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单词 20th
1. My heartiest good wishes on the 20th anniversary of your marriage.May the years to come bring every blessing to you both.
2. The post office centralizing the town celebrated its 20th anniversary yesterday.
3. Terrorism is a phenomenon of the 20th century.
4. The show runs the gamut of 20th century design.
5. Today's date is - let me see, March 20th.
6. America's influence on culture grew throughout the 20th century.
7. The 20th century was remarkable for its inventions.
8. The 20th century brought brutal change to some countries.
9. I'll be away from the 20th to the 31st of May inclusive.
10. At the beginning of the 20th century almost a third of the population lived off the land .
11. From the vantage point of the late 20th century,[http://] the war seems to have achieved nothing.
12. Come the election on the 20th of May, we will have to decide.
13. The report ranks the UK 20th out of 22 advanced nations.
14. The early 20th century women's movement fought for the political emancipation of women.
15. in the 20th cent.
16. On July 20th, the council was summoned to hear an emergency report on its finances.
17. They moved the meeting forward from the 20th to the 18th.
18. She worked at 20th Century Fox as a film editor.
19. It is interesting to correlate the history of the 20th century with its literature.
20. Einstein was one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century.
21. He was one of the most famous scientists who questioned the space in the early years of the 20th century.
22. His achievement may seem small alongside the great triumphs of 20th century technology.
23. Life expectancy in Europe has increased greatly in the 20th century.
24. You're not available on the 12th and Andrew can't make the 20th - so where does that leave us?
25. The London Stock Exchange was dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th century.
26. The body of the general was reinterred at his native town in the earlier years of the 20th century.
27. November 9, 1989 is already enshrined as a key date in 20th century European history.
28. The paintings of Paul Cezanne prefigured the rise of cubism in the early 20th century.
29. Her work was in eclipse for most of the 20th century.
30. James Joyce was saluted as the greatest writer of the 20th century.
1. The post office centralizing the town celebrated its 20th anniversary yesterday.
2. It is interesting to correlate the history of the 20th century with its literature.
31. He ranked high among the pioneers of 20th century chemical technology.
32. In social politics, too, the city's contribution to 20th century thought and culture was no less portentous.
33. He described her as one of the greatest film artists of the 20th century.
34. There was a great wave of immigrants to the U.S. at the beginning of the 20th century.
35. July 20th is the first day of the summer holidays.
36. The idea of time travel enjoys wide currency in 20th century fiction.
37. History and economics only became separate academic disciplines in the 20th century.
38. In the late 20th century, we have more choices about modes of living.
39. Suffrage reforms took place in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.
40. In one room, late 19th and early 20th century paintings are displayed.
41. Proulx's novel realistically portrays life in early 20th century America.
42. The museum has an impressive collection of early 20th century American paintings.
43. the discovery of antibiotics in the 20th century.
44. His impact is staggering on 20th century evangelicalism.
45. Chinese Aesthetics in the late 20th century can be depicted by the concept of neo - classicalism.
46. John Steinbeck remains one of America's most significant realistic writers in the 20th century.
47. If the 20th century marked California's rise from the ashes of Prohibition, the 21st century will surely herald a golden age for California wine and wine lovers the world over.
48. All reality is process as Whitehead was moved to observe by his study of 20th century physics and as Heraclitus remarked long ago Nietzsche's beings are be comings as Richardson says and so are ours.
49. In later of 20th century, many countries in east Asia carried out the export orientation policy, improving the rapid increase of economy and the World Bank call this achievement "east Asia miracle".
50. Goebbels called her "well-read" in his diaries, but he was the 20th century's greatest liar, and his diaries were written for intended postwar publication.
51. From this time on, "Nora left" becomes 20th century China females to awaken and to seek own liberation thew.
52. It was revealed that the lymphatic tissue were first found in 17th week, and were found in half of the appendices between 17th and 20th week and in about 90% of appendices after 21th week.
53. Gustav Klimt's "Judith I" illustrates a symbolic motive popular at the beginning of the 20th century.
54. A series of discoveries and studies on ancient life forms in the 20th century demonstrated that Cambrian was a geological period full of the wildest imagination.
55. Known as the most important archaeological discovery in the 20th century, the Dead Sea Scrolls had aroused great interests when they were exhibited in Toronto.
56. The 100 franc note features Alberto Giacometti, a 20th century Swiss artist.
57. My dissertation discusses the communicative political philosophy of Hannah Arendt, who is one of the most famous political thinkers of 20th century.
58. Scriabin' s harmony method in his later period is important for us to make a research into the characteristics of music development at the turn of the 19th and 20th century.
59. The German Empire had become an industrial country through the Second Industrial Revolution by the end of 19th C. and the beginning of 20th C.
60. This paper retrospects to the developing history and usage status of radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) used in space in the 20th century.
61. The library hopes to extend the digitisation scheme by scanning books out of copyright dating from the early 20th century.
62. Another important series of documents in the Archives are the reports from archaeological expeditions in China conducted under the sponsorship of the Freer gallery in the early 20th century.
63. The"Dollar Diplomacy"is one of the American diplomatic traditions. In the early 20th century, "Dollar Diplomacy"was used as a tool to help United States expand its influence in China.
64. Late 20th Century, in Mexico City and rural society, the Indians have a more complete non-discriminatory treatment there.
65. The graceful arch of the main beach is transplanted from an early 20th Century French daydream, with a broad pedestrian corniche punctuated by graceful wrought iron lamps.
66. Parsnip originating from Europe and Asia is much cultivated in Europe and America, it was introduced and planted in Shanghai in the turn of the 20th century.
67. Laser is one of the most important inventions of 20th century, for which associate and penetrate with other subjects and technique, some new and top research fields appear.
68. One of the most endive and significant cultural phenomena in the 20th century is the alliance between TV and advertising. TV advertising has the duality of being practical and aesthetic.
69. Sixteen years later he was at the Washington rail depot where the 20th President, James Garfield, was shot and killed in 1881.
70. The discussion about the question whether Confucianism is a kind of religion and Confucian religiousness,[] is one of most important events in the Confucian history of 20th century.
71. David Herbert Lawrence is one of the greatest writers in the 20th century, but also caused the greatest disputes in the world.
72. Martin Buber was a well-renowned Jewish philosopher in the 20th century.
73. Ninette de Valois, we acknowledge the passing of one of the 20th century's greatest and most influential figures in the world of the arts, "said Sir Anthony Dowell, director of the Royal Ballet."
74. Hannah Arendt is one of the most outstanding and distinctive political philosophers in the 20th century.
75. Fosse is widely considered to be among the most innovative and influential choreographers of the 20th Century.
76. Its beginning obscured by unemployment caused by the world economic slowdown, the new technological unemployment may emerge as the great socioeconomic challenge of the end of the 20th century.
77. In the inflation in 90's in 20th century, the curie madam's prinipal was like to once appear in the Poland and France of money and stamp up.
78. Their creative Bayan accordion Capriccio not only Virtuoso of the 20th century, modern music, and the rich colors, and a combination of Russia's traditional style of music.
79. Another type of block replaced clay bricks in the late 20th century. It was the Cinder block, made mostly with concrete.
80. The dissertation briefly discusses the works on Renaissance art by three famous art historians in the 20th century, Panofsky, Wittkower and Hellmut Wohl.
81. Back in 1956, he had been outed as a monster by my great-grandfather, Nikita Khrushchev, in the famous "secret speech" at the 20th Congress of the Soviet Communist Party and deleted from history.
82. As one of the advanced project management methods, Earned Value Management is originated in the early 20th century. Firstly, it was brought into the cost schedule control system standard by the U. S.
83. This was predicted by Einstein’s theory of relativity at the beginning of the 20th centaury and has since been proved many times.
84. In the middle of the 20th century, the timpani had changed again.
85. The 20th century was a time dominated by projects of westernisation.
86. Cultural and scientific contact went from strength to strength through the 19th an dearly 20th centuries.
87. It happened two world wars during the 20th century, the cruel wars brought remediless scar for the whole world.
88. His more famous doodles include the Beijing Olympics series, the Wallace and Gromit 20th Anniversary, HG Wells Birthday series, Mothering Sunday holidays, and Norman Rockwell series.
89. Its repertory spans almost the entire history of music from Monteverdi, Bach, Vivaldi, Mozart to the romantics and to the 20th century composers.
90. Looking back and paying attention to the 20th art history of China, we can find that long plait has been replaced by pilgarlic .
91. Roman Jakobson, the outstanding Russian American linguist and literary theorist of the 20th century, has explored the verbal art from the structural-functional perspective.
92. This Convention enters into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of one year from the date of deposit of the 20th instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
93. The trans-Atlantic paradigms of the 20th century became inadequate, but an understandable desire to cling to them persisted in Germany.
94. It will be the important technique in 21th century with the developments in petroleum field, after the technology of pinnate wells and horizonal wells are developed in 20th century.
95. He Xiaozhu is not only a good fictionist , but also one of the 5 important Miao poets of the 20th century.
96. Veblen was not only a famous economist and sociologist in the 20th century but also a rationalistic representative in the philosophical genres of higher education.
97. By the end of the 20th century, the development of Taiwanese fiction generally has become descriptively "lavish" which proved to be a difficult challenge for new generation writers.
98. Samuel Barber is one of the most important composers in American in 20th century.
99. Both ambidextrous and multilingual , 20th president of the United States James Garfield could write Greek with one hand while writing Latin with the other.
100. The curves of the normal mean values of urinary E_3 and E_3/C ratio from 20th to 42nd weeks of gestation were established.
101. Content: No one can supersede the position of Irish poet W. B. Yeats in the circle of English poem in the 20th century.
102. In the 60's of the 20th century animal experiments showed that AA had anticarcinogenic effects and could augment phagocytotic activity of leukocytes.
103. Taking 20th place was Douglas Moore of the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point in Stevens Point,[http:///20th.html] Wisconsin.
104. Since the 20th century, Chinese folk dances have entered into the professional education which is called by Chinese dance people the"Academism" of folk dances based on their own cultural formation.
105. "There's John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and John Quincy Adams, then Abraham Lincoln and in the 20th century just Woodrow Wilson, " he said.
106. Le Corbusier 1887-1965, is one of the most important architects of the 20th century , he is the pioneer of modern architecture movement, known as one of the four masters of modern architecture.
107. Steichen spent the first years of the 20th century in Paris, pursuing parallel careers as an art photographer and painter.
108. At last, the paper points out the idea of rule by law in the 20th century is not only a concept of abundant content, but also an ideology of obvious axiological inclination.
109. London rose frome 15th palce to sixth in the gross wages ranking, but was only 20th in domestic purchasing power.
110. However, the 20th century agrestic literature did not have profound multicultural perspectives on "ancestral temple".
111. Eventually all the writers found opportunities for creative collaborations, such as a word game known as "Exquisite Corpse," invented by French surrealist artists in the early 20th century.
112. For example, since 20th century intermediate stages, unceasingly has increased along with the government apparatus function, the government note starts to present the explosive growth tendency.
113. Vincent: A Dutch post-Impressionist painter whose work had a far-reaching influence on 20th century art as a result of its vivid colors and emotional impact.
114. By July 20th the yield gap between Italian and German benchmark bonds had dropped below three percentage points (though it remained worryingly high).
115. The author paid a special attention to this field when compiling History of 20th Century Biographic Literature.
116. Since the second half of the 20th century, the school of welfarism set a new trend in which welfarists turned to the welfare issues and began to reflect the ultimate meaning of wealth to human beings.
117. Unitarianism – a sect that, perhaps more than any other, embodies the spirit of Enlightenment religiosity – saw its membership decline by 20 percent during the last quarter of the 20th century.
118. In terms of environment, the influence of automobile on environment is the most important issues as the motorization is accelerating in the 20th century.
119. In late 20th century, British became a base of training a new generation of avantgarde fashion designers, even London Fashion Week is reputed as "the Stage of Wonder Child".
120. Another company, Fox Searchlight (parented by 20th Century Fox), offers highly successful British imports like Bend It Like Beckham (2002) and Notes on a Scandal (2006).
121. I would like to find myself in the early 20th century France, sitting with Paul Cezanne, doing still life stuff with him.
122. Musical Image Study was put forward in the early 20th century, taking images that are related to music as main research subjects.
123. Political machines are corruptive political organizations in the late 19th century and the early 20th century in many large cities in the United States.
124. And in the latter half of the 20th century, their population increased quickly, which became the basis of splittism.
125. Henry Moore, one of the greatest British sculptors of the 20th century in the world, from 1932 to 1939 he taught at the Chelsea School of Art.
126. America's interest in Sasquatch — later to become known as Bigfoot — grew after stories of its existence were serialized in newspapers at the turn of the 20th century.
127. Human history is one of progressive improvement in communication. From the 20th century mail was a fundamental form of communication.
128. Born in Vienna, February 20th 1844, Boltzmann attended the University of Vienna, gaining a PhD degree at age 22, and becoming Professor of Mathematical Physics at the University of Graz at age 25.
129. These days, according to the 20th solar term has not stopped people fall all over the area-room house warm.
130. Following the technological advances in biomedical sciences during the 20th century, modern biostatistics is facing the formidable challenge of translating information into knowledge.
130. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
131. When naming female philosophers, only two initially come to my mind: Ayn Rand and Simone de Beauvoir, but Hannah Arendt (1906-1976), was one of the 20th century's most innovative political theorists.
132. Roosevelt seemingly wheeled in the 20th century single-handed, a thoroughly modern man whose impatient, vigorous personality matched that of the nation he led, itself on the precipice of greatness.
133. Jacques Maritain(1882-1973) has unique occurring principle of art, who is a famous Christian esthetician of France, a theoretician of the literature and art in the 20th century.
134. There was a vision, called communism, which was held by Kropotkin and other anarchist-communists in the 19th and early 20th century.
135. Following that scandal, reforms and electronic trading systems cut Nasdaq stock trading costs to 1/20th of their former level — an enormous savings for investors.
136. Eventually the other majors (Paramount, Disney, Warner Brothers, MGM, Columbia, and 20th Century Fox) fell in line and finally began negotiating the "non-negotiable" issue.
137. Northrop Frye is an outstanding aesthetician , a literary theorist and a cultural critic in the 20th century Canada and Western world.
138. In late 19th century and beginning of 20th century, Japan Buddhism did their missions towards China in essence, to aggress against China.
139. The famous Mexican composer Carlos Chavez is publicly considered as one of the most prominent composers in the 20th century.
140. The third part expounds the development of the Korean anarchical movement in the second and third of 20th century.
141. Although the Montessori's education method was spread into China in the beginning of 20th century, it is spread widely and made practical research on it's nativism after the 80's of 20lh century .
142. Irrespective of any aesthetic difference among people, it's an indisputable truth that Lin Fengmian is a publicly-recognized and indispensable master of fine arts in the 20th century.
143. By the end of the 20th century, trend spotting and trendsetting were marketable skills.
144. Rainwear became so important to Burberry that the company soon whittled its lines down to little more than trench coats and tailored menswear for much of the 20th century.
145. Art song by Hugo Wolf is one of the most important composers of late 19th century and early 20th century.
146. During the first half of the 20th century, there existed anfractuous and interlaced national contradictions and class contradictions as well in modern Chinese society.
147. By the following year, Paul was promoted again to Colonel, leading the 20th Massachusetts at Chancellorsville and, in his final days, at Gettysburg.
148. The greatest polemicist of the 20th century must be Leon Trotsky.
149. John Galsworthy is one of the most prominent English critical realistic writer and playwright in the 20th century.
150. The Empyrean is my new record and will be released worldwide via Record Collection on January 20th 2009.
151. The compositional techniques of the 20th century, with total serialism, which makes every parameter of music highly organized, seemed to have reached the extreme of artificiality.
152. One of the most endive and significant cultural phenomena in the 20th century is the alliance between TV and advertising.
153. Alfred Garriyevich Schnittke is one of the Russian most outstanding composers after Shostakovich, Prokfiev and Khachaturian in the middle period of 20th century.
154. There are three kinds of time in the Poem: 1913 as the symbol of Silver Age , the real 20th century and history itself.
155. Visual convey design in 20th century has been influenced deeply by Cubism, Futureism, Dadaism and super realism.
156. William Somerset Maugham (1874—1965) was a miracle of the British literature and even that of the world literature in the 20th century.
157. The most obvious example is Judaism's Chanukah , which in the 20th century has evolved a similar tradition of family gift-giving.
158. An elm tree was planted in the first half of the 20th century on a farm near Beulah , Michigan (USA).
159. Owning a large audience, Robert Lee Frost is considered as the most influential, the most popular and the most respectful poet in the 20th century in America.
160. In Australia in the early 20th century, shore whalers at Eden, on the coast of New South Wales, co-operated with a pod of orca led by a bull male named Old Tom.
160. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
161. The western philosophy had got a linguistics turn in the 20th century through the endeavor of Bertrand Russell, Friedrich Frege and Ludwig Wittgenstein.
162. From the changes in terms of trade, before the 20th century, the specialty goods in Guangxi still had strong competitiveness, but later the advantage has gradually lost.
163. Hannah Arendt, a 20th century philosopher, comments on what she describes as the "end" of the western tradition of philosophy.
164. Museed'art moderne de la ville de Paris is an art museum dedicated to the arts of the 20th century and to contemporary art.
165. Hastiness and superficiality are the psychic disease of the 20th century and more than anywhere else this disease is reflected in the press.
166. Among the overjoyed masses gathered in Times Square that day was one of the most talented photojournalists of the 20th century, a German immigrant named Alfred Eisenstaedt.
167. The establishment of Matrix and Wave mechanics , is the important incident on the development history of physics of 20th century.
168. The United States ranks 20th in its infant mortality rate.
169. To make his point, he turned to a little-known 1908 text by Lu Xun, arguably China's greatest writer of the 20th century[], who was appropriated by the Communists.
170. Fletcher was a famous American theologian and ethicist, who is regarded as the founder and the forefather of the bioethics in the 20th century.
171. An example of nearly contemporary Roman writing on the subject shows an analysis which Milton Freidman (a famous 20th century monetarist) would have been hard pressed to better.
172. Many observers predicted that in the 20th century left a huge scar in the hot war and cold war will become increasingly rare, peace and prosperity will become the mainstream.
173. So Horne, as determined as she was beautiful, went ahead and fashioned one of the 20th century's most exemplary and poignant show-business careers.
174. Herbert Winlock was a very important and talented American Egyptologist who worked in the first half of the 20th century.
175. The above-mentioned two processes interact and interweave with each other. This is exactly a logic relationship between the two strata in the development of Chinese film in the 20th century.
176. U. S. Fifth Fleet said on the 20th, a submarine and an amphibious landing ship earlier in the day in Iran near the Strait of Hormuz collision.
177. Katherine Mansfield, a great English writer. of the 20th century, is famous for her short stories.
178. Carl Gustav Jung is one of the most important thinkers in 20th century. His theory is not only concerned with our times but has great influence on thiscentry's thoughts.
179. But their numbers have dwindled since the dawn of the 20th century, with unknown consequences for ocean ecosystems and the planet's carbon cycle.
180. Since the second half of 20th century, the topics of Orientalism, Japonisme and Primitivism have moved to the forefront of art-history discussion.
181. London rose from 15th place to sixth in the gross wages ranking, but was only 20th in domestic purchasing power.
182. Ramesses IX, of the 20th Dynasty, appointed a committee to investigate accusations of repeated robberies in the royal tombs.
183. Visibly shaken by the deafening noise, Bayern let Levan Kobiashvili immediately add a second in the 20th.
184. As one of the most prominent scientists of the 20th century, George Gamow made notable contributions to many fields of science in his life time.
185. Blok is a world -famous Russian poet in the 20th century. He is both great at Russian classic poetic art, and a master of the realism poets.




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