单词 | Accidentally |
例句 | 1. My father accidentally locked me out of the house. 2. She accidentally swallowed a glass bead. 3. He accidentally sawed through a cable. 4. She accidentally erased the tape. 5. He accidentally trod on her foot. 6. He accidentally sat on her hat and squashed it. 7. She accidentally knocked the glass off. 8. He accidentally found that the desk clock did not swing its pendulum. 9. The end of the wire had become accidentally fused with the switch. 10. The door locked accidentally, and I couldn't get out of the room. 11. The lid won't come off accidentally , it's been fastened on. 12. Some of the names had been accidentally erased. 13. I accidentally locked myself out of the house. 14. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. 15. We had accidentally strayed into the war zone. 16. I accidentally dropped my glasses into the water. 17. He accidentally knocked over an ink bottle. 18. I accidentally spilled my drink all over him. 19. It was accidentally printed under the wrong byline. 20. I accidentally hit my knee on the desk. 21. They had accidentally damaged a gas pipe while drilling. 22. He accidentally set his bed on fire. 23. He was accidentally blinded in the left eye. 24. His hand accidentally brushed against hers. 25. She accidentally swallowed the poison and death was instantaneous. 26. A soldier accidentally discharged his weapon. 27. I accidentally stepped in a puddle. 28. It was self-evident to her that anything so wonderful could not have evolved accidentally. 29. Love is not about running into each other in crowds. Love is an impossible meeting. For example, I am a bird flying in sky,(Sentencedict) u r a leopard in forest. We just fall in love accidentally. 30. The liquid ignited when somebody dropped a match in it accidentally. 1. My father accidentally locked me out of the house. 2. She accidentally swallowed a glass bead. 3. He accidentally sawed through a cable. 4. She accidentally erased the tape. 5. He accidentally trod on her foot. 6. He accidentally sat on her hat and squashed it. 7. She accidentally knocked the glass off. 8. He accidentally found that the desk clock did not swing its pendulum. 9. It was self-evident to her that anything so wonderful could not have evolved accidentally. 10. The end of the wire had become accidentally fused with the switch. 11. The door locked accidentally, and I couldn't get out of the room. 12. The liquid ignited when somebody dropped a match in it accidentally. 13. The lid won't come off accidentally , it's been fastened on. 14. I accidentally spilled my drink all over him. 15. He was accidentally blinded in the left eye. 16. She accidentally swallowed the poison and death was instantaneous. 17. Mary accidentally let out that her mother had telephoned. 18. The factory had accidentally released a quantity of toxic waste into the sea. 19. While cleaning his shotgun he had accidentally blown his own brains out. 20. He was accidentally killed by going too close to Vesuvius. 21. The pistol discharged accidentally. 22. As I turned around, I accidentally hit him in the face. 23. She accidentally splashed oil over her apron while cooking lunch. 24. The lawyer stressed the fact that the defendant killed the boy accidentally. 25. The calculator was damaged accidentally, and we needed to buy a new one. 26. John made a big stink about being accidentally short changed. 27. The paper accidentally printed the victim's address, then compounded their error by printing her name the next day. 31. He accidentally knocked the vase off the table. 32. He accidentally knocked on . 33. She accidentally knocked the tea tin off the shelf. 34. My arm accidentally struck against the table. 35. I accidentally knocked a glass over. 36. The damage couldn't have been caused accidentally. 37. The traffic accident was born almost accidentally. 38. He accidentally shot himself in the foot. 39. I accidentally bashed into a woman pushing a pram. 40. I accidentally knocked the vase off the table. 41. Two players accidentally smacked into each other. 42. She gave the answer away accidentally. 43. He accidentally sliced through his finger. 44. Mary accidentally let out that her mother had telephoned. 45. He accidentally drilled into a water pipe. 45. try its best to collect and build good sentences. 46. We'd just finished our meal when John realized he'd accidentally left his checkbook at home. 47. His gun went off accidentally as he was climbing over a fence. 48. The factory had accidentally released a quantity of toxic waste into the sea. 49. She accidentally dropped her ring down a drain in the road. 50. He accidentally nudged the gatepost with the front of the car. 51. Admittedly, Venice wasn't a very big place, but there was little chance of meeting her again accidentally. 52. While cleaning his shotgun he had accidentally blown his own brains out. 53. He accidentally touched a live wire attached to overhead power cables. 54. He was accidentally killed by going too close to Vesuvius. 55. The pistol discharged accidentally. 56. A policeman accidentally killed his two best friends with a single bullet. 57. I'm in a bit of a predicament because I've accidentally accepted two invitations to dinner on the same night. 58. Train doors have handles on the inside. They are stiff so that they cannot be opened accidentally. 59. I've never liked these glasses of Peter's. I might drop them one day - accidentally on purpose. 60. As I turned around, I accidentally hit him in the face. 61. I accidentally trod on the dog's foot and it yelped. 62. Many dolphins are accidentally killed through entanglement with fishing equipment. 63. She accidentally splashed oil over her apron while cooking lunch. 64. Two letters were accidentally transposed, and 'hand' got printed as 'hnad'. 65. A special locking system means the door cannot be opened accidentally. 66. The lawyer stressed the fact that the defendant killed the boy accidentally. 67. She accidentally stepped on his foot on a crowded commuter train. 68. It appears the names were accidentally erased from computer disks. 69. The calculator was damaged accidentally, and we needed to buy a new one. 70. The confusion was caused when two numbers were accidentally transposed by a Social Security clerk. 71. He accidentally sliced the top off his finger while he was cutting vegetables. 72. John made a big stink about being accidentally short changed. 73. I'm in his bad books at the moment because I accidentally broke the window. 74. A special system prevents the circuitry being tripped accidentally by a power surge or lightning strike. 75. The paper accidentally printed the victim's address(http://), then compounded their error by printing her name the next day. 76. Myrna accidentally took the wrong medicine. 77. Jefferson's gun accidentally discharged, killing him. 78. Someone accidentally set off the fire alarm. 79. She accidentally pricked herself with a contaminated needle. 80. I accidentally jogged her elbow. 81. Workers accidentally punctured a natural gas main. 82. Ripken's nose was broken when Hernandez accidentally hit him. 83. If he went abroad she wouldn't even encounter him accidentally. 84. For a start, this is a story of a number of telepathically gifted children who were accidentally killed six years ago. 85. The National Trust has already betrayed its trust, albeit accidentally, by allowing the building to burn down. 86. In theory, the mechanism should also prevent anyone launching the missiles accidentally. 87. Indinavir, a protease inhibitor, is added for workers accidentally stuck with HIVexposed needles. 88. Griffith's breakthrough came almost accidentally as he attempted to forge a career in a new industry about which he knew little. 89. Jeremy Bach, also 13, told police he accidentally shot Hansen and then threw the body into a residential garbage container. 90. Use of the new nets has significantly decreased the number of dolphins killed accidentally each year. 91. Astronomers had accidentally caught a comet in the act of turning into an asteroid. 92. One theory says he was accidentally poisoned by doctors who were treating a fever. 93. Whoever controlled her handkerchief controlled her, and Demetros accidentally latched on to it as he tried to grab her. 94. Beware of accidentally starting the engine while you are cleaning the blades. 95. In the process, she accidentally pitched her friend over the cliff. 96. As well as keeping the pipes clear, the gangs are learning to avoid accidentally connecting sewers to water pipes. 97. He accidentally tipped over a candle, and the tablecloth caught fire. 98. Jamal creeps into Forrester's apartment for a dare, but accidentally leaves his notebook behind. 99. Some of these arrived accidentally, but many were released deliberately for the benefit of seafarers and settlers. 100. Saldivar claimed she fired her gun accidentally, but she was convicted of murder and is serving a life sentence. 101. The inquest jury was only able to say John Newton died accidentally by falling through a carriage door. 102. After accidentally swallowing a certain brand of flake, you find you are irresistible to females. 103. There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment. Sarah Dessen 104. We heard of a case in which an unfortunate man accidentally swallowed one. 105. It never occurred to me that they might scratch me or hurt me, even accidentally, and they never did. 106. Lizards remain sacred to these tribesmen, and death is said to result from accidentally killing one. 107. He accidentally dented the garage door, trying to reverse in. 108. If you accidentally reformat characters wrongly, undo the reformatting straight away. 109. The lady who got accidentally dosed while she was making waffles. 110. When the last green bottle accidentally falls, there are no green bottles hanging on the wall. 111. One crew member accidentally jettisoned half of the plane's fuel. 112. He had obviously told the servants that he had accidentally set fire to his room by knocking over a lighted candle. 113. Eventually, Lennie's strength becomes too much for him, and he breaks a woman's neck accidentally. 114. The biggest excitement of the day was when Joe accidentally set off the fire alarm. 115. Nothing remarkable bout that, except that Orphans was nearly destroyed, when Film Four accidentally burnt most of it. 116. He said it was accidentally gassed when he left his car engine running. 117. He retained the ignition key though he accidentally left the registration document locked in the glove compartment. 118. After accidentally bringing about the death of his wife and child, he sets up his own suicide. 119. He'd done no more than accidentally bump against some sailors aimlessly wandering from the passage next to the warehouse. 120. Note over-large handle A plastic shroud protects the user from accidentally touching the hot metal nozzle. 121. Even men who have been accidentally thrown into primary child care do get over their resistance. 122. An 11-month old baby died after accidentally swallowing a few laetrile tablets. 123. He accidentally electrocuted himself. 124. Miller had accidentally crossed into Iraqi territory and was arrested for spying. 125. Many dolphins are accidentally captured in the nets of tuna fishermen. 126. Pipes and drains which are blocked are not accidentally damaged and the cost of clearing the blockage is not covered. 127. If you accidentally caused a fire with your blowlamp, you would be covered by the fire section. 128. During one game I accidentally scored against my own side and acquired the tag "wrong way" Jones. 129. Accidentally detonated, they kill or maim some 25, 000 people a year, mostly civilians. 130. But in 1691 the boy was reported to have fallen accidentally from a second-story window and perished. 131. Control were trying to get hold of him, to verify that he had accidentally triggered his window alarm. 132. A week later he accidentally set his apartment on fire. 133. On a flotilla holiday you may accidentally lose equipment or damage the yacht. 134. Nevertheless, we were given the green light - unfortunately, poor Molly was accidentally stepped on a couple of times. 135. The crescendo of firearms climaxed when a 20-year - old man accidentally shot and killed his girlfriend. 136. He said that the rioters had been killed accidentally,( ) the reverse of what had actually happened. 137. Having crossbred his own seed for 35 years, he wondered if he had accidentally created some kind of mutant. 138. Packer and Sheehy were both taxiing around Sydney airport in their respective corporate jets on Tuesday when they accidentally collided. 139. Sometimes his fingers strayed between her lips and when she closed her mouth she accidentally sucked on them. 140. Accidentally, obliquely, the squadron had found this way of striking back. 141. Mitchell swallowed some accidentally as he rinsed his mouth but forced it back up before the microbes could celebrate a new host. 142. One is prone to dousing the headlights accidentally while signaling. 143. Finally, the bird, while searching for the mouse, accidentally knocked over the woodpile, which caught fire. 144. They said they tried to revive him and that all the injuries were inflicted accidentally. 145. In the struggle the autopilot was accidentally disengaged, sending the aircraft into a dive. 146. Others, either purposely or accidentally, found the war useful to further their careers. 147. He accidentally snapped his putter in half during one tournament. 148. Thirty-five of the Americans killed in the war were accidentally killed by their comrades. 149. This does not mean you have to excuse a child who hits another child who accidentally bumped into him. 150. Its thirteen powerful dorsal spines contain enough poison to kill any human swimmer who accidentally treads on it with a bare foot. 151. Scorpions will only sting a person if threatened or if accidentally trodden on. 152. You even get fined for accidentally running over a pigeon. 153. They also minimized the risk of infection caused by faecal matter accidentally spilling into the peritoneal cavity during the operation. 154. Diana had accidentally overheard her husband talking on a portable telephone while having a bath. 155. Read in studio A murder suspect has told a court that he accidentally stabbed a teenager to death during a street fight. 156. In the search for a new cultivar, the botanists accidentally produced a supersensitive variety they called Bel-W3. 157. And the child accidentally receives a greater and potentially harmful dosage of pain reliever. 158. Ellie accidentally knocked a cup of milk off the table. 159. A written apology was received from a boy who had accidentally, while playing badminton, caused damage to a picture. 160. Alison Edwards suffered three deep cuts in her face when she accidentally fell through a shop window. 161. The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron. Phyllis Diller 162. Damage/Loss. On a flotilla holiday you may accidentally lose equipment or damage the yacht. 163. I shuffled away and at the bottom of the stairs the back of my hand accidentally knocked the rail, hard. 164. She put the telephone receiver down accidentally. 165. The golfer accidentally toed the ball with his driver. 165. 166. The narrower the scope of a variable, the fewer opportunities you have for accidentally referring to it in place of another variable with the same name. 167. The workman accidentally drilled a hole in the gas main. 168. Flavell had accidentally discharged a pistol, firing it into the ceiling. 169. You would have thought that the long separation had come about accidentally. 170. An anti-aircraft gun mounted on a hotel in central Seoul accidentally went off during a routine inspection on Tuesday. 171. Syntax function of Adverbial phrase of neoteric Chinese adverb "indeed" is mostly serving as predicate,[] and it also serves as a complement accidentally. 172. A warplane accidentally dropped a bomb, killing and wounding thousands of civilians. 173. You should ensure that you do not accidentally expose the contents of the record sequence to an unauthorized user. 174. However, the Mystery School does teach that Shaitan, the devil, was the ruler of this world and had accidentally been given the keys to the Otherworlds by the Goddess. 175. Urge incontinence, also known as overactive bladder, is when you feel a sudden urge to urinate, and sometimes accidentally leak urine. 176. One day, they accidentally find their way into the dust-covered cellar of the house and bump into Xiao Yue, the Cat Princess. 177. While clearing the stupa foundation, the underground palace was accidentally discovered. 178. After South Vietnam planes accidentally drop a bomb on a town. 179. Once, accidentally let fall to the ground chemicals, causing the train explosion. 180. HOUSE : Infection from the needle that the acupuncturis accidentally let sit ink eye am of newt. 181. Bump Off Lover A pure, true 17 year-old young girl accidentally fell to the ground and died. As the 17 year-old twin sister... 182. On a dark night, In autumn 1986, the room, I accidentally saw the, Eaglet 15-year-ID. 183. Alphabetize. Alphabetize. This doesn't help navigate your attributes, but it does help prevent you from duplicating an attribute and accidentally overriding a previous setting. 184. As if to italicize the point, little Charles crept under the kitchen table, only to have his mother accidentally kick him in the head as she crossed her legs. 185. I only jostled her accidentally in the crowd yet she screamed blue murder. 186. A cannonball that was accidentally dropped hits the moat below in 1.5 s. 187. Her arms are scabbed like she's been shinning up a rusty drainpipe and accidentally slid back down and scraped herself. 188. One led to the shooting of an FBI agent accidentally shot by a colleague. 189. An eight-year-old boy died after accidentally shooting himself in the head while firing an Uzi submachinegun under adult supervision at a gun fair in Massachusetts. 190. HOUSE : Infection from the needle that the acupuncturist accidentally let sit ink eye am of newt. 191. Orginally, it is a test marketing, but it "accidentally" turns out to be hot sales, and the price rises violently. 192. Her arms are scabbed like she's been shinning up a rusty drainpipe and accidentally slid back down and scraped herself. 'Whu? 193. Its waterproof and sweat-proof formula prevents smudging even accidentally splashed by rainwater or tears, helping you maintain your attractive look in your eyes. 194. If Erik has to make a withdrawal at an ATM, for example, he begins with a simple fuckup, such as accidentally selecting the Chinese language option. 195. We want to make every effort possible to ensuremhat once an attack Time er is within our Honeynet,(Sentencedict) they cannot accidentally or purposefully harm other non-Honeynet systems. 196. Their schemes began to unravel when one of their hollow nickels containing a coded message accidentally ended up in the hands of a Brooklyn newsboy. 197. The addresser described that his grandfather heard this accident form a discussion between Churchill and US general Dwhite Eisenhower accidentally. 198. What happens if you lose that nubbin or accidentally leave it in another laptop, though? 199. Accident twists and turns, harvest 15 years accidentally 15 talkfest , better year by year, the most wonderful this year. 200. Dr Cath Rees, Associate Professor of Microbiology at the University of Nottingham was one of the team who discovered the power of the plasma beam accidentally during medical research. 201. At the beginning, someone accidentally fell water field with the cart and was muddied all over. 202. She does not get drunk , she is accidentally over served or she becomes verbally dyslexic. 203. Patent security button and the base foundation locking function may prevent the baby bed is accidentally to be closed under using condition. 204. Opportunist : A person who starts taking bath if he accidentally falls into a river. 205. The cables have different connectors on the hub end and on the device end, to prevent people from accidentally connecting two hub sockets together. 206. Dangerous commands, however, are often presented right up front where unsuspecting users can accidentally trigger them. 207. But if a bird (or a power line worker) accidentally touches an electrical "ground" while in contact with the high-voltage wire, she completes an electrical circuit. 208. The fact that the correspondence by running hand unique art of composition of Wei , Jin and Six Dynasties do not appear accidentally. 209. In that year, Charles Goodyear accidentally dropped rubber and sulfur on a hot stovetop, causing it to char like leather yet remain plastic and elastic. 210. See the courthouse blossom, surprises, heaven, accidentally clouds scud across remain. 211. During a capture operation, Zhang Yao, the leader of the Haidao vice squad, accidentally captured a suspected man Gao Fei, who used a fake ID. 212. Willie accidentally let off his father's shotgun and made a hole in the wall. 213. The "Outline Haulage" was accidentally proposed after its first plan defeated when Yuan Shizhen was on the way to Yangzhou in September of the 45th year of Wanli after contacts with salt merchant. 214. I accidentally ran across a book entitled'sea Gull " . 215. Sarah Shourd and the other Americans maintain they accidentally crossed into Iran while hiking in Iraqi Kurdistan. 216. It seems a farm boy accidentally overturned his wagon load of corn. The farmer who lived nearby heard the noise. 217. Moffett answers many questions about ants in his conversation with Fresh Air, including why ants attack, how they live communally and what they do when a bystander accidentally steps on their nest. 218. Riparian forest is partially drowned and downfallen and from the bird's eye view it looks like there are thousand of matches accidentally dropped by some medieval giant. 219. Colombian man accidentally shot his nephew to death while trying to cure his hiccups by pointing a revolver at him to scare him, police in the Caribbean port city of Barranquilla said. 220. Or how about a tattoo parlor?What would happen if the artist were painstakingly etching the name Vinny into the fleshy arm of a crotchety client when the resident dog accidentally bumped his arm? 221. Obviously, if any file has any identity data in it, secure it with user read-write only mode (mode 600) or user read-only mode (mode 400) to prevent you from accidentally overwriting or removing it. 222. Suddenly one day, a street shoot-off in the hands of the lens accidentally captured me, the crowd around me and become a hero of the background plate. 223. Proper care of your hunting knife will extend its life and reduce your risk of accidentally cutting yourself. A sharp blade that's securely set in the handle is the safest blade to use. 224. When Peter accidentally knocks over several jars of paint, the eggs are splashed with all the colors of the rainbow. 225. In soaps, people are always stumbling upon one another,(http:///accidentally.html) accidentally overhearing or deliberately eavesdropping on private conversations. 226. His sister accidentally broke the teapot, she really is like a bull in a china shop. 227. I'm sorry I accidentally spilled you drink, but there's no need to fly off the handle. 228. The Foreign Secretary slipped on a banana skin when he accidentally referred to foreigners as wogs. 229. When Wanda's little brother accidentally shrinks Ms. Frizzle and the kids, they end up trapped in a bathroom with no way out! 230. Until you see the mountain of the sea, in his pocket accidentally open only dumbfounding to find happiness in me. 231. In 1895, Wilhelm Roentgen accidentally discovered that a cathode-ray tube could make a sheet of paper coated with barium platinocyanide glow, even when the tube and the paper were in separate rooms. 232. Uncle Wang, who lives next door, accidentally saved a nautilus. 233. This reduces the effort to write and maintain the schema, as well as ensures that no complex type is accidentally left inextensible. 234. Fortunately, fatalities are fairly rare; the spiders are nonaggressive and bite only in self-defense, such as when someone accidentally sits on them. 235. He leaned over and reached into the glove compartment, his forearm accidentally brushing across her thigh. 236. You can even undelete partition, if it was accidentally deleted. 237. You might accidentally say something fatherly and make her come home. 238. Linked bump and reflection channels now automatically unlink whenever you make a color or texture change, to prevent accidentally contaminating your SU scene. 239. The danger of accidentally overheating the infant thus is present. 240. People can accidentally take acetaminophen if they take serval medicine several medicines that all contain it. 241. Last month, an Indian government investigation said a co-pilot sent an Air India jet into a steep dive when he panicked after accidentally hitting the controls. 242. Lu later accidentally got the keys fly homeand soon began a bizarre " cohabitation. " 243. For Ashley, it was like this: She was sitting with a big group in the school lunchroom when she accidentally knocked her drink onto her lap. 244. She accidentally broke our coffee pot, she really is like a bull in a china shop. 245. Besides natural condition produces a little dioxin, most of dioxin is from accidentally production activity of humankind(), all of them steel industry is a major release source. 246. But during a trip to Murph's recycling plant, the toy soldier she needs to get into the theater accidentally becomes a plastic pellet! 247. I suggest he buy a first-aid kit. It can be of great help to him when he gets hurt accidentally. 248. Doing this we run the risk of printing the wrong pages, accidentally forgetting the coffee filter and saying the wrong thing. 249. Panting and wild-eyed, he paused to catch his breath, then smiled and handed me the half-empty plastic bottle of water I'd accidentally left in his store (where I 'd bought nothing). 250. But he says he doesn't know where Sen. Obama stands on the issues he is raising and that his foray into antibailout rabble-rousing came about accidentally. 251. Accidentally, he broke the house by backing up his car. 252. Accidentally, I saw on TV the fowl run of chicken, various colors, red, ivory and lovely. 253. One night Bufflehead, while on duty, accidentally interrupted a hold up of a grocery store. 254. I accidentally learned to write round hand instead of ladies - hand. 255. Doc: You think your wife's a nutcase because on your honeymoon in a tropical paradise she's singing a lot wanting to have sex around the clock and accidentally she got a little too much sun? 256. Methods RHD group composed of 18 aortic valves from children suffered from RHD. Controls were 8 children who were died accidentally without cardiovascular system diseases. 257. Mother holding the baby sitting in her arms, take out refers to a butterfly or accidentally paper butterfly to baby look. 258. The owner accidentally set off the fire bell, and two fire engines arrived. |
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