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单词 Contradiction
(1) It has been proved beyond contradiction.
(2) How can we resolve this apparent contradiction?
(3) Wisdom appears in contradiction to itself, which is a trick life plays on philosophy of life.
(4) There's a basic contradiction in the whole idea of paying for justice.
(5) The performance seemed to me unpardonable, a contradiction of all that the Olympics is supposed to be.
(6) There is a contradiction between the two sets of figures.
(7) His public speeches are in direct contradiction to his personal lifestyle.
(8) She will permit no contradiction.
(9) Each and every difference contains contradiction.
(10) A generous miser is a contradiction in terms.
(11) That's a flat contradiction of what you said before.
(12) That's a contradiction of what you just said.
(13) That's in direct contradiction to what he said yesterday.
(14) 'Permanent revolution' is a contradiction in terms.
(15) The idea is almost a contradiction in terms.
(16) Your attitude is in contradiction to your character.
(17) The contradiction stared them in the face.
(18) A 'nomad settlement' is a contradiction in terms.
(19) The militants see no contradiction in using violence to bring about a religious state.
(20) It is a contradiction to say you know him but he's a stranger.
(21) It's a contradiction to love animals and yet wear furs.
(22) There is an apparent contradiction between the needs of workers and those of employers.
(23) I think I can say, without fear of contradiction, that ...
(24) These results are in flat contradiction to the theory of relativity.
(25) Your behaviour is in direct contradiction to the principles you claim to have.
(26) I find no contradiction between his publicly expressed opinions and his private actions.
(27) You can say what you like without fear of contradiction .
(28) Many people think that an honest politician is a contradiction in terms.
(29) Now you say you both left at ten-that's a contradiction of your last statement.
(30) You say that you're good friends and yet you don't trust him. Isn't that a bit of a contradiction?
(1) It has been proved beyond contradiction.
(2) How can we resolve this apparent contradiction?
(3) There's a basic contradiction in the whole idea of paying for justice.
(4) The performance seemed to me unpardonable, a contradiction of all that the Olympics is supposed to be.
(5) There is a contradiction between the two sets of figures.
(6) His public speeches are in direct contradiction to his personal lifestyle.
(7) You can say what you like without fear of contradiction .
(8) Your attitude is in contradiction to your character.
(9) The contradiction stared them in the face.
(10) Your reply today is in direct contradiction to what you said last week.
(31) Your reply today is in direct contradiction to what you said last week.
(32) I did not see much contradiction.
(33) They were also more tolerant of ambiguity and contradiction.
(34) Gary does not see a contradiction.
(35) This seems a contradiction on the face of it.
(36) The contradiction between faith and knowledge is thus resolved.
(37) Hatred is in contradiction to Christian values.
(38) Motion itself is a contradiction.
(39) America is a society rich in contradiction.
(40) The brewers see no contradiction in their involvement.
(41) As written,[http:///contradiction.html] the text involves a contradiction.
(42) This may seem like a contradiction.
(43) Technology development strategies exhibit a fundamental logical contradiction.
(44) Leadership without mutual trust is a contradiction in terms.
(45) But Rousseau's blueprint contains its own contradiction.
(46) This will produce an infrastructure without contradiction and conflict.
(47) There is really no mystery about this contradiction.
(48) There is a danger of internal contradiction.
(49) Thus the contradiction of stable industrial relations, low productivity and poor management constitutes the main focus of the study.
(50) International events have shown that there is an inherent contradiction between a one-party state and mass democracy.
(51) Even in such a brief survey of this notion of contradiction two things become clear.
(52) It is just too easy to dismiss the idea of ethical business as a contradiction in terms.
(53) Indeed the idea of civil service leadership is a contradiction in terms within a democracy.
(54) Clearly, an unreflective or uncritical citizenry would be highly undesirable as well as, strictly speaking(), a contradiction in terms.
(55) The problem is that there's little to offer in between; high street quality seems almost a contradiction in terms.
(56) Writing in the late 1960s and early 1970s, he argued that advanced capitalist societies were caught up in a major contradiction.
(57) It is the irreconcilable contradiction inevitable in humanism because of its false assumptions in constructing a world-view.
(58) Tia Carmen says in a quiet voice that does not brook contradiction.
(59) In every chord there is some foreign element, some contradiction which gives an odd twist to the harmony.
(60) One such condition is a corollary of the Principle of Contradiction, and may be stated as follows.
(61) He insists on very great freedom to choose, even when there is stark and utter contradiction between the rival approaches.
(62) He had no ear for differences, no time for the opposing view, valiant in his deafness to contradiction.
(63) There is a tense contradiction in the use of language in this book.
(64) This was totally in contradiction to Mr Venables' claim that he was promised security of tenure.
(65) Moreover, Hilbert intended that it would be possible to prove that the scheme was free from contradiction.
(66) This model would obviously allow for contradiction and divergence but would be one of mobile equilibrium with positive indications.
(67) He sees the trajectory of his industrial social formation in contradiction to meeting fundamental human and social needs.
(68) The obvious contradiction that this created between Reagan as campaigner and as governor was partly offset by compensatory reductions in property taxes.
(68) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(69) Marx believed that this contradiction would be highlighted by a second: the contradiction between social production and individual ownership.
(70) I shall suggest that there is a sense in which the very notion of a homosexual sensibility is a contradiction in terms.
(71) Here there is no contradiction, because the bass is consonant with all the upper notes.
(72) Contradiction and conflict Marxist theory begins with the simple observation that in order to survive, humans must produce food and material objects.
(73) It may be a contradiction in textile terms but these weavers spin a good yarn.
(74) An uneasy contradiction, none the less, cuts across this apparent serenity.
(75) One may say that socialist market economy is a contradiction in terms.
(76) Despite this basic contradiction(), he began with a notable act of conciliation.
(77) The most important instrument of dirigisme is subsidy, even though subsidy in a free market in a contradiction in terms.
(78) Here again the main focus is the contradiction between communal property and the growth of individual property.
(79) Above all, it imposed norms of order and limitation to conceal the Dionysiac revelation of contradiction and excess as ultimate realities.
(80) But in this contradiction between productivity and safety, between speed and conformity to regulations, which does the corporation prioritize?
(81) Science has to cling to the available evidence even in the teeth of seeming contradiction.
(82) In our business, the phrase "harmless error" is a contradiction in terms.
(83) The contradiction is a real one and deserves the most thoughtful consideration.
(84) In a turbulent environment, diversity, contradiction and disjunction are the norm.
(85) There was a significant increase in accuracy after adaptation in both cases; this causes a contradiction.
(86) The question therefore arises as to what the implications of this contradiction might be.
(87) It was this longer-term exchange that Bukharin recognised as being the central contradiction in the then current situation.
(88) It has been said to be a fundamental contradiction in the Weberian model of bureaucracy.
(89) Delusions are based on wishes too, but they are in contradiction to reality.
(90) It is sometimes argued that a science of religion is a contradiction in terms.
(91) The paradox of using force to overcome force is here a real contradiction.
(92) Schor's evidence is in direct contradiction to the neo-classical income / leisure trade-off model outlined above.
(93) He has inverted the traditional precepts governing the photographic image, demonstrating the value of visual contradiction.
(94) Many broadcasters felt that they were expected not to say anything on the air which was in contradiction to Government policy.
(95) An additional contradiction of avant-garde culture is its distant relationship to the masses.
(96) Feminists who recognize this contradiction are pilloried for their pains.
(97) This, it would appear on the surface, is one hell of a contradiction.
(98) To be seen to be defending Virgin against attack by the big airlines would be a contradiction of this.
(98) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(99) Unfortunately for Carter, Spackerman's evidence of an assault followed by strangulation seemed a complete contradiction of Macarthy's opinion.
(100) So that old kungfu contradiction appears yet again: by doubling his striking power the practitioner makes himself twice as vulnerable.
(101) There is no contradiction between paying tribute to those specialist services in London and pressing ahead with the reforms.
(102) Ghatak did not see any contradiction between these two approaches.
(103) However, just occasionally, the evidence of the two disciplines is in apparent contradiction.
(104) Will there not be a continuity of evolution implied, in contradiction to our postulated discontinuous collapse?
(105) The uncertainty of this metrical contradiction also contributes to the static mood.
(106) That internal contradiction means that the council tax will not survive.
(107) It is with this basic contradiction that Forester avoided sentimentality.
(108) For Simmel, contradiction is not merely an instrument for, but an intrinsic condition of, the dynamic force of history.
(109) Thus Baudelaire and Flaubert can be seen without contradiction as both realists and early modernists.
(110) Of course, our bodily forms and somewhat disorganized working systems were in contradiction to their understanding of the correct codes of policing.
(111) But the neo-communists no longer believe there is an inherent contradiction between political authoritarianism and a more free-wheeling economy, he said.
(112) Nkrumah saw this as a contradiction, and was critical, thus annoying Nyerere who should have been a natural ally.
(113) To point to only the most glaring contradiction: What kind of literacy would they be eager to advance?
(114) The debt relief campaign throws into stark relief the central contradiction of globalisation: it is to do with time.
(115) The state-imposed marketisation of the Thatcherites was a contradiction in terms.
(116) Wolfe argues that this contradiction has three consequences for public administration.
(117) That much we can take away from this latest close encounter with planet Nirvana without fear of contradiction.
(118) Every complex whole is therefore said to contain a principal contradiction and secondary contradictions.
(119) There are thus no circumstances in which the Chewong may behave in contradiction to their ideologically constructed concept of human nature.
(120) So there is an apparent contradiction here that could usefully be sorted out.
(121) It is a contradiction which thousands happily go along with because they are keen to advance up the social ladder.
(122) Wringe further argues that the picture of the active citizen heavily engaged in voluntary service is something of a contradiction.
(123) There is a contradiction which has pervaded responses to the National Curriculum in special education.
(124) She pointed out the contradiction between Wilson's statements and his votes in the Senate.
(125) The second aspect of contradiction within Bukharin's equations is that between accumulation and unproductive consumption.
(126) These results still constitute, therefore, a direct contradiction of the thesis being developed here.
(127) A corduroy suit is a contradiction: suits are dressy; corduroy is not.
(128) This contradiction is what leads to much of this country's weight gain, particularly in young people.
(129) Foils Another contradiction of the twisted wing theory is the air-filled steerable soft kite, as originated by the Flexifoil mentioned earlier.
(130) A sudden snow flurry gives Nathan his first-ever view - if that is not a contradiction in terms - of a white-out.
(131) Modern men also stipulate that they mustn't be boring, without seeing any contradiction in that thought.
(132) Instead, when fully understood, the apparent contradiction may reveal a new causal factor that was not considered before.
(133) Doesn't that imply a belief in intrinsic essences that is in direct contradiction with the fundamental principles of existentialism?
(134) This apparent contradiction of the model by Proust's text is not a sign of the model's inadequacy but the reverse.
(135) Even now, it seems a strange contradiction, but not a sinister one.
(136) That is a glaring and continuing contradiction between its energy and environmental policies, and it can not disguise the fact.
(137) All I've heard from these witnesses is mindless contradiction!
(138) Overstock contradiction will also highlight the investment growth.
(139) It is a contradiction in terms.
(140) Here is the classic contradiction of reformism.
(141) It'sounds like a contradiction in terms.
(142) If we analyses the mostly contradiction of the high frequency power amplifier, we can find load characteristic curve and the salient features of it in any condition.
(143) Yet another reason to reject the Anshan deal relates backto the inherent contradiction between American capitalism and Chinese socialism.
(144) But a second contradiction thus develops within monogamous marriage itself.
(145) In order to resolve this contradiction, Changsha Bank launched a joint security system of mutual aid.
(146) Resolving the contradiction will require the mastery of words of Leo Tolstoy, author of the epic novel War and Peace about the run-up to the unsuccessful invasion of Russia by Napoleon.
(147) New latitudinarian the child that is capitalist economy, politics and social contradiction development.
(148) The great logician Aristotle put forward the three basic logic laws: the law of identity, the law of contradiction and the law of excluded middle, but their current statement is not scientific.
(149) In truth, nothing would prevent it, even the contradiction that Lord Russell would deduce from it!
(150) The old age insurance is the only way to solve problems and contradiction and construct harmonious society.
(151) Current Xinjiang gross and structural sex contradiction interweave together, make employment pressure greater and greater.
(152) Book of Changes emphasizes that only antinomy between both parties of contradiction can accelerate the transform and affect Taos of past dynasties.
(153) Document delivery services harmonize the contradiction between library's document resources and user's needs for documents, through utilizing document resources within a wider range.
(154) The world we live is full of contradiction and conflict, which with the further development of our market economy and the globalization, will become more complex and multiplicate.
(155) We must make a difference between the two types of contradiction.
(156) A difficult problem to solve in GEP is analyzed that is the contradiction between algorithm convergence and population diversity and the premature phenomena.
(157) In the 21th century, the natural gas of Jilin province is confronted with a challenge and a contradiction in economy, topological unitization, fierce rivalry and so on.
(158) I find this same contradiction with other mags; Popular Mech,[http:///contradiction.html] and Popular Sci.
(159) You can't call a hedgehog cuddly – that's a contradiction in terms!
(160) In view of the system nonlinearity, a digital variable gain controller is designed to solve the contradiction between large global motion and high stiffness.
(161) In 1867 James Clerk Maxwell, a British researcher, wondered if you could extract useful energy from thin air, in apparent contradiction to the second law of thermodynamics.
(162) Current, an acerb contradiction in moving course of our country economy is obtain employment situation austere.
(163) The works reveals the contradiction of the character with sober and object description of language and behavior.
(164) It is an effective financing method to use the accounts receivable to finance as it can solve the contradiction between the accounts receivable and operation capitals of the sellers.
(165) During the distributive law system, civil law is the foundation, while economic law is the center on account of China's special situation and current social contradiction focus.
(166) So revealing contradiction and complexity of heterogeneous cultural characters and single political visual angle, we can understand Redundant Words and literary ideology.
(167) The aim of the optimization design is to solve the contradiction between inner storage space of van body and structure deadweight and maneuverability of vehicle.
(168) Can foreknow, as economic development the carriage contradiction of Guangdong will be quite outstanding.
(169) His highly trust on language, his deliberate ambiguity and contradiction of his works and his meticulously created image of actor reflected the uncertainty of modern lives.
(170) This paper is an introduction to Mao Zedong's new English version of On Practice and Contradiction (2007, VERSO) written by Slavoj Zizek.
(171) With the air bumping out, the cloth coving the background falls suddenly, which will makes great contradiction.
(172) The basic theme that goes through his poetry is the contradiction between brightness and darkness, despair and belief, self-condemnation and praying to the God.
(173) Along wi th the rapid development of microprocessor, this kind of contradiction was surmounted in the especially emergence of digit signal processor gradually in recent years .
(174) The ultimate goal of harmonious society is contradiction on the state of equilibrium.
(175) It eliminated the contradiction between Einstein gravitational theory and Dirac electron theory.
(176) Lukasiewicz, for example, is lead to distinguish what belongs to the principle of contradiction from the identity principle, and from the principle of bivalence!
(177) You can't call a hedgehog cuddly – that is a contradiction in terms!
(178) Anselm observed that if God is defined as "the Being greater than whom nothing can be conceived, " then to deny the existence of such a being lands one in a contradiction.
(179) The seniority of economic and social growth contradicted with oldness of dictatorship badly, then this intensification of the contradiction led to revolution.
(180) International monetary policy coordination (IMPC) will eliminate the policy contradiction and reduce the conflict of interest.
(181) Dogmatical denying it or blindly extolling it can " t alleviate this contradiction. "
(182) The procedural knowledge includes the skills and the contradiction between knowledge and skills in the traditional outlook of knowledge can be solved.
(183) We try to figure out the cause of this contradiction and thereby to challenge the effectiveness of the current classificatory framework of drugs.
(184) This contradiction can be solved and the parties can be protected better when such contract is provided as voidable contract.
(185) Although realized the contradiction between tool rationality and value rationality, as to the return of value rationality, Weber took a pessimistic outlook .
(186) While pursuing an ideal self, they lose the real self, leading to a strong contradiction in their mind and to the self-destruction of their soul.
(187) The main side of the contradiction individual ownership s, and the miner side is economic leadership.
(188) This poem is the metaphor of Rilke' s spiritual contradiction which is a metaphysical sense and does not involve the content of experience.
(189) The contradiction between two conflicting forces viewed as the determining factor in their continuing interaction.
(190) It has the characteristics of contradiction ( mixture ), motion,[http:///contradiction.html] transcendence ( morality ).
(191) It is big market and the contradiction that manage dispersedly are highlighted increasingly.
(192) Man is always the main contradiction, often in hesitation and longing puzzled, sandwiched a one-way street, the secular, also cannot go back.
(193) In recent years, software engineering techniques have begun to reflect this underlying contradiction as illustrated by the emergence of the incremental model for software development.
(194) The law of economy which Liberalism economist alleged is harmonic law. And any contradiction in the law of economy which they find will be automatically assimilated.
(195) Dialectical materialism believes that the development of things depend on the contradiction.
(196) However the conflict has its special nature that is it belongs to the non-antagonistic contradiction.
(197) The effect of via bottom barrier layer thickness on interconnects SIV performance is contradiction. It should be compromised.
(198) Deficit reduction by a creditor country such as Germany is in direct contradiction of the lessons learnt from the Great Depression of the 1930s.
(199) For his incompatible world view, his epistemology has a contradiction between theory of reflection and apriorism.
(200) Your present remarks are in contradiction with the assurance you gave us previously.
(201) The economic development drives the citified in Quanzhou, and makes the protection of this historical and cultural known city in increasing contradiction with the developing construction day by day.
(202) It has solved in between the circular arc plan algorithm efficiency and the precision contradiction. It is a high efficiency, and a high accuracy arc plan algorithm.
(203) The written of constitution is a mode of rule of law which lagged off reality, and its outstanding contradiction is the incessancy of society and the stagnation of constitution articles.
(204) But the characteristic of contradiction and trait of comedy of "middle character", is considered to be the negative power .
(205) Paraconsistent logic is the most revolutionary spirit in non-classical logic, it restricts the action of Non-Contradiction, and it can tolerate the true contradiction.
(206) Since restricting planning, brings about the contradiction that the retail dealer needs to the cigarette aggravate gradually.
(207) Now, I'm in contradiction, we kept up raising organic native chickens, I don't know whether I can make it to sale the chicken only use pigwash to fatten them. Now I am still hesitating about that.
(208) The way of expression contains a contradiction between the western modern means which is typified by symbol and the Chinese comparison and affective image in traditional poetics.
(209) We can not accept its semantic meaning when it was disseminated from western countries to China except its form. As a logical paradox contradiction, self-contradiction is universal.
(210) The main contradiction is students' increasing demands and schools' timeworn management mode of student work in China's colleges' student work at present.




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