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单词 charmer
释义  charm·er /ˈtʃɑːmə $ ˈtʃɑːrmər/ noun [countable]  EFFECT/INFLUENCEsomeone who uses their charm to please or influence people 施展魅力的人 Even at ten years old, he was a real charmer. 尽管当时只有十岁,但他已经很会讨人喜欢了。 → snake charmerExamples from the Corpuscharmer• Oh, Hilary's a little charmer, I admit.• Ancient tradition remains powerful, and stories of witches and snake charmers are still whispered high in the remote mountain villages.• Here are acrobats, storytellers, letter writers, snake charmers and teeth pullers.• A smooth-talking charmer who helped women with their health problems.• Keen is a Texan charmer who delights in storytelling.charm·er nounChineseSyllable  uses their to who someone influence or Corpus please charm




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