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单词 In conclusion
1 In conclusion, I would like to thank ...
2 In conclusion, I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today.
3 In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise.
4 In conclusion, I hope the preceding arguments have convinced you of the need for action.
5 In conclusion she wished her comrades every success in their work.
6 In conclusion, I would like to thank you all for your hard work.
7 In conclusion, I would like to thank our guest speaker.
8 In conclusion, I submit that the proposal will not work without some major changes.
9 In conclusion, dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids enhance duodenal resistance to acid by potentiation of adaptive cytoprotection.
10 In conclusion, patients with cholesterol gall stones produce less metastable hepatic bile measured by the evidence of shorter nucleation time.
11 In conclusion, one may say the Titan-Dionysos myth indicates a form of anthropological dualism in Orphism.
12 In conclusion, rapid urbanisation has typically occurred without an improvement in the life-chances of the majority of the urban population.
13 In conclusion oesophageal transection and gastric devascularisation appears to confer no benefit over endoscopic sclerotherapy in terms of long term survival after variceal haemorrhage.
14 In conclusion,[] I fully endorse your desire to avoid confrontational behaviour surrounding international rugby.
15 In conclusion, this study has evaluated the efficacy of four commercial serological tests in comparison with standard biopsy related tests.
16 In conclusion I will make some comments on the requisites for effective rules relating to the control of armed conflicts.
17 In conclusion, we investigated the influence of Helicobacter pylori colonisation on gastric mucosal eicosanoid synthesis in patients taking NSAIDs.
18 In conclusion it is justified to examine ICAM-1 expression as a potential prognostic risk factor for colonic carcinoma.
19 In conclusion, the use of specific molecular probes and insitu hybridisation allows a functional analysis of tissue macrophages.
20 In conclusion, this study confirms that four weeks treatment with elemental diet, when tolerated, is as effective as prednisolone.
21 In conclusion, our study confirms that perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies are indeed demonstrable in the large majority of ulcerative colitis patients.
22 In conclusion, our findings suggest that H pylori infection may have been predominantly acquired at a young age in the past.
23 In conclusion, I want to thank all the people who have volunteered their time to our organization.
24 In conclusion, we found an association of coronary heart disease with periodontal disease and other measures of dental disease.
25 In conclusion, though there is no denying the seriousness of the problem, many questions still remain unanswered.
26 In conclusion, it is fair to say that researchers do not have a very clear idea what meaning is.
27 In conclusion, remember that consumer credit is a highly technical subject.
28 In conclusion, deficiencies have been found in monitoring adults with severe physical disability whose sole regular contacts are health professionals.
29 In conclusion, there is a wide variety of social and physical contexts of soil erosion.
30 In written language rhetorical organisers of larger stretches of discourse appear, like firstly, more important than and in conclusion.
31 In conclusion, budgetary accounting is primarily concerned with the form of the financial accounts rather than their content.
32 It will be useful in conclusion to look at some incidents which illuminate the way in which symbolism operates in the religion.
33 In conclusion: The phrase that wakes up the audience.
34 In conclusion, I find advantages both ways of learning.
35 In conclusion, the article introduces the system test.
36 In conclusion, I find mutual understanding a role in building a friendly relationship.
37 In conclusion, these three extracts of areca nut have strong antioxidant activity both in vitro and in vivo.
38 In conclusion, ABI measured using the automated oscillometric method can be used to predict the severity of coronary atherosclerosis in patients with CAD.
39 In conclusion, the trend of power system frequency measurement is naturally educed.
40 In conclusion, hydrochloric acid could not stimulate the vigor of Eperythrozoon.
41 In conclusion, Sandburg's democratic thought is fully expressed in his Chicago Poems.
42 In conclusion, P. euphratica has a greater ability on selective ion uptake, salt exclusion and ion compartmentation under saline conditions, which contribute to salt tolerance.
43 In conclusion, consider this: Don't focus on the batsuit and the theatrics.
44 In conclusion, this is another exciting set of figures from Caesar.
44 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
45 In conclusion, the cells found in the two cases reported may be described as gemmy ring like lymphocyte in morphology, a special subtype of ring like lymphocyte.
46 In conclusion, the NMP 22 assay may be a useful adjunct to cystoscopy for diagnosing bladder cancer.
47 A-I0 attack airplane kills people innumerably in the battlefield, besides 1990 Persian Gulf War, it also participated in conclusion L which Kosovo raided to do.
48 In conclusion, cultivating common reed in the future could conduct multiple functions, such as the CO2 reduction, bioenergy production, and balance between economic and environment conservation.
49 In conclusion, deducing the point of view that concept is culminating of behavior.
50 In conclusion, the reasons why so many students are attend the public servants examination list thereinafter.
51 In conclusion, it may very well be true that inside every clean-shaven man there is a beard screaming to be let out.
52 In conclusion: Prayerful life, daily walk in the faith, understands the needs of the ethnic group, seek the Lord and seek vision.
53 In conclusion , the duality has two functions of foundation and expansion.
54 In conclusion, construction of democracy and nomocracy should be tried out in cities in the first instance.
55 The Grand Mufti thanked him for it and stated in conclusion that he was taking his leave from the Fuhrer in full confidence and with reiterated thanks for the interest shown in the Arab cause.
56 In conclusion, the universe is a spontaneous , contradictive, orderly cycling field of force causa sui.
57 In conclusion(), luteolin might contribute to improve the serum antioxidant capability and reduce the lipid peroxidative damage in hyperlipidemic rats.
58 In conclusion, tonifying kidney and Du meridian is the proper treatment principle.
59 In conclusion, Mao Zedong's scientific thought on the worker-peasant alliance and his mistakes in later years on the issue is still worth to be learned and studied.
60 In conclusion, the author puts forward three translation strategies, namely, abridgement, adaptation and interpretation.
61 In conclusion, riboflavin supplemental levels in the chickens diet could stimulate immune organ development and humoral immune response.
62 In conclusion, the security world need a reason to justify its business.
63 In conclusion, when there is a high unemployment, salaries and wages are low.
64 In conclusion. it is viable and significant to use calcium carbide dust instead of lime.
65 In conclusion, more factors should be considered for enhancing the inductivity of certain rice varieties.
66 In conclusion, I find mutual understanding plays akey role in building a friendly relationshellop.
67 In conclusion , a good citizen should abide by traffic regulations.
68 In conclusion, because arrestment involves in the deprival of freedom that is given by constitution, it has become one of the standards of measuring a country's legalize.
69 In conclusion, reference must be made here to the sacred months, and to the weekly holy day.
70 In conclusion, the longissimus muscle were vacuum packaged and stored with low temperature, B had better pork quality than LYD.
71 In conclusion, the deep incised valley in the stratigraphical cross - section was brush - fire.
72 The value setting law of the thermoeconomics is described and some observations on its unified direction development problems are presented. In conclusion, abri...
73 In conclusion, hepatocyte autophagic vacuolization increases during sepsis and is associated with mitochondrial injury.
74 In conclusion, hematocrit increases with age at high altitude in the Central Andes of Peru.
74 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
75 In conclusion, this method could be used as a biochemical indication to detect the degradation level of elastin in the pathological state.
76 In conclusion , this paper realized the USB device controller and USB host controller.
77 In conclusion, serum IL-2 content decreased after early weaning, serum TNF content was improved by spray-dried plasma and the special immunization egg yolk ration fed.
78 In conclusion, the growth performance and nutrient utilization were improved by virginiamycin, enramycin, and flavomycin, but the slaughter performance was not affected.
79 In conclusion, Xu Guangqi's achievements lie in his efforts to summarize, test, popularize as well as innovate then Chinese traditional manure technology.
80 In conclusion, successfully expressed and purified Ebola virus nucleoprotein type Cted'Ivoire aid the foundation for the followup study.
81 In conclusion, developmental changes of the ratio of the NOS positive neurons in the myenteric plexus in calf's small intestinal segments may correlate to their functions.
82 In conclusion, high calcium diet could cause metabolic alkalosis and disorder of acid-base and electrolyte in growers.
83 In conclusion, the regular change of the boll number and the boll number mainly controlled by dominant effects, meanwhile controlled by significant gene adding effects some time.
84 In conclusion, the infiltration and constraint between Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoisni makes Chinese wine spirit totally different from the western bacchanal spirit.
85 In conclusion, multiparameter flow cytometry and three-color direct immunofluorescence staining methods may be of important clinical significance in diagnosis, therapy and prognosis of acute leukemia.
86 In conclusion, may this 120th plenary session of IOC enjoy complete success !
87 In conclusion(), the main imaging feature of IPMT in our patients was multilocular cyst with papillary projections located in the pancreatic head and uncinate process.
88 In Conclusion, the thesis reemphasizes the three functions in The Story of Doctor Dolittle and their influence on children's growth and reveals the value of this study.
89 In conclusion, your better look at the bright side the matter.
90 In conclusion, this paper points out its main work and prospects its future orientation of research.
91 In conclusion, both readily available nitrogen and soil bulk density are sensitive to grazing levels, and can be used in quantitative determination of grassland succession under utilization.
92 In conclusion, the degradation of PGLA in vitro was mainly a chemical degradation process achieved by hydrolysis of ester bond.
93 In conclusion, this study showed that DMTB patients had higher cavitary lesions of lungs and bacterial load, but a slower sputum conversion rate and a trend of less responsive tuberculin skin test.
94 In conclusion, the author presents his point that modern enterprises in socialistic China will absolutely adopt the net surplus sharing system no matter what the capital form is.
95 In conclusion, xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis should be considered in afebrile children with flank pain and staghorn calculus.
96 In conclusion, it points out that an active using of cognitive semantics theories will promote vocabulary teaching in ESL.
97 In conclusion, "Phragmitis and calamus hydrophyte planting" and "EM-inoculation" could improve the aquatic micro-ecosystem and ecosystem.
98 In conclusion, the design reliability has been verified by data obtained from the stress experiments.
99 In conclusion, this study demonstrates that people are more self-regarding under the economic system, but more other-regarding under the social system.
100 In Conclusion, so long as select appropriately time of delay and High-frequency clock, the occurrence of metastability in circuit could be totally avoided.
101 In conclusion we note the following general items concerning flow in supersonic nozzles.
102 In conclusion, the merits of traditional schooling far overweigh those of learning from the Internet, though the latter form cannot be neglected neither.
103 In conclusion, an ACTH-secreting pheochromocytoma is rarely seen clinically and seldom reported in the literature. We successfully treated this patient with left adrenalectomy.
104 In conclusion,[] yellow light was the best for the growth of leaf lettuce.
105 In conclusion, the bovine somatic nuclear transfer technique with zona-free 2-half cytoplast manipulation can result in a satisfactory batch cloned embryo production.
106 In conclusion, phillyrin has anti-obesity effect to nutritive obesity mice.
107 In conclusion, the fundic gland region was devoloped with the growth of BW and did not become stable until 60kg.
108 In conclusion, the writer warned his young readers, " You must guard against falling in love.
109 In conclusion, the casein hydrolysate showed tendency to stimulate the proliferation of the epithelium cell and increased the total activity of maltase in newborn IUGR piglets.
110 In conclusion , the OD is a promising kind of wave power device.
111 In conclusion the best two training manners were film course and group training, the second was mental health course, on-line learning was the worst one.
112 In conclusion, I'd like to thank you for all you've done for me.
113 In conclusion, the author concluded the music and the reality significance of "Falstaff".
114 In conclusion, the nutritive quality and nutritional composition of "Taihu No. 1" is the same as the wild oriental river prawn from Taihu Lake.
115 In conclusion, ABC MPEG Encoder is easy to use, fast in speed, excellent in quality and reasonable in price.
116 In conclusion, a trend for a better patient survival was observed in more recent years but the cumulative probability of developing severe recurrent disease remained unchanged.
117 In conclusion, I am somewhat persuaded by this author's line of reasoning.
118 In conclusion, the influence of the control parameters to the ignition delay is increased with the increase of the octane number and the decrease of the cetane number of the fuel.
119 In conclusion, it is more objective and accurate by putting ABC method into operating leverage. The research helps the operators' decision-making.
120 In conclusion, "liberalism is restated. "Human beings are the center of the theory of property-labor. Any over-stress of socialization of...
121 In conclusion, the researchers found a large variation in the productivity of labour among the broiler farms.
122 In conclusion the New World Order represents the Satanist "will" to degrade and enslave mankind.
123 In conclusion, adaptation theory plays a quite important role in translation.
124 Finally, the real-time simulation about discrete topology transformation of mechanical system performed in conclusion of this phase.
125 In conclusion, treatment with amphotericin B and itraconazole has negligible efficacy in CNS aspergillosis.
126 In conclusion, by step coverage under SEM and contact resistance, find the best method of physical bombing filleting on the baseline contact shape.
127 In conclusion, I would like to leave you with a brain teaser.
128 In conclusion, surficial morphology and specific area of CF weren't influenced by anodic current density.
129 Example: In conclusion, Frederick Douglass was, as we have seen, a pioneer in American education, proving that education was a major force for social change with regard to slavery.
130 In conclusion, in the late stage of parasitization, the parasitoid larva, with the help of teratocytes, utilized up most of the host nutrients for its own development and growth.
131 In conclusion, these results suggested that PA and carvacrol were endowed with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
132 So, in conclusion, let me recap a couple of key themes.
133 In conclusion, yak are able to crossbreed with Bos taurus, but the rates of cleavage and blastocyst development of resultant hybrid embryos were different between different fertilization combinations.
134 In conclusion, PAR, Ta and RH are main environmental factors to influence photosynthetic gas exchange of black locust.
134 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
135 In conclusion, these findings suggest that Tongru Sanjie powder may have a beneficial effect on the inflammation induced by galactidrosis .
136 In conclusion, the addition of acidifier, probiotics and oligosaccharides alone or combined in the diet improved microbial population status and immune function of weaning piglets.
137 In conclusion, land privatization was the fundamental reason of the fall of the Assyrian Empire.
138 In conclusion, this essay proposes a cybernetic model of cultural understanding based on recursive looping.
139 In conclusion, more theoretical and experimental research must be conducted.
140 In conclusion, this method is simple, rapid, accurate and sensitive, and Prunus mume is a good source of chlorogenic acids.
141 In conclusion, it is viable of the technology of the micro-magnetic current sensor based on AWGMI. It needs further improvement on the magnetic shield and software processing.
142 In conclusion, according to gray neural network theory, design a dynamic risk early warning system, and present the early warning monitoring specific methods and steps.
143 At the same time, the methods also extract information of a number of characteristic peaks. In conclusion, the methods are superior to straight-line method on background reduction.
144 In conclusion, low and high DP cellulose II powders, despite their different powder properties, show similar tableting properties, leading to the formation of rapidly disintegrating compacts.
145 In conclusion, he suggests that ultimately the RESTfulness of Cloud (at least Cloud management) does not matter as much as the simplicity.
146 In conclusion, after TLI/ATS host conditioning and allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, host NKT cells can separate the proinflammatory and tumor cytolytic functions of donor T cells.
147 In conclusion, saponins compounds in Rhizoma Paridis Yunnanensis could be used as intravenous injection with antihemolysin added.
148 In conclusion, real-time US is a useful and reliable modality in detecting periportal vessels and differentiating PPCC from the hepatic artery.
149 In conclusion, therefore, what can we say about caiman taxonomy?




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