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单词 Comrade
(1) He rushed to help his comrade.
(2) Everyone was agog to hear what on earth comrade Khrushchev would say.
(3) Unfortunately our counsel was not heeded by Comrade Winnie Mandela.
(4) A comrade had found a cave near Pac Bo, a village nestled amid the strange northern landscape of limestone hills.
(5) Comrade leaders at all levels, you must give it your full attention.
(6) Comrade Preobrazhensky preaches abstraction from politics but in point of fact, apart from politics, there is absolutely nothing in the work.
(7) But in this instance, comrade Preobrazhensky has completely forgotten about this fundamental methodological demand of Marxism.
(8) Boris, my old comrade, I can see what you game is.
(9) I who did not help my comrade in his sore need.
(10) Just because Comrade Andrew was what he was(Sentencedict), did that mean he had taken a vow of celibacy?
(11) If a comrade paused to lend a hand, it often meant that two would drown instead of one.
(12) Comrade Yanayev has arrived.
(13) Today he should commemorate Comrade Ogilvy.
(14) Allow me to introduce Comrade Zhou, our department head.
(15) He vowed to himself to avenge his martyred comrade.
(16) People's Liberation Army comrade, eats the rice water!
(17) I think comrade commissar's been overgenerous .
(18) Every comrade will be put to the test.
(19) They interred their dear comrade in the arms.
(20) Comrade Mao Zedong has called for stability and unity.
(21) Ocelot: Perhaps? This man was our comrade!
(22) Better be careful of your bookish approach, comrade.
(23) I had led him to believe that he was not so much a servant as a comrade.
(24) The soldier dug his elbow into the side of his comrade and said something that made them both roar with laughter.
(25) For example, that was the view that he had expressed to his old wartime comrade Maurice Schumann in February 1958.
(26) He paused only the once, gazing down at the burnt meat that had been his friend and comrade for so long.
(27) As if a degree could solve the riddle of Comrade Cancer.
(28) I found there a rebel, covered with clotted blood, pillowing his head on the dead body of a comrade.
(29) According to one report, Moussa grabbed the gun from a comrade.
(30) If you tremble with indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine. Che Guevara 
(31) The words of his comrade irritated him unbearably.
(32) Comrade Lei Feng was not reluctant to help others.
(33) Perpetuate the memory of comrade Norman Bethune.
(34) She was his comrade, friend, unconscious sweetheart no longer.
(35) The Korean people set up a monument in memory of Comrade Luo Shengjiao.
(36) Also, our ideological and theoretical workers should always guard against self-satisfaction, narrow-minded conservatism and ignorant boasting, failings which Comrade Mao Zedong warned us against.
(37) The comrade says, misshapen system of ownership can trade the gender is very low.
(38) At this very moment, we deeply cherish the memory of comrade Deng Xiaoping and revolutionist in his generation.
(39) Friedrich Engels, close comrade - in - arms of Karl Marx, great leader the world proletariat, was born at Barmen.
(40) Dobbin looked as pale and grave as his comrade was flushed and jovial.
(41) The Central Committee of the Party headed by Comrade Mao Tse - tung fought these counterrevolutionary elements resolutely.
(42) The slogan of convening a political consultative conference was put forward Comrade Mao Tse - tung.
(43) The accused man arrived alone aboard a scooter at the home of his Hizballah comrade.
(44) Comrade Ko Ching - shih said that we must explore every possible way.
(45) The "principle of going up into the hills" was a dogmatist gibe against Comrade Mao Tse-tung for his emphasis on rural revolutionary bases.
(46) A thoroughgoing materialist should approach this question in the way advocated by Comrade Mao Zedong.
(47) Here, the life between you and your townee, your comrade in arms, your fellow sufferer or your funs teamer is becoming rich and colorful. It is such an easy way to communicate with each other.
(48) Ask comrade Liu to step up; the office is on the second floor.
(49) Some pule in the crowd, some puts acoustical cry bitterly, all without exception is a good Party member, good to lose cadre, good comrade and feel distressed.
(50) Comrade Chen Yun has formed his unique thoughtway and leading style during the long-term career of revolution and construction.
(51) On Christmas Day in 1957, Fidel's comrade - in - arms arrived from another encampment for a celebratory dinner.
(52) He raised a new issue in support of Comrade Wang's opinion.
(53) We plump for Comrade Hu; he is the right man for the post.
(54) This request came on the heels of a twelve-page letter from Rajavi to “Dear Comrade Gorbachev” in which he began by praising the Soviet Union’s efforts “against imperialist adventurism.”
(55) Comrade Mao Zedong said this time and again during the rectification movements.
(56) Everybody took part in the excursion with the exception of Comrade Li.
(57) " Don't take him seriously, comrade. He just likes to tease everyone.
(58) He had his leg injured trying to save a comrade from a cave-in.
(59) Comrade Mao Tsetung's written criticisms of Liu Shao - chi and Yang Shang - kun .
(60) Comrade Chen Zufen speaks the raw material montage below the collection extemporarily into mayor of a book, can serve as art of leader cadre speech to undertake deliberate for the reader.
(61) This heroic utterance by Comrade Wang Jinxi voices the lofty aspirations of the workers and caders of Daqing and their families.
(62) US Marines load a wounded comrade who was shot in the neck onto a Medevac helicopter near Marja in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, on August 8, 2010.
(63) Comrade Chen Yun is revolutionist of proletariat of our party older generation, politician, militarist.
(64) Wish on a shooting star after the rain's cleared get up comrade.
(65) Excerpts from an order issued by Comrade Mao Tsetung to the Chinese People's Volunteers.
(66) Comrade Jiang Zemin also emphasizes for many times, the Communist does not want to do a magnifico only, want aspire to become a major issue.
(67) Epitaph on the Monument to the Heroes of the People drafted by Comrade Mao Tsetung.
(68) Answer: Our Party representative, Comrade Chou En - lai, wrote a letter to Generalissimo asas July.
(69) The conference is chaired by firm muniment room Comrade Yang Yaogong.
(70) He is a pretty good comrade(), when all is said and done.
(71) We are going to put Comrade Zhuang in for the post of special correspondent.
(72) Comrade Ogilvy, unimagined an hour ago, was now a fact.
(73) As Comrade Teng Hsiao-ping stated, if we elect them the significance will be similar to their election at the Seventh Congress.
(74) Our Party representative, Comrade Chou En-lai, wrote a letter to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek as early as July.
(75) US Marines help their wounded comrade to a helicopter while under fire during a Medevac mission in southern Afghanistan's Helmand Province November 10, 2010.
(76) He tried to search out his old comrade in arms, but in vain.
(77) First in the dock was Kaing Guek Eav, also known as Comrade Duch, a former mathematics teacher turned born-again Christian who is accused of overseeing S-21.
(78) Chinese cartel meets standing vice - president Comrade Chen Chong to led Chinese delegacy attend this meeting.
(79) But, some leaders comrade still does not jump to give the circle of routinism, " gnaws some excuse not to move " , far hydrolyze not close thirsty, read to learning adopt perfunctory attitude.
(80) With the issuing of Comrade Peng Dehuai's letter , however, there was a change of direction.
(81) Comrade Bethune was a doctor; the art of healing was his profession and he was constantly perfecting his skill.
(82) Remember that I speak not only as one comrade to another, but as a medical man to one for whose constitution he is to some extent answerable.
(83) He puts me in mind of a comrade in my army unit.
(84) US Marines load a wounded comrade onto a Medevac helicopter near Marjah in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, on August 8, 2010.
(85) If you hang about the office a bit, you may catch Comrade Lin as he arrives.
(86) Comrade Mao Tsetung personally leads the Autumn Harvest Uprising lights the brightest torch, builds up the first people's armed force and establishes the first revolutionary base in the countryside.
(87) Then I will follow you, comrade, and be drunken and go to the dogs.
(88) The Sixth Army Group led by Jen Pi-shih and other comrades began to shift to Comrade Ho Lung's area in August last year, and in October we ourselves started to shift position.
(89) During this legateship, when he was walking along preceded by the fasces , one of his fellow-townsmen, a man of Lepcis and a plebeian, embraced him as an old comrade.
(90) It goes without saying that we should help a comrade in difficulty.
(91) In the cubicle across the way Comrade Tillotson was still crouching secretively over his speakwrite.
(92) Agricultural Producers' Co-operatives by Comrade Mao Tsetung, who undertook it after reading the reports on agricultural co-operation sent in by various localities.
(93) At eleven o'clock Squealer came out to make another announcement. As his last act upon earth, Comrade Napoleon had pronounced a solemn decree: the drinking of alcohol was to be punished by death.
(94) Comrade Zhaozhongxiang, used to a greatest famous TV toastmaster, especially well known for his intelligence contest program.
(95) The first trial - of former prison warder Kaing Guek Eav, or Comrade Duch - started in 2009 and reached a guilty verdict in July 2010.
(96) Comrade small fire to be 14 on Month 6 (Sunday) at 4 pm in the Forum in Beijing, Shandong Province held a press conference Barilla tea, welcome Chinese and foreign reporters.
(97) Comrade commanders and fighters of the Chinese People's Liberation Army!
(98) Comrade Mao Tse - tung refuted this kind of reformist doctrine.
(99) The ugly evil of bureaucracy, which no comrade likes(), must be thrown into the cesspit.
(100) Comrade Mao Zedong once said, " We can't do without Number Nine. "
(101) As we remember the great democratic revolutionary pioneer Sun Yat-sen, we are also deeply cherish the memory of a great proletarian revolutionary, Comrade Deng Xiaoping.
(102) Comrade Xiaoping Deng soulfully said "I'm willing to become the son of Chinese people and devote myself completely to love my homeland and people deeply."
(103) Comrade Li's excellent presentation on the ambitious future development plans of the Bao An Foreign Trade Base were soon drowned out by the crescendo of great growling gringo stomachs.
(104) Comrade Deng Xiaoping is complete physicist not only, and it is crackajack dialectic Great Master.
(105) Previous time meets, converses are not many, this is normal, explained you are do not like pestering the masculine honest woman comrade.
(106) The conference by association of Chinese construction business management standing vice - president Comrade Wu Xiegang is chaired.
(107) Comrade Mao Tsetung integrates Marxism-Leninism with the Chinese revolution. Truth illumines the path of the Chinese revolution.
(108) Review the history, we plan to Comrade Chen Yun the scientific sex of economic norms gives out from the bottom of one's heart gasp in admiration .
(109) The comrade who wrote these poems is a veteran soldier.
(110) Life guideline of Chen Yun Comrade is " practicalism". So is technique work.
(111) The innovative thinking of Comrade Deng Xiaoping possesses the characteristics of negativeness , breakthrough, multi dimensionality, converse, prediction, succession and practicality.
(112) To ever is Chuzhou's atomic energy make dedicatory all previous sessions old leader, leave, retire old comrade, old science and technology's personnel express sincere respect!
(113) Members of the U. S. Navy carry a comrade wounded by an explosion to a medevac helicopter in Kandahar province in southern Afghanistan October 2, 2010.
(114) Comrade Hua Gang , a geat Marxist theorist, devotes all his life to the Party's Cause.
(115) Yang Hong afterward also one and gave the purchase commodity original design Comrade Wei to receive and keep, by facilitated time the investigation used.
(116) Answer: Our Party representative, Comrade chou en-lai, wrote a letter to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek as early as July.
(117) "It's no longer needed, comrade, " said Squealer stiffly. "Beasts of England was the song of the Rebellion.
(118) Comrade Lin has been away for three weeks, but he'll land up one of these days.
(119) Comrade Mao Zedong always maintained that in raising, analysing and solving problems we should adhere to the Marxist-Leninist stand, viewpoint and method.
(120) We are adducible if inspect of a card can lead a comrade, say, all things all owes east wind only fully.
(121) We can't remain indifferent when any comrade is in difficulty.
(122) Comrade Nie RongZhen has written realistically about his own experiences.
(123) A day, the reporter comes in the home of Comrade Zhou Bingde as agreed upon.
(124) In this comment, he opposed Comrade Mao Tsetung's line on the socialist transformation of agriculture, maligning it as an "erroneous, dangerous and utopian notion of agrarian socialism".
(125) So, at worst, a bitter contest could merely reinforce the gridlock, with a re-elected, more leftish Comrade Obama pitted against a still more intransigent Republican Congress.
(126) Comrade Mao Zedong's Combat Liberalism is a good Marxist essay.
(127) Comrade Jiang Tong, Yandong's undersecretary and relative of Liu Laoquan body: You are good!
(128) Comrade Lei Feng sets a glowing example to us all.
(129) It was highly irregular for Gao Gang to engage in behind-the-scene deals and conspiracies in his attempt to bring Comrade Liu Shaoqi down.
(130) Now that our Party General Secretary comrade Teng Hsiao-ping has turned up personally at Tsinghua University and given a talk, I would like all of you to get cracking.




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