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单词 Ubiquitous
1. Sugar is ubiquitous in the diet.
2. We were plagued by the ubiquitous mosquito.
3. Coffee shops are ubiquitous these days.
4. Is there no escape from the ubiquitous cigarette smoke in restaurants?
5. She is one of the wealthiest, most ubiquitous media personalities around.
6. The radio, that most ubiquitous of consumer-electronic appliances, is about to enter a new age.
7. All nationalized industries require very competent and ubiquitous managers.
8. Energy-and water-saving technologies are ubiquitous.
9. Firstly, intelligent agents will become ubiquitous.
10. The ubiquitous man with the pained expression vanishes.
11. Plastic containers are ubiquitous nowadays.
12. Ubiquitous skylarks sang madly in the blue above.
13. An ubiquitous feature of post-colonialism is the dominance of the state in the process of capital accumulation.
14. At the shopping center, the ubiquitous closed-circuit camera may soon be smart enough to seek him out personally.
15. The themes of dependence and danger are ubiquitous in Semai life and are intricately intertwined.
16. A ubiquitous process that starts immediately after death is of course decay, which in small mammals progresses very quickly.
17. Envy, the thesis runs, is universal and ubiquitous in human beings.
18. The ubiquitous flora gushed in waves around them, soft, curling, ticklish.
19. The ubiquitous Penny combination led Cambridge Harriers to victory in both team races.
20. Less pressing, but still ubiquitous, is a sensitivity towards the reactions, actual or anticipated, of the higher judiciary.
21. Leather is very much in fashion this season, as of course is the ubiquitous denim.
22. The Swedes are not alone in finding their language under pressure from the ubiquitous spread of English.
23. The Bob software is symbolized by an even more ubiquitous cultural symbol: the happy face.
24. Hand-loom weavers in the various textile manufactures were the most ubiquitous of manufacturing workers.
25. We have tried to avoid repeating the formula of the ubiquitous open-air sculpture exhibition.
26. Near to large rivers and lakes, fishing would always have been a major activity,[ ] particularly for salmon and the ubiquitous eels.
27. This appears more often these days generally used to fill in small areas on the ubiquitous picture sweaters.
28. None of these flaws showed up in the Adam Smith neckties that were ubiquitous in the Reagan administration.
29. The recommendation to substitute two egg whites for each whole egg is ubiquitous.
30. In any event, the idea that Lazarsfeld had discovered a ubiquitous method of social research has to fall by the wayside.
1. Sugar is ubiquitous in the diet.
2. Leather is very much in fashion this season, as of course is the ubiquitous denim.
3. We were plagued by the ubiquitous mosquito.
31. Avoid quiches, pasties and meat pies, but don't be shy of the ubiquitous baked potato.
32. Conflict and change are ubiquitous features of the relations among groups.
33. He has also hit on one of the more interesting couplings for the ubiquitous B minor Sonata.
34. They were so ubiquitous that grounded bodies used as sheds will be a feature of Britain's farmyards for decades to come.
35. The once ubiquitous family car is becoming lost in a sea of other vehicles of all shapes and sizes.
36. The low prices and generous portions account for the ubiquitous lines, which almost always extend out the door.
37. It is this unvarying ubiquitous signal that we ourselves use, of course, when we take our bearings with a compass.
38. I do not believe that this perceptual process is either universal or immutable, but it is ubiquitous and extremely potent.
39. But fate had put into his lap one of the ubiquitous nobodies.
40. The most ubiquitous evidence was the piles of fly-tipped rubbish whenever we stopped to look for birds or flowers.
41. The need for ubiquitous intelligence capabilities might intrude on civil liberties.
42. The ubiquitous sentries, rifles slung over their shoulders, stretched and yawned.
43. While S-HTTP will be able to take advantage of ubiquitous certification infrastructures, its deployment does not require it.
44. Posters on walls and bulletin boards were by 1965 becoming ubiquitous on campus and off.
45. His openness is counter-cultural in these times of limited access, control-freak staffers, and ubiquitous security details.
46. Ubiquitous and successful as they are, the owls could become significant agents of biological control.
47. The ubiquitous man with the pained expression vanishes. Good riddance.
48. Despite being so ubiquitous, until now they've been solely a male preserve.
49. We hazard a guess that they're lurking in a shoebox or, worse still, the ubiquitous carrier bag!
50. The ubiquitous Freezits, small plastic packets of frozen synthetic juice, are strangely absent.
51. This elegant insect is a formidable greenfly guzzler and its larvae are particularly good at exterminating these ubiquitous pests.
52. That move means he can ignore federal spending caps that restrict the ability of other candidates to match his ubiquitous broadcast ads.
53. It is not just artistic ephemera which suffer from metal fatigue in the heat of ubiquitous exposure.
54. The most obvious source, and one that is ubiquitous on the Martian surface, is carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
55. A loud burst of singing gave away the presence of the ubiquitous wren.
56. It's a tomato sauce, but it's hot, for sure, by dint of those ubiquitous chili peppers.
57. The trousers have two zipped side pockets elasticated waist and zip opening cuffs for slipping over those ubiquitous trainers.
58. The selective breeding techniques used became blueprints for other breeders and ensured that the Shorthorn quickly ousted Bakewell's then ubiquitous Longhorn.
59. What a pity the invitation had not been extended to some one more congenial, such as the ubiquitous Austin Mitchell.
60. Lattice structure is ubiquitous in nature.
61. So ubiquitous, they generate little notice from passersby.
62. Both types of organisms are ubiquitous in nature.
63. The binomial coefficients are ubiquitous in Combinational Theory.
64. Nowadays NO PARKING is the most ubiquitous of prohibitions.
65. He could see the ubiquitous TV cameras.
66. Vacuoles are ubiquitous in the plant kingdom.
67. The struggle between opposites is ubiquitous.
68. Presupposition is a ubiquitous phenomenon in language.
69. the ubiquitous bicycles of university towns.
70. The illegal aspects of the cabal's governance are glaring and ubiquitous.
71. Suicide bombings ensuing due to revenge are prevalent in certain regions where sanguinary conflicts among various ethnic, religious and interest groups are ubiquitous.
72. But the president has been outshone by Laurence Golborne, his equally ubiquitous mining minister.
73. Bose - Einstein condensation ( BEC ) is a ubiquitous phenomenon relating to many fields in physics.
74. Organic - inorganic interactions are ubiquitous and unalterable in sedimentary basins.
75. According to Miller, the ubiquitous "One Love" has reduced Marley's revolutionary message to a catchphrase for Jamaica's tourist industry.
76. Like other industrialists, Kreuger planned to amass a huge fortune by manufacturing something ubiquitous and banal, much as John D. Rockefeller had done with kerosene.
77. While many take their meals on U.S. bases there that serve American-style food, those sent to villages and neighborhoods quickly learn about lamb, flat bread, and the ubiquitous chickpea.
78. Red or yellow ochre, an iron-containing pigment found in some clays, is ubiquitous at early modern human sites in Africa and the Near East.
79. This was aimed at forestalling pressure for a rate rise, which Beijing feared could trigger a slump by depressing demand for manufactured products in almost ubiquitous oversupply.
80. The Ice-Cream or Hokey-Pokey man, like the ubiquitous organ-grinder, is likely to be Italian and from Saffron Hill in the London Borough of Camden.
81. Now ubiquitous, Jang is the caretaker-mentor while Kim's greenhorn youngest son, Kim Jong-un, is belatedly groomed as dauphin.
82. Ubiquitous throughout North and South America, cottontail rabbits, including this desert variety,[ ] are noted for their fluffy "cotton" tail.
83. You can also find protocols like ATA over Ethernet (ATAoE), which extends the ATA protocol over the ubiquitous Ethernet protocol.
84. Gestures are a natural and ubiquitous way to convey meaning in communication.
85. Mike: Let's not buy that ubiquitous barbeque sauce that people always slather all over their meat.
86. Much of this money came from Japan's ubiquitous pachinko parlours, gambling shops frequently operated by ethnic Koreans.
87. The phenomenon of elemental paragenesis and separation in deposits is ubiquitous.
88. Though the four-leaf variety may be best known for bringing luck to its discoverer, white clover is also known a high quality forage, and for its presence as a ubiquitous lawn weed.
89. The ubiquitous mouse input device is not metaphoric of anything, but rather is learned idiomatically.
90. Objective Cytomegalovirus, being ubiquitous, may induce infection with involvement of vessel wall in animal and human.
91. Three: theplanproposes to research , develop, and industrialize intelligent information processing and ubiquitous communication network technology.
92. The Italian sparrow, they argue, is a cross between the ubiquitous house sparrow and the Spanish sparrow.
93. It is now the headquarters of Russia's ubiquitous post-KGB spy agency, the FSB or Federal Security Service.
94. The coking of big gas oil line is a ubiquitous problem.
95. The iMac is also the first computer to dispense with the previously ubiquitous 3.5-inch floppy drive in favor of a CD-ROM drive.
96. With a UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE, the model is not just a design artifact.
97. We presented a Security Protocol for Ubiquitous Environments (SPUE), which provided data authentication, and data freshness besides unobtrusiveness .
98. An ubiquitous virus, encephalomyocarditis , has been demonstrated upon occasion to affect swine.
99. Trichloroethylene(TCE) was widely used in industrial production. TCE is one of most ubiquitous pollutants in soil and groundwater.
100. The ubiquitous defect inhomogeneity, lattice mismatch and stress - field pinning in high - TC superconductors are discussed.
101. S. company that weaves its denim on antique looms in Japan, has a pair of the ubiquitous denims that surpasses the $1,000 threshold.
102. The agency has said there's no material difference between the flesh of the altered fish and the ubiquitous farm-raised Atlantic salmon in markets today.
103. Wind are ubiquitous, all-pervasive, whether you are not welcome it.
104. Alachlor is a widely used pre-emergence herbicide, and known as a dangerous, recalcitrant and ubiquitous organic contaminant.
105. Within 10 years, DeltaNu expects its handheld devices to be in every police squad car in the country, as ubiquitous as the breathalyzer.
106. Outside the stadium before kick-off stood that ubiquitous sparse clutter of genuine supporters who always believe that they can get in anywhere.
107. Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase(DLDH), a flavin-dependent oxidoreductase, is an ubiquitous enzyme which presents in variety of organisms and plays an important role in energy metabolism.
108. Wireless communication is ubiquitous, after all, so why can't we permanently unshackle our electronics from power cables too?
109. The industrial solvent trichloroethylene (TCE) is among the most ubiquitous chlorinated compounds found in groundwater contamination.
110. It seemed difficult for the celebrity couple to get rid of the ubiquitous paparazzi.
111. A question is likely to occupy the first part of the ubiquitous three-phase IRF exchange.
112. The apple is undoubtedly the most ubiquitous of all fruits.
113. Flirting, infatuation, romance, and even TinySex are as ubiquitous in MUD worlds as on real campuses.
114. The ubiquitous orange and white GSR & L vehicles were assembled on the road outside.
115. From the west to the east, there is a ubiquitous phenomenon of misogyny existing in different societies and culture.
116. Volcanically water flooding of oil well is very ubiquitous during oil developing. It is the result of crack instability propagation in the reservoir.
117. They have become so ubiquitous that no one, no matter how hard he or she tries, can avoid learning some useless factoid about the latest television "star.
118. My colleagues and I at PARC believe that what we call ubiquitous computing will gradually emerge as the dominant mode of computer access over the next twenty years.
119. Several elementary school children threw their red scarfs into the railed tomb, a gesture of respect for the dead, but the ubiquitous commercial air made the action a bit comic.
120. Even records as ubiquitous at the time as Killing Me Softly by Fugees or Kelis' Milkshake sound fresh in this context.
121. For the first time in three weeks I am alone, driving from Windhoek toward the Namib Desert beneath a ubiquitous blue sky, its presence above the savannah creating the illusion of a flat, wide Earth.
122. Superoxide dismutase is an ubiquitous antioxidant enzyme in aerobic organisms.
123. Doctors immediately suspected clostridium -- a ubiquitous bacterium -- and treated him with antibiotics an antitoxin.
124. Hornbills, starlings, vultures, rollers, bee eaters and shrikes typify the ubiquitous 1 avifauna 2 of the Kruger.
125. Avian reovirus ( ARV ) infection is ubiquitous in the poultry industry around the world.
126. Law enforcement comes across as awkward and misguided, yet it looms, ubiquitous and unexamined, in the film's margins.
127. Remember the drinking fountain, that once ubiquitous, and free, source of H2O?
128. Seepage is one of the ubiquitous problems in substructure work.
129. Back in the North Sea, the ubiquitous Zepplins were proving a great nuisance.
130. On a larger scale, such as for ubiquitous capture and weekly planning, I rely on technology, but I then use that large-scale system to form a daily task list on paper.
131. With ubiquitous broadband, both wired and wireless, more consumers will turn to the celestial jukebox of music services that offer every track ever made, playable on demand.
132. Echoing the debates now common in western societies, many in China are beginning to bristle at the intrusiveness of nosy employers, data-mining marketers and ubiquitous security cameras.
133. And for decades now, the granddaddy of all rationalizations has been the "character" issue that was born of Vietnam and Watergate and became ubiquitous after Gary Hart.
134. Today, immodesty is as ubiquitous as advertising, and for the same reasons.
135. After the 1960s, when Miami was flooded with Cubans fleeing Fidel Castro's rule, the pressed Cuban sandwich became ubiquitous in cafeterias and coffee shops there.
136. Dibutyl phthalate ( DBP ) has been found as a ubiquitous environmental pollutant with reproductive and developmental toxicity.
137. This article demonstrated the concept with many simple text editing one-liners using three of the most ubiquitous of editing tools: cat, ed, and sed.
138. Dietary prescriptions are notoriously hard to follow, especially when the limitations involve protein, a ubiquitous macronutrient in Western diet.
139. Now Grunge is just a memory, but in popular culture it remains as much of a symbol of the city as the Space Needle, the persistent drizzle and the excellent, ubiquitous, coffee shops.
140. Moreover, this type and the above several types are interpenetrated and correlated, as the law of causality is ubiquitous.
141. Reports from Madrid to Milan and beyond have been ubiquitous with speculation regarding the player's future.
142. Most everyone left the site without raising a tantrum or complaining to the ubiquitous security guards about the absurdness of not showing the gala outside the Bird's Nest.
143. Another fruit subject to such human-assisted reproduction is the ubiquitous navel orange.
144. Both 4 G technologies promise wireless nirvana: fast,[http:///ubiquitous.html] ubiquitous broadband.
145. The long - eared owl is found only in North Americal; the short - eared owl is ubiquitous.
146. The next - generation personal communication systems are expected to provide ubiquitous, high - quality, and high - rate mobile multimedia transmission.
147. Sandking takes the form of a huge arachnid, inspired by the Scintillant Waste's small but ubiquitous denizens; and this is a true outward expression of his ferocious nature.
148. Follow one's inclinations to control the permission of privacy will be necessary for ubiquitous computing if it want to be widely promoted in the future.
149. When the iPod first hit the market only die-hard Apple fans bought it. Today, however, iPods are ubiquitous.
150. Entomogenous fungus is an important pathogenic germs of crop pests and is ubiquitous in natural environment.
151. The sphingomyelin pathway is a ubiquitous signaling system, in which ceramide acts as a second messenger.
152. Hornbills, starlings, vultures, rollers, bee-eaters and shrikes typify the ubiquitous avifauna of the Kruger.
153. Test suites that are understandable only by their owners are ubiquitous.
154. Polyphenol oxidase(PPO)is a ubiquitous copper metalloprotein in the plastids of many plant species, fungi and insects.
155. The ubiquitous exodus from huts to houses only adds to the strains.
156. Goldman, a dyed-in-the-wool trading firm, is grabbing such opportunities with glee, taking business from once ubiquitous but now reeling rivals such as Citigroup and UBS.
156. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
157. FPGAs rely on the ubiquitous transistor - based technology called complementary metal oxide semiconductor ( CMOS ).
158. Just pick something small and ubiquitous, something of nominal value that you won't miss much.
159. Ubiquitous online price comparisons force all suppliers into keeping list prices at rock bottom lines.
160. In well - drilling project, corrosion of drill steel and pipeline is ubiquitous phenomena.
161. Soil micro - organisms constitute a diverse and ubiquitous group of organisms.
162. Signalling by facial and vocal expression _ r is ubiquitous among primates.
163. Simple Sequence Repeat is ubiquitous in prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes.
164. Sociologically, ubiquitous computing may mean the decline of the computer addict.
165. A less obvious but ubiquitous mass produced service is a computer operating system.
166. Indeed it was first propounded by the ubiquitous Thomas Young.
167. Another fruIt'subject to such human assisted reproduction is the ubiquitous navel orange.
168. How ubiquitous, personalize interfaces can be responsive to our interests and expand our mind.
169. Grid is a new technology adapting to the development of ubiquitous computing, and in which knowledge is core and main function unit, also means the entry of the new era of ubiquitous library.




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