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单词 Self-centered
1 a selfish, self-centered person.
2 There is no doubt that in exchanging a self-centered for a selfless life we gain enormously in self-esteem. The vanity of the selfless, even those who practice utmost humility, is boundless. Eric Hoffer 
3 As a result, she can seem moody self-centered, and demanding, throwing lots of tantrums.
4 Some giving is quite self-centered.
5 Americans are too self-centered, too careerist, goes the criticism.
6 You're self-centered – you're keeping people waiting for you.
7 "This generation is very self-centered, very independent," Shu says.
8 They are generally well educated but are self-centered and give too much importance to appearance and material comforts.
9 Narcissists may seem cocky and self-centered, but on the inside they feel worthless and ashamed.
10 Rather than being self-centered, work together with somebody of equal ambition.
11 Being self-centered is fast becoming the norm in many cultures.
12 Fear polarization means you become unconditionally self-centered, driven by greed, power, and lust.
13 No man was born to be more evil or greedier than another man, but all men are by nature self-centered and selfish. Dr T.P.Chia 
14 The questions of the fallen middle managers, however, are not trivial or self-centered.
15 Too many of us don't have them anymore, either because we're too self-centered or too cynical.
16 "To be honest, we people of the post 90s tend to be self-centered and hot-tempered because many of us are the spoiled only child in our families, " said Zhang.
17 Be Attentive to Others and Never Stop Listening – Self-centered people are usually unlikable.
18 Surrender is hard work. In our case, it is intense warfare against our self-centered nature.
19 People, and that includes all of us, often make selfish, self-centered, and evil choices.
20 If there is anyone who seems to embody the Renaissance completely and totally, it is this grouchy5) and self-centered painter, scholar, inventor, scientist, writer, anatomist, etc.
21 For me, it changes my life from being purely self-centered to being something with meaning for others, too.
22 He probably has little concept of how upset you would be if you found out because he's too self-centered to think about your feelings.
23 Students from urban-rural fringe are characterized as more self-defensive, self-centered, and in tension with their parents, thus they find it harder to do well in their studies and daily life.
24 The plain truth is that people are most often self-centered.
25 In fact, however, studies show that happiness doesn't make people complacent or self-centered.
26 Tone it down or forget about making a love connection this week. You won't impress anyone if you brag, exaggerate or are self-centered.
27 Wang Ning, the snowboarder who runs his own successful advertising company, agrees. "We are more self-centered.




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