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单词 Parasite
1. The mistletoe plant is a parasite on trees.
2. These flies carry a dangerous parasite.
3. I don't want to be a parasite. I must earn my own way in life.
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. One of the ways the parasite spreads is through fecal matter.
5. The parasite would not live to see its success.
6. It looked like any other parasite.
7. But the parasite had multiplied explosively in his blood.
8. Parasite or passenger, I am travelling there with him.
9. Gyrodactylus I have probably seen this skin fluke parasite on more fish in my laboratory studies than any other pathogen.
10. Screening for the parasite should be part of the investigative procedures in children with chronic diarrhoea.
11. In its life cycle the parasite exists in two forms or stages: cysts and trophozoites.
12. As long as he could avoid this seasonal parasite(), he would live forever.
13. The parasite has been nurtured by abject poverty, intermittent political chaos and, some charge, international indifference.
14. Not a parasite Overall assessment: Full marks for background, education, appearance.
15. More often than not, the parasite develops a resistance to drugs and suitable alternatives are not easy to find.
16. The well developed buccal capsule of the adult parasite is prominent as is the bursa of the male.
17. The parasite, originating in human fecal matter, in turn causes diarrhea, fatigue, loss of appetite and cramps.
18. It is an obligate parasite with a complex life cycle.
19. The older drugs didn't deal effectively with the malaria parasite.
20. The disease, causing extreme stomach upsets, is caused by a waterborne parasite.
21. Giardia infection can be diagnosed by looking for the parasite in the stools.
22. Both humoral and cellular immune responses are important in clearing the parasite and providing immunity.
23. Because of the peculiar natural history of these hosts, the relative importance of horizontal and vertical transmission differs among parasite species.
24. The argument that acquired immunity may bias the measurement of parasite resistance or limit the progression of those parasites deserves comment.
25. The problem for the cockerel is that the higher his level of testosterone, the greater his parasite infestation.
26. The Government wants to control the spread of the varroa mite, a parasite which can weaken and eventually kill bees.
27. Hyperplasia is in fact initiated by the fish itself as a protective mechanism in response to hostile water conditions or parasite infestations.
28. Stage by stage, the whole complex life cycle of the parasite was worked out.
29. This may be a result of having received a lesser dose of malaria parasite, he said.
30. In agreement with our findings, they showed that the rat intestine secreted fluid on day 5 after parasite administration.
1. The mistletoe plant is a parasite on trees.
2. The older drugs didn't deal effectively with the malaria parasite.
3. I don't want to be a parasite. I must earn my own way in life.
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
31. Strangely I could find only one mention of a plant parasite - in a figure.
32. The prophylactic anthelmintic regimens practised for Ostertagia or Haemonchus are usually sufficient to control this parasite.
33. His shame at the hands of the Doctor parasite seems to have unhinged him.
34. Laurence Hurst has pursued an obscure hint of a gender-altering parasite among human beings.
35. Speedo harbored every kind of parasite and fungus that can set up housekeeping in the canine host.
36. The place where you were not yourself; but an appendage, a parasite on some one else.
37. The end product of such a course of evolution is an obligate parasite that is inextricably linked to a particular host.
38. The implication follows: If a zoologist can deduce which parasite is present, a female roach probably can as well.
39. Bee warned: Thousands of beehives are at risk after a deadly parasite was found in more colonies, experts warned yesterday.
40. It will probably resist extermination, however, since, unlike its parasite, it frequents shallow water.
41. For some viruses, the war between host and parasite gives way to truce.
42. It did not prevent infection; it only checked the later multiplication of the parasite after infection had taken place.
43. Hence identification of antigenic determinants of IgA response may lead us towards antibody responses likely to be important in parasite clearance.
44. In the cyst stage a strong covering protects the parasite and allows it to survive the acid conditions of the stomach.
45. Any object moving through air encounters parasite drag.
46. What is a facultative parasite?
47. Malaria is caused by a mosquito-borne parasite.
48. Missed toll Mistletoe is apperent site a parasite plant.
49. The parasite infection may be clinically misdiagnosed as conjunctivitis.
50. The disease is caused by the trypanosoma parasite.
51. The lazy man was a parasite on his family.
52. Rupture of the parasite may result in anaphylaxis.
53. Malaria is caused by a parasite called Plasmodium.
54. Malaria is caused by a paracite parasite called Plasmodium.
55. Studies have shown that only about 2% of cats are shedding oocysts at any one time, and that oocyst shedding does not recur even after repeated exposure to the parasite.
56. The demodicidosis of dog is a kind of refractory parasite dermatitis that originated from demodicidosis in sebaceous gland or hair follide of dog.
57. "The finding that immune responsiveness and parasite intensity correlates with colouration suggests that melanin-based colouration could play a role in sexual selection, " explains Ms Jacquin.
58. By the time an African child enters school they have generally been repeatedly infected with malaria and have acquired immunity to the parasite making them less likely to die.
59. The insects mated, and all of them fed on mice infected with the malaria parasite.
60. Pregnant female mice were housed next to males infected with Babesia microti, which is a mild blood parasite causing few symptoms, but some anaemia.
61. And it just so happens that's a parasite hanging off the Mola.
62. On page 1921 in this issue, Morrison et al. describe such a genome from the diplomonad protist Giardia lamblia, a human intestinal parasite.
63. To indulge, one more time, in the metaphor of war as a kind of living thing, a parasite on human societies: The idea of a war to end war is one of its oldest, and cruelest,(http:///parasite.html) tricks.
64. Besides the parasite disease, MSF says there are a high number of malaria and diarrheal cases in south Sudan.
65. It is an anthelmintic preparation for dog and cat , indicated for the prevention and treatment of nematosis, demodicosis, Toxocara diseases and other parasite diseases.
66. The third parasite, Leishmania major, causes severe skin disease that can leave infected people heavily scarred.
67. The parasite was also positive for actin; the microfilament bundles were arranged in reticular form in ameboid T vaginalis .
68. Fear and greed expose the spaceship crew to an alien parricide parasite .
69. The natural parasite rate of oothecal parasitic wasp is related with the wasp type. Blatta host and the natural parasite count in ootheca.
70. Only the drug derived from Artemisia annua appears to be effective against all strains of the malaria parasite.
71. Chagas disease, triggered by the Trypanosoma cruzi parasite, is widespread in Latin America, and can lie undetected in patients for decades before re-emerging to cause severe internal damage.
72. If this speculation is correct, it means that, just like bilateral symmetry, facial averageness is an indicator of genetic health and parasite resistance.
73. People get malaria from Anopheles mosquitoes that themselves are infected with a protozoan parasite called Plasmodium.
74. Aim: To study the anti-fecundity effect of artesunate against the schistosoma mansoni by observation and analysis of the parasite egg laying.
75. The present paper reports schistosome can maturate and oviposit in Apodemus agrarius infected the parasite primarily.
76. Visceral leishmaniasis — also known as kala-azar — is caused by the Leishmania parasite and transmitted to humans through biting insects such as sand flies.
77. Conventional methods for determining host and Leishmania parasite species include dissection and observation of physical characteristics — both of which require considerable time and skill.
78. She was everything that is good in a parasite, nothing that is bad.
79. A suggestion was given to designate the control strategy about the parasite wasps on the white wax insect.
80. In the tiny South American nation of Guyana lives a problematic parasite called Wuchereria bancrofti.
81. The compound, called ivermectin, shortens mosquitoes' life spans and makes them less likely to transmit the malaria parasite.
82. The parasite population opposing vertical resistance may undergo stepwise development controlled by many genes.
83. Blastocystis hominis is an intestinal protozoan parasite restricted to humans and primates.
84. She was essentially feminine, in other words, a parasite and a chalice.
85. And we are just the parasite of the self - images in ther mirror.
86. The parasite grows well in media containing sucrose, or fructose, or arabinose.
87. Infestation with the parasite Spirocerca lupi can cause osteosarcoma of the esophagus.
88. The present experimental study first demonstrated that the Sarcocystis species infecting chinese buffalo is Sarcocystis cruzi, namely, the water buffalo is a new host of this parasite.
89. If WHO's antibiotic, paromomycin, could be deployed, it might be used on an outpatient basis at a cost of $1 a day, eliminating the parasite in three weeks.
90. Toxoplasmosis is an important opportunistic infectious disease caused by parasite protozoan toxoplasma gondii.
91. The paper introduces current situation about parasite plant species of Laccifer lacca and its stocking, physical nature and the use of shellac as well.
92. The researchers identified proteins produced only by Leishmania donovani, the parasite that causes the disease.
93. Population dynamics and population structure of parasite wasps on white wax insect were studied by the fixture trapping from 1999 to 2000.
94. To kill the parasite Chagas disease can be treated with either benznidazole or nifurtimox.
95. A similar mapping exercise is also planned for the malaria parasite Plasmodium vivax.
96. Their contribution to the trend of urban gardening is the "Parasite Farm", a full-cycle indoor garden that raises vegetables and composts their waste into fresh soil.
97. Existing drugs, such as pyrimethamine, are becoming increasingly ineffective as the parasite develops resistance to them.
98. A big problem, for example, is the vireo varroa mite, a deadly parasite.
99. Generally, antimalarial drug resistance first emerges through a rare spontaneous change in the malaria parasite.
100. The traditional Christmas mistletoe is native to Europe a parasite plant.
101. Krishna says Cot's conclusion that Ascaris lumbricoides can help to control the malaria parasite seems strong "for this area and these parasites".
102. Giardia: Like crypto , giardia is a microscopic parasite passed through feces, which can cause diarrhea.
103. The host is not always injured by association with a parasite.
104. Japan's old-guard businesses think this would be unnecessarily disruptive. And Mr Son's brashness annoys many. One boss calls him a “parasite” who must be eliminated.
105. Uninfected mosquitoes become infected with the parasite by biting infected animals.
106. When one person "clings" to another person "psychologically", the person who is being "clinged to" RESENTS and REJECTS the needy, clingy emotional parasite...
107. Anaplasma ovis is an arthropod-borne rickettsial obligate parasite of sheep and goat. The disease caused by A.
108. The most common diagnostic procedure is microscopic examination of bone marrow samples — an invasive test — and time-consuming isolation of the parasite by culture.
109. Said powder has the functions of eliminating stone, eliminating parasite and bacteriostatic alleviating pain, etc.
110. The relationship between parasite and its host is the key to understand the successful parasitism and control the parasitosis.
111. Hundreds of starfish have been found dead on a beach on British Columbia's Sunshine Coast, and a scientist says a nonnative parasite is likely to blame.
112. The doctor examine the entrails of the patient for parasite.
113. The parasite is commonly called " heartworm " because the adult reproductive stage of its life cycle resides primarily in the right ventricle of its host where it can live for many years.
114. But because relatively few sand flies are infected with the Leishmania parasite — even in endemic areas — a large number of specimens have to be tested to get any informative data.
115. By assessing the colouration and state of health of 195 free-living urban pigeons, they found that darker pigeons had lower concentrations of a blood parasite called haemosporidian.
116. Malaria is caused by a one-celled parasite called a plasmodium.
117. Through parasite fauna investigation and clinical detection, the popularity of Fasciola hepatica and Strongylus vulgaris in digestive channel of tovine was discovered.
118. She said many producers traditionally use drug treatments and live parasite vaccines against coccidiosis .
119. After feeding, they pass a parasite called trypanosoma cruzi in their faeces.
120. Trichomonad of dove is a kind of parasite contagious disease of dove.
121. The relevant response target includes: Medicinal herb, bacterium, virus, parasite, anaphylactogen, mineral substance, heavy metal, organ, chromosome and other much kind other materials.
122. When a tsetse fly bites an infected animal, it picks up the parasite when it sucks blood.
123. Later, however, the parasite can emerge from its dormant state to strike when a patient's immune system is weakened.
124. Other parasite species and sub-species of the Trypanosoma genus are pathogenic to animals and cause animal trypanosomiasis in wild and domestic animal species.
125. The protozoan blood parasite that causes sleeping sickness, or trypanosomiasis, infects humans, cattle, and other animals.
126. The results indicate that the DNA replication of parasite was continuous and it's content was high polyploidy and phase G1 of proliferating cycle was not evident.
127. Human African trypanosomiasis, more commonly called sleeping sickness, is induced by a parasite, the trypanosome , transmitted to humans by the bite of an insect, the glossinid tsetse fly.
128. Plasmodium vivax, the world's most common malara parasite, now infects people previously considered to be resistant.
129. To help out, you can sign up to collect sick-looking or dead bee specimens and observe them to see if parasite fly pupae emerge.
130. The relationship between host and parasite can be disarranged in many ways.
131. Heartworm disease in dogs is spread by mosquitoes and is spread by the parasite Dirofilaria immitis. Signs include cough, difficulty breathing, and death.
132. In 1950, myxoma virus, a parasite that affects rabbits, was deliberately introduced into Australia to control the rabbit population.
133. Mosquitoes pick up the malaria parasite by sucking blood from an infected person.
134. Both the malaria parasite and the mosquitoes which spread it respond to temperature and moisture.
135. Human Demodex is a small permanent parasite which can cause human demodicidosis.
136. Malaria is caused by a microscopic blood parasite that is transmitted in the bite of female mosquitoes, which need a blood meal to produce their eggs.
137. Leishmaniasis is caused by the Leishmania parasite and transmitted by biting insects such as sand flies.
138. As fields become larger, more connected, and more of a monoculture , the harm that any given parasite can inflict grows, too.
139. The disease is caused by the trypanosoma parasite. It is spread to humans through the bite of infected tsetse flies.
140. Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that can infect aves 、 mammal and human beings.
141. Trichomoniasis, caused by the parasite , Trichomonas vaginalis infects more than 170 million people worldwide each year.
142. Before a helper T cell can trigger a response to a pathogen or parasite, it has to "feel" these molecular bits of an invader displayed on the surface of an antigen-presenting cell (APC).
143. Now St. Leger and his colleagues have engineered strains of M. anisopliae to block the malaria parasite from developing inside the infected mosquito.
144. Maduramicin is a new type of polyether ionophore antibiotic, which can particularly kill and restrain coccidia - a kind of animal parasite which induce coccidiosis.
145. There are two kinds of drags, parasite drag and induced drag.
146. Plasmodium vivax, the world's most common malaria parasite, now infects people previously considered to be resistant.
147. Sleeping sickness isspreadedspread by the bite of the tsetse fly. The insect can carry a parasite that infects the central nervous system.
148. They were able to test 319 sand fly specimens captured from endemic areas of Ecuador, and detect the parasite in five of them in a short space of time.
149. Pathogenic microorganism including Ruan Duti, virus, Rickettsia, bacterium, fungus and helicoid and so on. human body parasite including protozoan and Shao insect.
150. Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) have been known as a human parasite for thousands of years, but scientific studies of this insect are recent and limited.
151. The blood sucking fly spreads a parasite which causes trypanosomiasis and attacks the central nervous system.
152. The arsenic-based drug melarsoprol kills one patient in every twenty given it to treat sleeping sickness, caused by the parasite Trypanosoma brucei.
153. In this article, many kinds of Cervidae animal entozoic and ectozoic parasite are summarized throughout the world, especially in North America and Europe.
154. House : Lift up your arms. You have a parasite.
155. Trichogramma wasp, which can parasite eggs of many species of Lepidoptera, is the most widely used egg parasitoid wasp in world bio-control.
156. Anaplasma ovis is an arthropod - borne rickettsial obligate parasite of sheep and goat.
157. They should be considered as a potential source of introduction of an exotic disease or parasite.
158. Chagas disease, also known as American trypanosomiasis, is a potentially life-threatening illness caused by the protozoan parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi).
159. But the malaria parasite has become resistant to chloroquine and quinine.
160. There is the potential of uptake of soil, inorganic nitrogen by the roots of the semi - parasite.
161. Navarro and Gull found that the transcriptional body of the parasite uses a less abundant type of enzyme called RNA polymerase I to read the VSG genes.
162. The But the malaria parasite has become reseased resistant to quinine and new a drug quinine.
163. The term pathogenicity denotes the ability of a parasite to cause disease.
164. These lesions include 6 meningioma, 4 glioma, 2 inflammatory granuloma, 3 hemangioblastoma, 1 lipoma, 1 trigeminal neurofibroma and 1 parasite infection.
165. A facultative parasite can exist as a parasite or a saprophyte.
166. But Kelly says the parasite gains the upper hand when anti - malarial drugs are taken sporadically.
167. Animals can host the human pathogen parasites, especially T.b. rhodesiense; thus domestic and wild animals are an important parasite reservoir.
168. Some local factors to destroy intestine crest cells such as ischemia, hypoxia, immune factors, Epstein-Barr virus and parasite infection.
169. Human demodex is a conditioned parasite with high infestation rate.
170. Damage from the parasite is worst in dry soil with low fertility.
171. Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by a parasite transmitted by a tiny sandfly that can lead to severe scarring often on the face.
172. The avian coccidiosis is a cytoplastic entozoic parasite disease and may cause severe economic loss of poultry industry.
173. Researchers evaluated the efficacy of artemisinin against the Leishmania donovani parasite.
174. Objective To survey the parasite infection in rattus and suncus in four cities in the Delta of Zhujiang River.




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