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单词 explosive
释义 Word family  noun explosion explosive adjective exploding explosive exploded unexploded verb explode adverb explosively  ex·plo·sive1 /ɪkˈspləʊsɪv $ -ˈsploʊ-/ ●○○ adjective  1  EXPLODEable or likely to explode (可能)会爆炸的 Because the gas is highly explosive, it needs to be kept in high-pressure containers. 由于这种气体极易爆炸,因此需要保存在高压容器内。 A small explosive device (=bomb) was set off outside the UN headquarters today. 今天有一枚小型炸弹在联合国总部外爆炸。2  VIOLENT[usually before noun] relating to or like an explosion 爆炸(式)的;爆发的 the explosive force of volcanoes 火山的爆发力3  VIOLENTlikely to become violent or to cause feelings of violence 易引发暴力的;易引起暴力情绪的 He’s good at defusing potentially explosive situations. 他擅长缓和可能一触即发的形势。 the explosive issue of uncontrolled immigration 移民入境失控这一极易引发暴力的问题4  EMOTIONALshowing sudden strong or angry emotion 暴躁的 Both men suddenly spoke in the same explosive tone of voice. 两个男人突然都用同样暴躁的腔调说话了。5  INCREASE IN NUMBER OR AMOUNT[usually before noun] increasing suddenly or quickly in amount or number 〔数量或数字〕激增的 the explosive growth of microcomputers 微型计算机的迅猛发展6. LOUD/NOISYan explosive sound is sudden and loud 轰响的 —explosively adverb —explosiveness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusexplosive• an explosive device• Pretty soon that may be an explosive error.• A similar approach has been applied to marine records of explosive eruptions in the Bay of Naples.• He was to suffer from bouts of explosive flatulence for the rest of his life.• an explosive force of 15,000 tons of TNT• the explosive growth of the computer industry• the explosive issue of abortion• And, like her father, it slipped away in one explosive moment.• Doyle's explosive shot starred the side window.• Overcrowding and lack of jobs in the area have created an explosive situation.• an explosive sound• The paper's editors knew they had an explosive story.• Jamie and Lisa would have been a far more explosive storyline.• a man with an explosive temperhighly explosive• Dynamite is highly explosive.• It is difficult to maintain a consistent level of surgical anaesthesia with ether and it is in addition highly explosive.• Each plant handles a range of highly explosive, corrosive and toxic raw materials.potentially explosive• The most potentially explosive area of contact between headquarters and the Boards was in financial control.• Thus there was a combination of potentially explosive contributory factors.• Their presence in the alliance masks deep and potentially explosive differences.• Such testimony, unheard of in El Salvador, is potentially explosive in a state that has tried to bury its past.Related topics: Bombs & terrorismexplosive2 ●○○ noun [countable, uncountable]  SCBa substance that can cause an explosion 炸药,爆炸物质 → plastic explosiveExamples from the Corpusexplosive• When they searched his vehicle, they found explosives.• Clusters of fire bombs falling from the planes, followed by tons of high explosives.• I think I would take a train into a siding somewhere and load it with high explosive.• Nearby a new chemical industry makes explosives, fertilisers, and nylon fibres.• A man and a woman were charged on April 15 with conspiracy to cause explosions and with possession of explosives and arms.• He was arrested at his cabin last week on a holding charge of possessing explosives materials.• Such explosives would be far more powerful than existing non-nuclear explosives.• Collect the explosives, batteries and torch. 20.ex·plo·sive1 adjectiveexplosive2 nounChineseSyllable   Corpus explode to likely or able




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