy there.
(55) The boss was ready to pounce on the typist when she made the slightest mistake.
(56) Who will double for the typist while she is on holiday?
(57) I was one of the few "co-ed" trainees at Fort Jackson, S.C. My first job in the Army was as a clerk/typist, which I did for three years.
(58) The typist made a clerical error and gave the date as the 31 st June.
(59) He has done many jobs: typist salesman, deliverer and so forth.
(60) The typist may wish to continue using two spaces after a period, but the typographer should not.




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