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单词 Embark
1, Never embark on what comes after without having mastered what goes before. 
2, Passengers with cargo must embark first.
3, Passengers with cars must embark first.
4, Maybe it doesn't matter which road we embark on. Maybe what matters is that we embark.
5, Bob ordered brigade HQ to embark.
6, We embark at Montreal for New York.
7, She was about to embark on a major expedition.
8, The board decided to embark on aggressive overseas expansion.
9, She is about to embark on a diplomatic career.
10, She was now ready to embark on her journey of adventure.
11, Some forethought and preparation is necessary before you embark on the project.
12, The band are about to embark on a six-month world tour.
13, He is about to embark on a new business venture.
14, You must embark now. b. You must disembark now.
15, Why, then, would I choose to embark upon this course myself?
16, He must also embark on a grueling course of longer-term reforms.
17, Once at the 1,000 Island Resort region, embark on a cruise aboard the lake's still waters.
18, He volunteered to embark on a dangerous secret mission into occupied France.
19, Before you embark on a journey of revenge,(http:///embark.html) dig two graves. Confucius 
20, Nimbus should be strongly encouraged to embark on the complete oeuvre of Gotschalk with Alan Marks.
21, Two hours would have sufficed to embark the men in Cherbourg Harbour, after a previous rehearsal.
22, Surely this is too early to embark on new ideas - obscuring what we have so painstakingly created.
23, Meanwhile, Tracey is about to embark on one of the most unusual cases of her career.
24, If you are moving some distance, it's worth having the car serviced before you embark on the journey.
25, And further expansion is on the cards as Sainsbury plans to embark on a similar programme of store opening in future years.
26, Passengers will have to pay a fee at the airport where they embark.
27, Will my hon. Friend ask the Opposition whether they will continue to embark upon their policy of abolishing those trusts?
28, He also persuaded the college authorities that they ought to embark on a class project and construction was started in November 1936.
29, How had the new city fathers acquired the wealth and prestige to embark on these schemes?
30, An innovator in financial areas, Citibank for example, is not likely to embark on innovations in health care.
1, Passengers with cargo must embark first.
2, He is about to embark on a new business venture.
31, Merely to embark on such an approach reveals how inadequate and simplistic it is.
32, As the two men embark on a journey of self-discovery, the haunting music of Gigli punctuates their revelations.
33, Dole indicated that he now is prepared to embark on a similar odyssey.
34, They should embark on the programme and policy that Labour will certainly pursue when we are in office.
35, Before you embark on the decoration, however, you need to have the practical considerations firmly in mind.
36, Final, moderated marks and grades are given to every student before they embark on their next series of modules.
37, You will allow your arms to heal and then you will embark on a sensible and moderate course of physical therapy.
38, Why invest allegiance in a sport that in seven months is expected to embark on another work stoppage?
39, One might embark upon a conversation and find it quite suddenly rounded off before it got under way.
40, We hope that you will continue to provide us with this vital information as we embark together on the second piloting year.
41, The league was charged also with responsibility for collective security, so that individual states could embark on a programme of disarmament.
42, Embark on a journey through time, reliving the dangers and excitement that faced smugglers in times past.
43, Andrew and Wendy plan to work with drug addicts in Hong Kong and they will soon embark on a two-month trial period.
44, Christopher was to embark on a painful programme of physiotherapy.
45, There are certainly some individuals who can embark on this exploration without the aid of a psychotherapist.
46, His post-electoral challenge will be to unite his country and embark upon a real process of democratisation.
47, There is a simple test, and I run back to the cabin to embark on this project instantly.
48, The aid organisations realise that the task is too great to embark on any other course.
49, They demanded that the Corporation immediately extend the city boundary and embark on a crash housing programme.
49, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
50, I replied, wondering whether I should even try to embark upon the convoluted saga of Dad and his assumed name.
51, The next time you embark on a group writing project, follow these time-and energy-saving steps: 1.
52, No one should embark on it without the most careful consideration.
53, High-performing enterprises seldom embark on a course of action without first evaluating all of the potential costs and benefits it might yield.
54, Some draftees embark on starvation diets so that they weigh below the acceptable level at the medical.
55, For example, environmental considerations have prompted the company to embark upon a halon replacement programme resulting in a range of alternative systems.
56, We embark, the ferryman hands us an oar, and the craft moves out from the dock.
57, Skunks roll out of their dens in February or March and embark on a long prowl.
58, For optimum results: Only embark on any new exercise programme when you are not premenstrual.
59, She has a great job that takes her all over the world and lets her embark on all kinds of adventures.
60, It was certainly the only sort acceptable to the small number of landowners who were prepared to embark upon change.
61, A large group had assembled at the pier, waiting to embark.
62, Before you embark on writing a macro always check to so if there is one already.
63, Many people embark for Europe at New York harbor.
64, They embark more troops for Egypt.
65, It'seems we are going to embark for the moon.
66, We are about to embark on a great journey.
67, "Now the stage is set to embark on what I term the third stage of our rapprochement," Steinberg said.
68, Redundancy is the spur for many to embark on new careers.
69, It's important to be familiar with the subtleties of Bash before you embark on an LFS build.
70, But if you can buck the trend, you'll find that September is when those with the savvy and the means pack their bags and embark on adventure.
71, In this way, may my body, speech and mind be matured through the four empowerments and so may I embark upon the path of the wondrous vajra vehicle!
72, He began to talk of my going to West Chester in order to embark for Ireland.
73, For embark on them ,() the fortysomething sexual relationship is often a way of reclaiming their youth.
74, Why would China's rulers embark on a such a disastrous course?
75, Would you tell me where we embark ( get on ) the ship?
76, Each people make ready especially anticipation and excited, prepared the respective baggage to prepare to embark!
77, All political institutions have to embark on this challenge of risk management.
78, Take yourself out of this cold, harsh world and embark on a transcendental tangram adventure.
79, The fears have prompted several countries to embark on massive armament plans.
80, Another strategy is to embark on one's own employment search.
81, Get ready to embark on another pirate adventure with Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.
82, Our happy hours share each other happily sad, we embark together flower of the opening life, the concomitance laugh heartily with warm, launches the intention for me,(http:///embark.html) you are also drifting?
83, Teams of students will embark an intensive effort to execute neurophysiological experiments from start to finish.
84, To diversify one's business is to embark on different kinds of commercial business.
85, Before she would embark on a holy war , however, she had to purify her own Church.
86, Let us embark on the first ship tomorrow, before dawn can tell of our elopement!
87, And even that higher income is not enough to embark on the middle-class dream in China of owning a small apartment and subcompact car.
88, Almost all the Sixth Form leavers embark on further or higher education.
89, However, setting up an ostrich farm isn't something to embark on lightly.
90, Wholly unprepared, we embark upon the second half of life.
91, At the beginning of the Civil War, seven friends embark on a cross-country journey in order to join the Confederate army.
92, At the same time, other split forces embark upon a political venture.
93, A cash call might help find some of the money required, and, if Lloyds were to embark on a rights issue,(http://) it would mean that the taxpayer would have the opportunity to match its 43% stake in the bank.
94, The prospect of joining larger economic trade areas already seems to be influencing the way countries resolve long-standing internal conflicts and embark on democratic transitions.
95, Should I embark on the great search for my soul mate kiss my single days goodbyeqforever?
96, This article attempts to embark from the common type of homograph misuse, to carry on the discussion on the reason of homograph difference and how to treat the homograph in the study.
97, And both are also about to embark on new multi-year development plans supported by World Bank financing packages that go beyond traditional lending operations.
98, A Norwegian team is set to embark on an expedition to find the submerged wreck of a plane which carried Norway's great polar explorer Roald Amundsen.
99, Initially I to embark on this joint venture business at moderate rate and a safe scale.
100, He believes it is the right stage in his career to embark on a new challenge, having not been a regular starter at Emirates Stadium since his recovery from a broken leg.
101, Stronger, quicker disbursal is necessary to create positive incentives for others to embark on large-scale reform.
102, He and Argos' finest soldiers embark on a quest to find the Stygian Witches with a pair of hunters and Io following.
103, This article carries out official duties the judicial personality to deny the system to embark, subsequently introduced the law of corporation personality denial judicial confirmation.
104, We were on the midmorning "slow" boat, about to embark on a long day's drift down Nicaragua's Rio San Juan.
105, Yang state embark of commerce every big trading enterprise concession a paperback.
106, I do not wish, however, to embark upon the subject of penal reform.
107, Next summer, Chelsea will embark on its first-ever tour of China.




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