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单词 camouflage
释义  cam·ou·flage1 /ˈkæməflɑːʒ/ noun  1  HIDE/MAKE IT HARD TO FIND OR SEE[uncountable] a way of hiding something, especially soldiers and military equipment, by using paint, leaves etc to make it look like the things around it 〔尤指士兵或军事设备的〕伪装 soldiers learning camouflage technique 在学习伪装技术的士兵 the camouflage netting over the tanks 坦克上的伪装网2  [uncountable] the type of green and brown clothes, paint etc that soldiers wear to make themselves more difficult to see 〔士兵为伪装穿的〕迷彩服;伪装色 The men were dressed in camouflage and carrying automatic weapons. 这些人身穿迷彩服,手提自动武器。 camouflage trousers 迷彩裤3  HIDE/MAKE IT HARD TO FIND OR SEE[singular, uncountable] the way that the colour or shape of an animal protects it by making it difficult to see in the area in which it lives 保护色,保护形状 The whiteness of the arctic fox acts as camouflage, hiding it from its enemies. 北极狐有白毛作保护色,让自己躲避天敌。4  HIDE/MAKE IT HARD TO FIND OR SEE[singular, uncountable] behaviour that is designed to hide something 伪装,掩饰camouflage for Aggression is often a camouflage for insecurity. 好斗往往是对缺乏安全感的掩饰。Examples from the Corpuscamouflage• We used leaves and sticks as camouflage.• The stripes of the tiger provide important camouflage in its natural setting.• Marines in camouflage fatigues and grease paint, along with a few frogmen, boarded three rubber boats for Yudo Island.• But like all good hunters going into the jungle, I needed camouflage.• Equipment was checked once more and the Jocks paired off to arrange each other's camouflage.• Lee was pulling bits of twig through the camouflage net and going to the entrance all the time to look at Caspar.camouflage2 verb [transitive]  HIDE/MAKE IT HARD TO FIND OR SEEto hide something, especially by making it look the same as the things around it, or by making it seem like something else 〔用伪装〕遮掩,掩饰camouflage something with something I saw a truck, heavily camouflaged with netting and branches. 我看见一辆卡车给网和树枝遮掩得严严实实。 The strain she was under was well camouflaged by skilful make-up. 巧妙的化妆很好地掩盖了她紧张的心情。► see thesaurus at hide→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscamouflage• Entrances to the tunnels were carefully camouflaged.• Experienced researchers are wise to all the tricks used to camouflage a poorly prepared document, so do not encourage criticism.• He had one of those poor beards, the kind that camouflage a slack jaw.• In a desperate effort to camouflage falling rents and values landlords have been offering inducements to tenants.• Before going amongst outlandish strangers, it may be sensible to camouflage oneself.• We camouflaged the plane by covering it with leaves.• Soldiers had camouflaged the trucks with branches and dirt.• I jumped out of the car and began to collect up fallen pine branches with which to camouflage the vehicle.• The lizards camouflage themselves by changing colour.• It had been perfectly camouflaged, with its ears pulled back and its white flanks hidden by a furtive crouch.• If you camouflage your filter remember to allow easy access for regular maintenance.well camouflaged• The fry are on the small side, so they, too, are well camouflaged.• The offices of the renowned Literary Review are well camouflaged.• Wherever the Baroque music was coming from, and it was somewhere in the room, the equipment was well camouflaged.• And even that was well camouflaged by skilful make-up.• One rail bridge, well camouflaged, is not shown on any map.• Freezing is a widespread response to a predator alarm among many of the better camouflaged species.• Another bird that dies in the same way may be so small and well camouflaged that no one notices it.Origin camouflage1 (1900-2000) French camoufler “to change the appearance of”, from Italian camuffarecam·ou·flage1 nouncamouflage2 verbChineseSyllable   Corpus a military especially soldiers and way something, hiding of




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