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单词 Inconsistency
1 His worst fault was his inconsistency.
2 The amendment will remove the inconsistency between the two laws.
3 Defence counsel looks for inconsistency between witness statements.
4 This is an argument shot through with inconsistency.
5 Logan showed his inconsistency in missing half his kicks.
6 There is some inconsistency between the witnesses' evidence and their earlier statements.
7 The program has found an inconsistency in the database files.
8 The lowest joint score: on inconsistency of replies.
9 Visual lust and inconsistency make fine bedfellows, I can tell you.
10 For my part I can detect no inconsistency between our domestic law and the Convention.
11 The danger of inconsistency is most pronounced where the draftsman takes parts of his draft from different precedents.
12 The team's inconsistency on defense has lost them three games.
13 If there is an inconsistency between lease and counterpart primafacie the lease prevails.
14 Too bad the yarn is interwoven with illogic, inconsistency and outright balderdash.
15 Even commentators sympathetic to the government saw the inconsistency of this plan.
16 Normally, the inconsistency wouldn't matter, but it might now that she's assistant editor.
17 Hence, they failed to recognize the inconsistency between their espoused motivations for management and how they derived satisfaction from work.
18 After years of inconsistency, he has suddenly become dependable, recording 14 double-doubles in the 21 games before Thursday night.
19 The lack of a clear set of competition rules resulted in inconsistency in the awarding of prizes.
20 Ironically, even as the government was fulminating against American policy, American jeans and videocassettes were the hottest items in the stalls of the market, where the incongruity can be seen as an example of human inconsistency.
21 Since the whole point of belief is to be true, logical inconsistency in belief defeats the aim of belief.
22 It is a cruel blow and one that again underlines the inconsistency of the red card law.
23 Bisset protested that it was wrong to accuse Burke of inconsistency, because of the change of his arguments.
24 Whatever the complexities of Hobbes's personal motivations, there was no theoretical inconsistency in all of this.
25 The Super Cosmos system is capable of scanning an X-ray plate in minutes and will eliminate inconsistency in diagnosis.
26 Variable patterns of formaldehyde exposure may well account for this inconsistency in relation to other workers in formaldehyde-based industries.
27 Transaction integrity must be a given for businesses that can not afford any loss or inconsistency in data.
28 In summary, our examination of interests theories demonstrates their fundamental inconsistency with liberal ideals.
29 For some Ajdabiyans the cases of Carnation Milk provided an amusing commentary on official inconsistency without having any practical consequences.
30 I have halted all pending foreclosure sales until they can be further reviewed for discrimination or inconsistency in program delivery.
1 His worst fault was his inconsistency.
2 The amendment will remove the inconsistency between the two laws.
31 Ironically, the visionary leader who, through similar inconsistency, is labelled a good actor, risks losing credibility.
32 Outside, the crickets chirped monotonously, with a Webern-like inconsistency yet precision of rhythm.
33 Thirdly, specific dictionaries are less reliable due to their inconsistency.
33 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
34 Sometimes, register inconsistency produces unintended pastiche and humour, in the same way that direct imitation of published styles can.
35 One vexing problem is the inconsistency of the red tape that ensnares businessmen when they try to do practically anything.
36 Laxness or inconsistency by the parents in toilet training needs to be understood and discussed with them.
37 His record appeared flawless, yet there was an inconsistency which grated harshly, leaving room for a lot of speculation.
38 He saw no inconsistency between disfranchisement techniques and the Fifteenth Amendment.
39 Mr Orton infers there is an inconsistency in my contention that, with proportional representation, Labour could achieve power.
40 The chances are that he will see his inconsistency and revise his moral views, either exonerating Smith or condemning himself.
41 First, there is direct inconsistency in the sense that compliance with one would necessarily constitute breach of the other.
42 Kim denied charges of inconsistency, and characterized the dispute as a further attempt to discredit him.
43 Justice Anthony M.. Kennedy jumped in and attacked Davis at one point for the inconsistency of his rhetoric and logic.
44 The men are recalled with a deliberate and puzzling emotional inconsistency.
45 Is this a pedantic inconsistency, or does it reflect something more consequential?
46 Armstrong also expressed his worry over the inconsistency between benzene-diazo-chloride and benzene-azo-benzene, both with two nitrogen atoms.
47 It's crazy and just shows the inconsistency of refereeing.
48 His inconsistency resulted in the demoralization of his staff.
49 Did the gendarmerie say anything about this inconsistency?
50 There was a risk of inconsistency of protection policy.
51 The local security authority database contains an internal inconsistency.
52 Any provision in supplementary documents in discrepancy, ambiguity or inconsistency with that in the text and appendices of the contract shall be null and void and shall have no effect.
53 In his new book, The Mystery Of The Last Supper, the metallurgist and materials scientist uses Biblical, historical and astronomical research to address the fundamental inconsistency about the event.
54 Likewise, there is a period of time when your configuration image is not consistent and any snapshot taken during the time of inconsistency will not be useful to you in your disaster center.
55 Pud . That he has changed his mind and expects to be taunted for his inconsistency.
56 Forearm and wrist movement is usually the biggest cause of inconsistency.
57 The report accuses the judicial system of inconsistency and partiality.
58 Fixed an inconsistency in the state entry sequence when a state in an orthogonal region is the target of a transition originating outside its direct outer state.
59 To avoid this programming inconsistency, V2.0 of the Eclipse JDT includes an Externalize Strings wizard to help centralize message retrieval and parameter substitution.
60 Indeed, I believe that a proper understanding of this paradox can lead to the salvation of millions who now perceive no inconsistency in such congeniality.
61 You can direct this orchestrator to send periodic e-mail alerts on the inconsistency of the updates.
62 Deriving from direct sequence spread spectrum, efficient spread spectrum can solve the inconsistency in transmission bandwidth and process gain, and improve the anti-jamming ability of the system.
63 Furthermore, it implies the multicultural inconsistency and inharmonic ethnic relationship in American society.
64 In this paper, a fuzzy rule inconsistency resolution and insertion method is proposed on a fuzzy neural network, named Knowledge-Based Neural Network with Trapezoidal Fuzzy Set inputs (KBNN/TFS).
65 The analysis of rank correlation is proposed to form judgment matrix of which the consistency is very difficult to realize and the correction of inconsistency is unsatisfactory until now.
66 We are vexed by too much inconsistency and vacillation in our creed.
67 There is inconsistency between the limitation, specificity(), exclusion of information required by users and the dispersity and infiniteness of the internet information resources.
68 In this paper, we prove that there is an inconsistency in any infinite set of the classical set theory or the modern axiomatic set theory.
69 Many stat changes fixing inconsistency errors and some balancing problems.
70 This chapter ends with the discussion on how to handle the issue arising from the inconsistency between the sequence of mortgages and the performance date of secured claim.
71 This strategy can also resolve the inconsistency in the mapping of real importance of a task to its assigned priority.
72 This machine is of high-performance, fast-speed, high-precision, without the defects of inconsistency rippling or edge collapse, etc.
72 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
73 The repeat position error(absolute value) caused by the inconsistency of the locking force decreases slowly as the diameters of the location balls increase.
74 With perverse inconsistency she began to wish him to come to her.
75 Semantic role complexity of subject in ba sentences reflects the inconsistency between the semantic role and the argument of the sentence.
76 It's easier to avoid multiple listing of individual pieces of data-and the possible inconsistency so introduced-if a central programming group has control of all data entry.
77 Yet on another level, Stiglitz is unsurprised , because such decisions are of a piece with the thoroughgoing intellectual inconsistency of the Bush administration.
78 Consequently, ritualism can be as damaging to organizational effectiveness as inconsistency.
79 Later, "Israelite" or "Jew" was changed into "Samaritan, " which introduces an element of inconsistency, since no Samaritan would have been found on the road between Jericho and Jerusalem (ib. 30).
80 This paper gives default reasoning based on approximating reasoning frame by two-level fuzzy interpretation, and presents a new method that can solve the inconsistency.
81 The imagining quality will be affected by amplitude phase distortion and interchannel amplitude phase inconsistency.




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