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单词 Mighty
1. From a little spark may burst a mighty flame. 
2. Mighty oaks from little acorns grow. 
3. He gave it a mighty push and it opened.
4. She gave him a mighty thump.
5. You seem mighty sure of your facts.
6. I think you're a bit too high and mighty yourself.
7. The mighty desert is burning for the love of a bladeof grawho shakes her head and laughs and flies away.
8. He struck him with a mighty blow across his shoulder.
8. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
9. The mighty desert is burning for the love of a bladeof grass whoshakes her head and laughs and flies away.
10. Through the fields flows the mighty River Po.
11. That's a mighty fine car you have!
12. You seem mighty chipper this morning - what's up?
13. It's something you'll be mighty proud of.
14. Don't get high and mighty with me.
15. There was a flash and a mighty bang.
16. The mighty empire finally crumbled.
17. They gazed in wonder at the mighty peaks.
18. He's mighty pleased with himself.
19. The mighty U.S. army was humbled by a small South East Asian country.
20. A mighty roar went up from the crowd as the home team scored.
21. The entire metropolitan center possessed a high and mighty air calculated to overawe and abash the common applicant.
22. With a mighty heave he lifted the sack onto the truck.
23. There's no need to be/get so high and mighty with me!
24. Only the mighty God has the power on this dark land to lighten it.
25. It is mighty easy.
26. He gave the donkey a mighty prod in the backside.
27. Individually we are weak, like a single twig but as a bundle we form a mighty faggot.
28. If all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger. I should not seem a part of it.
29. They offered to raise salaries by 12% - that's a mighty generous deal.
30. I cannot recall any other instance in modern times in which a huge and mighty state crumbled to dust.
1. He gave it a mighty push and it opened.
2. You seem mighty sure of your facts.
3. I think you're a bit too high and mighty yourself.
4. He struck him with a mighty blow across his shoulder.
5. The mighty empire finally crumbled.
6. The entire metropolitan center possessed a high and mighty air calculated to overawe and abash the common applicant.
31. You think you are one of the high and mighty, remember pride goes before a fall.
32. In the next game they will face the mighty Redskins.
33. He struck the rock a mighty blow with a hammer.
34. They got out of there mighty fast, I can tell you.
35. He's too high and mighty to mix with ordinary people like us!
36. From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow. Aeschylus 
37. But the vehicle itself is the mighty transnational corporation.
38. What would men be without women? Scarce, sir...mighty scarce. Mark Twain 
39. For the high and mighty only appear so because we are on our knees.
40. The great judge Lord Denning in a historic judgment once said that no one, however mighty, was above the law.
41. Anyone can deal with victory. Only the mighty can bear defeat. Adolf Hitler 
42. With a sweep of one mighty fist, the daemon dashed the wounded warrior aside.
43. Despite keeping such company, he did not hesitate to impale the rich and mighty on his pen.
44. But in the collision course, the church has some mighty weapons.
45. Mickey had a ramp with pea sized objects rolling down to be dealt a mighty blow from a spring loaded mallet.
46. And he was tender, and he was mighty, fuelled by an illicit afternoon with one of his students.
47. The Cyclopes, too, were gigantic, towering up like mighty mountain crags and devastating in their power.
48. And everybody knew it was mighty nigh impossible to quit them.
49. Always a blue-collar town, Gary developed into a mighty industrial force on the strength of the nearby lakefront steel mills.
50. Even to the jaundiced eyes of veteran Washington reporters, this is mighty early to be planning a presidential campaign.
51. These depths consist of vast mountain ranges, deep canyons, mighty steaming lava flows.
52. At seven-thirty of the next morning clock the mighty Leviathan gasped its way into Edinburgh Central without any fanfare whatsoever.
53. Then two mighty heroes, the twin brothers Tyrion and Teclis, arose to succour the realm and repel the invasion.
54. It was also the mortal enemy of horses and would rip them apart in seconds with its mighty talons.
55. Books are good enough in their own way but they are a mighty bloodless substitute for life. Robert Louis Stevenson 
56. As it grew gradually nearer, and larger, they soon found it towering over them - a mighty steel fortress.
57. But it takes a mighty age to tell its tale and dives head-first into the soap suds along the way.
58. More then 40,000 ecstatic fans filled stadia each night to scream at the girly they instantly dubbed the Mighty Minogue.
59. The age of those mighty, entrepreneurial artistic directors has probably come to an end.
60. Those were mighty ambitions for a young man from Wyoming.
61. It was in the mighty theophany at Mount Sinai that they first heard his word of life.
62. The Reiksguard Knights ride mighty Warhorses and wear full armour emblazoned with the device of the Reiksguard.
63. To succeed in life and achieve results, you must understand and master three mighty forces— desire, belief, and expectation. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 
64. Had the mighty champions really reached the end of the road?
65. But I now understand how fragile its mighty wilderness really is.
66. The mighty old walls are wide and deep but the city has barely enough warriors to protect them.
67. Saad, whose mighty voice had welled up from his entrails.
68. And battling it gracefully, I might add,[] wielding his mighty pen like a sword.
69. Resting there, in the protection of the mighty canopy, was an object which made him feel faint with fear.
70. The union of heaven and earth described there produces a mighty all-conquering insolent race of godlike people.
71. It is their destiny to perform mighty deeds and shape the fate of kingdoms.
72. Tiny Tabard's hopes were dashed after taking a 7-0 lead as they were mauled 50-13 by mighty Northampton.
73. Clive Anderson O, while the mighty Sultans take the biscuit.
74. In hand-to-hand combat Magnus may strike a single Mighty Blow instead of his usual hand-to-hand attacks.
75. You know how it is up there on the throne of clouds occupied by the very high and mighty of communications.
76. These mighty creatures made their lairs beneath the blazing peaks of the Dragon Spine Mountains.
77. Afterward he and Corinne went to the White House for lunch and mingled with the high and mighty of official Washington.
78. This year a mere sprat of a northern lass won my heart playing hers out on a mighty and sonorous trombone.
79. The mighty Prudential and other life insurers bought chains of estate agencies.
80. Denver ran a mighty interference and on the third day flat-out asked Paul D how long he was going to hang around.
81. Paul's guide to this mighty sauce is three large refuse sacks of breadcrumbs to 60 pints of milk.
82. It was a mighty effort to expand and complete a process of reform that had its roots in the New Deal.
83. He rides a massive chariot pulled by three wolves, and swings his mighty axe Elf-Biter.
84. The Great Plains, extending to the Texas coast, have traditionally been a mighty sea of grass.
85. Tomorrow's distance of two miles four and a half furlongs should suit Mighty Mogul even more.
86. High Elf mages are mighty spell casters whose fiery blasts and awesome energies have won many a battle.
87. Above all we give thanks to thee for that thou art mighty.
88. They came eager for the great enterprise, to cross the sea and lay mighty Troy in ashes.
89. Traditionally within the scope of human imagination only gods had wielded such mighty influence on the affairs of men.
90. He is a mighty champion, an unbreakable shield against the darkness.
91. There was a beating in his ears like the roar of a mighty crowd.
92. The east wind blows with mighty power.
93. NERGAL, Wielder of the Mighty Sword, Remember!
94. Teachers dote on kids of the rich and mighty.
95. The amassed damage in one or several mighty discharges.
96. Don't act so all-fired high and mighty.
97. Japan's postwar edifice has rested on two mighty pillars.
98. Today I seem to be flying on wings to the sound of a mighty, magnificent symphony.
99. And there went out after him Joab's men, and the Cherethites, and the Pelethites, and all the mighty men: and they went out of Jerusalem, to pursue after Sheba the son of Bichri.
100. But Mars is just a little nearby hunk of rock in our own solar system – while Aldebaran is a mighty star, located about 65-light years away.
101. From the low-growing Indian rhubarb to the mighty English maples, the plants in this region get ready for the winter with a cornucopia of colors.
102. Then take a clean sheet of paper and turn the Mighty Mouse upside down.
103. You have a strong arm; Your hand is mighty, Your right hand is exalted.
104. The mighty pyramids of Egypt have survived through the rise and fall of many empires.
105. It'seems To Me Bind Me With Mighty Cables That Nothing But Omnipotence Could Break.
106. This god, Yahweh, was an unspeakably mighty inventor who built his universe merely by thinking aloud.
107. The fluxion of the document use the mighty workflow engine to realize.
108. He is a Mighty Duke and appeareth in the form of a Man with Gryphon's Wings.
109. Or you can stagger an enemy by shooting him in the midsection and then send him careening into his cohorts with a mighty roundhouse kick.
110. And he cast stones at David, and at all the servants of king David: and all the people and all the mighty men were on his right hand and on his left.
111. In the foreseeable future, arrogance and complacency are likely to be the biggest threats to the mighty Seljuk Empire.
112. The software supplies beautiful operation interface, mighty functions of drawing and editing graphics and three-dimensional graphics library, which enable users to design more vivid flow charts.
113. Lelyveld also shatters the attractive myth, burnished by Richard Attenborough's bio-pic, of the brave little man in a loincloth bringing down a mighty empire.
114. A mighty army, led by the great King of Persia, had come from the east.
115. These light horse archers are lightly armoured and equipped with a hand weapon and their mighty recurve bow, able to pepper their enemies with arrows and stay clear of trouble.
116. France spent its defense budget on building a mighty line of super-trenches, the Maginot line, with huge fortifications, underground bunkers and tunnels, and heavy but totally stationary artillery.
117. Each time seeing the potbellied celebrities with high and mighty poses I would feel inexplicable awestruck.
118. The mighty man will become tinder and his work a spark; both will burn together, with no one to quench the fire.
119. Chart the mighty Mississippi on a riverboat tour, or try your luck with the northern pike in Lake Onalaska.
120. Thank God for His grace and mighty works. He is with us.
121. 30 p.m. - Up the main street, visit the Principe Real square with a century-old cedar tree that hides a dozen benches in its mighty shade.
122. The mighty desert is burning for the love blade of grass head anf laughs flies away.
123. Through mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God; so that from Jerusalem, and round about unto Illyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ.
124. Munley, a diminutive cop nicknamed Mighty Mouse who was serving on the base's Special Reaction Team, moved quickly to take him down and was shot in the leg and arm in the ensuing exchange of gunfire.
125. Little drops of water, little grains of sand, make the mighty ocean and the pleasant land.
126. He was also a mighty man of valor, but a leper.
127. And Cush begot Nimrod : He began to be a mighty one on the earth.
128. Tom, this is a very important congressman Carter. Take mighty good care of him.
129. The mighty Atlas was left enchained, cursed to forever hold the world on his shoulders.
130. The Creator is a mighty and powerful essence of all - encompassing love.
131. A "mighty mouse" with double the normal muscle strength has been created by scientists looking for ways to treat age-related diseases.
132. Gone is the untroubled assumption that the mighty power of the A-bomb turned Japan from a fanatically suicidal nation at war to one begging for surrender.
133. The repeated springs show the tiger's mighty and valorous looks.
134. Far better it is to dare mighty things, even though checked by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much.
135. The press mogul befriended the high and mighty in Britain.
136. There are glowing red of "five-pointed star, " their heads held high "small cock" lovely "little monkey" ... you see Nazhi high and mighty Phoenix!
137. I'm shaking because I am a chihuahua, ting but mighty. no mos!
138. With Actors like Russell Crowe dead loss with their mighty salaries have eating into the budgets.
139. And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.
140. Leia would rarely leave Han's side, and she became the Millennium Falcon's co-pilot[], capably filling the role left void by the loss of the mighty Wookiee.
141. Vast and mighty on the way, the ever-lasting riverbank shuttled in the history bring people the innumerous exciting colorful of moments.
142. A tiny insect , trying to shake a mighty tree, is ludicrously ignorant of its own weakness.
143. Even the mighty Samurai cannot stand up to the howitzers.
144. He must have had a mighty hand to scoop out the Royal Gorge in Colorado.
145. The remorseless demolition of wretched homes and lives by a mighty high-tech war machine cannot but cause grief and outrage in any decent onlooker.
146. We'd been together six years, had a mighty joint mortgage and a baby on the way.
147. When we got home, Ma was out in the stable with a sackful of sugar smoothing him down and doing it mighty well, too.
148. Yeah, we have no mighty family background, no exceptional capability, no encyclopaedic knowledge and no outstanding viewpoint.
149. Jason: Mix one capful of "mighty plant stuff" with 8 gallons of water.
150. A mighty Mississippi of cash flows into the Redmond software house, and its name is "Office."
151. Ascribe to the LORD, O mighty ones , ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.
152. However, the discourse of "the end of history" doesn't interdict the mighty current of living. We still on the way, and China on great crankle is making positive response to this historic time.
153. The god of storm and thunder, Thor was a mighty fighter.
154. Mighty forces are in play in the present round of negotiations.




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