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单词 Distinguished
1) She distinguished herself in the arts.
2) He had a distinguished career as a diplomat.
3) Dr Miles was a distinguished scholar of Russian history.
4) The medal bears the inscription "For distinguished service".
5) The adult can be readily distinguished by its orange bill.
6) It seems such a pity that a distinguished and honored name should be commercialized in such a manner.
7) He was a loyal, distinguished and very competent civil servant.
8) She was distinguished from the other girls by her height.
9) There was such a crowd round the distinguished visitor that I could not get to speak to him.
10) The Chinese nation is distinguished for its diligence and courage.
11) The judge distinguished between many cases.
12) She has already distinguished herself as an athlete.
13) He distinguished himself as a great lawyer.
14) His plays are distinguished only by their stunning mediocrity.
15) I think grey hair makes you look very distinguished.
16) He was the most distinguished scholar in his field.
17) Many distinguished guests turned up at the meeting yesterday.
18) Francic is easily distinguished by his uniform.
19) He was a distinguished publicist.
20) Her red hair distinguished her from her sisters.
21) She distinguished herself in music.
22) She is a distinguished novelist and philosopher.
23) He distinguished himself in cowardice.
24) They distinguished themselves at the Battle of Assaye.
25) The young officer distinguished himself many times in battle.
26) The master treated him as a distinguished guest.
27) Let's look towards our distinguished guests.
28) He distinguished himself in physics.
29) Several fancy gifts were bestowed on the distinguished guests.
30) I think grey hair makes you look rather distinguished.
1) He had a distinguished career as a diplomat.
2) Dr Miles was a distinguished scholar of Russian history.
3) The medal bears the inscription "For distinguished service".
4) It seems such a pity that a distinguished and honored name should be commercialized in such a manner.
5) He was a loyal, distinguished and very competent civil servant.
6) The Chinese nation is distinguished for its diligence and courage.
7) His plays are distinguished only by their stunning mediocrity.
8) He was a distinguished publicist.
9) He distinguished himself in physics.
10) He is distinguished for his sense of humor.
11) Many distinguished men have emerged from slums.
12) Elephants are distinguished from other animals by their long noses.
13) Sometimes formal English and informal English must be carefully distinguished.
14) She was a distinguished oceanographer, and a gifted painter into the bargain.
15) A banquet was given in honor of the distinguished guests.
31) The male is distinguished by its red beak.
32) She had a proud, distinguished bearing.
33) Elephants are distinguished by their long noses / trunks.
34) Both candidates have distinguished war records.
35) She distinguished herself by her coolness and bravery.
36) He distinguished himself by his bravery.
37) He is distinguished for his sense of humor.
38) Many distinguished men have emerged from slums.
39) The Queen conferred knighthoods on several distinguished men.
40) What was it that distinguished her from her classmates?
40) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
41) He distinguished himself in battle.
42) He distinguished himself in British theatre at a very early age.
43) The curtain has fallen on her long and distinguished career .
44) He was one of Australia's most distinguished artists, renowned for his portraits, landscapes and nudes.
45) A helmsman is tested in a rough sea; a hero is distinguished in difficult circumstances.
46) This international award has set the seal on a long and distinguished career.
47) We are privileged tonight to have as our distinguished guest Chairman of the Committee of Foreign Affairs.
48) He distinguished himself on several occasions in the civil war.
49) Elephants are distinguished from other animals by their long noses.
50) His sudden decision to retire brought down the curtain on a distinguished career.
51) Different words with the same spelling are distinguished in this dictionary by superscript numbers.
52) Sometimes formal English and informal English must be carefully distinguished.
53) He was elevated to the peerage after distinguished service in industry.
54) The monitor distinguished himself by his performance in the examination.
55) She was a distinguished scientist and a gifted painter into the bargain.
56) Saccani's excellent recording is an auspicious start to what promises to be a distinguished musical career.
57) The award was a fitting end to a distinguished career.
58) She was surely the most distinguished queen consort we have had.
59) He stole his opponent's thunder by proposing a toast for the distinguished visitor.
60) I esteem it a privilege to address such a distinguished audience.
61) The male bird is distinguished from the female by its red beak.
62) She was a distinguished oceanographer, and a gifted painter into the bargain.
63) She is a writer as well as a distinguished modern historian.
64) Over the next few years he distinguished himself as a leading constitutional scholar.
65) This dining room is for the distinguished guests exclusive use.
66) A banquet was given in honor of the distinguished guests.
67) I think grey hair on a man can look very distinguished.
68) Jones was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross.
69) Tall and slender, flowing gray hair, very distinguished.
70) The stations were all distinguished by complex roof-lines.
71) On the surface, it all seems very distinguished.
72) Many other distinguished fiscal economists recognise this.
73) Xanthippos and Aristeides came home, to render distinguished service.
74) A group of individuals distinguished by some unusual quality.
75) Ms. Dixon comes from a distinguished Washington family.
76) He made the priesthood and exercised a distinguished ministry.
77) Are the categories more or less clearly distinguished? 1.10.
78) The performances too are most distinguished.
79) Presentations were made to two of the county's most distinguished library users.
80) Recommendations for exemptions are made only for experienced and distinguished teachers of law who have established links with the profession.
81) A third version of the developmental role may also be distinguished.
82) Both Rennenkampf and Samsonov had distinguished military records as cavalry commanders in Manchuria, but they had quarrelled and become bitter enemies.
83) Plumper than Golden Plover, and distinguished especially by black axillaries, showing in flight, whitish rump and greyish upperparts.
84) I make no apology for joining a distinguished band of predecessors.
85) But why should Oxford be so coy about a man who may turn out to be one of its most distinguished alumni?
86) She had radio series of her own, a distinguished list of recorded accompanists and more money than she could spend.
87) The first thing to realize is that it must consist in categorical imperatives, which are to be distinguished from hypothetical imperatives.
88) Hermite was a distinguished mathematician who was well-known for his generosity to younger men.
89) Watson, for years the worth New Zealand fieldsman, distinguished himself when others let themselves down.
90) Long jumping was a bad experience, and Edwards never distinguished himself in it.
91) He is one of these rare men who has distinguished himself equally on the field of battle and at the bar.
92) In 1933 this promise of a distinguished career in the Colonial Service was acknowledged by secondment to the Colonial Office.
93) They can also be distinguished by their almost globular shape and the long protruding remnant of the style sticking out on top.
94) The Left-Hand Piano Concerto was the first of several works commissioned from distinguished composers.
95) Each tuple in a relation is distinguished from another because one or more attributes in a relation are designated key attributes.
96) Contractual obligations are distinguished from other legal obligations because of this fundamental notion of agreement.
97) Col. Sutherland is a Special Forces veteran who enjoyed a distinguished career.
98) As soon as Possible we will paint this area of the playground so that it can be clearly distinguished by everyone.
99) He quit his job at Cornell, ending a distinguished academic career.
100) The north of the area is distinguished by enormous forested mountain plateaux with deep river-carved valleys.
101) But attention was expected to centre on Sir Anthony,[] currently enjoying one of the best periods of his distinguished acting career.
102) Pretty good athlete, pretty good student, but never really distinguished himself, either line of work.
103) The resulting combination of grace and dynamism distinguished Kelly for the rest of his career.
104) Mr. Dorrell My hon. Friend has drawn attention to the very distinguished record of that health authority.
105) It is a distinguished feature in an undistinguished landscape; a building or place of outstanding historic, aesthetic or cultural importance.
106) Joseph Thomas, engineer, was born in Roche and came to Looe to retire after a distinguished career.
107) Is to be distinguished from the implementation, in which electronic circuits are designed to realize an architecture.
108) A distinguished group of authors is slated for the seventh annual Women Writers Event.
109) Of the exiles, Aristeides and Xanthippos came home, to render distinguished service.
110) Eastwood distinguished himself as an actor before becoming a director.
111) Today Loretta Barrett Books is one of the most distinguished literary agencies in the business.
112) In addition, different elements can be distinguished because the scattered energies are determined by the masses of the target atoms.
113) This should be distinguished from the Appeal Committee which considers applications for leave to appeal.
114) Dark brown duck best distinguished by white wing-bar and at close range by purple speculum.
115) First he distinguished the extroverted person from the introverted one - attitude types, as he called them.
116) With his expensive clothes, elite education, and distinguished demeanor, he was different from the rustic and plain Avon folk.
117) Two of the ministers particularly distinguished themselves by holding the post for a six-month period.
118) A distinguished and internationally-known writer and thinker, Serfaty was a mining engineer by profession.
119) I must repeat, then, that deixis is distinguished by its use.
120) School monitors are distinguished in many ways, the most obvious being the vermilion gown; they may also grow a moustache.
121) A General Electric toaster oven, distinguished by four years of melted cheese dripped from countless tuna melts and toasted-cheese sandwiches.
122) Many have previous distinguished careers on fast jets in the Royal Air Force or in international long-haul operations.
123) It is this class alone which is unmistakably distinguished from debentures both in law and fact.
124) One of my less distinguished military experiences came when I fell asleep on guard duty.
125) What distinguished Alexander Ferguson from the rest of his fellow men was his exceptional ability as a swimmer.
126) He had a distinguished war record and on demobilisation in 1945 he became an honorary colonel, Army Medical Service.
127) They are all rather clumsy and fairly large, being distinguished from the parasols of the period by their short stumpy handles.
128) It can be distinguished from all other triggerfish by the forward-pointing black wedge on the caudal peduncle.
129) Individuals are appointed as Vice-Presidents to honour their distinguished service in furthering the aims of the Society.
130) Two aspects of the shift in emphasis accorded to democratic reform need to be distinguished.
131) Much of the technical literature on the subject seems to confuse the two sets of questions distinguished in this section.
132) However, apposition is distinguished from co-ordination by criterion B,[http:///distinguished.html] since the conjunction of co-referential elements is unacceptable.
133) Although his farms attracted many distinguished visitors, including Sir Robert Peel, he became the centre of great controversy.
134) Among her large and varied number of friends were several of the most distinguished historians of our time.
135) He presented James Kitfield, a military reporter for the National Journal, with the prize for distinguished reporting on national defense.
136) At this time, the earl, must have been nearing the end of his distinguished career.
137) On the first evening the singers are always very nervous at having to perform before such a distinguished audience.
138) Its Presidents now served for short terms, and were always very distinguished men of science.
139) By 1980 about 3100 human genes had been distinguished, mostly by biochemical techniques.
140) All were distinguished members of the Royal Academy and all three have died within the past year.
141) Miss Riley had a long and distinguished bookselling career over 65 years.
142) This way is not really exciting, but Belisarius fought here 1500 years ago, so we are in distinguished company ....
143) Butler had for long been heir-apparent, and had given devoted and distinguished service to the Conservatives.
144) In less distinguished groups, the leader would have a fair amount of managing to do.
145) Types of Interest Groups To this point, we have not distinguished among political interest groups.
146) Safety and lethargy are two words barely acknowledged by the distinguished traveller, Wilfred Thesiger.
147) At 51 minutes, it was one of Connors's swiftest defeats in his long and distinguished career.
148) But as a group, ill veterans could be distinguished from healthy ones by overall test results.
149) MacArthur was one of the most distinguished soldiers in the history of the United States.
150) Anti-entrepreneurial attitudes must be distinguished from anti-industrial ones; although they may go together, they need not.
151) Faith and credulity, vision and delusion can only be distinguished provided that in case-studies the issue of ontology is kept alive.
152) I think it is our duty to greet such a distinguished visitor.
153) Her career seemed barely more distinguished than that of Charlie McCarthy, the monocled dummy of her ventriloquist father, Edgar Bergen.
154) Several thousand minerals can be distinguished, each defined by its own set of properties.
155) Of course, I am more easily identified and more distinctive, if not distinguished, than most authors.
156) One of the things that distinguished Belmodes from its rivals was the small chain of shops Rose herself had launched.
157) A number of distinguished commentators, most of them ecclesiastics, were assembled to evaluate the programmes and their implications.
158) A list of distinguished visitors culminated in 1828 with a visit by the Duke of Gloucester from Lulworth Castle.
159) Bradley had distinguished himself early in his career by trying to gauge the distance to the stars.
160) The buildings, playing fields, 75 monuments, benches,[http:///distinguished.html] even trees honor Naval heroes and distinguished classes of midshipmen.
161) The reason can perhaps be found in the fact that company law as an academic discipline boasts no long and distinguished pedigree.
162) Professor Gregory is distinguished for his studies in experimental psychology, most notably in visual perception and the nature of visual illusions.
163) Generally speaking, one can imagine varieties being distinguished by a number of attributes.
164) It is possible that a dilated colon would generate only very low amplitude contractions that are not distinguished during manometric studies.
165) Below turning to the Gobitis Case, however, it is desirable to notice certain characteristics by which this controversy is distinguished.
166) It is distinguished by an X-Windows/Motif interface, and its ability to integrate with optical character readers and document processors.
167) His range of subjects was enormous; his prose distinctive, lucid, and distinguished.
168) Developing management Management development should be an obsession Most outstanding companies can be distinguished by one particular feature.
169) He is a distinguished astrophysicist with a lifelong interest in space.
170) In a number of ways also armies became more conscious of themselves than ever before as entities clearly distinguished from civilian society.
171) His Ravel, while less unfortunate than his recording of the Left-hand Concerto, hardly counts among his most distinguished offerings.
172) I know, of course, that distinguished individuals, even groups, in the homosexual community have claimed kinship with him.
173) These are the bare bones of a long and distinguished scientific career.
174) Six hundred men, some from the most distinguished aristocratic families, went on trial for the quixotic rising of December 1825.
175) Clearly Stockport's loss of this calm, civilised, distinguished man was Pembroke's gain.
176) They are distinguished by bearing their blooms very close to and within the foliage, but are repeat flowering.
177) He comes by way of the Metropolitan District Commission force, where he distinguished himself by shooting a rattlesnake.
178) We regret to announce the death of a distinguished man of letters.
179) He distinguished himself as third-string quarterback for the football team.
180) I don't need to conform to a prevailing stereotype in the search for distinguished and illustrious positions.
181) He was awarded a medal for distinguished service in the field.
182) Her former husband is Britain's most distinguished amateur huntsman and Master of the Duke of Beafort's foxhounds.
183) Indeed Karelius, in opera cloak and one of Aranyos' dandyish suits, flattered himself he looked as distinguished as any.
184) Alfred was an interesting, bright, complex, difficult man, also of a distinguished lineage.
185) He was a burly man of average height, white-haired and distinguished looking.
186) For example: Handwriting contains many similarly shaped characters which must be distinguished from each other to achieve effective recognition.
187) Your Royal Highnesses, Your Excellencies, distinguished cabinet ministers and ambassadors, ladies and gentlemen.
188) The result is a range of different genres of literary criticism and literary theory, to some extent distinguished by register.
189) It seems better not to include it as a criterion of value, once it is clearly distinguished from probability.
190) However, a concern to understand social policy may be distinguished from a preoccupation with the determinants of welfare.Sentencedict
191) Even without the asylum claims, the games were distinguished more by events off the track than on.
192) He is a most distinguished Mozartian, and this year is recording all 27 of the piano concertos for Chandos Records.
193) A good all rounder with a very distinguished looking bottle.
194) Bradley has distinguished himself as the top scorer on the team.
195) Somebody very distinguished had played the part in the last London production.
196) During the battle five Troll Slayers distinguished themselves by attacking and destroying three Trolls which were perilously close to crushing Duregar himself.
197) In face and figure young Pelops is clearly distinguished from the foursquare sturdy elder Oenomaus.
198) Three Levels on which rationality has practical significance may be distinguished, which I shall call groundedness, enlightenment and emancipation.
199) They were scarcely two hundred yards distant; yet such was the gloom that they could not be clearly distinguished.
200) Marx distinguished two classes, bourgeois and proletarian, based on the ownership of the means of production.
201) They must therefore be distinguished from on-exchange competitive trades for any publication or price reporting purposes.
202) Once we distinguished between party supporters and uncommitted voters we found no consistent differences between voters with different viewing habits.
203) The daughter of a distinguished Cambridge mathematics tutor, she began work as a Sunday school teacher in the 1850s.
204) Or even love, in so far as it is distinguished from sexuality.
205) There were four main characteristics which distinguished the early retired from other older people.
206) We jointly hosted an informal Sunday lunch for a distinguished group of actors on their day off.
207) Berchoux was a very well known satirist and his illustrators were distinguished men.
208) It's one of the most distinguished hotels in Italy, grand and imposing.
209) Tim distinguished himself for eleven years in Miami, including the history-making 1972 undefeated season that climaxed in the 1973 Super Bowl.
210) Microscopically it is most readily distinguished from the latter by having long narrow spicules.
211) Many cases are mild and can not be distinguished from viral gastroenteritis.
212) Here long vehicles which have already been in traffic, as distinguished from new coaches, are mainly dealt with.
213) In fact, Darwin initially distinguished only six of Gould's eventual 13 separate forms as members of the finch family.
214) This is sometimes described in terms of social engineering, and the resources that law brings as machinery are distinguished from its social goals.
215) But it was not only the international flavour of Penguin New Writing that distinguished it from other symposia of this kind.
216) The site is distinguished by an imposing pair of gates, there is the station building itself and the mill.
217) Perhaps Hincmar's silence here was tactful, since Charles the Bald's sons had not distinguished themselves in the traditional roles.
218) In these pieces the three higher parts are clearly distinguished from the two lower and given showy coloratura.
219) At fifty five Mr Pacey has had a full and distinguished career in the police force.
220) He was born in Thebes and for a long time was held to be the son of Amphitryon, a distinguished general.
220) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
221) If the homonyms are the same part of speech, they are distinguished by superior numbers following the part-of-speech label.
222) Individual points along a spectrum, on the other hand, seem at first sight to be insufficiently distinguished from one another.
223) And I heard remarkable stories of distinguished Marxist academics at other schools who flat out refused to teach undergraduate courses.
224) Hexamita can only be identified when moving, otherwise they can not be distinguished from the background debris.
225) The House also distinguished McGhee, as in that case the plaintiff's injury was caused by the brick dust.
226) The Queen conferred knighthood on several distinguished men.
227) He also distinguished himself as a planter in Kenya.
228) The French-Belgian school is a combination of the French school, which is distinguished for its delicacy and elegancy, and the Belgian school, which is derived from the French school.
229) Folk songs are distinguished from non - folk songs by their fluidity of form and content.
230) The stress - strain relationship of soil established from triaxial shear test is distinguished into two - peak softening type.
231) The Golden Pheasant has commonly been crossed with the similar Lady Amherst's Pheasant. The result is a hybrid with distinguished colors from its parents.
232) In the middle or point of indifference of a magnet, its two poles, however they may be distinguished, are brought into one.
233) The depth finder is distinguished by the introduction of a special data processing technique.
234) The avian tarsometatarsus distinguished from the tarsus and metatarsus of other quadruped by its unique characteristic of structure.
235) The distinguished results of higher operation rate, small content of tar fog in gas and lower operation cost have got.
236) A successful daguerreotypist and a distinguished gentleman, Brady was known for his portraits of notable people such as Abraham Lincoln and Robert E. Lee.
237) The starlight was sufficient to permit objects to be plainly distinguished when near at hand.
238) His actions during that battle earned him the Distinguished Service Cross for Heroism, one of the many medals he would collect during his lifetime.
239) Their administration behavior of investment enterprises of different countries is distinguished to some extent too.
240) Based on the analysis of technical keys, checkered plate was successfully developed on the CSP production line with distinguished economic profit.
241) Luther King distinguished himself as a non - violent civil rights leader.
242) Thailand has over 26,000 Wats or temples. This tour brings you to the 3 most distinguished temples in Bangkok .
243) Distinguished Yale alumni include actress Meryl Streep, Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward, and actor Edward Norton.
244) Two control push-buttons or stroke switches can be connected with the same input point in programmable controller and distinguished the input state of this input point by software programme.
245) However, these must be distinguished from simple "hydropic degeneration" seen in placentas of fetuses undergoing intrauterine demise.
246) Cold typal wheat with good metabolic function can be distinguished more accurately according to canopy temperature and phenomenal characteristics.
247) The Actinobacteria are distinguished by producing actinospres: entire cells encysted in thick walls to form resistant spores.
248) No matter where you find yourself , comport yourself as if you were a distinguished person.
249) Distinguished from Asian Brown Flycatcher by larger size and lack of pale lores.
250) Norm by the President of the United States and five times has been awarded with the Department of Defense's highest civilian decoration[Sentence dictionary], the Distinguished Service Medal.
251) I love you because you are so distinguished and your conversation is instructive and interesting.
252) My father became a distinguished barrister and in due course took silk.
253) Two cases must be distinguished: soft - formate and hard - format.
254) Three main variations of the ancient Greek speech are distinguished.
255) Alice Walker ( 1944 - ) is one of the distinguished black writers in the contemporary literary circle.
256) Thus, an azeotrope can readily be distinguished from a compound.
257) Here I am in a pulpit, dressed like a Puritan minister —an apparition that would have horrified many of my distinguished forebears and perhaps rededicated some of them to the extirpation of witches.
258) The culture of the modern man is characteristically urban, as distinguished from the folk culture.
259) The avascular villi of molar pregnancy are quite large. However, these must be distinguished from simple "hydropic degeneration" seen in placentas of fetuses undergoing intrauterine demise.
260) Though the maximum masses and corresponding radii are similar, bare strange quark stars and normal neutron stars could be distinguished in the regime of low masses.
261) Using ultramarine pigment, experiments of surface modification were done by microcapsulizing. The Surface shape of particles was distinguished by the technique of pattern recognition on a computer.
262) Cosmopolite contemporary Chinese yard villas, 208 international distinguished personages' honorable mansions, contemporary Chinese knowledge wealth class's life circle.
263) He was also brighter . He literally became a rocket scientist, with a distinguished career at NASA.
264) The results showed that the decomposition of pig carcase put on outdoor ground could be distinguished into 5 continuous stages, i. e. fresh, bloated, decayed, dried and remains stages.
265) Taste is the latent dignity, revealing the distinguished sublimity among the common public.
266) Two morphologically distinct groups can be distinguished among the ascomycetes, which are the unicellular yeasts and the filamentous fungi.
267) Several years prior, the distinguished theologist Harry Fosdic voiced a new thought about self-transformation.
268) Can't you realize how that distinguished you in your Foreign Service?
269) It was introduced that the progress in the synthesis macro bicyclic cage like complexes of distinguished type of transition metal ion.
270) Decorated by many foreign governments for his services to humanity, he also holds the Distinguished Service Medal.
271) The results indicated that peanut oil and hogwash oil could be distinguished by absorption spectra.
272) Two general classes of eye movements have been distinguished: Conjugate eye movements and vergence eye movements.
273) Symplast pathway and transcelluar pathway is difficultly distinguished by Experiment methods, and have no valid ways to make distinction between apoplast and cell to cell pathway.
274) The distinguished features of the universal life include randomly paying for premium, variable determining manners for cash values and the optional ways of death benefits.




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