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单词 Absurd
1. He often says absurd things.
2. She found the whole concept faintly absurd.
3. I didn't credit that absurd tale.
4. What an absurd thing to say!
5. It is absurd to argue about this.
6. It is absurd to be discussing compulsory redundancy policies for teachers.
7. It is ridiculously absurd to believe that the number 13 is unlucky.
8. It's patently absurd not to wear a coat in such cold weather.
9. What an absurd suggestion!
10. It seems quite absurd to expect anyone to drive for 3 hours just for a 20 minute meeting.
11. Do I look absurd in this hat?
12. That uniform makes them look absurd.
13. Your proposal is absurd; it's an absolute non-starter.
14. His high-flown style just sounds absurd today.
15. It is absurd that they deny my request.
16. Of course it's not true, what an absurd idea.
17. It seems an absurd idea.
18. She has a keen sense of the absurd.
19. Parkinson had a sharp eye for the absurd.
20. Don't show us up by wearing something absurd.
21. The whole situation borders on the absurd.
22. I can't rationalise my absurd fear of insects.
23. He has a good sense of the absurd.
24. He looked absurd in that get-up.
25. I can't rationalize my absurd fear of insects.
26. His collegues were surprised at his absurd behaviour.
27. That uniform makes the guards look absurd.
28. That's a frankly absurd suggestion.
29. They went to absurd lengths to keep the affair secret.
30. It is only one of the absurd rules in the system of law laughingly known as British justice.
1. He often says absurd things.
2. She found the whole concept faintly absurd.
3. What an absurd thing to say!
4. It is absurd to argue about this.
5. It is absurd to be discussing compulsory redundancy policies for teachers.
6. It is ridiculously absurd to believe that the number 13 is unlucky.
7. It seems quite absurd to expect anyone to drive for 3 hours just for a 20 minute meeting.
31. Don't be so absurd! Of course I want you to come.
32. It was absurd of you to do such a thing.
33. Some of the stories he tells verge on the absurd.
34. Their request is absurd.
35. Every moment of the fashion industry's misery is richly deserved by the designers and magazine poltroons who perpetuate this absurd creation.
36. We have no intention of lying down under these absurd allegations.
37. It can be done without following some absurd, off-the-wall investment strategy.
38. It's an absurd situation - neither of them will talk to the other.
39. I've known clients of mine go to absurd lengths, just to avoid paying me a few pounds.
40. I just managed to stifle a giggle at the absurd idea.
41. Can you synonymize "absurd"?
42. She wore dark glasses in an absurd attempt at disguise.
43. His sense of the absurd kept him from becoming too solemn.
44. Sometimes, the censorship bordered on the absurd.
45. That kind of thinking is absurd.
46. Occasionally it comes across as absurd pretension.
47. We can best illustrate this with two absurd examples.
48. An absurd idea took hold of her.
49. The whole absurd situation needs putting into context.
50. It was truly the most absurd of happenings.
51. Some gigs stand out as being particularly absurd.
52. Her school was going to be right with it, modem, classless, with no absurd delusions about exclusivity.
53. He'd had more time to think, to get used to this slightly absurd rapture.
54. He is so absurd that he adds a note of humor to an otherwise dry, tedious, prosaic play.
55. It was absurd to imagine that a modern city could still evoke that kind of magic!
56. It sounds quite absurd but the other day I walked up the footpath from the road just to see if it was.
57. This last ambition may not be as absurd as it looks.
58. The Victoria County History mentions a quite absurd figure of £250,000.
59. More absurd was the sight of Johnny Marr in a Sale chip shop buying, wait for it, a steak pie.
60. It can even be converted into sudden laughter, when one realizes how absurd the pretence is.
61. His views on motion seem to us today quite absurd.
62. I had seen shyness stiffen her into a quite absurd primness.
63. But to include call centre work in this category is absurd.
64. Now to extrapolate from this example to a general argument that familiarity of a subject is a disadvantage would clearly be absurd.
65. They condemn as absurd, lessons that teach children about homosexuality years before they can understand the meaning of the word.
66. And once you've had one treble gin it seems slightly absurd not to have another.
67. It was too absurd - the invitation, then this curt dismissal, as if I had exhausted his patience.
68. The auto accident is the most absurd of all adversary proceedings.
69. At home I made my absurd confession to Barbara, weeping at the dinner table, crying in my highball.
70. Of course it was an absurd idea, and very sensibly Rex said nothing.
71. Q: Of the many things there are to make fun of in Martha, what struck you as the most absurd?
72. Almost as if the very people who built and benefit most from the absurd complications of super.capitalism have lost faith in it.
73. You never see animals going through the absurd and often horrible fooleries of magic and religion. Only man behaves with such gratuitous folly. It is the price he has to pay for being intelligent but not, as yet, quite intelligent enough. Aldous Huxley 
74. No one claims that advertising is the only determinant of tobacco consumption or smoking prevalence: to do so would be absurd.
75. How simple that concept seems now, but how inhuman, how futuristic, how absurd it sounded to me then.
76. I was forced to admit that put that way, it did sound rather absurd.
77. I told him how upsetting, and authoritarian, and ultimately how absurd, the whole experience had been.
78. Doubt is not a pleasant state of mind, but certainty is absurd. Voltaire 
79. It was an absurd capper to the ongoing trend of expanding weather coverage.
80. At its most absurd it might mean that companies could be sued for sending letters to the wrong address.
81. On close inspection it looks more like the second touring production of Absurd Person Singular after a long spell in Pitlochry.
82. This fact merely needs stating to show how absurd the law is.
83. To describe myself as Black in a situation where most people shared my complexion was absurd.
84. Winter denies the allegation and those who know him dismiss the charge as absurd.
85. The problem began to expand to levels at once more profound and absurd.
86. It would be absurd if it were not so unlikely.http://
87. In any case the idea of such a thing between me and the lieutenant is quite absurd.
88. EastEnders, once renowned for gritty realism and giant characters, is now awash with pygmies acting out absurd leftish fantasies.
89. It would, however, be absurd to complain that Blunden and Mellor chiefly admire skill in a poet.
90. Perhaps this person was a college professor who assigned absurd papers-and too many of them.
91. These examples demonstrate that it is absurd to say that the Cox Report does not advocate the teaching of grammar.
92. An animal's pelt covered his scalp, its empty legs dangling beside his ears, yet it seemed not at all absurd.
93. It is absurd to disagree about whether we should be fixed to the Deutschmark or not, while behaving as if we were.
94. The teachings of Zen were encapsulated in very short anecdotes, koans, intentionally absurd, with unexpected moral lessons.
95. Indeed it would be quite absurd if companies can not correct any mistake if all interested parties agree.
96. Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible. Albert Einstein 
97. It would be absurd and self-defeating to ask poor families to pay the taxes needed to finance their welfare payments!
98. This may seem a little absurd since the buyer in possession may well not be a mercantile agent.
99. But the superficiality became readily apparent in yesterday's absurd statement by the Employment Minister, Michael Forsyth.
100. He fancied himself in love with me, the silly boy, but that was absurd.
101. It would be absurd to make high claims for the international morality of the later seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
102. When I say his demand for a raise is absurd, I mean absurdly low.
103. To do that would be to become that most absurd and outmoded of beings, a socialist.
104. Was he laughing at the absurd idea of being an old fogey?
105. But she was being absurd, she scarcely knew this man and what was it to her who he was betrothed to?
106. And now this absurd notion of staying at the centre for an extra week, just to be with him!
107. The fact that this singular, somewhat oppressive female was seeking out a religious man seemed absurd.
108. A little idiosyncratic, I think, my appearance - but without going to the slightly absurd lengths of ginger hair and freckles.
109. Besides, it struck him as a little absurd to allude to the matter.
110. The greatest scientists have mixed insight amounting to genius with the most absurd follies at other times.
111. Senator Robert Taft found the idea of loaning military equipment absurd.
112. We allowed them to see us at our most absurd.
113. Their noses and foreheads bump against each other; there is a sudden flurry of limbs, an absurd pantomime struggle.
114. The herd moves into a market, driving up asset prices to absurd levels, then leaves when things look dicey.
115. The classical progression is then to delusions of grandeur with absurd claims of past and present achievements.
116. The absurd idea, he wrote, that a work of art grows from nothing into something, from acorn into oak.sentencedict .com
117. The doctrine of the origin of domestic races from several aboriginal stocks was once carried to absurd extremes.
118. The hon. Gentleman's allegation about my right hon. Friend is absurd and wrong.
119. The suggester of this absurd strategy was a fool.
120. Camus: Rebel against this absurd shit.
121. He was wearing galoshes and an absurd hat.
122. The proposal borders upon the absurd.
123. It is absurd to call him a fanatic.
124. A code word could have triggered that absurd conversation.
125. Sell oneself time, I feel a bit absurd.
126. Albert Camus is an absurd philosopher.
127. He made absurd statements in the internet chat room.
128. Now the absurd situation was open.
129. My method of argument verges on the absurd.
130. Therefore It'seems that it would be absurd to argue there is no joint commercial activity.
131. The absurd and foul are silenced as the gods have turned away.
132. His first play, The Zoo Story manifests the features of the absurd play both thematically and formally, thus initiating the American play of the absurd.
133. With the application of " black humor", Joseph Heller displays an absurd society.
134. I had this sort of absurd picture of myself strutting into the meeting.
135. The dreamlike fantastic narration shows the authors doubt for life, cognition for absurd existence of individuals, and deep thinking for humans irremovable anxiety.
136. Privatizing governmental functions, while generally an admirable idea, can become an unreflective and absurd fetish, if the alternative of abolition is neglected.
137. A flatterer never seems absurd: the flatter , d always take his word.
138. The most original playwright of the Theater of Absurd is Samuel Beckett, who wrote about human beings living a meaningless life in an alien, decaying world. He first play, Waiting fro Godot.
139. The road was big and wide, with few cars on it, and Kroeber remembers thinking it absurd that the city had spent the money to build it.
140. Lax court morals and the absurd chivalry business were in full feather.
141. They do not reexamine their reasoning even when they emerge with conclusions are absurd.
142. She told herself it was absurd to allow her imagination to run away with her.
143. So absurd rodomontade , people nature can be anounced derisive.
144. We categorically repudiate the absurd view that a Pacific conference would not be an Eastern Munich.
145. Cruz told The Mirror, "Johnny and I are both fans of South Park and the character Mr Hankey the Christmas Poo. It's absurd but very funny.
146. It did seem absurd to imagine Ethan wearing an orange jumpsuit and sitting in a jail cell for inflicting a harm that was mostly in her head anyway.
147. Sometimes I feel , with a change of mind, that trees are absurd,[] too.
148. It is ridiculously absurd to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow.
149. For them, religion was the great explicandum: how, they wondered, could so many people believe in something so absurd?
150. You have already grasped that Sisyphus is the absurd hero.
151. The philosopher Soren Kierkegaard wrote that such anomalies produced a profound "sensation of the absurd, " and he wasn't the only one who took them seriously.
152. But opponents have seized on another fish tale -- Mr. Goetschel's defense of the big pike -- to argue that a mandatory public defender could make for absurd results.
153. Cyberwarfare, a futuristic collection of ideas that range from clever to absurd.
154. I don't know if there's anything in this world more completely absurd or self-deceptive than that!
155. It would be absurd that, while in estimating all other things quality is considered as well as quantity, the estimation of pleasure should be supposed to depend on quantity alone.
156. The modernists rejected the inerrancy of Scripture, and the postmodernists make the idea of an inerrant Bible absurd.
157. The critics were down on the author as an absurd bungler.
158. In fact , the total throughput of the Internet was mot going to double every 30 days and all of this talk about unbridled needs and capability was absurd.
159. To expect the White House to walk such a confrontational line — especially as much of the Western world looks imploringly to Beijing, cap in hand — is absurd.
160. "It's absurd that a self-regulating body can exist when it's a non-regulating body, " the New York trader says.
161. People like me who relish political theater of the absurd will miss the "Leader; "but most of his people, I suspect, will not.
162. So I decided to try to carve a kind of theater of the absurd in wood.
163. Although the water wars and the government response have a comically absurd quality, the recent tension shows how fearful the regime is of its young.
164. Cyberwarfare, a futuristic colection of ideas that range from clever to absurd.
165. My name is absurd too: Malachi Mulligan , two dactyls.
166. Because of the poverty in those days, that thirsts for quick success and instant benefit and the improvidence ideas, what is now looked as really absurd.
167. This sounds ridiculous, absurd, savage, primitive, but if you really think about it sanely, if you give a few minutes of your real creative thought to it, you will see it is not so absurd as all that.
168. Similarly, the debate on bailing out Detroit's three auto makers often seems to play out in a theater of the absurd.
169. Prominent anthropologist Margaret Mead once noted that the increasing life expectancy of Americans made it absurd to think that all marriages would or even should endure for a lifetime.
170. The absurd little man enjoys doing things for other people. That's his life.
171. For the path pursued by Kafka's hero from Frieda to the Barnabas sisters is the very one that leads from trusting love to the deification of the absurd.
172. He chose instead a form of diluted Neo - Classicism with faintly absurd, occasionally even Surrealist overtones.
173. The absurd trial is a sendup of the court .
174. It is absurd that nobody have notice them before, but there it is.
175. In his revolt against the absurd world, the hero's contradiction, misery, solitariness and tragic consciousness can be found.
176. On this point, the absurd " perpetual motion machine" project has been launched in Nanjie.
176. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
177. The fear is that the idea of sticking with another through thick and thin – the very essence of friendship and love – will come to seem absurd, uncool, meaningless.
178. It's time to end this theater of the absurd. It's time for us to get real.
179. To the actor as to the absurd man, a premature death is irreparable.
180. There was unfortunately no one there but I who could realise the atrociously ludicrous way in which the Behaga mode combined with those absurd verses.




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