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单词 Forked
1. I forked out ten quid for/on the ticket.
2. Forked lightning flickered across the sky.
3. He forked a piece of meat into his mouth.
4. The path forked off in two directions.
5. A streak of lightning forked across the sky.
6. Jaegers are swift black birds with long forked tails.
7. He forked some bacon into his mouth.
8. I've forked out enough money on this holiday.
9. In November, the soil should be forked over.
10. Beyond the village the road forked.
11. Ann forked some fish into her mouth.
12. The road forked in two directions. He had obviously taken the wrong fork.
13. Snakes have forked tongues.
14. We've forked out a small fortune on home improvements over the years.
15. He forked an egg onto a piece of bread and folded it into a sandwich.
16. He forked the weeds out.
17. After a while,() it forked and pursued parallel courses.
18. He is growing horns and a forked tail here!
19. General Howard talks with a forked tongue!
20. These sums, unsurprisingly, are forked out by the taxpayer.
21. Her head appears, piercing eyes and forked tongue.
22. Anna forked some more potatoes onto her plate.
23. The forked tongue is linked to olfactory organs.
24. Then with a wave she forked left and was gone.
25. The filaments themselves are forked at various places and often meander wildly.
26. The track forked with no sign to show the way.
27. Lightning forked overhead, illuminating the camp like day, and thunder crashed deafeningly through the deep darkness that followed.
28. Fractals are used in the study of things like forked lightning and to produce some types of computer graphics.
29. The path dipped down to a sort of cove, and then it forked in two directions.
30. A small sum of money is supposed to be forked out quarterly for burglary and robbery insurance.
1. I forked out ten quid for/on the ticket.
2. Forked lightning flickered across the sky.
3. Fractals are used in the study of things like forked lightning and to produce some types of computer graphics.
4. A small sum of money is supposed to be forked out quarterly for burglary and robbery insurance.
31. Taxpayers have forked over $ 1. 1 billion in interest payments.
32. This ranks as one of the few occasions in the past 20 years when I have forked out for a little bottle.
33. I used a forked stick - usually willow - and was very successful in finding water 20-40 feet below ground level.
34. All the buildings shook, and at the same time a forked tongue of flame burst upward through the cloud.
35. The farmer forked hay.
36. In these superb light conditions its deeply forked tail glowed a rich chestnut.
37. Narrow, scythe-like wings, short usually forked tail adapted to very fast flight.
38. Typically, the investors forked over $ 10, 000 to $ 30, 000 for small parcels of a few acres.
39. Certainly with his long, jet-black, forked beard, he looked the part.
40. In old Mayan paintings musicians are depicted striking a tortoiseshell with a forked stick.
41. Complete white collar, paler rump and less forked tail are best distinctions from winter Whiskered Tern.
42. Larger and rather more uniformly dark than Little Swift, and with a markedly narrower white rump and distinctly forked tail.
43. The bright canary-yellow tail is deeply forked with long, fine points.
44. The only large predator of the region with a deeply forked tail, except for the Black Kite.
45. Blue-winged dragons o'er dappled Cam skimming, Forked tailed martins, dipping and winging.
46. Thames Valley Police forked out thousands of pounds on line rentals and calls for 60 customers after giving the company out-of-date records.
47. By the time he had regained the place where the track forked it was dark.
48. The lightning was the forked kind and it branched suddenly like a firework and yet like the limb of a blazing tree.
49. Tail square, but may appear forked when pressed against tree trunk.
50. I crossed a railroad overpass and reached a bunch of shacks where two highways forked off, both for Denver.
51. The governor has been known to speak with forked tongue.
52. I set the glass down on the floor near my chair and forked up some cold shrimp in a spicy sauce.
53. The overwhelming blackness(), the cracking peals of thunder and the piercing flash and hiss of forked lightning.
54. Males are slimmer than females, with a more deeply forked tail fin.
55. He remained calm, made a call and forked out $ 700 of his own money for a plane ticket.
56. He recently forked out more than £350,000 on a huge diamond ring as a token of his love.
57. Beside him stood a devil in red tights with horns and a forked tail.
58. Lifting up its small triangular head, the viper licked the air as if to write some-thing with its forked tongue.
59. The tail is deeply forked and ends in fine points.
60. The forked road which every star, perhaps every person, faces at least once in a lifetime lay dead ahead.
61. He forked the ground over.
62. A forked leg rest on a sidesaddle.
63. A lamb goes astray on a forked road.
64. The black sky was illuminated by forked lightning.
65. Forked Lightning: increased synergy to 4%; increased minimum damage.
66. He said, and forked up a bacon.
67. He speaks with forked tongue.
68. He forked up the soil.
69. They forked up as much of the soil possible, easing compaction.
70. Chinese herb with palmately compound leaves and small greenish flowers and forked aromatic roots believed to have medicinal powers.
71. The Eiffel Tower glows blue as it is struck by the forked lightning bolt.
72. The waves were running mountains high and the inky clouds were riven by forked lightning.
73. When you look at the process table again, you'll see that the priority of this process has changed from its default as well as the child process that was forked from it (ps).
74. South African evergreen shrub (Carissa grandiflora ) often cultivated as a hedge plant, having forked spines, white flowers, and an edible scarlet berry.
75. A raptor (Elanoides forficatus) with bold black and white plumage and a deeply forked tail, found along the southeast and Gulf coasts of the United States and common in Florida.
76. You may find that without the resources that the open core company dedicates to it your forked project dies on the vine.
77. And flickered his two - forked tongue from his lips, and mused a moment.
78. Mandrake plants – The mandrake plant has fleshy, forked roots that resemble the lower part of a human body and were therefore superstitiously thought to induce pregnancy when eaten?
79. When it is feeding quietly close to "prey" to a certain distance, he was thin and had forked tongue sudden pulls out, suprahyoid mucus put "game" is firmly stick involved in the mouth.
80. Composed by pair of gears, variable speed forked set and friction clutch.
81. Leaves with dense long stalk dendroid trichome, long stalk forked trachoma and long stalk trichome with big glandular cells were resistance to the disease.
82. She held her breath as the snake drew near, and watched it rear up its head again as if it was smelling something nice, while its forked tongue darted out greedily.
83. A small ruminant mammal(Antilocapra americana) resembling an antelope and having small forked horns, found on western North American plains.
83. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
84. South African shrub having forked spines and plumlike fruit; frequently used as hedging.
85. The wishbone is actually the forked bone from a fowl's breast, better known as the " furcula".
86. Fig . 2. Simple and forked germ tubes of conidia of the melon powdery mildew fungi.
87. The form of rhizoid hairs may vary at different growth stages and part of rhizoid forms forked branch on its tip in the later growth stage.
88. Recipients were moved to a forked message because of content conversion, message recipient limits, or agents.
89. Any of various predatory birds of the hawk family Accipitridae, having a long, often forked tail and long pointed wings.
90. Jealousy does not protrude its forked tongue at the artist who produce a commonplace painting.
91. When you look back and see the branches, like a pruned bonsai tree, or forked lightning.
92. A widely distributed bird (Hirundo rustica) that nests in barns and caves and has a deeply forked tail, a dark-blue back, and tan underparts .
93. Any of numerous minute marine and freshwater crustaceans of the subclass Copepoda, having an elongated body and a forked tail.




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