单词 | Thesis |
例句 | 1, Cynthia's still working on her thesis. 2, Donald's been given an extension to finish his thesis. 3, This thesis will need all your concentration. 4, I'm still doing research for my thesis. 5, There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis. 6, She completed an MSc by thesis. 7, Her thesis is on Italian women's literature. 8, His thesis is being finished off. 9, He wrote his doctoral thesis on contemporary French literature. 10, Their main thesis was that war was inevitable. 11, He argued his thesis well. 12, This revisionist thesis departs even further from Marxist assertions. 13, He's got an extension to finish writing his thesis. 14, That topic falls outside the scope of this thesis. 15, He's been pegging away at his thesis for months. 16, This thesis does not stand up to close inspection. 17, She's making steady progress with her thesis. 18, The results of the experiment support his central thesis. 19, These latest findings support the thesis that sexuality is determined by nature rather than choice. 20, Your thesis wouldn't get across if you used too many technical terms in it. 21, How well does this thesis stand up to close examination? 22, He's doing a doctoral thesis on the early works of Shostakovich. 23, This thesis led to a radical reshaping of Labour policies. 24, Their main thesis was that the rise in earnings was due to improvements in education. 25, Students must submit a thesis on an agreed subject within four years. 26, He advanced the thesis that too much choice was burdensome to people. 27, To be specific ,(http:///thesis.html) the argument in your graduation thesis is logical. 28, The candidate must submit two bound copies of his or her thesis. 29, Have you decided on a working title for your thesis yet? 30, They all accredited him with the true authorship of this thesis. 1, Cynthia's still working on her thesis. 2, Donald's been given an extension to finish his thesis. 3, This thesis will need all your concentration. 4, I'm still doing research for my thesis. 5, There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis. 6, She completed an MSc by thesis. 7, To be specific , the argument in your graduation thesis is logical. 8, His thesis is being finished off. 9, He argued his thesis well. 10, Your thesis wouldn't get across if you used too many technical terms in it. 11, 31, She is writing a thesis on Irish legend and mythology. 32, Candidates for the degree are required to submit a 30 000-word thesis. 33, She was given an extension to finish writing her thesis. 34, From this initial dissatisfaction my own doctoral thesis developed. 35, His thesis was not new in essence. 36, The normal justification thesis allows for deviant reasons. 37, The book seems to have no central thesis. 38, The average consultation rate per thesis is 3.86. 39, I've finished the first part of my thesis. 40, Yet, at one remove, his thesis is correct. 41, Examination by written papers, oral clinical assessment and thesis. 42, Tolkien was not writing to a thesis. 43, Indeed, he had written a thesis on the subject. 44, She rejects the thesis that the Shoah was unique. 45, First, there is evidence to support the thesis that investing substantial public expenditure into declining areas will attract future private investment. 46, The thesis comes into its own with respect to industrial policy where significant discontinuities in policy can be attributed to the government changing hands. 47, Characteristically, the patriarchy thesis generates a revolutionary ideology rather than a fatalistic acceptance of determinism and relativism. 48, This reveals a fundamental contrast between either biological or sociological determinism and the patriarchy thesis. 49, It demonstrates that more can be achieved by bringing together a mass of illustration than many a pedantic thesis. 50, She got a contract to turn her thesis on the Industrial Novel into a book, and settled enthusiastically to the task. 51, A compatible but independent thesis is that of adversary politics. 52, This was indeed the origin of the concept of ideology and the thesis of social determination. 53, They therefore make a difference to their practical deliberations, and serve to refute the no difference thesis. 53, try its best to gather and build good sentences. 54, This covers matriculation, tuition and one diet of examinations including examination of a postgraduate thesis or dissertation. 55, Kostunica wrote his doctoral thesis in 1976 attesting to the vital role played by political opposition groups in the West. 56, Last year one Middlesex student became the first to submit a postgraduate thesis as a video cassette tape. 57, The degree is awarded on the basis of written examinations and/or the presentation of a satisfactory thesis. 58, The argument for the pre-emption thesis proceeds from another, which I shall call the dependence thesis. 59, Individual peaks reflect increased consultations in the year following the publication of each of the Rolfe and Will thesis lists. 60, The dependence thesis does not claim that authorities always act for dependent reasons, but merely that they should do so. 61, The Shuttle/Redgrove thesis states that periods have meaning, and we ignore it at our peril. 62, Such an analysis of the thesis titles is in preparation by the present author. 63, Modernization theory, like the Weber thesis, has its strong supporters and its strong detractors. 64, He really took the matter to heart and finally wrote his Master's thesis on the subject. 65, Whatever the reason, however, our examination of the evidence gives little support for either thesis. 66, The significant discontinuities elsewhere support the thesis of adversary politics. 67, There is a short but cheerful thesis to be written on this aspect of the production. 68, That is the thesis normally advanced by individuals seeking the presidency, and very often it is accurate. 69, Student performance will be judged on the basis of degree examination results, thesis and continuous assessment, following current University regulations. 70, Envy, the thesis runs, is universal and ubiquitous in human beings. 71, The system was designed to prevent plagiarism, and to establish copyright over the thesis contents. 72, Setting aside the polemical aspects of his argument, Honderich's thesis boils down to three points. 73, This thesis is concerned with the application of semantic knowledge to the problem of text recognition. 74, An obvious criticism of the Braverman de-skilling thesis comes from the data showing a growing percentage of the workforce with formal qualifications. 75, For several reasons the normal justification thesis may seem to overlook some of the essential facts of political power. 76, Similarly, the use of semantic knowledge is described in other sections of this thesis. 77, Quinton would not accept the third thesis mentioned, and it is a very extreme view. 78, He had traveled with a group of Rajput grazers into Haryana, later writing a thesis about them. 79, Finally, the complementarity thesis predicts that services and subsidies for export crops will also benefit food crops. 80, This thesis has been challenged, with some justice, on various points of detail. 81, The only exception to this happy situation is the case study or historical thesis or dissertation. 82, But there is evidence to support my thesis that status and occupation are as important as cash. 83, Hayek views the growing dominance of the conception of law as thesis as posing a grave threat to liberty. 83, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day! 84, An examination of Lacanian psychoanalysis will therefore assist in developing my thesis that philosophical texts represent a form of self-construction. 85, His main thesis is that the empirical evidence does not validate the instrumental account. 86, Claudia's thesis on the exchange of gifts attempts to confirm the presence of the universal spirit at work in the Masai. 87, This is clear evidence of increased use of the thesis literature as a result of good bibliographical control. 88, Merton's thesis was that a godly involvement in the affairs of the world would also encourage the growth of science. 89, The powers attaching to a Prime Minister are considerable, but what can we make of the thesis about prime ministerial government? 90, The other argument deployed against the adversary politics thesis calls into doubt the relevance of the notion itself. 91, For its part, the thesis about overload struck a chord since it fed off the common-sense of the media. 92, Gamble argues that the adversary politics thesis over-generalises from a few instances to the whole of economic policy. 93, I was doing a senior thesis in college on cable television economic law and all the regulations related thereto. 94, Forty of his theses had led to the publication of 144 derived articles, an average of 3.6 papers per thesis. 95, In 1885 he obtained his doctorate with at thesis on the theory of invariants. 96, The last quarter will be dedicated to the final preparation and submission of the master's thesis. 97, Their conclusions run counter to any simple proletarianisation thesis about the effects of new technology on skill. 98, The quality of research is assessed by a thesis of publishable standard, working papers, seminar presentations and by vivavoce. 99, However exciting his paper, his thesis seemed in danger of crumbling if it were reworked into a conventional historical discourse. 100, Thesis titles in the earth sciences tend to be highly informative. 101, This thesis attempts to make use of one particular aspect of driving which makes it nearly unique in everyday life. 102, Unfortunately, the quick acceptance of the recent crossover thesis by the Western scientific establishment precluded the exploration of other possibilities. 103, Rather than the thesis being that virtue lies in good deeds, you could say that money lies in odd places. 104, The no difference thesis is about what happens if authorities reach the right decision. 105, Having finished with his coursework that spring, he was only scheduled for thesis hours in the fall anyway. 106, There didn't seem any major gaps in the thesis, so Lancrastians left it at that. 107, Humphrey calls the differentiation of the working class thesis technologically determinist because he says it attaches too much importance to technology. 108, Some assiduously fill notebooks with writing: incipient novelists or thesis writers? 109, This thesis examines the use of syntactic information for assisting in the text recognition process. 110, For my own part, I am very happy to accept the original mathematical form of the Church-Turing Thesis. 111, I was doing a thesis on working-class education in the late nineteenth century at Chelsea College. 112, Gough, writing from a Marxist perspective, finds the de-industrialisation thesis wanting on two counts. 113, Less acceptable today, surely,(/thesis.html) is the evolutionary scheme and cultural prejudice that form one aspect of Feuerbach's historical thesis. 114, The use of semantic knowledge, its theory, application and relevance to text recognition forms the basis of this thesis. 115, A conventional conflict thesis can also conceal vital distinctions between different religious traditions and between liberal and conservative representatives of those traditions. 116, He went on to compare the thesis title with the title of the paper, to determine whether a relationship might exist. 117, Fourth thesis: Higher education is open whereas research is closed Research is highly specific. 118, The final thesis is that international harmonization of competition policies is essential, and probably a supranational competition authority is needed as well. 119, To the extent that legitimate authorities have power over us, the pre-emption thesis governs our right attitude to them. 120, When a thesis receives one citation in each of five separate years, it is impossible to assign a peak. 121, The two views seem like polar opposites, either-or propositions, thesis and antithesis. 122, This thesis about the meaning of ethical words is presented against the background of a causal theory of meaning in general. 123, The thesis is to show the tragic consequences of parents who are oppressive and inflexible in their relationship with their children. 124, The continuity thesis is not without some merit if carefully defined. 125, On the other hand the thesis allows maximum flexibility in determining the scope of authority. 126, I want to develop the stronger thesis that criticism is the essence of higher education. 127, Whilst this is a generally convincing thesis, closer examination reveals some historical inaccuracies. 128, Hughes established that 36% of the single thesis which she studied was unpublished because it consisted of raw analytical data. 129, The ethical basis for extending effective property rights in the public treasury to officials is overlooked in the Niskanen-type thesis. 130, Durkheim developed this ingenious thesis by contrasting the economic and social conditions in primitive and modern societies. 131, These results still constitute, therefore, a direct contradiction of the thesis being developed here. 132, The Pre-emptive Thesis From the dependence and normal justification theses it is but a short step to the pre-emption thesis. 133, I had written a learned book, Architrave and Archetype, a thesis linking human aspiration with human-designed structures, cathedrals in particular. 134, The sheer scale of the service sector has made it the focus for attack by the proponents of the de-industrialisation thesis. 135, Here the normal justification thesis establishes the credentials of John and Ruth as authorities in their fields. 136, The most original part of Anderson's thesis relates to the geographical origins of nationalism. 137, The adversary politics thesis developed by the reformers has also been variously challenged. 138, Recognising this paradox lends weight to the patriarchy thesis, explaining away many apparent counter-examples. 139, Veblen's central thesis was that emulation took the form of engaging in a conspicuous way in honorific as opposed to merely useful pursuits. 140, I suppose it is a combination of the controversial nature of the thesis and the details of the framework that interest people. 141, The irreducibility thesis, in its general outline, might be summed up thus. 142, It therefore may be felt that the thesis can not serve for the analysis of political authority. 143, Thornhill has been peddling his rape thesis for years without much attention. 144, This, then is a micro-reductive version of the dominant ideology thesis. 145, This is certainly true of approval committees for thesis and dissertation proposals. 146, You might even end up starting on another project with a new thesis adviser. 147, The mean delay between thesis completion and first publication is about one year. 148, His thesis on the division of labour itself lacks an adequate conception of power. 149, The deposit of a thesis in a library gives no guarantee of copyright protection. 150, He wholly accepted the thesis of the democratic revolution. 151, The status in quo of Impulse Ground Penetrating Radar and the general principle of Avalanche Transistor are discussed then a new method for Avalanche simulation is given in this thesis. 152, Therefore, a research scheme for the high-performance and low-price modulator is presented in the thesis ----research on the novel high-speed polymer EO modulator based resonant absorption micro-ring. 153, The abstract of science and technology thesis is usually reportorial, which needs reflect purposes, methods, important results and conclusions. 154, This thesis used ethanol, isopropanol, normal butyl alcohol and isobutanol and uses four methods to prepare double metal alkoxides with iodine used as catalyst. 155, The thesis discusses the planning of Liangzhu Culture Residence as a measure for the conservation of Liangzhu Archeological Site and the design of Liangzhu culture museum. 156, In the first part of the thesis, the author analyzes and describes the main trends of root affixation and defines the main types from synchronic and diachronic perspectives. 157, The thesis also discusses the probability of intercept the attacking torpedo by utilizing the coalescent of torpedo' locate buoy and rocket depth charge, which found on the trait of vector hydrophone. 158, The thesis studied the woodworking tension band saw blades by means of the vibration theories, made sure the relationship between tension force and inhesion frequency of its system. 159, This thesis also reviewed advances of the chemical and pharmacological studies of the genus Ferula and the genus Zygophyllum. 160, In the thesis, ideal wet compression concept was given according to the basic thermodynamics analysis. 161, This thesis aimed at the development of the three - phase squirrel-cage induction motor portable diagnosis system. 162, First, we introduce the relational approach of the thesis in general. 163, The thesis also gives some special functions to enhance the image effect, for instance, blur, mosaic, spray, mono-noise and color noise, etc. 164, The thesis presents the architecture of condition-based maintenance system (CBMS) and how to design a CBMS system based on a case system. 165, The main purpose of this thesis is to present the issue of public resource capitalization management, arousing attention and deeper study from both government and tourism academic field. 166, It manages to provide reference for industrial conversion in the discussion of the characteristics of industrial frame in this thesis. 167, Secondly, the thesis briefs the concept, trait, significance and management of core - competence. 168, The first part of this thesis expatiate background and technique flow. 169, In the past, the animal glue was used mainly in sizing of wool yarn and so on. This thesis researches that it is used in the sizing of cotton fabric. 170, Engineering master's thesis, based on adaptive Kalman filtering SINS Nonlinear Alignment Technology. 171, The thesis discussed the method of branch exchange which is practical method. 172, Therefore, the thesis has carried out the research on the burnout of semiconductor devices in the typical circuit under microwave electro-magnetic pulses (EMP) coupling into the system. 173, This thesis analysis totally on the structure and features of the birch bark's culture which owned by the special group who are living in the great and small Xingan mountains. 173, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day! 174, Having analyzed the traditional supervision technic of the elevator, the thesis designs the software system structure of the elevator long range supervision based on UML. 175, At present, the silicon accelerometer base on mutual inductance variety have many thesis report in fremdnees, but no any thesis repot in home. 176, This thesis presents one voltage controlled oscillator and two injection locked frequency dividers, which are implemented by using standard TSMC 0.18um and 0.35um CMOS process respectively. 177, This topic that try hard to link the Architecture Language and the aesthetics is the second abstract theory bedrocks that impenetrate in the whole thesis. 178, In the present thesis, an analysis is made of the nature of metaphor and metaphor comprehension from cognitive and pragma-cognitive approaches. 179, The thesis described the study on the chemical constituents and their bioactivity of two kinds of plants, Davidia involucrata Baill and Ligustrum sinense. 180, Hence, what we should pay close attention to is whether and how trust pattern works properly for the enterprise annuity fund—which is the starting point and the foothold of the thesis as well. 181, This thesis analyzes the challenges in study style building for newly promoted undergraduate institute firstly, then puts forward some recommendations and solutions building, and prelim... 182, The thesis mainly researches on component retrieval technologies based on the faceted classification schema. 183, In this thesis, ZG35CrMo valve body was mainly studied. The pipeline valve body should pass hydraulic pressure test for 70MPa. 184, This thesis is a corpus - based study on the translational norms of contemporary Chinese translated fiction. 185, This thesis aims at making studies on the theoretical and practical issues of compensatory damages. 186, The EPW kinetic control system proposed in the thesis is proved to have good performance after long time pre-operation. Consequently, anticipated designing goal is achieved. 187, Data communication between different units including 485-bus, EIA RS-232C, Ethernet interface communication and the realization of TCP/IP protocol are fully presented in the thesis. 188, The thesis studies the current situation of Campus-Wide Information System(CWIS), and tries to find the problems of present web-based system. 189, This thesis presents the design and implementation of a multi-functional dynamic packet forwarding gateway in the UNIX environment. 190, Some of the consequences of the intuitionist thesis are little short of revolutionary. 191, Mainly 3 parts were studied on this thesis; they were Pest risk analysis (PRA) and detection techniques of Erwinia amylovora and susceptibility of some rosaceae plants in China to fire blight. 192, The thesis is the further development on the research of 3 D - imaging radar altimeter. 193, Regarding the legal effect of coercive auction, this thesis holds the point that the vendee gains the ownership of original acquisition through auction owing to it's public law nature. 194, The thesis dissertates access control policies and access control implementations, analyzes military security model and object protection in databases. 195, First of all, the thesis begins with the concept of news monographic report, analyzing the function of news monographic report. 196, Quasi - stable evaporation processes of three liquids : water, tetrachloride and methanol were experimentally investigated in this thesis. 197, The thesis introduces the property characteristics, technological process, construction method of polyphenyl granule external insulation materials and its applications in building engineering . 198, This thesis aims at analyzing and interpreting the connotation of Betty Friedan's feminist thought, as well as its development and its meaning for women today. 199, With effective encouragement method, the number of issued thesis of my hospital is in the highest flight in medical treatment unit in our country. 200, This thesis attempts to discuss Andy Warhol in following aspects: Why did he turn from abstractionist art into pop art; and what were the factors that influenced his painting style? 201, As a woman herself, Woolf has deep-felt understanding of woman reader's plight and experience. This thesis focuses on Woolf's understanding of the identity, action and role of the reader. 202, The thesis tries to find out Sidgwick's contribution to classical utilitarianism which is established by Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. 203, Finally the thesis make study to risk management of engineering insurance from macro-management, middling-management and microcosmic management. 204, To Section of Registry: Submit one paperbound copy of thesis for graduate programs. 205, The effect of a single variable on the composite volume resistance by maintaining other effect factors constant is analyzed respectively in the thesis. 206, This thesis discusses the accounting strategies for resisting the banking risk mainly from such aspects as enhancing the accounting legislation . 207, This thesis is discussed on the city agglomeration, it is composed of three parts. 208, This thesis introduces microsphere lithography ( MSL ) and photoelectrochemical (PEC) etching, and describes how to fabricate sub-micro triangular rods by these methods. 209, In this thesis an automatic method which is used to detect the dis- contiguous parameterized duplication code is introduced. 210, Firstly, based on the calibration and measurement research of the microwave radiometer, this thesis analyses the character of the reverse-direction radiating noise temperature. 211, This thesis mainly studies the character information of the primary fault, which is at the second loop system of the NPP. 212, The thesis introduces the design of multiple channel sampling system. It designs a multiple channel control sampling instrument with FPGA and control properties with VHDL. 213, This thesis reviews Los Angeles's development from a regional central city to a global city, explores the reasons of Los Angeles's fast development, and analyzes the urban problems. 214, Document retrieval and comparison are mainly used in the thesis. 215, In this thesis, as an example watershed of Miyun reservoir, rural household toilet and dejecta are studied by first-hand investigation, questionnaire survey. 216, Because of this, how to analyze and design the sampling algorithm is the first issue of this thesis. 217, The second half of this thesis is the respective statement of the Ci collectanea of Qing Dynasty. 218, This thesis comes to the conclusion that journalistic professionalism is gradually internalized in program structure, the way of report and program mode, etc. 219, This thesis focuses on the debugging of hardware and the realization of baseband signal processing for uplink in DSP and FPGA. 220, And also this thesis proposes a kind of multi - dimensional spatiotemporal model of railway transportation safety systems. 221, Then the thesis discusses their diversification trend of the social status of Eight Banner maharaja patricians . 222, Content: This thesis attempts to explore the unique features of XiaoHong"s novels from the aspect of gender , and by doing that sexualize them." 223, This thesis is mainly concerned with mechanism of air preheater after-burning and air preheater hot spots detection technique based on image of temperature field. 224, And this thesis also analyzed the characteristics of packet receiving interrupt handler and it's max interference on the other tasks on the same processor with lower priorities. 225, The thesis also introduces a special calibration method for vision sensor system in respect that we find the usual calibration ways can not be used in this system. 226, This thesis presents our studies of an adjustable semi circular planum external fixator and offers a relatively detailed introduction and analysis of the structure principle and mechanics nature. |
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