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单词 Wrenching
1) He grabbed Ben, wrenching him away from his mother.
2) The photographer tripped over a lead, wrenching a microphone from its stand.
3) The bolt came away with a tacky wrenching sensation.
4) All I remember is the wrenching loss as l watched the last birch disappear. l have relived it again and again.
5) Over Elliott's shoulder, Culley could see Goldman wrenching at the handle on the french windows.
6) It was a wrenching moment for Feingold: He stood sharply defined against a background that was all too schematic.
7) Her arm flew out, wrenching her shoulder, but she kept a grip on the gun.
8) Wrenching the swing door open, she strode out of the building and headed for the street.
9) Her flailing hand slipped down to the pack, wrenching its cords open, just as cruel fingers seized her arm.
10) They were wrenching, but absolutely necessary for Chrysler's survialsurvival.
11) This twin shift will force wrenching adjustments.
12) Breaking off an engagement can a heart wrenching decision.
13) It is early faulting andwith structural reverse and wrenching strike slipping, especially its well developed sub - fractures.
14) A cold gust swept across her exposed breast, wrenching her back to reality.
15) China has been through a wrenching series of changes and experiments.
16) The wrenching juxtaposition of warm air and cool water shocked me most.
17) Acute orchitis, wrenching of testicle,() tumor of testicle and hematomata of testicle were studied by color Doppler flow imaging(CDFI).
18) Going to court can be an expensive, time consuming and gut wrenching experience that is best avoided.
19) Our nation was born as a pilgrims' refuge and made its wrenching break for freedom be-cause Old World tyranny was unbearable.
20) Ace threw herself at the speeder controls, stamping on the throttle override while wrenching the steering column forward.
21) In those eight years they have helped transform Republican presidential politics by wrenching it to the conservative side.
22) If the Veterans Administration suddenly shifted to vouchers, its hospitals would have to undergo profound and wrenching changes.
23) Republican Egypt became a model for other Arab dictatorships and forced wrenching changes at home.
24) To cause a painful cramp or muscle spasm in by turning or wrenching.
25) If he had been taken into custody,(http:///wrenching.html) what followed would have been the most complex and wrenching legal proceeding in American history.
26) The Hawker 731's twin Garrett TFE - 731 engines thundered, powering the plane skyward with gut - wrenching force.
27) And 15 years work would have come for nothing And -- and it was gut wrenching.
28) Was the separation easily decided, or was it gut - wrenching?
29) With an unmistakable bellowing roar, dragon fire burst from the exhaust, white-hot and blue, and the motorbike shot forward like a bullet with a sound of wrenching metal.
30) That would help ensure the European economy can continue to expand while economically troubled countries like Spain and Greece make wrenching cutbacks to reduce out-of-control deficits.
1) He grabbed Ben, wrenching him away from his mother.
2) The photographer tripped over a lead, wrenching a microphone from its stand.
31) Although Corus was undergoing the pain of a wrenching cyclical downturn in demand for steel, Mr Varin felt he could leave with honour.
32) Sure the country and Wall Street have had their and downs - some pretty gut - wrenching ones at that.
33) More than half of Appalachian coal mining is done by the wrenching mountaintop removal method.
34) It will be the latest in a line of wrenching moments of retreat.
35) That makes it longer than the wrenching , 16 - month recessions of 1973 - 75 and 1981 - 82 .
36) But the man, shifting the club from right to left, cooly caught him by the under jaw, at the same time wrenching downward and backward.
37) It's the end of a wrenching right - to - die dispute over the brain - damaged woman that drew national attention.
38) But the threat of a wrenching slowdown is becoming worryingly plausible.
39) The wrenching debate over the Iraq war is well - known and need not be repeated here.
40) In reality, history has shown that such transitions are wrenching and China will be no exception.




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