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单词 Clear-headed
1 It was better by far to be clear-headed.
2 In business Jane was clear-headed and decisive.
3 Though very seriously ill, she was clear-headed and rational.
4 What a useful, reliable, clear-headed son.
5 Family ties, however, did not prevent Victoria's clear-headed assessment that intervention was useless.
6 Being clear-headed and aware of his or her own feelings, needs and resources, skills and deficiencies.
7 One has to be very clear-headed to do what I am doing.
8 On the eighth day, she felt her normal, clear-headed self again.
9 Suddenly revitalized and uncommonly clear-headed, he sensed that the cool water was the greatest source ofjoy he had ever known.
10 In those cases, remember to remain calm and clear-headed.
11 He had grown into an extremely clear-headed, cautious, prudent young man, who was safe to rise in the world .
12 At the same time, we are clear-headed about our place and role in today's world.
13 clear-headed and those who are smart in Geanguanhuo after trying to find out a different way.
14 Shuwujin in a clear-headed many - year serviced soldier always lingers on the edge of society and barracks.
15 Yet behind Mr Rajoy's affable exterior is a clear-headed strategist and a proven survivor.
16 Let us be clear-headed.
17 To help us remain clear-headed and not get lost in the fog mankind is willfully lost in, it is good to turn to the Book of Genesis.
18 The sheer quantity of detail would bemuse even the most clear-headed author.
19 The impression that a simple one-sided morality is of itself nobler and more clear-headed than a complex one is false.
20 They needed no professional help with the evening's drinking but arose magically clear-headed and eagle-eyed for each subsequent day's golf.
21 For to succeed at the Test, she had to be ruthless, detached and clear-headed.
22 Of course, the journey that burn money game, we must keep clear-headed, away from it.
23 While having a lie-in helps people feel a bit more clear-headed, they are still slow and clumsy.
24 In memorizing, It's useless for the most advisable people to be absolutely clear-headed.
25 While having a lie-in helps people feel a bit more clear-headed, they are still slow.




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