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单词 Renaissance
1. Her book captures the quintessence of Renaissance humanism.
2. The theme of the conference is renaissance Europe.
3. Renaissance art is not really his province - he specializes in the modern period.
4. Popular art is experiencing a renaissance.
5. Fry was a connoisseur of Renaissance art.
6. Architecturally, these churches reflected the impact of the Renaissance.
7. Folk music is currently enjoying a renaissance.
8. Opera in Britain is enjoying a long-awaited renaissance.
9. Some of the Renaissance buildings are gorgeous.
10. Some excerpts from a Renaissance mass are spatchcocked into Gluck's pallid Don Juan music.
11. His paintings prefigure the development of perspective in Renaissance art.
12. The Renaissance W door sits strangely with the Gothic.
13. The Renaissance destroys the medieval unity of vision.
14. Paper, for instance, was not cheap during the Renaissance.
15. Renaissance artists considered drawing preliminary to painting.
16. A true Renaissance man, Benjamin Daunbey.
17. They have named the subdivision Renaissance.
18. The Hindu Renaissance was also a great literary period.
19. American classical music is enjoying a renaissance.
20. Of these periods, the Renaissance is the finest example.
21. Renaissance bureaucracy treated offices as saleable property.
22. He was a full-on Renaissance man.
23. There was no renaissance in sight.
24. Urban abandonment or urban renaissance Power, Anne.
25. It is a fine example of Bohemian Renaissance Revival.
26. The Renaissance must have been a very interesting time to have been alive.
27. There are probably fewer hard facts about the life of Henry Purcell than that of any other great composer since the Renaissance.
28. urban architectural renewal that prognosticates a social and cultural renaissance.
29. Her name crops up frequently in writings about the Renaissance.
30. He's a writer, politician, musician and athlete - a real Renaissance man.
1. The theme of the conference is renaissance Europe.
2. Renaissance art is not really his province - he specializes in the modern period.
3. Some excerpts from a Renaissance mass are spatchcocked into Gluck's pallid Don Juan music.
31. To do so is perhaps to judge the Renaissance too much by present-day criteria.
32. This, together with the re-emergence of pagan myth in general, fostered the full sunshine of the High Renaissance.
33. Our literary canons have largely been constructed on such Renaissance suppositions.
34. The main centre is Portoferraio with a marina, a renaissance fortress, a picturesque old town and Napoleon's town house.
35. The renaissance was not destined to endure; predictably, it led to no enlightenment.
36. He had seen the reflected glory of kings and princes, experienced the artistic genius of the Renaissance.
37. Norbrook also recognises that the love lyric was not the only type of verse to enjoy popularity in the Renaissance.
38. Universities and Colleges Academic studies in university music faculties often pay considerable attention to sacred music from the Early and Renaissance periods.
39. Traditional literary criticism has celebrated the growth of the vernacular as a vehicle for expression during the Renaissance.
40. Many just call him a Renaissance Man, or the man famous for his loud suits.
41. Today the ensemble are well established and perform a wide and varied repertoire ranging from renaissance to contemporary music.
42. But he's a bit of a Renaissance Man, if you know what I mean.
43. The humanist Renaissance of the late Middle Ages had already witnessed the gradual emergence of reasoning independent of the church.
44. During the Renaissance, for example, it surfaced repeatedly albeit in somewhat garbled form.
45. The builder could no longer rely on eye alone; the Renaissance was a time for an order based on detailed knowledge.
46. The medieval, Renaissance and modern collections cover more than a millennium, from the Dark Ages to the interwar period.
47. The Renaissance Center is a huge tubular steel and glass shopping mall.
48. Several still exist with some Medieval, some Renaissance and part later building.
49. Indeed, within Renaissance convention, the two do not have the clear associations they do within Romantic conventions.
50. We believed in the idea of national catastrophe, of national renewal, of political renaissance.
51. Dear Anne Collins, ten years younger than me, taught early Renaissance painting and was just about my only real friend there.
52. Renaissance humanism preached respect for the greatness of the human being as an individual: it stressed personal intelligence and ability.
53. The royal hunting-lodge of Falkland in Fife was transformed into a Renaissance palace, ornate with pilasters, medallions and allegorical statuary.
54. Scolaro has been described as a Renaissance man-holding passions for science, philosophy, music and the arts.
54. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
55. It was rebuilt during the Renaissance and the main portal dates from 1617.
56. Compared with this revolution the Renaissance is a mere ripple on the surface of literature.
57. Inevitably, these readers' representative quality within larger Renaissance social discourse was partial and limited.
58. But for the museum-quality antiques, he is a Renaissance craftsman.
59. A Renaissance prince, she thought, with an inner world no one would ever penetrate.
60. His creations are on a par with Mozart and the composers of the renaissance.
61. Within New Historical writing the anecdote which symbolically reveals some important facet of Renaissance culture is a familiar critical practice.
62. I now wish to propose a theory about the performance of medieval and Renaissance music.
63. He broadened the scope of the Collection through the acquisition of works by early Renaissance painters.
64. He'd got in with the punks and seen immediately what they were doing, what a renaissance this was in music.
65. Dubrovnik was a Renaissance gem not only of Croatia but of all Europe.
66. That year, several superb works of Renaissance art were sold without publicity to private investors.
67. The Renaissance became enamoured of perspective, indeed Vasari thought that Paolo Uccello took it too seriously.
68. For the Renaissance: a reverential longing to recapture classical antiquity.
69. This is not, in its own right, a Renaissance deconstructionist assertion about the absence of a signified.
70. She has become a leading expert on the care and maintenance of Renaissance paintings.
71. There are two main styles of architecture: the earlier Gothic and the later Renaissance or baroque style.
72. Revitalizing the craft Painter says a renaissance in carving, finishing and gilding has occured in the past 10 or 15 years.
73. Little Renaissance furniture survives intact, and the present catalogue will go a long way to furthering its understanding.
74. Avignon was undoubtedly the starting-point of humanism and, with it, the Renaissance.
75. This part of the Fashion District has been vibrant long before we started talking Downtown renaissance.
76. It's a great place to stay for the evening with much of the town's Medieval and Renaissance character faithfully preserved.
77. There is now an animation renaissance under way, and several major studios are building feature-animation departments.
78. His adaptations of late Gothic and northern Renaissance styles were influential and had many admirers.
79. There was nothing on show to lift the roof - but in this remarkable renaissance, it's early days yet.
80. She, like Giulietta, is an observer and she suffers the same frustrations as the Renaissance woman.
81. It expects the note to be repaid in the third quarter of fiscal 1996, Renaissance Hotel Group said.
82. What Renaissance culture was and how we gain access to it increasingly became seen as problematic.
83. The Renaissance bears witness to a sociology, a psychology of joy.
84. Focuses on encouraging urban renaissance, securing a prosperous and multi-purpose countryside and promoting increased use of public transport.
85. Renaissance encyclopaedias often had architectural structures, as though the reader were progressing towards the inner sanctum of truth.
86. Since the 1980's there has been a renaissance of interest in ethnography.
87. Did some not develop as a flourishing centre of the renaissance, and were the Popes not initiators of the movement?
88. It is easy to understand why the fears of technology generated unemployment should enjoy a renaissance during a world recession.
89. The final report, Towards an urban renaissance, was published in June 1999 and included over a hundred recommendations106.
90. He enjoys all this renaissance art, full of noble statesmen, florid gestures and people being resurrected.
91. Recent criticism has become increasingly interested in the institutions which seek to impose controls on what we can say about the Renaissance.
92. Concepts of instrumentation in this period appear still to be closely allied to Renaissance consort principles.
93. The face is that of a Renaissance choirboy, or cupid, caught up in some act of Southern atavism.
94. Among numerous accomplishments, he ushered in the Jazz Age and heralded the fabled Harlem Renaissance.
95. The book details the history of France from the Renaissance to the present.
96. Even family activities like sledding and tobogganing seem to be enjoying a renaissance.
97. This was the birthplace of the Renaissance and its streets revel in artistic beauty.
98. There's something wonderfully Renaissance about Norbrook's depiction of himself as a glutton for poetry, cramming in as much as possible.
99. Its art renaissance began in 1996, when the new owners bought it up.
100. Director Peter Nesbit has also announced plans to renovate the original museum which will then house medieval and Renaissance collections.
101. Right back Gary Fleming's renaissance at international level is now complete, exemplified by another purposeful display.
102. The first room contains the late medieval and early Renaissance collection.
103. Even more worrying, important academic publishers are commissioning fewer and fewer editions of Renaissance texts outside an increasingly narrow canon.
104. There was a lot of excitement about the ventricles during the Renaissance.
105. Nothing short of the resurrection of Renaissance man seems to be on the cards, in command of all knowledge.
106. But Shakespeare's central importance within Renaissance writing was not a contemporary phenomenon, rather the result of later critical judgements.
107. Since Renaissance times, clear glass has been fashioned into prisms, mirrors and lenses that diffract and focus visible light.
108. As he drives past the Renaissance subdivision, a quiet smile crosses his face.
109. Still, the Carolingian Renaissance in the mid-ninth century touched far more than just a select clerical few.
110. The Renaissance then can be seen as an addition to the early modern period.
111. Her evening turnout by Kay Unger is described as a burgundy velvet gown with a renaissance back.
112. Intellectual contemplation and the raw physicality of the athlete happily coexist in Renaissance man.
113. Seers galore will be on hand to shed a little light on those and other troubling queries at the Renaissance Psychic Fair.
114. Renaissance humanism was marked by such reading,[http:///renaissance.html] such continual conversation.
115. Newly-weds can take advantage of the Honeymoon package at the Ramada Renaissance Hotel.
116. Similarly, during the Renaissance, humanist theory was directed at language in action.
117. Yet the solo mandolin enjoyed a now-forgotten renaissance between about 1885 and 1920.
118. The general idea behind them was that they would provide a setting for vigorous entrepreneurs, capable of generating an industrial renaissance.
119. We must further admit institutional constraints in the form of the time available to study Renaissance writing on a degree course.
120. The first rooms here contain very fine collections of stove tiles from the medieval period and the Renaissance.
121. The burglar as Renaissance man, Luther sketches Old Masters in museums.
122. Then, with the Renaissance in the sixteenth century, interest in the art of riding and horsemanship reappeared.
123. As a result, our society has been diverted from the verge of a technological renaissance into a low-paying service economy.
124. The architect has incorporated Egyptian and Renaissance themes in the building's design.
125. Most New Historical writing on the Renaissance has openly acknowledged the difficulties inherent in reading texts as cultural documents.
126. During the Renaissance and in later times the Pantheon has aroused the admiration of artists of all nations.
127. The Renaissance is frequently presented as what is truest, best, and most pleasing about the early modern period.
128. The projection of triangles Projective geometry evolved out of the geometric perspective, beloved of Renaissance architects, engineers and painters.
129. The Renaissance did not neglect scientific research, but it by no means gave it top priority.
130. Even after the Renaissance and the rebirth of learning had reached these shores ears were still having a rough ride.
131. But the sonnet also provides a glimpse into the dilemmas of identity the Renaissance articulated.
132. They include poetry of the Renaissance period known as the Solomonic Enlightenment.
133. Secondly, the magic of the island is here composed of Renaissance learning, imagery and classical mythology.
134. In writings about the Renaissance, its beginning may be seen to waver from the thirteenth to the fifteenth century.
135. If renaissance comes it will be in a new form: foreign tourists in holiday flats.
136. That is why I urge a renaissance of local government in the context of a more pluralistic and diverse society.
137. So it was no surprise that the original Renaissance would be tapped for ideas.
138. In Buenos Aires, however, the great terminal stations of these systems were built in baroque and Renaissance styles.
139. The renaissance of politics is perhaps the most important recent development.
140. The Chamber Choir and the Renaissance Singers provide for those interested in joining smaller choirs.
141. The department organises occasional conferences, e.g. current annual conference on Medieval and Renaissance Cities.
142. The Renaissance was an important chapter in European history.
143. Bellini, Giorgione, Titian, and the Renaissance of Venetian Painting.
144. Da Vinci is a famous painter of the Renaissance.http://
145. Author of Light (Campion, Thomas). voice and lute. Renaissance.
146. Religion reform Movement initiated by wahab sheikh is called the forerunner of Modern Islamic Renaissance movement.
147. Dutch Renaissance scholar and Roman Catholic theologian who attacked the theology of Martin Luther ( 1466 - 1536 ) .
148. Science took a new and different turn in the Renaissance.
149. Great Renaissance of Chinese Nation is the aim and ideality pursued by Chinese people.
150. The Late Renaissance also saw much architectural theorizing, with Sebastiano Serlio (1475-1554), Giacomo da Vignola (1507-1573), and Andrea Palladio publishing influential Books.
151. On the other hand, the blues craze during and after the Harlem Renaissance influenced a whole generation of black Americans.
152. One of the greatest sculptors of the Italian Renaissance, and probably of all time, was Michelangelo.
153. Recalling the world of Renaissance, it focuses on refinement, richness in detail, variegation and creating value.
154. I see a Renaissance at his crotch under your splayed legs.
155. Takano's inspirations vary from Italian renaissance, to outer-space futuristic worlds, with a dichotomy reminiscent of shapes only dreams can take.
156. Penned by that Renaissance man of the Enlightenment, Voltaire, Candide is steeped in the political and philosophical controversies of the 1750s.
157. China Renaissance is a leading independent merchant bank based in Beijing.
158. In the next instalment, I'll look at Ellington's background and the remarkable "Harlem renaissance" of African-American art that nurtured his early music.
159. Renaissance architectural style: 13 end of the century to the mid - 15 th century architectural styles.
160. With the advancement of pluralistic aesthetics in "the Silver Age" after the October Revolution, a literary Renaissance occurred in the 1920's.
161. Many major American cultural movements, such as the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s and 1930s, began in New York.
162. King of France (55-547) who waged four wars against Holy Roman Emperor Charles V from 52 to 544. A patron of the arts, he reigned during the Renaissance in France.
163. If Charles I owned a real Leonardo before he was executed in 1649, this means our national love affair with the Renaissance polymath has been going on for almost 400 years.
164. The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance England are Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare, and Ben Jonson.
165. The Harlem Renaissance was a movement by blacks, helped by white patrons, to gain cultural access and respectability by producing a first-rate literature.
166. A Chinese star chart possibly dating from the 7th century AD mapped the heavens with an accuracy unsurpassed until the Renaissance, according to research.
167. The red circle in the upper left part of this image is SN 1572, often called "Tycho's Supernova" for Renaissance astronomer Tycho Brahe.
168. If there is anyone who seems to embody the Renaissance completely and totally, it is this grouchy5) and self-centered painter, scholar, inventor, scientist, writer, anatomist, etc.
169. The major ideological feature of the Renaissance was humanism which holds that man is capable of self-fulfillment, ethical conduct, etc. without recourse to supernaturalism.
170. Leonardo da Vinci is a famous artist in the Italian Renaissance.
171. "Brindisi" invite you to share the culture of Renaissance Europe, the beauty of antique furniture.
172. Salai and da Vinci worked together for 25 years and is believed to be the inspiration behind several of the Renaissance artist's works.
173. Jazz is written against a background of Harlem Renaissance and the great migration to the north.
174. Donato Bramante's move to Rome ushered in the High Renaissance (c. 1500-20).
175. Florence is an Italian city which became famous because of the Renaissance,[] a great artistic movement which began in the 1300s and lasted for three hundred years.
176. In the front rank among the physicists of the Renaissance were Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo.
177. The Renaissance reached its height in the 16th century with its center moving to Milan, then to Rome, and created High Renaissance(1490-1530).
178. In his most renowned masterpiece, The Birth of Venus, Early Renaissance painter Sandro Botticelli depicted this mythological moment in breathtaking detail.
179. Ben Jonson is a dramatist, and one of Shakespeare contemporaries in the Renaissance.
180. In short, Carolingian Renaissance bridged the preceding and the following, and laid a solid foundation for the subsequent renaissance.
181. The four representative artists of High Renaissance in Italy are Leonordo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Titian.
182. This paper explores the dilemma these writers faced in reference to their representative works, and goes on to expound further what it sees as a dual character of the Harlem Renaissance as a whole.
183. Used in Italy since the Renaissance, it often assumes the form of a loggia.
184. He was a figure of the Harlem Renaissance, an artistic and intellectual movement celebrating black identity.
185. A detail of the restored "Cycle of Saint Francis of Assisi" by Italian Renaissance artist Benozzo Gozzoli (1421-1497) inside a church in Montefalco, Central Italy, Tuesday.
186. The term Renaissance originally indicated revival of classical Greek and Roman arts and sciences.
187. A famous Mexican muralist, Rivera helped bring art to the common Mexican by kick-starting the Mexican Mural Renaissance.
188. After a series of infusions and changes on the stage of the Carolingian Renaissance, the three sources eventually developed into the prototype of the newly medieval civilization.
189. In medieval and Renaissance Europe some thinkers, such as Siger of Brabant, adopted the interpretation of Averroes on every point, as did the later school of "Paduan Averroists".
190. "We are on the verge of a renaissance in our thinking about the poles of the Moon, including how water ice gets there, " Anthony Colaprete, principal investigator for LCROSS, said in Nature.
191. Dr Stephen Caldwell: One test that a lot of people talk about that has recently been undergoing a renaissance in terms of clinical use is called thromboelastography.
192. Squinting at his surroundings he saw a plush Renaissance bedroom.
193. The lecture begins with an introduction of Machiavelli's life and the political scene in Renaissance Florence.
194. The renaissance of the moral excellence is one of the most important and significant themes in modern western ethics.
195. Tiziano Vecelli or Tiziano Vecellio (c. 1485 – August 27, 1576), better known as Titian, was the leading painter of the 16th-century Venetian school of the Italian Renaissance.
196. The Roman layer, which is the most ancient and deepest, is occupied by the round arch, which reappears, supported by the Greek column, in the modern and upper layer of the Renaissance.
197. Christopher Marlowe is one of the outstanding representatives of English Renaissance dramatists.
198. Today's restorers are seeing the details Michelangelo saw when he admired the paintings by Giotto, considered one of the artists who sowed the seeds for the Italian Renaissance.
199. For example, he has a revisionist view of the Medici, stubbornly refusing to eulogise Cosimo or Lorenzo de' Medici, the conventional heroes of popular histories of Renaissance Florence.
200. are urging tourists to enjoy the tourist mecca despite chronic flooding, offering free rubber boots for guests to slosh around the Renaissance city.
201. Renaissance architectural structure, architectural style is new, the breakthrough of the style, create a novel and vivid.
202. Langston Hughes, a remarkable American black poet, was one of the most important writers and thinkers of the Harlem Renaissance.
203. Venice hoteliers are urging tourists to enjoy the tourist mecca despite chronic flooding, offering free rubber boots for guests to slosh around the Renaissance city.
204. Renaissance artists applied this type of optical illusion to painting.
205. "George likes figurative artists in the tradition of Norman Rockwell, Maxfield Parrish and the Italian Renaissance,[ ]" Rinzler said.
206. In nineteen twenty-five, Hurston traveled to New York City. This was during the period known as the Harlem Renaissance.
207. She is organizing a summer school in Florence on'the Italian renaissance '.
208. Commentators have noted David's apparently uncircumcised form, which is at odds with Judaic practice, but is considered consistent with the conventions of Renaissance art.
209. Zora Neale Hurston is universally acknowledged as the Mother of Black Female Literature and she is regarded as one of the greatest writers during the Harlem Renaissance.
210. The porcelain, Limoges enamels and Renaissance bronzes are pretty fabulous too.
211. Renaissance literature is littered with cases of girls turning into boys, hermaphrodites, spontaneous bleedings (stigmata), virgin births, monks with lactating breasts and cats turning into women.
212. Courtly love shone as brightly as a meteor in history and afterward we witnessed the return of all the bric-a-brac of a supposed renaissance of stale antiquities.
213. The Renaissance man in the film industry idolizes Martin Scorsese: "His greatest success comes from his constant self-challenge."
214. In Italy between the year 1520 and 1600, the High Renaissance has declined. Michelangelo and Raphael had made their art so perfect, that people after them felt rather unsettled.
215. Two masterpieces by the Renaissance painter Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio will make their debuts in China during the 2010 World Expo on the 400th anniversary of the artist's death.
216. "It is too early to bet on a consumer renaissance, because consumers are still facing severe headwinds from declining employment and reduced wealth. But the worst appears to be behind us," said Gault.
217. The English historiography during the Renaissance time fills the transformation and the development.
218. The revival laid the scholarly and nationalistic groundwork for the Irish Literary Renaissance.
219. Squinting at his surroundings he saw a plush Renaissance bedroom with Louis XVI furniture, hand-frescoed walls, and a colossal mahogany four-poster bed.
220. But I think climax is a great example of those smarty-pants classicists back in the renaissance dragging Latin and Greek words into English.
221. The Renaissance again discovered the world, the man and brought about the resurge of politics.
222. So can the Hudson River school landscape tradition, Renaissance realism and a prehistory-infused apocalyptic futurism in which humans shape but can't short-circuit the continuum of life.
223. Doll wears a glorious gown of jacquard and burgundy panne velvet, inspired by Renaissance fashion.
224. Finally, the author points out that many people in the European Renaissance thought that rhetoric and society were pretty much the same thing.
225. Some Renaissance popes were not known for their learning. Vasari, in his "Life of Michelangelo" has a good story which is typical of the martial Christianity of that period.
226. Health care needs to have its design Renaissance, where products and services are redesigned to be responsive to human needs and considerate of human frailties.
227. Renaissance Capital, the Moscow investment bank, estimates banks'hard currency stash at $ 110 bn.
228. To achieve greater realism, Renaissance painters needed to create the illusion of the third dimension, depth.
229. After the Harlem Renaissance, the black men writers' "protest literature" that are full of racial conflicts occupied mainstream, Hurston and her positive black women images were neglected.
230. The 12th century renaissance in Western Europe was a revival movement of Christian culture which took place after Carolus renaissance.
231. The urban renaissance was swimming with the tide of a new economic trend.
232. Cambridge University Biochemistry Building was a three storeyed red - brick neo - Renaissance structure , plain and unimpressive.
233. "When China is going through an educational renaissance, when India is churning out science graduates, any complacency now would be fatal for our prosperity," he said at the Free School Norwich.
234. The Ambassadors is the representative piece of works of Hans Holbein of Younger, who is one of the outstanding German painters in the period of the Renaissance.
235. In England, the Renaissance was usually thought of as beginning with the accession of the House of Tudor to the throne in 1485.
236. "La Fornarina," the renowned art historian and MacArthur fellow Leo Steinberg explains, "is the closest thing to soft porn in the high Renaissance."
237. The first period of the English Renaissance was one of imitation and assimilation.
238. The church learn from the early Renaissance facade designed by architect Alberti Florence Santa Maria chapel was handled.
239. In the Renaissance, which from Italy in 14 century, over the west in 15-16 century, liberated the western from the medieval feudal system and the domination of the church thearchy .
240. Of or characteristic of the Renaissance architectural style of Palladio.
241. During the Renaissance, some of the playwright tried to free their traditional perceptions and being apolaustic.
242. Edmund Spenser is one of the great forerunners of the poetic altar of the English Renaissance and is hailed as"the poets'poet".
243. Welcome to the Zion Archive. You have selected historical file number 12-1: The Second Renaissance.
244. Moreover, the time delay of the video allowed to eliminate the immediateness of the Renaissance perspective window.
245. High Renaissance Italian Gardens were the domestic villas but extravagant and designed exclusively for pleasure.
246. Innovation, classicality and humanity are characteristics of the architecture of humanism in Renaissance.
247. Part IV expounds the modern ideas of that age in Renaissance play, such as the Monarch, national idea, democratic thoughts and Machiavellism as well.
248. Neoplatonism was one of the important thoughts of the Renaissance.
249. Was this a way of criticizing the opening of the perspective window of the Renaissance and its hierarchic stance between observer, projection plan and object?
250. Bloom offers six revisionary ratios that help us ephebes survive the influence river, which are our urgent need for producing Chinese Renaissance.
251. The Renaissance Center, world headquarters of General Motors, towers over abandoned warehouses along the Detroit River in downtown Detroit.
252. Built in the 16th century, Morelia is an outstanding example of urban planning which combines the ideas of the Spanish Renaissance with the Mesoamerican experience.
253. Renaissance artists in particular enjoyed portraying the wise men with different racial characteristics: one European, one vaguely Asiatic magus and always a black African.
254. Develop and execute plans and actions for the marketing of the Renaissance Brasserie.
255. One of the distinguishing features of Renaissance art was its development of highly realistic linear perspective.
256. It is also famed for its examples of Romanesque, Renaissance and Baroque architecture.
257. The Harlem Renaissance figures started from a position on the margin, but their voices were eventually heard and felt by the cultural mainstream.
258. This handsome book surveys painting in Renaissance Venice from Bellini to Titian to Tintoretto and sets the art against the political, social, and religious currents of the time.
259. And he was a keyman in theoretical Renaissance of the 1970s and 1980s in media studies.
260. Some of the writers of the Harlem Renaissance criticized her for writing about black culture instead of relations between the races.




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