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单词 So long
1. Man errs so long as he strives. 
2. What is taking so long?
3. so long as you are young.
4. His feet were aching from standing so long.
5. Why is it taking so long?
6. It annoyed me to be kept waiting so long.
7. Love is so short, forgetting is so long.
8. Yeah, it's been so long.
9. I'm all aflutter about meeting him after so long.
10. It's disgraceful that they have detained him for so long.
11. I find it odd that she takes so long to do that job.
12. You can go to Hongkong with us so long as you finish your assignment before Friday.
13. I've never seen anyone who could hold forth so long.
14. This dog's ears are so long that they lap over.
15. The meeting was so long and tedious, he was ready to climb the wall.
16. The boy was always late because it took so long to get dressed.
17. What's taking so long?
18. My hair's so long that it takes me ages to comb it out.
19. Before you give up ,think of the reason why you held on so long.
20. I found it a strain having to concentrate for so long.
21. I am about to lose my mind,You have been gone for so long.
22. He was getting a crick in his neck from leaning out of the window for so long.
23. If college degrees remain an entree to wealth and status in the 21st century, males may have to get used to the same second-class status that American women so long endured, as highly educated females become the majority among the nation's intellectual, economic, and even power elite.
24. Jack was not so much interested in making money, so long as he could manage to rub along.
25. The minute you think of giving up,think of the reason why you held on so long .
26. His mother yap ped at him for staying away so long.
27. At 62, Brian found the celebrity and status that had eluded him for so long.
28. When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
29. Not together cannot be with you, in fact not so long for.
30. When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on so long in the first place.
1. What is taking so long?
2. His feet were aching from standing so long.
3. Why is it taking so long?
4. It annoyed me to be kept waiting so long.
5. Yeah, it's been so long.
6. I'm all aflutter about meeting him after so long.
7. I found it a strain having to concentrate for so long.
8. It's disgraceful that they have detained him for so long.
9. I find it odd that she takes so long to do that job.
10. You can go to Hongkong with us so long as you finish your assignment before Friday.
11. I've never seen anyone who could hold forth so long.
12. He was getting a crick in his neck from leaning out of the window for so long.
13. If college degrees remain an entree to wealth and status in the 21st century, males may have to get used to the same second-class status that American women so long endured, as highly educated females become the majority among the nation's intellectual, economic, and even power elite.
14. Jack was not so much interested in making money, so long as he could manage to rub along.
15. This dog's ears are so long that they lap over.
16. The meeting was so long and tedious, he was ready to climb the wall.
17. The boy was always late because it took so long to get dressed.
18. At 62, Brian found the celebrity and status that had eluded him for so long.
19. What's taking so long?
20. My hair's so long that it takes me ages to comb it out.
21. After living abroad for so long, he found it difficult to readjust to life at home.
22. I'm sorry I'm late; it took me so long to walk through the deep snow.
23. Going to be a useful boy , so long as you use your loaf.
24. So long as we are firmly united, we need fear no aggression.
31. After living abroad for so long, he found it difficult to readjust to life at home.
32. It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.
33. I'm sorry I'm late; it took me so long to walk through the deep snow.
34. Sorry it took me so long to reply.
35. Sorry I took so long.
36. I wonder why he tarried so long.
37. It won't take so long next time, perhaps.
38. Well, so long, pal, see you around.
39. She was apologetic for taking so long.
40. What really happened on that day so long ago?
41. It's frustrating to have to wait so long.
42. It didn't take so long as we expected.
43. Not so long ago, transsexuals were regarded as freaks.
44. Sitting still for so long had cramped her muscles.
45. After working so long,he was quite wrung out.
46. What have kept you away for so long?
47. I didn't expect him to stay so long.
48. She had lain in bed for so long that her shoulder blades had become ulcerated.
49. There is always a solution, so long as you are prepared to use your ingenuity.
50. I was frozen/chilled to the bone after waiting so long for the bus.
51. I'm a bit puzzled that I haven't heard from Liz for so long.
52. She grieved at the thought of being parted from her family for so long.
53. The point is you shouldn't have to wait so long to see a doctor.
54. It all happened so long ago now, what does it matter?
55. I haven't seen her for so long that I've forgotten what she looks like.
56. Seeing Nicky again after so long was an unsettling experience.
57. Why does it take you so long to get ready to go out?
58. The opposition party have been in such disorder for so long that they pose no real threat to the present government.
59. There's no point wailing about something that happened so long ago.
60. I'm surprised that some of these ancient buildings stay up so long as they do.
61. He's been teaching for so long that it's second nature to him.
62. Going to be a useful boy , so long as you use your loaf.
63. He's been without a job so long that he's past caring.
64. I feel ashamed that I haven't written for so long.
65. I worked there so long that I became part of the furniture.
66. You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up.
67. You can't afford to let any job go by when you've been out of work for so long.
68. I'm sorry I haven't written to you for so long.
69. You will do all right so long as you follow my advice.
70. Honestly, it had been so long, I hardly knew her.
71. I've lived there so long I look on the town as my home.
72. He said he'd waited so long that he couldn't stay any longer.
73. They dallied so long over whether to buy the car that it was sold to Jack.
74. Austen has been living in New Guinea so long he's gone native.
75. Her dress was so long it dragged on the ground at the back.
76. There are few visible signs of the illness that kept her in hospital for so long.
77. He rusticated himself so long that he has become an absolute country cousin.
78. The meeting of father and son after so long was a joyous occasion.
79. So long as there is a demand for these drugs,(/so long.html) the financial incentive for drug dealers will be there.
80. We christened him 'Slowcoach' because he took so long to do anything.
81. The hostages had been confined for so long that they couldn't cope with the outside world.
82. We hadn't heard from him for so long, we'd given him up for dead.
83. After being the emotional prop he needed for so long, she dared not leave him.
84. We've been friends so long I know you through and through.
85. It is surprising that it has taken people so long to take advantage of what is a win-win opportunity.
86. He's been single for so long now, I don't think he'll ever marry.
87. He thinks it's all right to sleep with the girl so long as he doesn't bang her up.
88. The garden was neglected so long that it was choked up with weeds.
89. It's so long since it rained that the river-bed is dry.
90. We are sure to win the match so long as we go all out.
91. Our car is falling to pieces, we've had it so long.
92. The amazing thing is that it was kept secret for so long.
93. So long as we keep level-headed, there is no cause for alarm.
94. He has stayed with us so long he seems to have become a permanent fixture.
95. Their clothes were all bunched up after being in suitcases for so long.
96. She cursed her luck that she had had to queue for so long.
97. My father didn't mind whom I married, so long as I could stand on my own two feet and wasn't dependent on my husband.
98. I've been sitting with my legs crossed for so long, my right leg has gone dead.
99. I am furious that it has taken so long to uncover what really happened.
100. Not so long ago Viviana was a little-known actress playing in a provincial theatre - these days she's the toast of New York/the town.
101. I was frozen stiff after sitting so long and could hardly walk.
102. The president need not step down so long as the elections are held under international supervision.
103. We all believed it unimaginable that he had lived alone on a deserted island for so long.
104. I don't know how you stuck that man for so long.
105. He is a friendly enough person, so long as you don't cross him in his business plans.
106. Eleanor was annoyed at having had to wait so long for him.
107. I was actually born in New Zealand,(http:///so long.html) but I've lived in England for so long that it feels like home now.
108. The kids were peevish after so long in the car.
109. Bring your friends by all means - just so long as I know how many are coming.
110. I can still remember, even though it was so long ago.
111. Her dress was so long that it was touching the ground.
112. So long as we are firmly united, we need fear no aggression.
113. It all happened so long ago that it's just a blur to me now.
114. I needed a change of scene after being in the job for so long.
115. If you stop making excuses and do it you'll wonder what took you so long.
116. His coat was so long it was almost touching the floor.
117. It never ceases to amaze me how he can talk for so long without ever saying anything interesting.
118. It is inhuman to keep a man facing the agony of execution for so long.
119. Did you mind being away from home for so long?
120. I don't foresee any difficulties so long as we keep within budget.
121. The project was taking so long that Stephen joked that it would never be finished.
122. He was enchanted to see her again after so long.
123. So long as he didn't carry on about it.
124. So long as politics requires donations, donations ensure access.
125. I hadn't bargained on it taking so long.
126. It would break her heart to leave the lovely old stone house where she'd lived for so long.
127. No girl would be so foolish, especially as it is so long ago, and not your fault at all.
128. The urban renewal administrative process drew considerable criticism because it was so long and encumbered with red tape.
129. Hardly anyone had forecast that the drought would last so long.
130. The decision had taken so long and polio had so retreated from public concern that it was all anticlimactic.
131. These thinking qualities are retained long after the catalogue of facts, so long over-valued by some teachers, has been forgotten.
132. I had no idea he'd been kept in the dark for so long.
133. And the statutes indicated that you could use reasonable force in terms of restraint so long as there was parental consent.
134. Maybe she had been locked in her self-imposed prison for so long that now she was unable to control herself at all.
135. We all felt stiff from having been cramped up in the back of the car for so long.
136. As we look at this reply, it is clear why psychotherapy often takes so long.
137. To what extent though do student architects actually benefit from staying at university or polytechnic for so long?
137. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
138. I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we are in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time. Bill Watterson 
139. It is curious, by the way, that the gridiron plan should have gone on so long.
140. It had all been so long ago, a lot of peanuts had lodged under the old bridge since then.
141. How could such alleged abuse have taken place on so wide a scale for so long and gone unnoticed by authorities?
142. Like some fantastic prison, where you could drink so deeply and so long that you forgot your bondage.
143. Why do the hockey players skate around for so long between fights?
144. We eventually got our way, but the negotiations took so long it set us back a whole year.
145. There is little danger from a Lionfish to yourself, so long as you keep your fingers clear of the venomous spines.
146. A company can protect information of this kind only so long as it is confidential to the business and not in the public domain.
147. The tape will keep running back and forth through the device so long as further calculations need to be performed.
148. Why, for example, have we had to wait so long for DNA tests on the blood?
149. Jessamy closed her eyes and wondered how she had lived without this sweet physical contact for so long.
150. It surprised me but it could easily have been tiredness from being out so long.
151. Robert half-expected the whole cycle to start again, so long had he waited for an answer to this question.
152. According to my religion, I could, so long as my wife grants her consent.
153. We went down to see a show in London not so long ago.
154. Los Angeles wants music to drive along to because commutes can be so long.
155. I'd been sitting on my heels for so long my legs had gone dead.
156. The casualty list is so long that manager Walter Smith can barely face talking about it.
157. Please accept our apologies for taking so long to send the materials that you requested.
158. So long as no viable cause for continental drift could be demonstrated, however, belief in it remained an act of faith.
159. Numeric values may include calculation so long as there are no keywords.
160. As most travelers know, you can only travel at breakneck speed for so long.
161. I have no desire to cause pain to a man who has been so long in our employ.
162. Wycliffe was reminded of a busman's holiday he had spent, not so long ago, across at St Mawes.
163. So long as the possibility remained that nothing would happen they felt no compulsion to educate themselves.
164. Clearly, this must be the case so long as it remains the only easily available platform for interactive multimedia.
165. How were these cults to be consolidated so long as freedom of thought was the very basis of domestic life?
166. You don't want to lose what you have worked so long to achieve, so beware of hard-sell techniques.
167. She had not been able to imagine why she should be suffering those anxiety attacks for so long.
168. So long as he was solvent in law,() he could not proportion his payments to creditors according to their respective debts.
169. If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator. George W. Bush 
170. To write and receive a reply would take so long - her letter might be ignored completely.
171. In October 1918 the constitutional reforms so long demanded came in a rush, apparently as gifts from above.
172. None of these authors focuses on why marriage, having endured so long, is now in such a mess.
173. But at least it pays no rent and in practice it is secure so long as it farms the land and avoids bankruptcy.
174. It's good for your conscience to demonstrate - just so long as no one asks you to do anything about it.
175. I've worn blue and grey, the school colours, for so long.
176. So long as these remain at the centre of any newsgathering institution, then the risk of episodic and trivial coverage increases.
177. Any word could follow any other word, just so long as it matched the phonetic input description.
178. That team camaraderie is probably why I had played basketball so long.
179. After driving for so long on the gravel I was glad to get on an even stretch of road.
180. With government number-crunchers idle so long, no one is sure just how great the damage will be.
181. Not so long ago Mr Kinnock was strongly committed to unilateral disarmament.
182. They also maintained that it would be impossible to hold fair trials so long after the alleged crimes had been committed.
183. So long as two key sequences do not produce overlapping remainders this can achieve results considerably better than true randomization.
184. That's none of my business so long as I don't have to break any laws.
185. Lying on her back so long had raised a ruckus between her shoulder blades.
186. They were bound by it so long as it was not in conflict with their statutory duty.
187. Ivan Lendl has been a great credit to the game which he has played with distinction for so long.
188. He works the crowd so long that the bodyguards hired by his attorney roll their eyes in exhaustion.
189. Wetland plants will be in their element, so long as they are given generous mulches to keep the moisture in.
190. He thought back and ... and it was all so confused and seemed so long ago.
191. So long as it hasn't been deleted, you should even be able to recall it on line.
192. Nor are dialects subject to judgment, so long as they meet the basic requirement of having clearly defined rules.
193. The consensus will last only so long as most lawyers accept the convictions that support it.
194. It had been so long since she had seen snow she had almost forgotten about it.
195. It is amazing how dominant the educational establishment has been for so long, which is totally unacceptable.
196. But is it not the only fair way to describe a policy that deceived so many people for so long?
197. Apart from the implications of this for prayers and strategy, it was a comforting thought - so long as one was winning.
197. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
198. The units are expendable and can easily be replaced so long as the tree is healthy.
199. The importance of readability has been upheld for so long that all manner of methods have been devised for its measurement.
200. Government officials have been eager to learn exactly when Hanssen was actively spying and how he evaded capture for so long.
201. The coexistence in Francia of Louis and Lothar as co- emperors was possible so long as Lothar remained unmarried.
202. People are like chameleons: they can adjust themselves to any environment so long as they've no alternative.
203. But I haven't bothered with dresses for so long - it brings back some happy memories of my young days.
204. And yet, so long as this land contains a politically-aware football manager, Mrs T will not be forgotten.
205. The downturn in the energy industry dragged on so long that workers drifted away and oil field equipment became outdated.
206. She had hoped that after so long here nomole would ever feel the need to ask her.
207. Reed has been scowling so long in his long career that it seems a natural repose for him.
208. The reticence which had surrounded the subject for so long had suddenly collapsed on all sides.
209. So long as they were in favour, they were free to feather their nests, which Andrei did as industriously as anyone else.
210. Why did it take so long for manufacturing employment to level out?
211. So long as they remain expensive, conventional air photography will, however, continue to dominate aerial reconnaissance.
212. This caused inconvenience and a certain amount of grumbling-what was taking so long?
213. Arsenal boss George Graham is annoyed that it took so long for him to be told about Limpar's current ankle injury.
214. That it doesn't matter if you cheat on your wife, so long as she doesn't find out.
215. Why is it so easy to spend your cash when it can take so long to earn?
216. Please accept our apologies for taking so long to deliver the materials you requested.
217. Not so long ago, little-traveled S.R. 46 cut through pleasant countryside bordering the Wekiva River.
218. So long as the defendant does not communicate his intention, he commits no offence.
219. So long as we're mainly dependent upon oil, the possibility of high prices and ensuing civil unrest will always exist.
220. So long as frontier zones of the empire remained insecure, the tsar had to eschew an ambitious foreign policy.
221. Clearly, so long as ministerial assurances are honoured, rate-capping can deliver only very limited reductions in total local authority expenditure.
222. Secondly, be prepared to experiment with other typeface libraries so long as the format they produce has compatible printer and screen fonts.
223. So long as people can walk out of a room and say they have decided to leave on their terms, they retain their dignity.
224. So long as rocks the boat too much, coexistence can be harmonious.
225. So long as the receiver is in the driving seat neither the owners nor the unsecured creditors can do much to remove him.
226. It was so long ago that it happened - it's an everyday occurrence now, people battering and killing children.
227. So long as your investment stays on the books, the adviser receives payment.
228. Why not go along with Luke's expansive mood for just so long as it took to finish her drink?
229. Borrowing is looked upon as a natural part of everyday life so long as it is kept within bounds.
230. They will grow good cereal crops so long as soil structure is maintained by the return of sufficient organic matter.
231. After so long indoors the bright sunshine hurt Jack's eyes.
232. Any gift or campaign contribution is legal so long as it is reported.
233. The list was so long and detailed it resembled a casualty list following a small battle.
234. But this is virtually impossible to establish either way so long as the argument has to depend on reported behaviour.
235. Perhaps after driving so long, they would have found any bit of ground fabulously unmoving.
236. Not so long ago he had been uncomfortable in the atmosphere of the seemingly unbridled physicality of Dunham dancing.
237. A Cat standard mortgage can include a redemption penalty, so long as it does not extend beyond the discount period.
238. So long as men will accept religious control not based on reason, they will accept political control not based on reason.
239. He had not seen green forest in so long, he had forgotten how it could move him.
240. So long as he covers every arc of attack by maintaining a good defence, he will be safe.
241. Isn't it just possible that students are missing out by being held back on full-time courses for so long?
242. Not so long ago utility bills didn't amount to much.
243. Congress is being asked to investigate why it took so long for government regulators to shut the plant down.
244. For so long he had waited in the wilderness for a recall to Test cricket.
245. So long as capitalism exists, corruption can never be cleaned up.
246. A suggested explanation, so long as its correctness is still in doubt, is called a hypothesis.
247. They have held their franchise so long that change has become inadmissible.




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