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单词 Checkpoint
1. There was an army checkpoint at the frontier.
2. The soldier stopped the motorist at a roadside checkpoint.
3. The police waved our car through the border checkpoint.
4. We were stopped at the checkpoint.
5. The checkpoint was abandoned as militarily indefensible.
6. There are border guards at the checkpoint crossing.
7. The car failed to stop at an army checkpoint.
8. Checkpoint Charlie used to be the most famous border crossing between East and West Berlin.
8. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. Save a few for the checkpoint at the gate.
10. Tourist visas are issued at any border checkpoint.
11. I peered into the dark and deserted-looking checkpoint.
12. After going through the checkpoint once, it will seem like a breeze.
13. To reach East Berlin they must cross through Checkpoint Charlie, not far from their outpost.
14. The first step as you approach the checkpoint is to park your car in the parking lot on the north side.
15. On either side of the well-guarded checkpoint stretched wire fences, barbed-wire entanglements and minefields.
16. The sentries at the Yalu River checkpoint aimed their rifles at me instead of letting me hurry across.
17. There was an easy passage through the checkpoint: Alexandre was known and his passengers were accepted as tourists from the Spaarndam.
18. A decade ago this was Checkpoint Charlie, one of the few gaps in an otherwise impenetrable barrier a hundred miles long.
19. Checkpoint records show the bus was carrying 27 people.
20. For twenty-nine years, Checkpoint Charlie embodied the Cold War.
21. A driver blew up his car and himself after being stopped at a police checkpoint.
22. Soldiers opened fire on a car which failed to stop at an army checkpoint.
23. Once properly tagged and escorted, the visitor passes the initial checkpoint and walks along a corridor into the Headquarters Building lobby.
24. Not the bomb craters in the road, not the checkpoint guards who wave us on.
25. Soldiers initially alleged that they fired at the car after it had driven through an army checkpoint and hit a soldier.
26. Likewise, airlines issue those lists to security personnel at airports which allow only ticketed passengers beyond the security checkpoint.
27. The tanker's brakes failed as it approached a police checkpoint on a highway linking the towns of Ife and Ibadan.
28. We left our calling card on the enemy with those bombs at the checkpoint.
29. Six hours from the start, in a wide lush valley, Fusil had placed his first checkpoint.
30. By showing their birth certificates they were able to get through the checkpoint.
31. No checkpoint record was found in the cluster log.
32. A Shiite Muslim guards a checkpoint in Kabul.
33. At the checkpoint a US soldier examines the car.
34. At about 1:30 p. m. Tuesday, police manning a checkpoint at a traffic circle stopped a minivan filled with what appeared to be women wearing burqas.
35. For this final checkpoint, your due diligence is the only software required.
36. On Monday, a suicide bomber in a rickshaw blew a checkpoint in Peshawar, killing three people.
37. That means there's plenty of time before we have to go to the security checkpoint and put our baggage through the X-ray machine. I want to do some duty-free shopping before we go to our boarding gate.
38. After the checkpoint the highway begins to climb and the landscape transforms.
39. Automatic checkpoint restart, that is,[] restart by the system from a checkpoint within a job step.
40. Accordingly, the researchers have proved that these checkpoint kinases also exist alongside the centrosome and perform their function there.
41. Please stand in line and pass through the checkpoint one by one.
42. Conclusion:It was suggested that Triptolide possesses potent of anti-leukemic cell proliferation and was able to regulate the G1 /S transmit checkpoint of HL60 cells.
43. Through piggybacking the information about which processes have taken new checkpoint in the broadcast message, the checkpoint sequence number of each process is consistent in all processes.
44. French soldiers squared off with a gunman at a road checkpoint.
45. It'sits on land that was formerly on the East German side of the checkpoint.
46. He used Nadira as a drug mule to bring drugs from a nearby Uzbek - Afghan border checkpoint.
47. A checkpoint file either could not be found or is damaged.
48. The program's goal was to get RTs through the checkpoint as easily as possible.
49. Uptilt now it has been established that this kind of genes like hsMAD2 may control the primary carcinogenesis, Since invalidity of the checkpoint controlled by MAD, ie.
50. Jeff King leaves the Unalakleet, Alaska checkpoint in second place March 14 in the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.
51. Deferred checkpoint restart, that is, restart at a later time from a checkpoint a job step.
52. You can also use the last checkpoint to show the complete integration scenario.
53. Deferred checkpoint restart , that is, restart at a later time from a checkpoint within a job step.
54. Uncompress and initialize any platform specific BIOS modules. GPNV is initialized at this checkpoint.
55. For several years the brothers and sisters of Belfast Ecclesia had to pass through a British checkpoint in order to attend Sunday meeting at the ecclesial hall.
56. There's also a utility called chcp for converting a checkpoint to a snapshot or vice-versa, and rmcpto invalidate a checkpoint or snapshot.
57. Thirty kilometers away - the Russians are still the Akhalgori checkpoint.
58. A column of East German Trabants cross the border at the Rudolphstein checkpoint between the East German state of Thuringia and Bavaria.
59. Seals measured that the opening each checkpoint is Man Man, regardless of being forms a team enters or enters stochastically , fast group good troop, ten points efficiency.
60. All westbound vehicles are stopped at an established checkpoint and no cucurbit fruits are allowed past the checkpoint.
61. The checkpoint file is updated to reflect the new location of the checkpoint.
62. Hisham Khalef, a volunteer fighter who mans a checkpoint in Tripoli's Souk Juma neighborhood, said that the weapons will be given back as soon as the order is restored.
63. After the couple appeared John F. Kennedy International Airport by car, and Air France's exclusive boarding security checkpoint queue.
64. Two bottlenecks, checkpointing protocol overhead and storage cost of checkpoint image, limit the scalability of checkpoint system, which is critical to large-scale clusters.
65. Veterinarians bring dropped dogs down to the river landing strip to be flown out at the Yukon River checkpoint of Ruby, Alaska March 12.
66. Checkpoint facility enables the intermediate state of a running process to be saved to stable storage.
67. Although we had about ten big subsystems in the supersystem, representatives from only seven of these subsystems routinely showed up for the weekly architecture checkpoint.
68. The executable and checkpoint files are transfered automatically, when needed.
68. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
69. If humans possess a similar checkpoint system and if researchers could someday harness it, they could fine-tune the rate of cellular division to control tumor development as well as tissue aging.
70. Shortly, he arrived a checkpoint whereby many tanks were parked.
71. Having been assigned to Jury Duty, I was going through a security checkpoint at an New York City Courts building.
72. For application-oriented MDB, backup and restore schemes on the basis of redo log and checkpoint file etc are the key for MDB's recovery.
73. We emphasize on the HA technique of Checkpoint and Process Migration.
74. Under the scorching sun, Masoud Bwisir, 38, and his fellow rebels had just taken control of a checkpoint on Friday in the village of Tajura, 6 miles (10 km) east of the Libyan capital of Tripoli.
75. A short walk away Checkpoint Charlie itself has also become a photo op.
76. The outbound tourists carrying cultural relics must pass through that checkpoint.
77. The checkpoint is stored in a special file called the checkpoint file.
78. This is only a routine checkpoint(), please do not be alarmed.
79. The ATT ( with undo logs ) and the dirty page table are also stored with each checkpoint.
80. The deterministic checkpoint based on state-freezing can successfully avoid nephew messages, domino effect and live lock.
81. Previous attempts at booting this system have failed at checkpoint [ mice ].
82. Statecheck operation of checkpoint preserves the user register context and user data segment of process checkpointed at this time to checkpoint file.
83. Previous attempts at booting this system have failed at checkpoint [ nnnn ].
84. Eurogamer: Will the game support quick save or checkpoint progress?
85. Only those images that correspond to a consistent snapshot are written to the checkpoint file, and the row shadows allow the currently executing transactions to run unrestricted during checkpointing.
86. We emphasize on the HA technique of Checkpoint Process Migration.
87. Witnesses said the killers left a flag at the checkpoint, the black flag of the Islamic State of Iraq.
88. Some papers had mentioned that the overhead of checkpoint mainly dues to save the process's state into stable storage.
89. Break through the supply depot checkpoint by accessing the service entrance across the canyon bridge.
90. Through piggybacking the information about which processes have taken new checkpoint in the broadcast message, the checkpoint sequence number of each pro...
91. EF Read error occurred on media. Jump back to checkpoint EB.
92. Lock the cage was opened, all the oil exploration companies have begun to Checkpoint to undershoot.
93. If another log checkpoint record is encountered while it is in drain mode, it goes back to buffering mode.
94. Detection agents make use of checkpoint technology and process migration technology to detect the process state, recovery the process from the fault state.
94. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
95. The way in is through a military checkpoint, at the time specified.
96. A mock-up "checkpoint of the future" has gone on display at the Aviation Security World Conference in Amsterdam, including hi-tech colour-coded scanning corridors.
97. A US military investigation has concluded that American soldiers who killed an Italian intelligence agent at a Baghdad checkpoint last month were "not culpable", an Army official said Monday.
98. A checkpoint operation flushes the database buffers to disk and writes a checkpoint record in the log.
99. The checkpoint referred to in this ordinance, shall be a specific area for the entrance to and exit from the boundary-line of persons, transportation tools and goods.
100. Jason Barron puts coats on his team after arriving at the Nikolai, Alaska checkpoint while his sled dog Classic checks out the scene March 9.
101. "Sirte is becoming a ghost town, " said resident Salim Omar as he passed a checkpoint manned by revolutionary forces on the city's western outskirts.
102. That means there's plenty of time before we have to go to the security checkpoint and put our baggage through the X-ray machine.




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