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单词 Tactics
1. Strategy wins wars; tactics wins battles.
2. Most people disapprove of such violent tactics.
3. Republicans accuse Democrats of using delaying tactics to prevent a final vote on the bill.
4. We must use shock tactics if we are to stop Aids becoming another accepted 20th-century disease.
5. These new police tactics have really put the wind up the local drug dealers.
6. These bomb attacks represent a change of tactics by the terrorists.
7. They planned the tactics for the next day's battle.
8. He decided to switch tactics.
9. The government is accused of using delaying tactics .
10. The President's tactics could backfire.
11. The coach was criticized for his negative tactics.
12. I refuse to stoop to such bullying tactics.
13. These tactics are unlikelyto help you.
14. Different circumstances involve adopting different tactics.
15. The manager discussed tactics with his team.
16. They accused the Prime Minister of using sledgehammer tactics.
17. His strong - arm tactics paid off.
18. Most children are skilled in diversionary tactics .
19. Longer races demand different tactics.
20. Some people accuse the tax inspectors of bully-boy tactics.
21. Children are adept at delaying tactics.
22. She would have scorned to stoop to such tactics.
23. The group have frequently used bully-boy tactics.
24. Shock tactics are being used to stop drink drivers.
25. The protestors accused the police of using heavy-handed tactics.
26. They were desperate enough to try shock tactics.
27. Their tactics have been copied by other terrorist organizations.
28. They would do well to switch tactics.
29. There had been two strands to his tactics.
30. The team went into a huddle at half-time to discuss their tactics.
1. Strategy wins wars; tactics wins battles.
2. Most people disapprove of such violent tactics.
3. The team went into a huddle at half-time to discuss their tactics.
4. Republicans accuse Democrats of using delaying tactics to prevent a final vote on the bill.
5. We must use shock tactics if we are to stop Aids becoming another accepted 20th-century disease.
6. These new police tactics have really put the wind up the local drug dealers.
7. These bomb attacks represent a change of tactics by the terrorists.
8. They planned the tactics for the next day's battle.
9. He decided to switch tactics.
10. The President's tactics could backfire.
11. The coach was criticized for his negative tactics.
12. I refuse to stoop to such bullying tactics.
13. His strong - arm tactics paid off.
14. Longer races demand different tactics.
15. The establishment of our GRE computer data has enabled us to come up with innovative tactics for doing well on the GRE.
31. Shock tactics often fall wide of their mark.
32. The terrorists will switch tactics .
33. They tried all kinds of tactics to get us to go.
34. The tactics employed can range from overt bullying to subtle emotional blackmail.
35. This was just the latest in a series of delaying tactics.
36. The tactics the police are now to employ are definitely uncompromising.
37. The opposition party was angered by the Prime Minister's stalling tactics.
38. They used pressure tactics to force them to return, including cutting food and water supplies.
39. The group used shock tactics to get publicity: one of them took his clothes off on TV.
40. A clear split over tactics appears to be emerging between doves and hawks in the party.
41. The report suggested that there were severe shortcomings in police tactics.
42. Ministers are using delaying tactics to postpone the report yet again.
43. His opportunity to re-establish himself had been nobbled by the manager's tactics.
44. His business tactics outraged the stiffs of the UK establishment.
45. The army's victory is being seen as vindication of their tactics.
46. They used strong-arm tactics.
47. The Red Army Faction tried to undermine the state by terror tactics .
48. Over the years he sparred with his friend Jesse Jackson over political tactics.
49. The establishment of our GRE computer data has enabled us to come up with innovative tactics for doing well on the GRE.
50. The money has been recovered without resorting to verbal abuse or strong-arm tactics.
51. His tactics were to entangle the opposition in a web of parliamentary procedure.
52. Haig was limited by his blinkered approach to strategy and tactics.
53. Police resorted to strong-arm tactics to break up the protest outside Cape Town's castle.
54. What sort of tactics will the President use to rally the people behind him?
55. Shock tactics are being used in an attempt to stop drink drivers.
56. Employers used scare tactics to force a return to work.
57. The government used scare tactics to get parents to have their children vaccinated against the disease.
58. Guerrilla tactics proved more than a match for the Soviet military machine.
59. There was considerable public concern over the tactics revealed.
60. Some small cavity-nesting birds, rather surprisingly, employ similar tactics.
61. The economic blockade is accompanied by terror tactics.
62. The differing tactics present a stark contrast.
63. No longer were its hard sell tactics acceptable.
64. Not all feminists were so enamoured with such tactics.
65. Such concessions as they made were mere delaying tactics.
66. He changed tactics and quickly turned on the faucet.
67. Shock tactics to drum safety into young drivers.
68. Their tactics smear environmentalists as extremist crazies.
69. He decided to change his tactics.
70. So they had to resort to indirect tactics.
71. I decided I'd have to change tactics.
72. Mr Barak didn't move without regard to tactics.
73. They told him it was time for new tactics.
74. The campaign tactics of the two contestants differed markedly.
75. Repealers were forced to adopt similar tactics.
76. From the calculating of odds and strategies and tactics?
77. If so technology will change tactics.
78. Insurance salespeople can use similar tactics.
79. Karpov employed subtle psychological tactics to unsettle the campion.
80. Some of them think of it as shock tactics.
81. Why should women resort to such devious tactics?
82. However, the tactics have become more devious.
83. The anti-conspiratorial rhetoric of the Vanguard argument has its place in the general National Front argument about tactics.
84. Especially on liberal initiatives, they face defections by moderates,(/tactics.html) as well as Republican delaying tactics.
85. If these tactics don't work, look for a deeper reason for her misbehaviour.
86. Their varied and imaginative tactics grew out of a strong collective identity developed in the face of the hostility they encountered from management.
87. The steps in the negotiating process vary depending on the tactics adopted by the two parties.
88. Religious instruction and lessons in writing Arabic, followed by training in weapons and tactics.
89. Opponents who once mocked Mr Berlusconi's tactics as kitsch have turned queasy as opinion polls show them tobe working.
90. Operation Rescue was an organization notorious for its confrontational tactics and its implacable opposition to abortion under all circumstances.
91. In reality, however, the Tory tactics simply had the effect of getting a deeply reluctant Labour Party off the hook.
92. In the runoff campaign both candidates used negative campaign tactics, personal attack and innuendo.
93. Those highly visible operations, which featured heavily armed government forces using aggressive pressure tactics, ended in deadly violence.
94. Atwater was more colorful and more publicly vicious than most, but his tactics were fairly typical.
95. And shock tactics: The drink-drive cure that's not a soft option.
96. Some people dream great dreams, but they never develop a plan complete with goals and tactics to realize their dreams.
97. But the really pertinent question is why are we engaging in gradualistic, incremental tactics, or indeed any tactics at all?
98. Sit and wait tactics may be your best option here, for a few hours at least.
99. Republicans have complained that Democrats are using Social Security scare tactics to incite seniors groups and others to oppose the constitutional amendment.
100. Firstly, it allowed the Government a potential escape route from the escalating costs of its apparently futile tough tactics.
101. Not very sporting, I grant you, but I was genuinely unaware that such tactics were illegal.
102. For further advice on tactics for avoiding hidden agendas or surfacing them, see Games on page 71.
103. She tried various tactics with her husband and brothers to no avail.
104. The tactics by which such aims were to be achieved were reformist and not revolutionary.
105. Causes, symptoms and tactics of conflict Conflict may be caused by differences in the objectives of different groups or individuals.
106. As many as 60 enemy fighters flew abreast of the Group, then turned and attacked in formation, using saturation tactics.
107. The 1955 original was a triumph of atmosphere, character, diabolical wit and outright scare-you-silly shock tactics.
108. His heavy-handed tactics usually had their desired effect in reducing men to quivering wrecks.
109. Discussions took place in the street behind the barricades, and in private houses, about future tactics.
110. A.. Theoretically, caucuses are more like town meetings and are less subject to advertising and other tactics of modern politics.
111. Of course, their writing is sensationalistic and their checkbook tactics are shaky, but those are separate issues.
112. Fighting may be restrained because the advantage of dangerous tactics will decrease as the habit becomes more frequent in the population.
113. So, if his tactics in October 1962 were perhaps more blatant than in the past, they were certainly far from unprecedented.
113. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
114. High Machs are better able to adapt their tactics to the particular Situation.
115. Voynet was exasperated by the delaying tactics of certain councils.
116. There are no opposing benches or party whips but unofficial groups like the Anglo-Catholics or Evangelicals meet over lunch to decide tactics.
117. An hour later they used the same tactics to gain entry to the other half of the camp.
118. At her lowest ebb, she would have scorned to stoop to such tactics.
119. This is not to evade questions of strategy and tactics, merely to place them in an appropriate context.
120. He was more interested in telling me about the tactics of the attorney general.
121. The Kremlin has consistently opposed their return, invoking security problems and resorting to delaying tactics.
122. Time and again he has used persuasion - and on occasion shock tactics - to try to prevent young girls having abortions.
123. Police tactics deployed during the strike included roadblocks designed to prevent miners from reaching picket lines.
124. Also rumoured they used strong-arm tactics during one of Buckmaster's many takeover bids to build up his conglomerate.
125. Appeasement caused by blindness was followed by delaying tactics and doublespeak intended to buy time.
126. At half time you can change your tactics and bring on a substitute.
127. The big screen shocker is just part of ex-Beatle McCartney's up-front tactics campaign against whaling.
128. Thus it was Gorbachev who took the lead in promoting the next summit, using rather bizarre tactics to bring it about.
129. Switchboard became a vocal opponent of the tactics, providing material for parliamentary and media attacks upon the practices.
130. The miners' strike was a platform for the exercise of new police tactics to deal with disorder.
131. Enough, he hoped, to form several companies and carry on the fight(), using guerrilla tactics.
132. C., handed down an abundance of wisdom about military strategy and tactics that have considerable application to all businesses.
133. Gomez changed his tactics and began to work on Bognar's body.
134. This claim has never been proved and it may have been part of the Securitate's scare tactics.
135. Rebels in the Tenga region changed their tactics somewhat in the last half of last month.
136. My father glanced at their faces and thought they looked menacing, so he shifted his tactics.
137. She had always failed in the tactics of small talk.
138. Read in studio Shock tactics are being used to make young drivers more aware of danger on the roads.
139. You call those sneaky, underhand tactics coming to my aid?
140. You will come up with your own favoured tactics based on your own preferred style of play.
141. I responded to the challenge of combat with the tactics of avoidance and flight.
142. The descriptions of weapons, commanders and tactics are much too brief to convey historical competence.
143. Dole has made mistakes, flip-flopped on issues and indulged in objectionable campaign tactics.
143. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
144. However it does give very authoritative descriptions of fighting aircraft, training, tactics and war reports.
145. Timman unleashed some tactics and the watching grandmasters switched their allegiance.
146. But all that changed when the Cali cartel switched tactics and started relying more on ships and trucks to transport drugs.
147. Merrill felt that students resort to these tactics when they see no other way to address the problem.
148. Nevertheless the Republicans, plagued by continuing factional disputes over strategy, tactics and supply, proved unable to recapture lost territory.
149. Others were furious at what they said were government strong-arm tactics over the vote.
150. You also wrongly stated that we use scare tactics such as hostile looks or suggestive comments to keep women away.
151. Blood had been spilt this time despite all the evasive tactics and diplomacy.
152. But perhaps the demise of the days of the personal space tactics is not all bad.
153. A concatenation of events particularly damaging Mrs Thatcher was subsequently compounded by errors of tactics and organisation by those running her campaign.
154. Whatever you may think about the morality of abortion, these are the most deplorable scare tactics.
155. Create a list of clear tactics describing exactly how you plan to meet these goals.
156. Morry Taylor, a businessman, gave rambling discourses on the need to employ business tactics in government; and Rep.
157. We were fully confident that these new tactics would assure us of victory.
158. Their tactics were to be to maintain a tight-lipped silence punctuated by claims that the new job was harder.
159. The range of tactics used to keep catholic nationalists subordinate was quite comprehensive.
160. Finally, buying management and their advisers should try and appreciate what tactics are being used on them.
161. But Clinton, aides say, is eager to show this bully pulpit approach amounts to more than campaign tactics.
162. The following are some of the tactics researchers have observed in effective managers: Persuasion Use of logical arguments to persuade others.
163. Mackey had seen handbooks on guerrilla tactics, back issues of a racist magazine Guy published.
164. Such a discussion might well range over tactics and procedure.
165. The class approach centers on the examination of the tactics of class domination and the dynamics of the class struggle.
166. Read in studio Shock tactics are being used in an attempt to stop persistent drink drivers.
167. And video nasty. Shock tactics to drum safety into young drivers.
168. He claimed Labour had shown desperation tactics by naming four-year-old Matthew to justify a party political broadcast.
169. Now others - though on a more modest scale - are emulating their tactics.
170. Another group of my agents have toured the car hire firms, using the same tactics.
171. The application of shock tactics to bend the will of the unwilling.
172. Southwood was not much interested in the tactics of the Labour movement.
173. The police may have used coercive tactics to get confessions.
174. He is sure to take some beating with more enterprising tactics and can hand out a lesson in the New University Maiden.
175. For this the recantations were insufficient, and different tactics were now applied to obtain a much more abject confession.
176. For more than a week before the Inchon landing, the Allied forces used diversionary tactics by bombing nearby areas.
177. From time to time Jos would look over Mungo's shoulder, suggesting tactics which invariably proved disastrous.
178. We may have to use more aggressive tactics to get rid of him.
179. There tactics were strongly influenced by reliance on line formation and fire-power, as against attack at close quarters.
180. A couple of the more radical organisations have said they respect a diversity of tactics ranging from popular education to direct action.
181. Apple will need to employ such imaginative tactics to become profitable again.
182. Mr Follett had complained in strong terms about Labour's spinning tactics.
183. Then they used scare tactics, telling the audience that fat people were apt to succumb to something called Sudden Death syndrome.
184. He then embarked on a long tirade about the tactics we should adopt for a forthcoming game with an Army side.
185. Though these institutions may have fundamentally disagreed on tactics, both served as catalysts for black political and economic aspirations.
186. Bell's tactics rang true when McVeighty's machine ran dry at Governor's Bridge, half a mile from home.
187. The track officials used tactics that begged for no debate.
188. To change behaviour requires tactics that match the complexity of the causes.
189. Some politicians are prepared to use delaying tactics to block the bill.
190. Stocks lost early gains after the Nationalist change in tactics.
191. And the firm has deep enough pockets to see a case through years of delaying tactics by the opposition.
192. These are good tactics: she is reinforcing actions that compete directly with unacceptable behaviours.
193. The company used scare tactics to sell medical alert systems to the elderly.
194. Moreover, it alerts us to the fact that short-sighted tactics may thwart the overall strategy.
195. Leeds switched tactics slightly and brought Kelly in more and more so that West ham were being skinned on both wings.
196. The majority leadership's specialty became mounting filibusters or using other delaying tactics to prevent majority rule.
197. Talk about the game requires no sophisticated analysis of systems and tactics, but rather a shared passion for its simplicities.
198. Seeing that the game was up, Kissinger switched his tactics from fighting Jackson to joining him.
199. Aggressive fund-raising tactics and preparations for a larger electorate in this presidential election year fueled the increase.
200. They even develop their own tactics for lulling the babies to sleep.
201. Because it is unresolved it hints at the tactics involved before a compromise is reached.
202. While never forgetting that ultimate goal, he constantly shifted tactics to suit changing circumstances.
203. Tactics that shunted money into the hands of prime ministers or sycophantic merchants did not generally help the citizens of a nation.
204. This get-together was unusual for its agenda: tactics for eliminating political opponents.
205. For the dominant, there may be a more flexible perimeter(sentence dictionary), depending upon the political tactics of the time.
206. Anyone associated with the game of rugby quite right abhors tactics which can easily cause injury.
207. These high-handed tactics were obviously risky, but they were a calculated risk.
208. The moral benefits of simple living were eventually shunted aside by the tactics of the emergent advertising industry.
209. But on numerous other occasions during our six hour excursion the police tactics worked superbly.
210. The failure of the Guadalajara offensive marked the end of a period of change discernible in Franco's military tactics.
211. I just have to worry about the best tactics for getting the product out the door.
212. Exposure during his or her career to innovative ideas and / or tactics.
213. It was the logical outcome of the tactics of drawing out opposing defenders originally outlined by Chapman at Northampton.
214. The battle was won by classic military tactics and superior firepower.
215. Schools have adopted several tactics to raise awareness of bias.
216. Instead of introducing immediate legislation, the Home Office responded with time-honoured delaying tactics.
217. Except during the general offensive, lasting from late 1967 until May of 1969, the enemy relied on different tactics.
218. The prefect at the time, Dominique Vian, could see the advantages of Bena's strong-arm tactics.
219. It leaves them wide open for dismissal by anybody with a basic knowledge of debating tactics.
220. You are likely to make a success of meetings by recognising when others are using tactics such as these.
221. These appear to be the tactics in both main political camps.
222. Because the committee chairmen chafed at his heavy-handed tactics in the last Congress.
223. These tactics illustrate how strategic behaviour can be used to consolidate existing market power.
224. Tough all over Even with these tactics, life has been tough for Grand Forks independents.
225. The overtly sectarian, aggressively anti-intellectual tactics of the party between 1928 and 1931 are well documented.
226. Some Wall Street firms have expressed outrage at punitive awards, and many investors have complained of brokers' stalling tactics.
227. The public and police have to be on guard against all these tactics.
228. Therefore, in advance of any negotiation, management should identify priorities, areas of flexibility and tactics.
229. A case's merit should not have to depend on strong-arm tactics.
230. The many hours on the road give cyclists the opportunity to employ tactics varying from the subtle to the murderous.
231. Reptiles and insects employ similar tactics, but in their case eye-spots are not necessary to deflect the interest of their predators.
232. He was slated for his tactics when they went wrong, but how often did that happen?
233. The man the media call the Cavalier intends to replicate the tactics that won him regional election in April.Sentence dictionary
234. They are always surprised, however, that Rover never seems to learn, whatever tactics they employ.
235. The individual needs a set of tactics and ideas and skills to accomplish the project.
236. It's essential to weigh up all the briefing details in order to plan your tactics and avoid getting blown up.
237. Now, can we cut out the delaying tactics and get on with it?
238. The February attack could mark a change of tactics which will really threaten the regime if there is an escalation.
239. Later more imaginative tactics were adopted to try to achieve maximum disruption for a small loss of earnings.
240. Although their tactics have taken on national importance, the garbage workers' issue is largely local.
241. Political paralysis has prevented the evolution of either clear tactics or a coherent strategy.
242. We saw some of these tactics directed against us when we were a hardware systems company.
243. Breaking meetings up and harassing party members are just some of the tactics our opponents have used.
244. Strachan believes they can do it - provided dangerman Lee Chapman gets proper protection against Stuttgart's strong-arm tactics.
245. It was the matchman, Tom Boulton, who made me see sense and now I prefer adapted match tackle and tactics.
246. What political strategies and tactics are used to influence budget allocations? 6.
247. Now the State Department decided to reverse its tactics, and on February 6 it went completely public.
248. In this game strong-arm tactics were deployed by both sides to kill five ends and force replays.
249. The organization blamed delaying tactics by Prime Minister John Major for its decision to end the cease-fire.
250. Outcomes can provide rapid feedback on the effectiveness of tactics.
251. This paper proposes some coping tactics in this regard.
252. He can claim to have been defeated by opponents copying his own tactics.
253. "Ha, ha," everyone guffawed. "It's one of Viv's shock tactics.".
254. No organization, no coordination, and worst of all, no tactics.
255. As part of their tactics, the opposition will try to provoke us.
256. He was known for risky tactics that ranged from audacious to outrageous.




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