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单词 Amuse
1. Little things amuse little minds.
2. The thought seemed to amuse him.
3. Tom makes up stories to amuse his little brother.
4. I often amuse myself by reading.
5. He made funny faces to amuse the children.
6. He could amuse us for hours with his stories of the theater.
7. This will amuse you.
8. I trumped up a story to amuse the children.
9. She did a silly walk to amuse her friends.
10. I often amuse myself with reading.
11. I amuse myself with reading.
12. Their antics never fail to amuse.
13. The question seemed to amuse him in some way.
14. Doing jigsaws would amuse Amy for hours on end.
15. Apparently these stories are meant to amuse.
16. How do you amuse yourself in rainy weather?
17. I often amuse myself with television.
18. The film was intended to stimulate and amuse.
19. I need distractions. I need to amuse myself so I won't keep thinking about things.
20. All my attempts to amuse the children were met with sullen scowls.
21. She suggested several ideas to help Laura amuse the twins.
22. I'm sure I'll be able to amuse myself for a few hours.
23. The actors were really hamming it up to amuse the audience.
24. I bought a magazine to amuse myself while I was on the train.
25. Adams first began drawing cartoons to amuse his coworkers.
25. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. It seemed to amuse the studio crew.
27. I've brought with me an article from yesterday's paper that I thought might amuse you.
28. It's too wet for the children to play out today; they'll have to amuse themselves indoors.
29. Put a selection of baby toys in his cot to amuse him if he wakes early.
30. The thought of me on the stage seemed to amuse him.
1. The thought seemed to amuse him.
2. I often amuse myself by reading.
3. He made funny faces to amuse the children.
4. He could amuse us for hours with his stories of the theater.
5. I've brought with me an article from yesterday's paper that I thought might amuse you.
6. This will amuse you.
31. It was done to antagonize, not to amuse.
32. His answer seemed to amuse them.
33. A few people close to their chairs amuse themselves by watching the others engage in mortal combat to secure a seat.
34. But in dozens of interviews he has perfected his eccentric act, which seems to amuse him.
35. Do you remember saying goodbye to him on the wharf with Tim's tiny topi sitting on top of his head to amuse you?
36. I believe words should amaze or amuse. Only then will the listener want to understand the meaning of the song. Gulzar 
37. I thought you ought to learn to juggle with these to amuse Michael.
38. But the character in the film ceases to amuse when presented on the printed page.
39. In trying to amuse children and grown-ups, it contains scenes which will displease both.
40. Many princes and rich men try in vain to amuse her.
41. The old formula distinguishing the motive to instruct or to amuse is of no service.
42. His numerous critics will find plenty to amuse them in this volume.
43. The first inalienable right of a trainee was to dawdle and amuse himself before he settled into his chair for the morning.
44. These are given in songs to amuse the child, who is never told that he is being taught.
45. Possibly a good choice for a Christmas gift for it will amuse a wide readership.
46. That's the motto of car salesmen who have put up a gag board to amuse motorists.
47. Probably a group of students who amuse themselves by writing anonymous letters to the papers.
48. Most ski resorts offer activities to amuse children and even non-skiers.
49. I can almost see the artist smiling as he draws her, then adds a caption to amuse her.
50. The staff would provide him with toys to amuse himself with when his attention began to wander.
51. These towers of loops never cease to amuse us because inevitably the messages circulating along them cross their own paths.
52. They performed a skit to amuse the crowd.
53. A clown's job is to amuse the spectators.
54. To amuse ( oneself ) a light, frolicsome manner.
55. They routinely visit each other's houses where they amuse themselves playing the pianoforte, playing cards or dancing.
55. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
56. They need special clock with flexible hands crawling around the clock face second after the second to amuse the small fishes and cheer your moods.
57. All the courses were a visual feast, an amuse bouche wonderful fusion of flavours, textures and produce served from different regions.
58. He tried to amuse her by calling her the affectionate nicknames " Dark Sweetie " and " Miss Chocolate. "
59. We offer you Classic Baccarat as the best way to amuse.
60. When he was working on the Manhattan Project, Richard Feynman used to amuse himself by breaking into safes containing secret documents.
61. The symposia, of course, were orgies, too, and women did show up at some of them, at the end of the evening, to amuse the guests.
62. We children all like Uncle Jim because he can always spin a yarn to amuse us.
63. They contain poetic truths, whether told to amuse and delight or to convey the best science man knew in a pre-scientific age, as witness the Creation story in the Book of Genesis.
64. Step dancing is said to have originated with sailors who danced to amuse themselves, and having few or no musical instruments, rhythmically stomped their feet to produce sound.
65. Server pick up the small samples ( amuse bouche ) from the kitchen and bring to the customers.
66. Adam was thrown in a jail cell one night, but I think his dank, hot cell was a joke, meant to amuse the investigators.
67. Urged by the host of the Tabard, who accompanies them, the pilgrims agree to tell tales to amuse the group and to lighten the journey.
68. The actor is really ham it up to amuse the audience.
69. Amuse yourselves by opening the book by Leopold de Saussure—geniuses tend to pop up from time to time in that family.
70. Mice breaks up to go to the ground looking for its bathing trunks in the dress caboodle of beach edge, and elephant has been in water amuse oneself.
71. Liu made an iconic bug-eyed expression to amuse the audiences before the race.
72. He also had a cheeky rebelliousness toward authority, which led one headmaster to expel him and another to amuse history by saying that he would never amount to much.
73. She was allowed to amuse herself as she liked till teatime.
74. Euphonic is with amuse of, the voice also has no to heave and fall too greatly.
75. The story that card were invented to amuse a feeble-minded king seem not to be quite accurate.
76. "They're getting slack, I'm afraid, " said the little deep-eyed man, "Our principle is to amuse everyone. "
77. That night, on going to bed, I forgot to prepare in imagination the Barmecide supper, of hot roast potatoes, or white bread and new milk, with which I was wont to amuse my inward cravings.
78. Created by Goblin tinkers, the Penguins amuse their owners by squeaking whenever activated.
79. He also built devices to amuse Clark's stepdaughter, including floating lanterns and a windmill run by a live mouse.
80. The ham actor is really hamming it up to amuse the radio actor.
81. Mr. Roberts, would you amuse sign an analysis almanac for me?May I have your character amount for advertence?
82. One of his signature amuse bouches is a combination of pickled rose hips on a sheet made with air-dried sea buckthorn, an orange berry with an outrageous tang.
83. Face before going, she tells an perform time beginning train to Su, if she occasionally amuse take time out to come, support public outward for own daughter.
84. The press has the power to stimulate, alarm, enrage, amuse, humiliate, annoy.
85. Each chapter begins with an epigraph, a quote to enlighten and amuse.




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