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单词 Ninety
1, Ninety percent of the people surveyed were in favour.
2, He must be ninety if he's still alive.
3, You were driving at ninety miles an hour.
4, He's ninety, but still he lives on.
5, At least one-third of all women over ninety have sustained a hip fracture.
6, It was decided she had to stay another ninety days.
7, He must be going on for ninety.
8, You got here with ninety seconds to spare.
9, He pivoted his whole body through ninety degrees.
10, The chapter extends to more than ninety pages.
11, Although he's ninety(), his mental faculties remain unimpaired.
12, Within ninety minutes the ship was ready for departure.
13, She's ninety if she's a day.
14, There were about ninety at the party.
15, Her weight was under ninety pounds.
16, He paid something like ninety pounds for a T-shirt.
17, She's ,just on ,ninety years 'old.
18, Let ABC be an angle of ninety degrees.
19, Ninety per cent of American rubbish is dumped in landfill sites.
20, Ninety percent of the projected missiles will hit their target.
21, More than ninety prisoners have been set free so far under a government amnesty.
22, Ninety per cent of lung cancers are caused by smoking.
23, Ninety per cent of lone parent families are headed by mothers.
24, She was lumbered with a bill for about ninety pounds.
25, Dad might be nearly ninety but he's still young at heart.
26, Almost ninety per cent of all rapes and violent assaults went unreported.
27, He is ninety years old,(http:///ninety.html) but his mind is sharp.
28, Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it. 
29, Oxford Road joins the High Street at an angle of ninety degrees.
30, President Cristiani expected the case to come to court within ninety days.
1, Ninety percent of the people surveyed were in favour.
2, He must be ninety if he's still alive.
3, He's ninety, but still he lives on.
4, At least one-third of all women over ninety have sustained a hip fracture.
5, It was decided she had to stay another ninety days.
6, Oxford Road joins the High Street at an angle of ninety degrees.
7, He is ninety years old, but his mind is sharp.
31, So I'm going to be talking to over ninety people, am I? I don't like the sound of that!
32, She paid ninety pounds for it.
33, In ninety and two around midday.
34, Ninety autobiographies refer to grandparents, sometimes at considerable length.
35, Ninety percent of the adult population is literate.
36, In Mexico, ninety percent of the people profess Catholicism.
37, Eight hundred and ninety eight patients had peptic ulcers.
38, Ninety percent of our eggs come from battery hens.
39, In nineteen ninety we spent fifty two million pounds on vitamin supplements.
40, Analysts photocopied, proofread, and assembled breathtakingly dull securities documents for ninety and more hours a week.
41, I have been using unleaded petrol in my Ninety 2.5 litre.
42, It was about ninety pounds and he went out on a limb for it, too.
43, Ninety percent of all applicants are interviewed by a clinical psychologist.
44, Without benefit of notes, visual aids, gestures or humor she spoke for ninety oddly mesmerizing minutes.
45, Of course, ninety per-cent of the audience consists of the friends and relatives of the different members of the cast.
46, She had the translucent skin of the very ancient and I would have guessed her age at not far from ninety.
47, But in September Ninety Ninety two of these the pins hadn't been locked back into place.
48, Ninety percent of filing cabinets are repositories for useless bits of paper containing useless bits of information.
49, During a fifty-year span, Baldwin produced close to ninety novels.
49, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
50, Ninety percent of the known gay-bashers continue to be men, two-thirds of them under the age of 30.
51, Baseball is ninety percent mental and the other half is physical. Yogi Berra 
52, Do you know of an auxiliary fuel tank kit for the Ninety?
53, Simon Garrett has compiled our look back at the most memorable moments of nineteen ninety two.
54, It was eighteen degrees Fahrenheit when he left his apartment this morning, it was over ninety when they arrived.
55, Ninety people who ate so well, and laughed so much, it made them angry.
56, Ninety five percent confidence intervals for the relative risk was calculated using exact probabilities.
57, Ninety percent of debtors paid up in 1979 rather than tolerate the presence of the malodorous individual in reception for another five minutes.
58, The mercury hovered around ninety, and so did the humidity.
59, The Congress was told that journalists had been registered in only fifty of ninety guberniia committees.
60, Time allowed 00:13 Read in studio Ninety people are to lose their jobs at a bleach factory.
61, Something in the region of ninety, or a hundred plus.
62, It was clear to him that Dan needed to maintain persistence for about ninety minutes of every school day.
63, So with another national hunt festival over let's take a last look back at Cheltenham nineteen ninety two.
64, He authored ninety homilies on Matthew, eighty-eight on John, and thirty-two on Romans.
65, And Abraham was ninety years old and nine, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.
66, Magistrates heard that on both occasions she was travelling at more than ninety miles an hour.
67, The Cornmill's central feature is a giant glazed atrium spanning almost ninety feet and consisting of 258 panes of glass.
68, Presently he came out and handed us ten pounds in gold and a cheque for ninety pounds from Coutts's Bank.
69, Mrs Gorman even made a little joke about living to be ninety.
70, The rabbi told Minna that she would have to wait ninety days before she could be married again.
71, The memory phase lasts from hatching to about ninety days later.
72, In 1619 the Company sent ninety women to delight the men and assure the future of the colony.
73, Alter three years of working as a consultant, over ninety percent of my new clients were being referred by previous clients.
74, In nineteen ninety four uh it was almost like a mini presidential election, it was the first nationalized congressional election.
75, Ninety minutes later they were all back in the saddle and drawing their first covert as if the season had just begun.
76, Then ninety one day with the glee club and remedial arithmetic.
77, The trains which handled the local traffic took ninety minutes for the journey.
78, In 1990 alone, 647, 675 new businesses were incorporated nationwide, accounting for ninety percent of the net job growth.
79, If you treat people right they will treat you right ... ninety percent of the time. Franklin D. Roosevelt 
80, Ninety federal agents arrested the seven Bay Area defendants Wednesday and seized more than 800 additional guns.
81, Ninety percent of canned food is packaged in steel cans.
82, There were only ninety of them, but it was a tight squeeze.
83, Ninety minutes later, he picked up his third victory against four losses, not exactly a record for the resume.
84, Nearly ninety homeless men staying at Newcastle's palace signed a petition protesting against the food.
85, On 8 April 1962, when ninety percent of metropolitan voters approved the Evian Accords, that overriding objective was finally achieved.
86, One night, I emptied a ninety dollar bottle of cognac into him.
87, Jacqui noticed that she spent ninety percent of her time lingering over the two dozen Allied officers left in the audience.
88, The hundred shares index closed up seventy three points at two thousand four hundred and ninety three point one.
89, He described times when the radar crew received requests for winds aloft at eighty thousand feet, ninety thousand feet.
90, Ninety per cent of the population is kept politically illiterate, and the government takes orders from the corporations.
91, Ninety three consecutive patients presenting between 1980 and 1988 whose notes were still available were followed up.
92, To our amazement, when we returned to China, the Moso tree had grown an impressive ninety feet.
93, I'd have been very happy playing an old lady of ninety at the age of fifteen.
94, Over ninety percent of the islanders here are illiterate.
95, The picture postcard is nearly ninety years old.
96, Which one? The big blue one. It's ninety yuan.
97, About ninety Wampanoag Indians joined the celebration.
98, Ninety percent of the concerns that novice programmers express about the execution speed of an interpreted/byte-compiled language like Python are simply naive.
99, When Abram was ninety - nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, " I am God Almighty. "
100, Primary color which is ninety percent ( 90 % ) or more shall disqualify.
101, This did not prevent Napoleon from exclaiming cheerfully to Ney, "We have ninety chances out of a hundred."
102, He's a dear old chap, but over ninety and in his second childhood.
103, Ninety percent of the highways are two-lane and in poor condition.
104, Abraham was ninety - nine years old when he underwent circumcision.
105, Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety - nine percent perspiration . ---- Thomas Edison .
106, Indra smashed through Vritra ninety - nine fortresses, and then came upon the dragon.
107, That old man is nearly ninety but fit as a fiddle.
108, When I was elected President, I told an interviewer that my favorite movie was High Noon. At the time, Fred Zinnemann, its director, was nearly ninety, living in London.
109, Agent: Twenty-six dollars and ninety cents a day with unlimited milage.
110, Though he is over ninety ,() he is sound in wind and limb.
111, Ninety days later, true to his word, the goldsmith brought the crown.
112, Ninety percent of the nation's 126,000 dentists are in private practice.
113, Professor Smith works industriously at ninety - two natural elements in his laboratory every day.
114, In nineteen ninety, first lady Barbara Bush's Springer spaniel Millie told about her life in the White House in "Millie's Book."
115, I shall be ninety next birthday and, thank God, I am sound in wind and limb.
116, He strongly urged holding the next withdrawal decision in abeyance for ninety days.
117, This is a momentous and historic day: July first , nineteen ninety - seven.
118, On this day three hundred and ninety years ago, the great explorer Sir Francis Drake died aboard ship off the coast of Panama.
119, At the present rate of exchange, you will get eight hundred dollars and ninety cents.
120, Nineteen ninety - two is not a year I shall look back on with undiluted pleasure.
121, Before long, ninety U.S. soldiers were surrounding the copter, engaged in a massive shootout with hundreds of Somalis.
122, Spelled - out numbers from twenty - one to ninety - nine are hyphenated.
123, President Benjamin Harrison signed it into law in eighteen ninety.
124, The theatre needs to fill over ninety per cent of its seats every night just to break even.
125, Cenius is one percent inspiration and ninety - nine percent perspiration!
126, Methodsseven hundred and ninety three new students of vestibule school were tested and analyzed by SCL-90 and SLSI (Student-Life Stress Inventory).
127, Yogi Berra: Baseball is ninety percent mental. The other half is physical.
128, Christmas Day, 1967 . I'm a patient at the Ninety - Third Medical Evacuation Hospital near Saigon, Vietnam.
129, Ninety crabs were individually placed in a brightly lit arena, and had the option of scuttling to two dark shelters.
130, The large pine was worth ninety dollars in the log.
131, In your case, as the gross floor area is less than five hundred square feet, the monthly premium will be ninety dollars.
132, Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety - nine perpcent perspiration.
133, After two days of fighting only ninety could still bear arms.
134, Methods and Results - Ninety - seen patients who underwent initial tricuspid ale replacement are in the present analysis.
135, Genius is one percent, inspiration and ninety - nine percent, perspiration.
136, Ninety per cent of the country lies in the temperate zone.
137, Because there was so much conciliation, as well as some meaty confrontation, the applause interruptions, more than ninety of them, took the speech to eighty-one minutes.
138, The new building cost about ninety million dollars to build.
139, In nineteen ninety - two , the Lady Lex became a museum docked in Corpus Christi Bay.
139, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
140, I have a fair know ledge of shorthand, and can write ninety words per minute.
141, The Labor Department said employment increased by one hundred ten thousand jobs in September. Also, new numbers for August showed a gain of close to ninety thousand jobs.
142, And the clothing worn by a Japanese balloonist in nineteen ninety - four .
143, Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety - nine percent of perspiration.
144, Fletcher Christian : Yes, but of course he attempt it in a ninety - one - foot chamber pot.
145, The life expectancy will be ninety to one hundred years.
146, Although Aeschylus wrote nearly ninety plays, records of only seventy-nine have survived.
147, There are over ninety species of puffer-fish all belonging to the family Tetraodontidae.
148, Over ninety countries ratified an agreement to ban the use of these chemicals.
149, At the time, Fred Zinnemann, its director, was nearly ninety, living in London.
150, Ninety - nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right.
151, Secret investigations have netted ninety staff suspected of fraud and theft.
152, The time span of a draft ( e . g . ninety days ) is called tenor.
153, Ninety percent professionals suggested having positive change to their job if the licensure issue passes.
154, Genius is one percent of inspiration and ninety - nine percent of perspiration.
155, Results: Positive rate of P - gp was 68.89 % in the ninety EOC.
156, Mister Pollan says about one hundred ninety liters of oil is needed to grow every four-tenths of a hectare of industrial corn.
157, Genius in one percent inspiration and ninety - nine percent perspiration.
158, Later, it became a training ship until it was retired in nineteen ninety - one .
159, For myself, my term of service in India had trained me to stand heat better than cold, and a thermometer of ninety was no hardship./ninety.html
160, From the carnage of Bannockburn , the rest of the army tried to escape to the safety of the English border, ninety miles to the south.
161, Methods:Anterior communicating artery complex of ninety cerebral hemispheres from 45 formalin fixed adult cadavers were dissected under microscope.
162, Now we all talk about this great nuclear performing record. Ninety two percent capacity factor where everything is great, the industry is booming, everybody's making money.
163, At the time, more than one hundred ninety countries agreed to reduce or halt biodiversity losses by twenty ten.
164, She lived pleasantly to the age of ninety - two.
165, Soon we reached a plateau at an elevation of about ninety feet.
166, But in nineteen ninety - five a teacher in northern Nigeria named Mohammed Bah Abba found a solution.




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