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单词 Make it
1. Money often unmakes the men who make it
2. Life is what you make it
3. Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it. 
4. Don't hide. Run! You'll make it to tomorrow.
5. Can you make it mild?
6. We'll make it up as we go along.
7. I'll make it up to you, I promise.
8. I can't make it in ten minutes.
9. Take your passion and make it come true.
10. He dampened his hair to make it lie flat.
11. Take the moment and make it perfect.
12. He didn't make it easy for me to leave.
13. He whipped the horse to make it run faster.
14. He whipped the horse to make it go faster.
15. 'Will we make it in time?' 'I think so.'
16. I feel strongly that I can make it.
17. Take a sad song and make it better.
18. Worrying about it won't make it better.
19. What time can you make it?
20. Can you make it cheaper?
21. You'll make it if you hurry.
22. Let's do our best to make it more beautiful.
23. I wonder if they can make it.
24. I can't make it tonight — something's cropped up.
25. Many things make it difficult for women to reach the top in US business.
26. Life is a wonderful journey. Make it your journey and not someone else's.
27. Weak men wait for opportunity[/make it.html], but the strong men make it. 
28. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. 
29. Thereis no wool so white but a dyer can make it black. 
30. We padded the seat of the chair with camel hair to make it soft.
1. Can you make it mild?
2. We'll make it up as we go along.
3. I'll make it up to you, I promise.
4. I can't make it in ten minutes.
5. He dampened his hair to make it lie flat.
6. He didn't make it easy for me to leave.
7. He whipped the horse to make it run faster.
8. He whipped the horse to make it go faster.
9. 'Will we make it in time?' 'I think so.'
10. Worrying about it won't make it better.
11. What time can you make it?
12. Can you make it cheaper?
13. You'll make it if you hurry.
14. I can't make it tonight — something's cropped up.
15. Many things make it difficult for women to reach the top in US business.
16. We padded the seat of the chair with camel hair to make it soft.
17. She's absolutely certain she's going to make it in the world.
18. We thought we'd put up/hang some wallpaper in the children's bedroom to make it brighter.
19. He added sand to the soil to make it more porous.
20. We have changed the course to make it more challenging.
21. Few of the trainee footballers make it to the top.
22. The president wants to make it easier for small businesses to get bank loans.
23. You can always run him over and make it look like an accident.
24. The book was expurgated to make it suitable for children.
25. I want to make it clear, however, that no one is untouchable in this investigation.
26. You put grease on a wheel to make it turn more easily.
27. He puts grease on his hair to make it shiny.
28. You can water down a glass of wine and make it last twice as long.
29. Statistical anomalies can make it difficult to compare economic data from one year to the next.
30. The building needs urgent remedial work to make it safe.
31. She's absolutely certain she's going to make it in the world.
32. We thought we'd put up/hang some wallpaper in the children's bedroom to make it brighter.
33. Money won't create success, the freedom to make it will.
34. Life is just like a painting. Many things make it colorful and meaningful.
35. He added sand to the soil to make it more porous.
36. We have changed the course to make it more challenging.
37. Don't wait for the perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect.
38. Few of the trainee footballers make it to the top.
39. The president wants to make it easier for small businesses to get bank loans.
40. You can always run him over and make it look like an accident.
40. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
41. The book was expurgated to make it suitable for children.
42. I want to make it clear, however, that no one is untouchable in this investigation.
43. You put grease on a wheel to make it turn more easily.
44. He puts grease on his hair to make it shiny.
45. You can water down a glass of wine and make it last twice as long.
46. People love this city, and they will make it a better place.
47. Statistical anomalies can make it difficult to compare economic data from one year to the next.
48. The building needs urgent remedial work to make it safe.
49. Conviction is everything in wishing. If you don't believe in your own power to make your wish come true, your wish will fly away, never to be seen again. But which leads to the most important point of all. If you're wishing for something possible, then it may be possible for you to do whatever you need to make it come true. The ultimate magic is not wishing, but doing.
50. Even a great life is only a life until you make it.
51. The acrobat deliberately faulted the performance once to make it look difficult.
52. They changed the wording of the advertisement to make it more palatable to women.
53. I'll give you ten pounds each to make it fair.
54. The high altitudes of Tibet make it difficult for us to breathe.
55. You owe me 27 dollars? Make it 30, that's a good round number.
56. You must put some petrol in the car to make it go.
57. I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own.
58. He allowed the engine to tick over for 5 minutes to make it warm up gradually.
59. We changed the wording of the text to make it more comprehensible.
60. Toward a day finally to achieve the ultimate goal of moving enough, but every step as the goal, to make it as a step function.
31. The acrobat deliberately faulted the performance once to make it look difficult.
32. They changed the wording of the advertisement to make it more palatable to women.
33. I'll give you ten pounds each to make it fair.
34. The high altitudes of Tibet make it difficult for us to breathe.
35. You owe me 27 dollars? Make it 30, that's a good round number.
36. You must put some petrol in the car to make it go.
37. He allowed the engine to tick over for 5 minutes to make it warm up gradually.
38. We changed the wording of the text to make it more comprehensible.
39. Leonard made a rapid calculation: he'd never make it in time.
40. After nearly falling twice, she managed to make it to the top of the cliff without further incident.
40. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
41. All I want to know is how many T-shirts Jim Martin has got. I make it three.
42. When hair is dry, rub in a little oil to make it smooth and glossy.
43. Could you do me a favour and tell Kelly I can't make it?
44. I know you don't like her but try not to make it so obvious.
45. The earliest possible date I can make it is the third.
46. The heating system has recently been modified to make it more efficient.
47. The clay is very stiff; we must make it thinner with water.
48. You have to insert an additional piece of material into the waistline of the dress to make it large enough for her.
49. The portrait was touched up so as to make it lighter.
50. She put her hair in rollers to make it curl.
51. Louise had the pre - wedding jitters so badly she nearly didn't make it to the church.
61. Leonard made a rapid calculation: he'd never make it in time.
62. You can't make the same mistake twice. The second time you make it, it's no longer a mistake. It's a choice.
63. After nearly falling twice, she managed to make it to the top of the cliff without further incident.
64. When the whole world is about to rain, let's make it clear in our heart together.
65. All I want to know is how many T-shirts Jim Martin has got. I make it three.
66. When hair is dry, rub in a little oil to make it smooth and glossy.
67. Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.
68. Could you do me a favour and tell Kelly I can't make it?
69. I know you don't like her but try not to make it so obvious.
70. The earliest possible date I can make it is the third.
70. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
71. Ed couldn't make it so they sent me instead.
72. Ignoring the problem will make it worse.
73. Lower fares make it advantageous to travel in winter.
74. The wind-chill factor will make it seem colder.
75. He didn't make it past first base.
76. I'm sorry. I can't make it tomorrow.
77. Ignoring the crime problem won't make it go away.
78. Some banks make it difficult to open an account.
79. Get me a drink and make it snappy.
80. The doctors think he's going to make it.
81. I'll make it up to you somehow.
82. The complications of this machine make it difficult ot handle correctly.
83. Stress is applied to the wood to make it bend.
84. The enormous publicity surrounding the case will make it very difficult to hold a fair trial.
85. If you don't make it snappy, we'll miss the train.
86. It gives you a sense of achievement if you actually make it to the end of a very long book.
87. I never thought I could make it as an actor, but my parents always believed in me.
88. The clay is very stiff; we must make it thinner with water.
89. The rehearsals make it difficult for her to study for law school exams.
90. I shaved a few millimetres from the bottom of the door to make it close properly.
91. The city council is encouraging jobsharing to make it easier for parents of young children to work.
92. Sorry, I have a conflict on Friday. Can we make it Monday?
93. Hair extensions are pieces of artificial hair that are added to your hair to make it longer.
94. Warm the sugar slightly first to make it dissolve quicker.
95. We want to sell our house, so we've slapped some paint on the outside to make it look better.
96. High prices in the UK make it worthwhile for buyers to look abroad.
97. The living room is decorated in pale colours that make it all the more airy.
98. Some of the dialogue has been changed to make it more palatable to an American audience.
99. What do you make the time?/What time do you make it?
100. I have to shave a few millimeters off the bottom of the door to make it shut.
101. Cable technology will make it possible for people to interchange information on a rapid two-way basis.
102. If you can't make it Friday,[] we can invite somebody else .
103. England look less likely to make it to the finals.
104. Today's methods of birth control make it possible for a couple to choose whether or not to have a child.
105. Any devaluation of sterling would make it even more difficult to keep inflation low.
106. We need someone really efficient who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.
107. The rules make it quite clear what should be done in such a situation.
108. You need a bit of cold water in there to make it comfortable. Not too cold, mind.
109. I suggest that you work out a careful rota which will make it clear who tidies the room on which day.
110. The mayor is determined to clean up the city and make it a safer place to live.
111. In his efforts to make it rhyme he seems to have chosen the first word that comes into his head.
112. We've been struggling for years and it's a real kick in the teeth to see a new band make it ahead of us.
113. 'I'm sure we can make it,' he says. Perhaps, but it will not be easy.
114. Well, I'm glad you could make it. I didn't want you to miss out.
115. Does Cath have the creative wherewithal to make it as a solo act?
116. Adapt your usual eating regime to make it more nutritious.
117. To make it easier to contact us, keep this card handy.
118. The English in this story has been simplified to make it easier to understand.
119. Come in, but make it snappy. I've got a meeting to go to.
120. You could lose the last paragraph to make it fit on one page.
121. He poured the rattan into his horse in order to make it run faster.
122. We had the wedding photos retouched to make it seem like a sunny day.
123. If we play well, we hope to make it to the final.
124. Strong cross breezes make it difficult for boats to leave harbour.
125. Could you make it brief? I've got a meeting in ten minutes.
126. Lash the piece of wood to the pole to make it longer.
127. The water is treated to make it safe to drink.
128. I must make it clear I never laid a finger on her.
129. His hair had been combed back and slicked down with something to make it neat.
130. They watered down the soup to make it go further.
130. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
131. Frank was very ill, and the doctors didn't think he'd make it.
132. I had to shave a few millimetres off the door to make it shut.
133. He was told he had no talent and would never make it as a professional singer.
134. If you've got friends or family coming to stay, make it really special by giving them the full treatment.
135. If you get your ass in gear, we can make it out of here tonight.
136. I'm sorry I won't be able to make it on Saturday.
137. The walls should be pointed up before they are covered with cement,this will help to make it stick.
138. You don't take a photograph, you make it. Ansel Adams 
139. Simplicity is, as simple as you make it. Anthony Liccione 
140. They muddy the water, to make it seem deep. Friedrich Nietzsche 
141. If you have a dream, don’t just sit there. Gather courage to believe that you can succeed and leave no stone unturned to make it a reality. Dr Roopleen 
142. Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it. J.K. Rowling 
143. Each day is a new challenge, a fresh opportunity to transform your life and make it more meaningful. Dr Roopleen 
144. Government is an evil; it is only the thoughtlessness and vices of men that make it a necessary evil. When all men are good and wise, government will of itself decay. Percy Bysshe Shelley 
145. The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall. Che Guevara 
146. All my life, whenever it comes time to make a decision, I make it and forget about it. Harry S Truman 
147. Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, and others make it happen. Michael Jordan 
148. "You have peace," the old woman said, "when you make it with yourself.". Mitch Albom 
149. Truth is so hard to tell, it sometimes needs fiction to make it plausible. Francis Bacon 
150. How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg. Abraham Lincoln 
151. I must have a prodigious amount of mind; it takes me as much as a week, sometimes, to make it up! Mark Twain 
152. Only he can understand what a farm is, what a country is, who shall have sacrificed part of himself to his farm or country, fought to save it, struggled to make it beautiful. Only then will the love of farm or country fill his heart. Antoine de Saint-Exupery 
153. The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, and writes another; and his humblest hour is when he compares the volume as it is with what he vowed to make it. James Matthew Barrie 
154. Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
155. Human beings must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it. Albert Einstein 
156. Life is what you make it. Always has been, always will be. Eleanor Roosevelt 
157. When people cared about each other, they always found a way to make it work. Nicholas Sparks 




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