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单词 Wycliffe
1. There was something about the man that worried Wycliffe, but he couldn't put his finger on it.
2. Wycliffe looked for signs of strangulation but found none.
3. Wycliffe traced the route the undertaker must have taken.
4. Wycliffe decided to approach from the rear.
5. Wycliffe pressed a bell push in a door with stained glass panels.
6. Wycliffe tried to concentrate on the Wheel and to ignore the veritable forest of giant rock pinnacles with which they were surrounded.
7. Wycliffe stepped down into the little hall and pushed open the door of the shop itself.
8. Wycliffe set out along the road which was no more than a lane following the course of a shallow valley.
9. Wycliffe looked up at the first tier of planks; the shot must have been fired from up there.
10. Watched by the group of people opposite, Wycliffe pressed the doorbell and waited.
11. Wycliffe left his car on the park and climbed the slope to the street.
12. She looked from Wycliffe to Lucy Lane and back again with apprehension that was close to panic.
13. Wycliffe was reminded of a busman's holiday he had spent, not so long ago,() across at St Mawes.
14. Wycliffe had a little room where he kept his books and papers, his photographs and odds and ends he valued.
15. It sometimes came as a slight shock to Wycliffe to have this paragon of the modern virtues working under his direction.
16. Wycliffe was getting nowhere, though Tate was answering his questions without protest and, apparently, without guile.
17. Wycliffe thought they would be pretty high, so probability favoured a link.
18. Cathy went into the shop and Wycliffe let himself out into the little hall from which stairs led up to the flat.
19. There was something in his attitude which worried Wycliffe but he could not put a finger on it.
20. Looking down at the dead man Wycliffe felt guilty because he was experiencing a sense of mild elation.
21. Wycliffe rang with timidity; even so the silence he had scarcely noticed until now was brutally shattered.
22. How often had Wycliffe told himself that the only obvious beneficiary from Francis's death was his daughter?
23. Wycliffe chuckled to himself at the picture he had conjured up.
24. The door was bolted but Wycliffe banged on it and was admitted by a uniformed policeman.
25. The fact that Wycliffe often deferred to her judgement made Kersey suspicious of her intrusion into their cosy male councils.
26. Wycliffe lifted out a man's wrist watch and a little wad of letters still in their envelopes and bearing foreign stamps.
27. Wycliffe had no idea but surely not enough to provide a motive for murder.
28. Wycliffe had found Edwin's books stacked on two tiers of rough shelving.
29. Wycliffe came from the obscurity of the Dark Ages.
30. He fumbled in his jacket pocket and came out with a tobacco pouch and a pipe and offered the pouch to Wycliffe.
31. Wycliffe was one of the greatest of the Reformers.
32. Wycliffe, like his Master, preached the gospel to the poor.
33. With virtually no information, it's pretty much guaranteed that this Jazz at Lincoln Center page only closes the sale for strongly committed fans who would attend any performance with Wycliffe Gordon.
34. The great movement that Wycliffe inaugurated, which was to liberate the conscience and the intellect, and set free the nations so long bound to the triumphal car of Rome, had its spring in the Bible.
35. Moreover , we can no longer consider Wycliffe as an important part in the establishment of a written standard.
36. Wycliffe India has started 11 new language projects since 2006 and currently has members working on 16 language projects.




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