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单词 Word stress
1. Is there any regularity in English word stress?
2. This study applies a phonological approach to word stress in Chinese Putonghua.
3. The thesis analyzes word stress, sentence stress and rhythm to obtain revelation to English read-aloud.
4. Sentence stress isn't "fixed" like word stress. In fact, you can stress words that are normally unstressed in order to highlight different meanings.
4. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
5. Stress comprises word stress and sentence stress, both of which exist in Chinese and English.
6. Don't forget to learn the word stress of a new word.
7. There are various explanations of English word stress patterns by linguists.
8. The length of sounds and speed of utterance in both languages are modified in language flow to create rhythm, while English rhythm affects the distribution of sentence stress and word stress.
9. If you have an English teacher, ask her to help you understand WORD STRESS.
10. The author deals with the semantic functions of English suprasegmental phonemes such as word stress, sentence stress, juncture and intonation.




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