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单词 Genesis
1, The Bible begins with the Genesis.
2, The Bible commences with the Genesis.
3, The project had its genesis two years earlier.
4, The Bible begins with Genesis.
5, We cannot yet satisfactorily explain the genesis of the universe.
6, In her autobiography, she describes the song's genesis late one night in a Dublin bar.
7, Genesis Publishing in Chicago publishes these titles, too.
8, This book has an unpromising genesis.
9, Genesis was originally fronted by Peter Gabriel.
10, Passion is the genesis of genius. Galileo Galilei 
11, Collins, 41, currently touring with Genesis, is no stranger to acting.
12, Barth believes that the scriptures from Genesis forward imply the headship of man and the subordination of woman.
13, Whether it is an accurate account of the genesis of these hallucinations remains to be seen.
14, Genesis meanwhile have netted more than £200 million with mainstream pop songs and sponsorship from major corporations.
15, The cover-up lasts to this day, but its genesis is now unravelling.
16, Though springing from Genesis, this is at once more ambiguous, more heroic, and more humane.
17, Yet, because of its magpie genesis,(http:///genesis.html) the new Look was vulnerable to the sharp-eyed but short of cash.
18, Late in the genesis of the law on zemstva, the new assemblies were permitted to use their resources for schools.
19, After a long run in the band Genesis, he had a successful solo career.
20, Her interpretation of the Genesis creation story in particular has been the cause of considerable interest.
21, Genesis and Deuteronomy tell the story in a style that will be accessible to any reader.
22, Here was the genesis of the surprise assault on Pearl Harbor.
23, The precise part played by peasant unrest in the genesis and character of the reform has long been hotly disputed.
24, But the world of chapter 26 is not only familiar to us from the preceding chapters of Genesis.
25, He plans to hypnotise Carson with fascinating, and no doubt endless, Genesis stories.
26, All cosmogonies, by definition, have as their crucial feature the giving of an account of the genesis of the world.
27, To discover why, we must turn to the introductory chapters of Genesis.
28, The 1991 Head racquet range has been developed from Head's wide bodied racquet, Genesis.
29, Clearly though, he is more concerned with the ideological genesis and effects of punishment than with its relationship with economics.
30, Kitcher deals with the motivation of creationists: evolution contradicts the early chapters of Genesis.
1, The Bible begins with the Genesis.
2, The Bible commences with the Genesis.
3, We cannot yet satisfactorily explain the genesis of the universe.
31, Thus, Milwaukee-based guitarist Daryl Stuermer became a fully paid-up member of the Genesis live auxiliaries.
32, Some passages are contradictory such as the two versions of the flood in Genesis.
33, Most ally computations have their genesis in the prenatal area.
34, But more than that they imply a specific theory about the genesis of social violence.
35, On Genesis, Sonic is back in Sonic 3D Blast, a wild game whose title says it all.
36, Genesis 36 reminds its readers that Esau was the ancestor of the Edomites.
37, Bartering for a burial plot Genesis 22 has, not surprisingly, provided inspiration to many artists.
38, The compiler of Genesis would not have us forget that.
39, Here it forms part of a longer account of man's history from his creation, as in Genesis.
40, The company dates the genesis of its problems to the early 1980s.
41, The creative activity of Zeus accounts for the genesis of the world.
42, It came to nothing, the police moved in, evicted the squatters, and the Bell/Genesis Hall was rendered uninhabitable.
43, That was the genesis of an idea that returned to him years later when he invented a smooth disc turbine without buckets.
44, Genesis 1 has often been compared with the Babylonian account of creation to which it bears a superficial resemblance.
45, They were wrong both about how to interpret Genesis and in thinking that evolutionary theory was unimportant to modern science.
46, Erosion or accretion of sand by wind action is evident throughout and soil genesis is truncated by erosion or fossilised by deposition.
47, The genesis of abdominal pain or disordered bowel habit is generally ascribed to abnormal colonic motor function.
48, Randall W. Younker,(/genesis.html) "Genesis 2: A Second Creation Account?"
49, Laboriously did he describe the genesis of the picnic.
50, Creole Genesis: The Haitian case. What's to be explained?
51, Conclusion The genesis of PLC was by multiple factors.
52, The genesis of the Zongpu is traceable to the Zhou dynasty ( 1050 - 221 BC ).
53, Soil genesis involves processes that develop layers or horizons in the soil profile.
54, The studying gives the microscopical evidences for research on the tonstein's genesis and coal formation environment.
55, Conclusion PTEN gene mutation might play important role in tumor genesis and development of bladder cancer.
56, The first chapter introduces genesis and background of the study by the"enounce"of"express Chinese recreation culture to all the world".
57, According to legend, the Trojan War had its genesis in a dispute between three Greek goddesses.
58, Without any doubt, " Elohim " is a name of God Himself who created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1).
59, Genesis provides the creation story for Judaism and Christianity and begins the history the Israelite people.
60, Conclusion The reduced expression of VCAM-1 in uteroplacental bed may relate with superficial implantation. VCAM-1 is relative to the genesis of PIH.
61, The study of organ genesis and plant regeneration: Roots and shoots could be differentiated from explants, but the differentiating rate is low and so is livability.
62, Commenting on Genesis 9:6, John Calvin reminded us that we cannot hate even our most perverse enemies, because of the image of God in them.
63, The cathodoluminescence images provide information on genesis and evolution histories of the host rocks.
64, As an important leucoprotease, myeloperoxidase (MPO) has many effects in mediating inflammation, regulating immune response and so on, which also takes part in the genesis and development of diseases.
65, The genesis and development of individual morality is subject to the law of moral - internalization.
66, In the Book of Genesis(), God commands Noah to built the massive vessel and bring “every sort [of animal]...male and female ... everything on the dry land in whose nostrils was the breath of life.”
67, Then one of the most fascinating things is the way he reads the six days of creation in Genesis allegorically.
68, Michelangelo devoted four years to painting the mural that adorns the ceiling, a work depicting events in the book of Genesis and other Biblical stories.
69, Concerning the genesis of the deposit, there are two points of view, i. e. low-temperature hydrothermal origin and exogenetic infiltration origin.
70, On the genesis ( or geneses ) of AAE and of Gullah?
71, The results above not only provide objective basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine preventing and treating diabetogeneous myocardiopathy, but also reveal its genesis mechanism.
72, Slang One that is suggestive of a genetic mutant, as in bizarre appearance, inaptitude, or genesis in an unhealthy environment.
73, The further study of Wengan Biota will be of benefit to the understanding of the genesis and evolution of early life.
74, This is the spirit that Moses says, in the first Book of Genesis, that moved upon the face of the waters at the time of creation.
75, The Fe content of Qinling rock body is relatively lower, only 0.62. The petro-geochemical for determining the genesis not only has A-type, but also has I-type granite characteristics.
76, They contain poetic truths, whether told to amuse and delight or to convey the best science man knew in a pre-scientific age, as witness the Creation story in the Book of Genesis.
77, Just look at the sensuousness of the Song of Solomon, or Genesis: "two shall become one flesh, " or Corinthians: "do not deprive each other of sexual relations."/genesis.html
78, It seemed, he said, as he took a pinch of snuff, that I hadn't read the third chapter of the book of Genesis with sufficient attention.
79, The main genesis of heterogeneous crude is migration and fractional distillation of low mature crude, mixing of crude, thickening by edge water, and thickening by bottom water.
80, Researchers are now seeking evidence of a second genesis by searching for exotic microbes that are biochemically different from all known organisms.
81, During the piano's genesis in the early 1700s, iron was used to make music wire, but the material's tension and strength limited its ability to produce loud sound, Giordano said.
82, Hence, for the minerals to be analyzed in some rocks, when there are all sorts of genesis with xenolith, magma, mantle and so on in them, the age of a certain single event can be respectively got.
83, For the genesis of its ideas mathematics gradually turned from the sensory to the intellectual faculties.
84, There are several unusual phenomena in the development process of the microspore and male gametocyte of the sterile pollen, ( 1 ) The genesis is unusual in the early stage.
85, The GENESES, as Buddhism ontology, in which the basic genesis is the happening of HEART and WORLD at the same time.
86, Macrophage migration inhibitory factor(MIF)is an important pro-inflammatory cytokine, which plays an important role in the genesis of immune diseases.
87, Finally well geochemical prospecting anomaly model gas condensate reservoir with its genesis being discussed.
88, Like many fundamental problems in science, the genesis of earthquakes is controversial.
89, The genesis of mud mound (also called as micrite mound), which is mainly composed of lime mud, only a few bioclast, has still not been resolved.
90, Based on a brief analysis of the genesis of hematite, the authors hold that hematite in red granite was mostly produced under the condition of high oxygen fugacity.
91, As the other tumors, the osteosarcomatous genesis is correlated with apoptosis mechanism.
92, Furtherly are discussed geological condition under which skarn - porphyritic molybdenum ore deposit are formed, alterations in wall rocks and the genesis of the Mo-deposit.
93, In the Book of Genesis, God gave man dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the living things that move on the earth.
94, The genesis of deposits is analyzed that deposits were formed in peneplain lake condition in semi-humid continental climate during late period of early Permian and early period of late Permian.
95, ConclusionThe deletion of nuclear expression of P27 is related to the genesis and development of endometrial cancer and its increased malignancy.
96, So the Priestly materials are found as a block in Leviticus, a large part of Numbers, and then they're scattered throughout Genesis and Exodus.
97, Think back to the phone you had in 2006, and then tell me you don't love Apple for the iPhone alone (yes, I've moved on, but the iPhone was the genesis).
98, These indicated that there existed rich energy metabolisms in the genesis and development of somatic embryos of Liriodendron hybrid.
99, TIME: Let's start with the genesis of ROWE. When you were tasked with finding new workplace solutions at Best Buy, the company was already an industry leader and a sought-after employer.
100, They are formed in geodynamic tectonic surroundings of ancient island arc, usually oc-cured in the zone of ophiolitic formation and related with proto - plutonic granitoid rocks in genesis.
101, In the lives of Isaac and Rebekah recorded in the book of Genesis, love came after marriage.
102, I've known people who can recite the batting averages of their favorite baseball players for every year of their careers, but can't remember where the book of Genesis is in the Bible.
103, Element and isotope geochemistry of the lamprophyres veins in the Xikuangshan antimony ore deposits issystematically researched in this article, aiming at discussing genesis of lamprophyres.
104, However, the cellular and molecular basis of asymmetric morpho- genesis remains largely unknown.
105, Genesis recorded a song which took a swipe at greedy property developers who bought up and demolished people's homes.
106, What does the primitive accumulation of capital, i. e. , its historical genesis, resolve itself into?
107, In this paper, a new recognition is presented that the genesis of this ore deposit is anciently weathered eluvial deposit.
107, try its best to gather and build good sentences.
108, Sometimes its genesis is positive. Oftentimes, although we gloat about nibbling from the higher branches, it's the negative that finally captures our dim-witted attention.
109, Dahuabei granite genesis of Wulashan gold deposit belongs to the continental crust ( remould ) remelting type.
110, The genesis and development of Nelumbo nucifera root and root system in ontogeny and their adaptation were studied in this paper.
111, In Genesis we find a variety of dramatis personae and a coherent system of communicative models that are represented by its speech acts performed.
112, The genesis type of the high-fluoride water can be divided into three types:lixiviation, inspissation and lixiviation-inspissation.
113, In other words , the strategy must be the genesis of any organisational design and structure.
114, The source of hydrothermal solutions is one of the cruxes of the genesis of hydrothermal deposits.
115, Cayce flat out states that Jesus was also the first Adam of the book of Genesis.
116, Depressive disorder have adverse effect on the patients with MI about its genesis, development and prognosis.
117, Some kinds of genesis patterns of the seam thickness variation caused by bedding slip structure are analyzed and the forming reason of the coal parameter variation are expounded.
118, Cuvier, with one eye on Genesis and the other on nature, tried to please bigoted reaction by reconciling fossils with texts and by making mastodons flatter Moses.
119, Oxide manganese deposits in east-northern Guizhou are of exotic weathering deposits, further may be subdivided into two kinds of the eluvial ore deposit and the leaching-accretion deposit by genesis.
120, The associated minerals are the important indicator of the genesis and enrichment of placer gold.
121, Conclusion The change of NO concentrations in the serum and tela of gastric carcinoma patients may be associated with genesis and development of gastric carcinoma.
122, The authors believed genesis of Gejiu tin-polymetallic deposits were involved in the basic volcanism of the Indo-Chinese epoch.
123, Because its genesis reflects Dawk ins's professional interests as a biologist, it was built on organic principles in addition to evolution.
124, The story of Onan (Genesis 38:7-10) is always cited as an example of how God will punish masturbators; this is where we get the term "Onanism," which refers to masturbation.
125, The genesis of the computer revolution was in a machine.
126, Indeed, God is the creator of certain images—we see this in Genesis(), with the Zelem Elohim.
127, Yahweh Elohim So in Genesis 2 the deity is Yahweh Elohim.
128, Study is made of the genesis of the aggregate in WC powder.
129, Objective : To Study the genesis and the development of salivary gland tumor ( SGT ).
130, The research on geochemical characteristics and isotope age suggests that the deposit belongs to a magma-metasomatic pegmatite type deposit related to Fufang and Huitong granitic mass in genesis.
131, Santa Lucia's Paradise of The Twilight and A Doxology From The Genesis of Orient Ether.
132, This article proves the genesis of Kanasi Lake from the respects of geologic structure, landforms, formation of lake bottom and analysis material of sediments in laboratory.
133, But on Christmas Eve, Americans turned on their TVs to see perhaps the first good news all year: Apollo 8 astronauts reading from the Book of Genesis as they became the first humans to orbit the moon.
134, Nimrod a sun worshiper and hunter, see Genesis 11:1-9, built a tower to worship the sun and also worshiped the zodiac in a totally different way from the Hebrew system.
135, Conclusions The results suggested that the genesis of nephroblastoma is relevant to the retarded differentiation of fetal kidney. NR is the precursor lesion of nephroblastoma.
136, His speech was an exposition of the genesis of the conflict.
137, IT IS written in the Bible’s Book of Genesis that Methuselah lived to be 969.
137, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
138, The genesis and development of staminate flowers and the bisexual flowers of"Lanzhou melon"have been observed.
139, The Book of Genesis contains little information on the garden itself.
140, These effects are of considerable importance in the genesis of a number of important arrhythmias.
141, The research of compositions of fluid-melt inclusions indicates that the genesis of Altai pegmatite was close ties with magmatic-hydrothermal transitional stage.
142, This paper discusses geologically and geochemically the genesis of Erentaolegai Silver deposit.
143, Ancient Greek religion, what we call mythology, tells the same story as the Book of Genesis, except that the serpent is the enlightener of mankind rather than our deceiver.
144, Red clay gravel bed in Guilin area attracts many attentions to its engineering-geological characteracteristics. But its genesis is still in controversy.
145, The book of Exodus is really the sequel, then, to the book of Genesis.
146, The composition mode of REE and distribution mode of REE show that this mode of distribution of REE is typical marine deposit and belongs to genesis of marine deposit.
147, In this paper, the genesis of blood cells in Xingguo red carp (Cyprinus carpio var.
148, Methods: Morph genesis, function, nutritional status and occurred common diseases of 5737 school children and adolescents aged 6-13 in the region were surveyed with cluster multistage sampling method.
149, Now, it's interesting because the other four books of the Pentateuch never mention a king. In Genesis through Numbers none of the legal materials say when you have a king this is what he shall do.
150, In the traditional genesis legend in Thailand, the Malayan tapir was made of redundant clay to explain its body shape both round and full.
151, The genesis of the deposit belongs to hydrothermal - exhalation stratabound deposit of syngenetic fault.
152, This same vast circuit also contributes to the genesis of our most intimate perceptual experience: our own sense of self.
153, The darker area was chosen for single genesis and low U content zircon with young age from cathodoluminescence images in order to obtain smaller error and higher precision dating data.
154, The bauxite belongs to the genesis of continental mineralization and is batanogeochemical weathering eluvial ore deposits.
155, Normal full blood count and color duplex ultrasonography of the penis excluded a vascular genesis of priapism.
156, This paper made a description of the genesis, property and distribution of cemented layer in alluvial gold mines at the south part of China.
157, This poem, Milton tells us again and again, has been authorized by that same Holy Spirit who had inspired Moses to write the Book of Genesis.
158, Matthew appropriates that term, and he begins his own text with that same word, probably meaning for his readers to recall the book of Genesis in a way.
159, The research on dolomite genesis is in postulation stage at present, which includes five models of vaporization, infiltration and circumfluence, sea water, mixing water and buried dolomitization.
160, And the Lord set a mark upon Cain -- Genesis .
161, Recent clinical and experimental studys in complications of diabetes show that metabolic disorder, vascular lesion and immune factors, specically nerve growth factor contribute to the genesis of DPN.
162, But the story in the book of Genesis never places Satan in the Garden of Eden.
163, Moses, the author of the Book of Genesis was born in Egypt, raised by his mother and the adopted son of Pharaoh's daughter.
164, Based on the study and testing analysis on the texture characteristics of rock mass, the genesis of a kind of cone rock—root textite—developed in the coal bearing strata is discussed.
165, Immunohistochemical analysis of human skin, nevi , and melanoma samples implicates loss of IGFBP7 expression as a critical step in melanoma genesis.
166, To help us remain clear-headed and not get lost in the fog mankind is willfully lost in, it is good to turn to the Book of Genesis.
167, Possibly the oldest team sport Polo's genesis is lost to the eye of history.
168, That's the focus of our attention in Genesis, and it's only at the end of the story that the tree of life appears again in the passage that is emphasizing its permanent inaccessibility.
169, Hollywood stunt pilot was supposed to snag the Genesis capsule as it floated toward Earth on a parachute at the end of its three-year mission to collect solar ions.
170, Montesquieu's sociological " formalism " is insensitive to the problems of genesis and change.
171, Soil is a natural object distributed in succession on the earth surface, and its genesis and development has a close connection with landscape.
171, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
172, The genesis of the nanobattery springs from an earlier Bell Labs foray into nanotechnology.
173, Objective To study the relationship between a pentanucleotide repeats (PNR) polymorphism of APOA and the genesis of intracranial aneurysm.
174, The Book of Genesis (beginning) is the first of five books known collectively as the Pentateuch.
175, The Russians go in for progressive rock, the Americans like the Beatles, Italians go for Genesis and you sell the classical to China and South Korea.
176, Pancreatic carcinoma is a kind of malignant tumor of digestive system with badly prognosis. Its course of genesis results from the co-action of proto-oncogene, anti-oncogene and DNA repair gene.




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