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单词 Perennial
1. The film 'White Christmas' is a perennial favourite.
2. Lack of resources has been a perennial problem since the beginning.
3. I wonder at her perennial youthfulness.
4. Teddy bears are a perennial favorite with children.
5. The novel's central theme is the perennial conflict between men and women.
6. We face the perennial problem of not having enough money.
7. Colonialism in different forms is a perennial theme of history.
8. Mickey Mouse remains a perennial favorite.
9. First dig out all the perennial weeds.
10. Alison MacDonald on the perennial problem of child care.
10. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
11. The perennial optimists would say that this is because of consumer demand.
12. But the perennial problem of providing for other children remained.
13. State politics ends up as a perennial battle between squabbling regions for scarce resources.
14. Perennial boom and bust cycles have always winnowed out weak farmers.
15. Twenty thousand perennial plants will bloom, including those in a display explaining how to use colour in the garden.
16. You might pair them with a new perennial vine, since the annual will supply the flowers as the perennial establishes itself.
17. Fear of teacher bias and classroom indoctrination, a perennial concern, was magnified by the development of Peace Studies.
18. His answer touched the perennial problems and pretensions of politicians.
19. Just like the familiar bedding forget-me-not, but perennial and with softer hairless leaves. Bright blue.
20. The seemingly perennial crisis that affects agriculture has shifted up a notch in intensity.
21. So one perennial idea getting a second wind is the campaign to raise the pitifully low current minimum wage.
22. The first was the perennial problem of the two-front war.
23. One of the perennial streams that sometime rises to astonishing heights of activity is the Leonid shower.
24. They may take a week or so to work, but can kill most deep-rooted perennial weeds without being persistent.
25. Did the women of the locality - and/or the imagination - constitute a perennial problem?
26. All fully partake of the sacred; and this is what gives them their perennial resistance to change.
27. That the other women had never shown any deference to that status was a perennial aggravation.
28. A lax attitude to accident prevention can not be justified by the perennial excuses of financial hardships and pressure from high work-loads.
29. So far in this campaign season at least one perennial hot button issue is missing.
30. For the hell of it l do an extra set of bun-twisters on my back, a perennial crowd-pleaser.
1. The film 'White Christmas' is a perennial favourite.
2. Lack of resources has been a perennial problem since the beginning.
3. I wonder at her perennial youthfulness.
31. I forgot to ask on Sunday if anything has poked its head up in my perennial bed.
32. Far left: Patricia uses a pot of sugar-pink azaleas to complement the garden's perennial forget-me-nots.
33. In the submersed form R. humilis is a perennial plant cultivated and reproduced as E. quadricostatus.
34. All this means that most critics never get to grips with masculinity's perennial fascination.
35. Crying Crying is a perennial problem with young children from babyhood on.
36. Indeed, none of the small-business groups comes close to perennial PAC powerhouses such as the National Association of Realtors.
37. A well defined form According to my dictionary, a tree can be any perennial plant having a self-supporting woody main stem.
38. Conservative Washington commentator Patrick Buchanan, 58, is a perennial contender, having mounted losing bids in 1992 and this year.
39. Daphne has no money for him to take, but there is the perennial fear of seduction.
40. Markets only work at the cost of perennial insecurity for producers.
41. But it is to suggest that an image of perennial conflict between science and religion is inappropriate as a guiding principle.
42. Present garden stock of this blue-flowered scrambling perennial is derived from a more recent introduction.
43. Many gardeners find it hard to rip out a perennial flower that has taken root.
44. He often introduces himself to boomer types as the B-string lyricist for that perennial underground cult band,[http://] the Grateful Dead.
45. A perennial favourite,() the polka dot gets a new lease of life in bold emerald green and brilliant white.
46. To Chrystelle Bond, the latest outcry over freak dancing represents just another turn of the perennial generational wheel.
47. High unemployment rates are a perennial problem in several European countries.
48. The next-closest school is Morse, a perennial football power and mandatory stop for major-college recruiters.
49. Pan-fried Louisiana crab cakes with remoulade sauce and Cobb salad with creamy tarragon sauce are perennial lunchtime favorites.
50. This perennial plant has leaves resembling those of some Cryptocoryne species.
51. Money and how to get hold of it were the perennial problems that refused to go away.
52. In the United States apples and other perennial food crops constituted 16 % of the total value of food crops in 1998.
53. Here a perennial topic in traditional public finance - the burden of the national debt - is considered.
54. More than most human activities, sport reveals this essential truth of existence as it is perceived in the perennial philosophy.
55. This method of control is principally limited to geographical or ecological islands and perennial crops.
56. Following the annual migration of food preparation to the outdoors is the perennial question: How shall these delicacies be washed down?
57. John Munger, perennial troublemaker on the Board of Regents, attacked both affirmative action and tenure.
58. I use long lengths of floating row cover, anchored with bricks and stones, on annual and perennial beds.
59. A few breakfast items are available early in the day, most notably biscuits with gravy, which is a perennial favorite.
60. New ground should be cleared of perennial weed, removing deep roots of docks, thistles and bindweed.
61. The rare perennial maize proved to be resistant to seven viral diseases that plague domesticated maize.
62. Then came the perennial problem - do I put the neckband on next, or the front bands.
63. On a grander scale this is the perennial argument about whether ideologies follow social changes or create them.
64. You are also turning up the relics of perennial weeds that can be difficult to eliminate later.
65. Severe and unpredictable weather is a perennial danger for mountain climbers.
66. As this quote suggests, certain social issues or conflicts are never completely resolved; they are perennial.
67. It is suitable for even the smallest gardens, and if you can only accommodate one daisy-flowered perennial it should be this.
68. Just like the familiar bedding forget-me-not, but perennial and with softer hairless leaves.
69. Campanulaceae Codonopsis an entanglement of perennial herbs, milk white.
70. There's a perennial shortage of teachers with science qualifications.
71. All this is intensifying the perennial debate about safety.
72. What constitutes the good life is a perennial question.
73. The perennial rhizomes formed closely crowed belowground networks.
74. This condition is called' perennial allergic rhinitis perennial rhinitis.
75. Aconitum ceucostomum is the perennial poisonous plant.
76. Perennial ryegrass throws a lot of autumn growth.
77. With the hope to outward processing units perennial cooperation.
78. Old World genus of annual to perennial herbs: woad.
79. A perennial is a plant that lives indefinitely.
80. Old World perennial bulbous herbs.
81. Pyrola is an evergreen perennial herbage-shaped half-shrub.
82. His brown velvet jacket had become perennial.
83. Acting Company perennial Japan, Dalian,[http:///perennial.html] Yantai sea cucumber products.
84. He himself is a perennial Nobel also-ran.
85. Urtica is a kind of perennial plant.
86. East Asian perennial herbs: plume poppy.
87. Umbelliferae Angelica is a perennial herb.
88. Falsehood has a perennial spring.
89. Ginseng is a perennial dicotyledonous herbs Nightshade classes.
90. European perennial whose serrate leaves yield a yellow dye.
91. The common buttercup is a popular perennial plant.
92. the perennial problem of water shortage.
93. The large cosmopolitan genus Senecio, a perennial medicinal herb of the family compositae, has been utilized as a anthmicrobial agent.
94. Helophyte A perennial marsh plant that has its overwintering buds under water.
95. To calculate average perennial load of non point source pollution, a direct measurement method is developed.
96. Four species, including kentucky bluegrass , perennial ryegrass, tall rescue and zoysia grass were selected in the experiment.
97. A perennial rhizomatous grass (Poa pratensis) native to Eurasia and North Africa and naturalized throughout the United States. It is commonly cultivated for pasture and lawns.
98. North American perennial with apparently whorled leaves and showy white purple - tinged flowers.
99. North American perennial having a slender bulb and whitish flowers.
100. Amorphophallus is a monocotyledonous perennial herb. Konjac glucomannan which is rich in the corm has been applied widely in food, medicine,[Sentencedict] chemistry and agriculture industry.
101. An Old World perennial grass, widespread as a weed in warm regions and used for thatching .
102. The controlling test was carried out to the annual and perennial broadleaved weed and shrub on forestland with 24% picloram Sc.
103. He is the perennial counselor-at-law of quite a few major state-owned enterprises.
104. A southwest Asian perennial herb (Medicago sativa) having compound leaves with three leaflets and clusters of usually blue-violet flowers. It is widely cultivated as a pasture and hay crop.
105. Any of various perennial plants of the Old World genus Asparagus having leaflike stems, scalelike leaves, and small flowers.
106. A research project of the authors on the effect of endophyte infection on drought resistance of perennial ryegrass is briefly introduced.
107. Aloe is a perennial herbaceous plant which belongs to the lily family. Its thick leaves are rich in pulp and contain many lands of active matter.
108. Objective To observe the curative effects of nasal septum deviation orthopedy and temperature-controlled Radiofrequency ablation for perennial allergic rhinitis.
109. When it came to a perennial Clinton bugaboo - personnel - things began on a promising note.
110. Citrus is perennial and evergreen plant with many flowers and requires a large amount of nutrients.
111. The Republican Party might have slipped into perennial minority status.
112. On laboratory, five Bacillus have been developed into vaccine liquid products. Soaked with vaccine liquid , the seeds of perennial ryegrass have been planted in sterilized soil.
113. The perennial conflict between national egoism and international solidarity becomes and more visible.
114. Chinese perennial with pyramidal racemes of rose - veined flowers and aromatic roots used medicinally and as flavoring.
115. Another perennial music favorite is calypso, which is also sung in the Caribbean island English dialect.
116. A perennial Eurasian herb ( Chelidonium majus ) having deeply divided leaves, showy yellow flowers, and yellow - orange latex.
117. Tax Planning, Tax Consultancy, Tax Audit, Tax Training, Perennial Tax Consultants, On-line Tax Information Services.
118. The disputation between serial processing and parallel processing has been perennial.
119. Adonis amurensis is perennial herb, Its roots are nearly primary structure in the whole life, Primary Xylems of main root and lateral roots of one year seedling are diarch.
120. Vetiver, a perennial geophytic herb, has gradually been promoted in ecological environmental protection and regulation for its advantages such as wide-adaptability, resistance, multipurpose and so on.
121. There are annual or perennial buckwheat, Tartary Buckwheat and buckwheat wild type wings.
122. Commonly known as sour, is a perennial wild deciduous shrubs.
123. Helophyte A perennial marsh plant that has its overwintering buds under water. An example is bulrush ( Typha ).
124. The turnover of lamina tissue of perennial ryegrass was systematically studied through cutting experiment by the application of the theory and methods of the tissue turnover.
125. North American stoloniferous perennial having white flowers; sometimes used as an ornamental.
126. It was the ninth career second-place finish in various competitions for Ballack, who doesn't want to be remembered as a perennial runner-up.
127. Codariocalyx motorius growed as a common perennial pioneer plant in slash and burn shifting field in tropical and subtropical mountains of Yunnan Province, China.
128. A perennial goal in zoology is to infer function since structure, relating the behavior of an organism to its physical tom or cellular organization.
129. Any of various perennial plants of the genus Uvularia in the lily family, native to eastern North America and having solitary, nodding, yellow bell-shaped flowers.
130. Zoysia Willd. is a kind of warm-season perennial grass of Poaceae family. It is low[/perennial.html], creeping and sward-forming.
131. It lays its eggs ( like the one above ) only on horseshoe vetch, a European perennial.
132. According to records : sowthistle, also known as bitter radicchio dishes, from Ma vegetables, Sonchus brachyotus DC dishes, perennial herbaceous plants, the Compositae.
133. Actinidia arguta belonging to Actinidiaceae, Actinidia Lindl. is perennial defoliation vine plant. It is most widely distributed in the Three Provinces in Northeast of China.
134. Any of various chiefly eastern Asian perennial herbs of the genus Astilbe, having compound basal leaves and showy panicles of tiny colorful flowers.
135. The perennial conflict between national egoism and international solidarity becomes more and more visible.
136. Large - scale of mining subsidence area often forms seasonal waterlogging or perennial waterlogging.
137. Another four large organizations Yangniu Chang, the perennial supply of dry cow dung.
138. Alfalfa, which is a kind of perennial leguminous caudex, is the best and most important leguminous grass in the world .
139. Herbs perennial, caulescent, 5-10 cm tall, puberulous throughout(), rarely sparsely puberulous or glabrous.
140. Densely hairy perennial having mostly triangular basal leaves and rose-purple flowers in panicled clusters.
141. Jerusalem Artichoke is a new-style perennial species, which has high yield, alkali-resistance, the ability against drought, cold and extensive adaptability.
142. Dehydrated garlic prepared from fresh, mature, and clean wholesome bulb of the perennial plant Allium Sativum L.
143. Chrysanthemum Asteraceae perennial herb, is one of our traditional Chinese herbal medicines commonly used, mainly for medicinal capitulum .
144. Leaf mould was attacked by Fusarium nival , and had effect on perennial ryegrass's leaves and tillers, leading turf to become sparse.
145. The taxonomy of the genus Thalictrum is still unclear. The plants are perennial herbs.
146. Ferula is Umbelliferae and perennial plant species of endemic of Xinjiang as well as rare grow wild in our country. It's fruit is only one in its life.
147. A perennial plant of the genus Sanguisorba, having pinnately compound leaves and apetalous flowers asgarnish.
148. Kiribath is the closest Sri Lankan thing we have to a risotto. Made on special occasions, kiribath is a perennial favourite.
149. Steep mountains above the snow line, ya shi nudity, perennial snow cover, climate and volatile.
150. Any of various perennial Eurasian herbs of the genus Crocus, having grasslike leaves and showy, variously colored flowers.
151. To cope with the perennial overcrowding problem in correctional institutions, a former military camp was converted into Lo Wu Correctional Institution, a minimum security prison.
152. Like gout, anti-immigration restrictionism is a perennial affliction that comes and goes with the seasons.
153. He owned a statue of Marilyn, studied Chaplin and married Elvis' daughter. It seemed the perennial man-child would cease to exist if the applause ever stopped.
154. A method Agrobacterium tumefaciens transformation for perennial ryegrass was developed using the calli derived from mature embryos, and the transgenic plants were successfully obtained.
155. The communities of perennial herb are characterized by consociation with single synusia consisting of pure population, and the structure of bush community appear looser.
156. The potential distribution of the invasive perennial Solidago canadensis in China was assessed by using the homoclime approach.
157. Any of several perennial North American herbs of the genus Chelone, especially C. glabra, having a white or pink bilabiate corolla with a bearded lower lip.
158. Wild rice stem belongs to herb of marsh of gramineous vivacious perennial root.
159. Drought resistance of Lolium Perenne (Perennial Ryegrass)which treated by plant growth retardants and mowing was studied.
160. The somaclonal variation of regeneration plant derived from mature embryo of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L. were analyzed with RAPD makers.
161. Reaumuria soongorica and Caragana korshinskii are perennial semi - shrubs.
162. Chinese perennial having mauve - pink to bright sky blue flowers in drooping cymes.
163. European woody - pased perennial with yellow umbellate flowers followed by flattened pods that separate into horseshoe - shaped joints.
164. Is a protein -rich perennial leguminous plant and the crude protein content of dry matter is always around 20%.
165. Beijing perennial popularity northeasterly , Miyun Reservoir (Beijing important water), also northeast[http://], the north-east of Beijing in northern particularly regarded as an "auspicious treasure-house."
166. A woolly, white, mat-forming perennial herb (Cerastium tomentosum) native to Italy and widely cultivated in rock gardens for its showy white flowers with notched petals.
167. Anchusa is a short-lived perennial, which will flower next year from sowing now, but the marigolds and borage are easy hardy annuals.
168. Many perennial ground cover plants, such as ivy, periwinkle, pachysandra, mondo grass and liriope, will cover the soil and act as a mulch.
169. The effects of fertilization and sowing rate on the seed productivity of turf type perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) were studied using the split plot experiment design.
170. Ammonia volatilization was estimated in the field from perennial ryegrass turf after application of five kinds of N fertilizer.
171. A tropical Asian perennial herb(Boehmeria nivea) having broad leaves and densely branched panicles of small, unisexual, apetalous flowers.
172. Sugar cane is a tropical perennial. It's one of the grasses.
173. In terms of stream flow, there are three general types of streams : ephemeral , intermittent, and perennial.
174. The results are as follows:1. Establishment of plant regeneration system of perennial ryegrass.
175. Verbena, belonging to verbena family, is a perennial herbal plant.
176. Viewed by this period as a feudalistic anachronism, the Khanate, as well as its perennial rivals in Khiva and Samarkhand, became pawns in the 'Great Game' between the Russian and British Empires.
177. Results Besides the similar structure of the perennial herbaceous dicotyledon, there were a lot of fibers and calcium oxalate crystals in the plant.
178. Eurasian perennial herbs having daisylike flowers with yellow rays and dark centers.
179. Seeing from the whole evaluation period, the average green degree of kentucky bluegrass is higher than that of tall fescue and perennial ryegrass.
180. Patchouli (Pogostemon patchouli) is a two-three foot perennial bush with purple flowers, a member of the mint family native to the East and West Indies.
181. He had only known the perennial widow, the discreetly expensive Frenchwoman.
182. The relationship between individual size and density of perennial population of Elymus nutans has been studied in the present paper.
183. It is very difficult to control perennial weed field horsetail ( Equsetum arvense L . ).
184. Growth regulators and their concentration supplemented had great effect on callus induction and regeneration of perennial ryegrass.
185. Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety with ipratropium bromide nasal spray in the treatment of rhinorrhea in the elderly perennial non-allergic rhinitis patient.
186. European perennial toxic vetch.
187. Configuration feature: Herb of perennial root , the bine is tall 40 reach 100 centimeters.
188. The chromosome karyotypes and the chromosome variation of regenerated plants of perennial ryegrass(Lolium perenne L.
189. This perennial favorite is now available in a board book edition.
190. Herbs annual or perennial, sometimeswithtuberous roots, usually viscid pubescentwithuniseriate glandular hairs.
190. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
191. A slender, erect, poisonous perennial herb(Aconitum napellus) native to northern Europe, having violet flowers and whose.
192. Conclusion: In our investigation, it's more effective to use radio frequency in coagulating the anterior ethmoidal nerve and sphenopalatine nerve for perennial allergic rhinitis.
193. Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum ), a perennial plant growing in American grassland, may be an ideal alternative option.
194. Dichondra repens Forst. is a semi-phototaxis perennial and stoloniferous lawn plant.
195. European perennial St John's wort; Ireland and France to western Siberia.
196. Tianma, which Blanco is saprophytic upright perennial herbs, whole-plant without leaves, does not contain chlorophyll.
197. Gloriosa of tropical Africa and Asia; a perennial herb climbing by means of tendrils at leaf tips having showy yellow to red or purple flowers; all parts are poisonous.
198. Objective : To investigate the effect of operation on perennial allergic rhinitis.
199. Tax Services Tax Planning, Tax Consultancy, Tax Audit, Tax Training, Perennial Tax Consultants, On-line Tax Information Services.
200. Any of several perennial reeds of the genus Phragmites in the grass family, found worldwide in marshes and wetlands and having stems up to nearly6 meters(20 feet) long.
201. I perennial companies operating chemical raw materials: styrene, anhydride, phthalic anhydride, and so on.
202. North American perennial herb; leaves are used medicinally; sometimes placed in genus Cassia.
203. Perennial ryegrass is a pasture and turfgrass species holding strong adaptability. The applications of transgenic technology had already been an important approach on its breeding.
204. Four kinds of soil amendments can improve perennial ryegrass growth in certain degree.
205. A perennial North American herb (Oxypolis rigidior) having pinnately compound leaves and umbels of small white flowers.
206. There was no significant relationship between the height and the tiller number of white clover and perennial ryegrass with the catalase activity and urease activity.
207. Leymus is a perennial gramineous plant that widely spreads in China.
208. The illustration I use with my students to emphasize the essence of "professional accounting" is the perennial parade of tuxedoed CPAs before the audience at the Academy Awards.
209. As a kind of perennial troublesome weed, Perennial sowthistle (Sonchus brachyotus DC. ) mainly occurred in the North of China, infesting upland crop such as Wheat, Soybean and corn .
210. As a turf type seed base for perennial ryegrass production, the irrigation area of Ningxia Plain was available, because of its rich sunshine and lower rainfall during seed formation.
211. Description: Perennial herbaceous vines, with milky juice , glabrous throughout.
212. The functioning mechanism, absorption, transference, distribution, effective period and perennial effect , as well as application of paclobutrazol in deciduous fruit trees were summarized.
213. Creeper plants belong to Grape family. They are climber plants that are perennial lignification big lianas. There are about 15 species of creeper plants in the world.
214. Perennial ryegrass was used in overseeding trial on Manilagrass in city garden in the southeastern Zhejiang.
215. Although the yields of Perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne) cultivars were high, they could not survive the summer in southern Jiangsu.
216. The plants of Polygonatum Mill . are perennial herbs with the value of traditional Chinese medicine.
217. If you pass reveal() an invalid path or the perennial "dot" (., the present directory) or "dot dot" (.., the parent directory), the recursion ends.
218. Configuration feature : Perennial is herbaceous, have a stem, ramose , be as high as 80 centimeters.
219. Any of numerous cultivated forms of a perennial plant(Dianthus caryophyllus) having showy, variously colored, usually double, often fragrant flowers with fringed petals.
220. Description: Perennial herbs, 5-20 cm tall, densely white villose; roots slender, terete , up to 40 cm long, fleshy,[/perennial.html] stem buried in sand with apical part emerged above ground.
221. A perennial goal in zoology is to infer function from structure, relating the behavior of an organism to its physical form and cellular organization.
222. The paper studies the biological characters and economic characters of 8 species of perennial graminaceous herbages grown in Henan grassland.
223. Perennial allergic rhinitis, triggered by dust mites, animal dander, and mold, occurs year - round.
224. Eurasian perennial naturalized in eastern North America having very spiny white cottony foliage and nodding musky crimson flower heads; valuable source of nectar.
225. The chromosome karyotypes and the chromosome variation of regenerated plants of perennial ryegrass(Lolium perenne L. )were studied.
226. North American perennial with hairy basal pinnate leaves and purple flowers and plume - tipped fruits.
227. In Xinyang region, tall fescue was selected as the main lawn seed mixing with perennial bluegrass and ryegrass.
228. The president recently fired her first-rate auditor-general, John Morlu, who was said to be making headway on graft, a perennial problem.
229. The method realizes the perennial cultivation of the annual cotton, thereby enlarging the cultivation area of the cotton from the tropical zone to the southern subtropical zone.
230. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.
231. Perennial crop: Crop, which remains on the field more than one year.
232. It is very difficult to control perennial weed horsetail ( Equsetum arvense L . ).
233. Any of various perennial tropical herbs of the genus Canna, having clusters of large(), showy flowers and including an edible variety.
234. Horseradish is perennial root herb belonging to Cruciferae and Armoracia. The main components are glucosinolate and its hydrolysis products, which have the function of anticancer, antibacterium, etc.
235. Tom Clancy predicted this exact scenario in his 1991 potboiler The Sum of All Fears -- and it remains a perennial of public discussion.
236. Traffic had already backed up at the East Coast's perennial chokepoint: the Interstate 95 toll plaza in Newark, Del., where construction is adding to the bottleneck.
237. North American perennial herb with smooth foliage and drooping tubular greenish flowers.
238. Schisandra chinensis (Magnoliaceae)is a perennial deciduous woody liana with valuable medicinal materials in Heilongjiang Province.
239. Perennial non - scorer Makelele was an obvious choice to take the penalty.
240. Aboveground biomass, regeneration rate and the water content of perennial ryegrass. Kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue under different soil moisture gradient were measured under field conditions.
241. It is perennial plant with good economic, ecological and social benefits. In Dazhu and Daxian counties of Dazhou City, Boehmeria nivea project is a good economic one for farmers.
242. Coleus forskohli is a perennial member of the mint, or Lamiaceae. It is now grown around the world as an ornamental plant.
243. Tobacco is a tall perennial herbaceous flowering plant that belongs to the solanaceae or nightshade family.
244. All this has made the bank a perennial takeover target.
245. A southwest Asian perennial herb (Medicago sativa) having compound leaves with three leaflets and clusters of usually blue-violet flowers.
246. Gramineae life form was made up of perennial plant and annual plant and the ecotype was consisted of mesophyte and xerophyte.
247. Carnation, is a transliteration of the name of carnation for Caryophyllaceae perennial herbaceous perennial flowers.
248. Our perennial supply of high quality pine resin, rosin and turpentine.
249. Qixian Jinhong Crafts Exclusive sales department perennial supply of a large number of colorful flash LED light-emitting glass red wine goblet!
250. Objective: To evaluate the curative effect of microwave tissue coagulation treatment on perennial allergic rhinitis under nasal endoscopy.
250. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
251. Amaryllidaceae Clivia miniata is a perennial herb, is China one of 20 kinds of flowers, cut flowers can be used as the main materials, high value, good economic returns.
252. Selected the way of multiple character index, we selected Ameri- can Bromus inermis and other two fine energy-herbs and advanced the model of constructing endurable, perennial and mixed meadow.
253. The meeting place was at the then African Concord House, owned by the late Chief MKO Abiola, where I had more or less established a perennial presence not least to read Nigerian newspapers.
254. A perennial herb(Cichorium intybus) of the composite family, native to the Old World, widely naturalized in North America, and having rayed flower heads with blue florets.
255. Any of several perennial herbs of the genus Actaea, native to northern temperate regions, having terminal clusters of red, white, or blackish berries.
256. OBJECTIVE: To apply Yiqi Kangmin Granules for the treatment of perennial allergic nasitis.
257. Perennial border such as daffodil, daisy, lily, phlox, iris, etc.
258. Objective To explore the treatment of perennial allergic rhinitis with microwave.
259. These dataes showed that Zigong black goat was a goat with advanges of the litter-bearing, the many lambs of per litter, the high fecundity and the perennial oestrus.
260. Perennial plants retire into a rest period when the temperature is below 43.
261. Some physiological and biochemical characters of endophyte infected (EI) and endophyte free (EF) plants were observed to study the adaptive response of perennial ryegrass to cyclic drought stress.
262. Eurasian garden perennial having scarlet flowers in dense terminal heads.
263. North American perennial herb having small autumn-blooming purple or pink or white flowers; widely naturalized in Europe.
264. A perennial herb (Stylophorum diphyllum) native to midwest North America and somewhat similar in appearance to the celandine.
265. A perennial plant of the genus Sanguisorba, having pinnately compound leaves and apetalous flowers. The young leaves are sometimes added to salads as a garnish.
266. Lithops are perennial plants which develop a new pair of leaves each year.
267. It is an herbaceous perennial plant with green sword - shape leaves and bright yellow flowers.
268. A mixed artificial grassland of perennial ryegrass and white clover in the degradation succession process was analyzed on the basis of aboveground biomass, density, coverage and species diversity.
269. Rumex Kl was a perennial plant with persistent roots. It was introduced to China in 1995. Rumex Kl attracted people's attention with its biological characters beneficial to human and economical value.
270. European perennial with mottled purple - pink flowers; sometimes cultivated for fodder or as green manure.
271. North American perennial having a resinous odor and yellow flowers.
272. Alfalfa(Medicago sativa L. )is a perennial legume grass which was cultivated widely on semi-humid areas of the loess plateau.
273. The fine carnation of their cheeks is perennial as sunlight in the seventh heavens.
274. Ferula is Umbelliferae and perennial plant species of endemic of Xinjiang as well as rare grow wild in our country.
275. Alondra vegetable also known as bracken, wild perennial herb, generally pick their eating leaves.
276. Perennial spot sales into steel, Baosteel, Baotou Steel, Anshan, Tianjin steel pipe company and other major steel production of high-quality seamless steel tube.
277. Coltsfoot Flower also known as butterbur, winter flowers, is a perennial herb, with flower medicine.
278. The germplasm resources of tea plant are very rich. However, tea plant is a perennial cross-pollination ligneous plant, so it has many difficulties in general genetic research.
279. This causes the symptoms of hay fever or perennial rhinitis to appear.
280. Biotechnology has a great application potential in variety improvement of Tall Fescue, which is an important cool-season perennial turf grass in the temperate region.
280. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
281. Lythrum salicaria is a perennial herb , its root system is a fibrous like tap root system.
282. The elementary conclusion is: Poa pratensis L is better than Festuca arundinacea Schreb in the cold tolerance. The Perennial Ryegrass is weak for resisting the cold damage.
283. As one would expect, the science of maintaining Wimbledon's courts has been subject to rigorous research - the current formula is 100% Perennial Ryegrass, cut to a height of exactly 8mm.
284. A perennial, sod-forming tropical American grass (Paspalum notatum) grown in warm regions, such as the southern United States, for forage, soil binding, and turf.
285. Bulbous perennial with somewhat straight, lance-shaped to oval, basal leaves that reach up to 12 inches long.
286. Perennial relatives at home have acquired some real estate, such as safflower medicines.
287. A perennial plant, such as the English daisy , cultivated as a biennial.




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