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单词 Militarism
1. Internationally Reagan attracted odium for his militarism.
2. Fortunately, militarism failed to take root in Europe as a whole.
3. Many people were critical of the resurgent militarism in the country.
4. MacArthur was dedicated to the extirpation of militarism and did not favour the development of defence forces.
5. Militarism Fourth, the Western post-war build-up of defence is partially justified in the above terms.
6. The theological stage he associated with militarism, the metaphysical with juristic thought, and the positive stage with industrialism.
7. Economic success has replaced nationalism and militarism as the dominant force in a region once terrorized by war and revolution.
8. He had accused them of deliberately reviving militarism.
9. A spectre of Japanese militarism is haunting Asia.
10. The militarism of some countries extends into daily life.
11. There were also remnants of militarism.
12. Militarism breeds in armies.
13. Protestantism, evangelicalism, militarism, imperialism and much else may have played a part in this process.
14. As Japan took the route of militarism , its culture began to retrogress the writers degenerated.
15. Fuck you, damn Japanese Militarism! The fucking Japanese Militarism is the real terrorism!
16. Prewar fanaticism of Japanese militarism had become centralized embodiment of rightwing though.
17. In fact, besides the Japanese militarism, Mikado shouldered the direct responsibilities.
18. The country slipped into a dangerous mixture of nation-alism and militarism.
19. The demise of the Soviet Union a decade and a half later ended the threat of Soviet militarism.
20. It had been argued on the Left that wars were caused by the search for profits, by imperialism, by militarism.
21. They hoped that the very talk of a general strike would act as a restraining influence on militarism.
22. The search for middle-class allies still inhibited most socialists from attributing militarism, imperialism and the war danger to capitalism as such.
23. Standing before an outpost of the Veterans Administration they lamented the sin of militarism.
24. She wants her army to be the world leader in peacekeeping and to shift from militarism to humanitarianism.
25. Where were the forces which could be rallied against fascism and militarism?
26. Some completed their capitalist primitive accumulation through colonization and plundering; some expanded sphere of influence and hegemony through militarism and war.
27. It is the detail and vigor of the Japanese modernization and the source of fascistic militarism.
28. According to Fareed Zakaria, ‘”The basic message of the series is that a nation’s path to greatness lies in its economic prowess and that militarism(/militarism.html), empire and aggression lead to a dead-end.
29. The visits of Junichiro Koizumi to the shrine means the return of Japan to national militarism.
30. Economic success provided a new basis for cultural particularism, removed from the old imperialist militarism.
31. The guilt for the war , therefore, rests at the door of German militarism and its leaders.
32. A retreat would mark a return to nationalism, militarism and national bankruptcy.
33. They are full of the glitter and bluster of German militarism ?mailed fist and shining armour.
34. In recent years, a series of behaviors of denying war crime of Japanese Government explains the inveteracy of Japanese militarism.
35. A member of the Prussian landed aristocracy, a class formerly associated with political reaction and militarism.
36. And the Chinese anti - Japanese sentiments and acts, is Japan's militarism in the past has done.
37. Japanese militarism also strongly advocate the'supremacy of the will. "
38. We sincerely hope that this is the end of militarism.
39. What people don't remember is that Hitlerism was about more than just militarism, nationalism(), and consolidation of identity politics.
40. In each case, the ambitions of Hitlerism, militarism, and communism were defeated by the will of free peoples.
41. History and reality show that the force of the Japanese militarism sho uld never be neglected.




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