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单词 Grandma
1. Don't teach your Grandma to suck eggs. 
2. Grandma lives in a quaint old cottage.
3. Grandma said, people died is auditory sometimes feel to the imperial power, when if you hear his beloved people cry, then he will go back, a look back on the deal days.
4. Grandma means sunshine filled with blessings from above,Grandma meanskindness because it's another name for love May this be a special birthday for you.
5. Grandma always lag behind when we go for a walk.
6. Grandma is so set in her ways.
7. Times have changed since Grandma was young.
8. My grandma became very demanding as she got older.
9. Come and give your old Grandma a kiss .
10. Unfortunately, Grandma always seems to awaken at awkward moments.
11. My Grandma lost her brother in the war.
12. Grandma was standing at the bottom of the stairs.
12. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
13. On our way back, we called on grandma.
14. My grandma survived my grandpa by ten years.
15. They handed Grandma down to the ground floor.
16. Grandma had one of her turns.
17. Are you leaving the kids with Grandma on Saturday?
18. Grandma protested, but he cursed her and rudely pushed her aside.
19. Grandma always kept a bit of money tucked away in case there was an emergency.
20. Grandma fell and broke her leg, and she went downhill quite rapidly after that.
21. My grandma gave me some money to put towards a new coat.
22. Grandma always turns the TV up really loud because she can't hear very well.
23. Dear Grandma, thank you for the lovely shirt you sent me for Christmas.
24. I'm afraid Grandma has taken a turn for the worse.
25. In that family it is the grandma who rules the roost.
26. Grandma cozied Alice tenderly.
27. Sometimes(), Grandma would tell us stories about her childhood in Italy.
28. Grandma and Grandpa are celebrating their diamond wedding this year.
29. Grandma always has a few titbits for the children if they're visiting at lunchtime.
30. Grandma and Grandpa will be here in the morning.
1. Grandma lives in a quaint old cottage.
2. Grandma always lag behind when we go for a walk.
31. That is what has happened to your grandma.
32. Grandma downplays the seriousness of her health problems.
33. Grandma had always told us to be careful.
34. How much money did you get from Grandma?
35. Grandma can act kind of nutty at times.
36. Grandma doesn't hear as well as she used to.
37. Grandma Shay also learned how to drive a car.
38. Grandma can't manage the stairs by herself any more.
39. I'm kind of disappointed Grandma didn't come.
40. Give Grandma the picture you colored, Jenny.
41. Grandma has had trouble with her heart.
42. Make sure you behave yourselves when we visit Grandma.
43. She knew all about Edith Templeton[http://], from Grandma Clegg.
44. Josh, have you written back to Grandma yet?
45. Hey, grandma, learn how to drive!
46. Catherine's lively grandma Zeta, 84, right, surprised guests too.
47. We should take your grandma some of these flowers.
48. We're very worried about Grandma.
49. Grandma gave us both a pinch on the cheek.
50. You and your grandma were in the front seat.
51. We went down twice, to see grandma and grandpa.
52. Blow Grandma a kiss, Katie.
53. Grandma was blowing bubbles with us in the backyard.
54. Grandma was from Scotland.
55. Grandma was always insistent on going to church on Sunday.
56. My old grandma chanted this, a game we played by the hours, sitting by the fish racks scaring flies.
57. Together they run a store that could have sold Grandma all the things she needed.
58. Grandma laboured for years with her frames and turned out all the mats for the house.
59. When Grandma understood what the man said about wanting to search me, she told me to empty my pockets.
60. We didn't like grandma and grandpa, and we didn't like their gravity either.
61. The idea of one-way traffic is as foreign to Grandma as outer space.
62. It was like that time the fish bone had stuck sideways at Grandma Clegg's and he'd nearly choked.
63. My grandma told my father off for growing a beard.
64. One time Grandma was coming to stay but didn't in the end because she had flu.
65. Grandma was holding forth as usual, retelling all the old family stories.
66. Grandma would like you to be there if you can.
67. Grandma Clegg made wait-and-see pudding, though it was always exactly the same - stewed apple with soggy meringue on top.
68. Don't tell Grandma or she'll never shut up about it.
69. The Fus - grandma, young parents and two small children - eat and dress well enough.
70. We figure: you want to be a community grandma, an Abuelita?
71. Maybe marketing deserves a box all to itself, or one particular product, or your grandma.
72. We squashed side by side in the small double bed which I shared with Grandma when she came to stay.
72. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
73. So Grandma went home, my parents making the journey to help her to settle in.
74. Grandma said that apart from a few aches and pains she was feeling quite well.
75. The grandma of the family added a few details about how she had starved and three of her children had died.
76. I am a very proud Grandma of three boys - triplets - born last September.
77. Grandma always talks about the way they used to live on the farm.
78. I remember Grandma telling us to go hunt for some ground squirrels or anything eatable for meat.
79. I remember a faded photo of my Grandma Nell as a young woman, taking to the air in an open-cockpit biplane.
80. I got ten from one of my grandmas and then I got a fifty dollar bill from my other grandma.
81. I remembered the old photo of Grandma Nell holding my five-year-old dad in that open-cockpit biplane.
82. Dear Grandma, Thank you very much for the birthday card and money.
83. Grandma gathered her scarf around her neck as she went out the door.
84. I have a distinct memory of my grandma sitting in the rocking chair, knitting.
85. Grandma is so happy that everyone will be there for Christmas.
86. Bossy matriarch Pauline Faaahhhhler finds out she's the real grandma of Sonia's baby and sticks her nose right in.
87. A white preacher who prayed for their souls while Sethe peeled potatoes and Grandma Baby sucked air.
88. Need a last-minute gift for Grandma or Uncle Joe?
89. With Grandma(), and wild roses that reddened the mountain.
90. Maybe Grandma will make some hazelnut pudding.
91. My grandpa a commie. My grandma pushes tea.
92. And white borscht, this is recipe my grandma.
93. Puerpera grandma is illogical, father all his strength suck.
94. Grandma, what is in the teakettle?
95. Grandma managed to stagger upstairs.
96. Grandma loved haw - pickled cabbage the most.
97. My grandpa is a commie. My grandma pushes tea.
98. Today is a day of remembrance of my grandma.
99. Grandma was plump and jovial.
100. You remember that rocking chair l made for Grandma?
101. Grandma is using the other hoe!
102. Grandma,[] I am Little Red Riding Hood.
103. Tabby is my birthday present from Grandma.
104. Grandma loves strawberry ice cream!
105. Grandma: I didn't know Ben was double-jointed.
106. Ahem, of course it's me, Grandma.
107. It is normal temperature grandma no matter, still be pasteurize grandma, will bid farewell " bright " the word marks.
108. The next night, he heard his son praying again: "God bless Mommy and Daddy. Ta-ta, Grandma."
109. A few years ago, he still can hear the word of the grandma, be apt to now with respect to backchat, sometimes even a few days do not come home.
110. In the morning, I say good-bye to Grandma and Grandpa. It was a sleepover we will never forget.
111. The Gramps-mobile sat in the driveway. Grandma and Grandpa grinned and waved at us from the RV's high front seat.
112. On Betty's seventh birthday, she got a red sweatshirt from Grandma.
113. Grandma with their diligence to keep the house does well.
114. Take care of your grandma, mother, sisters, mothers-in-law , cousins, girlfriends etc. Our women need more care, not only from the men, but also from the other women.
115. Grandma is something else — a battle-axe from the old country who hasn't smiled in decades.
116. Also I seem to remember our driving six miles north of Grangerburg to call on Grandma Beckley in Hinkley. She was my maternal great-grandmother, ninety-odd years old.
117. "We had heard of temporary marriage but not of temporary thieves, " Grandma said dismissively. "And judging by the way you look, you're just an opium addict. "
118. With blandly those who maintain wet function wash grandma, use next keep wet product.
119. Grandma has presbyopia , so she often mistakes someone for another.
120. Grandma thought to be too boring and went to a nursing home.
121. Can be the child's cold wants and antiphlogistic medicine put in the grandma to drink?
122. This feeling's so fantastic, really, I remind those summers, MY grandma and my lips with locust.
123. M: Grandma has sent you a parcel from America, Darning.
124. You needn't. It's my personal affair. Today is a day of remembrance of my grandma.
125. Sadly, that's what many people much younger than Grandma Moses believe... when in reality, the possibilities for them are limited only by their own self-made barriers.
126. If you don't think time counts, look at Grandma Moses. She never sold a painting till she was 80.
127. A long time before I was born, my Grandma and grandpa moved into the house on Beechwood Avenue.
128. Her grandma told her: "By that time, Your Granny Yinjiao had already been well-known as a hired wailer."
129. Step1. Select a paragraph of the cleanness of weak seriously grandma deep pore smudgy.
130. I'll have to quIt'swearing or Grandma will sure tan my hide.
131. Grandma took the Dixie cup and the spoon and began eating without saying a word.
132. Grandma can make snacks with banksia rose petals, which smells and tastes as fragrant as the flower.http:///grandma.html
133. Grandma went to the street and bought several cooking oil coupons with 30 yuan.
134. Grandma sat all by herself in a corner of the room they called the sun parlor .
135. She thinks of her Grandma as her "security blanket" and "24-hour on call life coach."
136. I think about grandma, who lived to ninety-two and still supervised my mother's garden until a few weeks ago before she died.
137. Grandma has no teeth now , so she can only eat very soft maltose.
138. Grandma looked so much like a kid caught with her hand in a cookie jar that I couldn’t help myself, and a slightly nervous laughter escaped.
139. My grandma is 80 years old(), and she is as right as rain.
140. I was in love with a man named Cuthbert, Grandma Ignatia said, and, Oh, that man could really eat.
141. Tomorrow is chinese memorial day . We are flying back to Taiyuan to Megan's grandpa and grandma.
142. Grandma would tell me that was the Gejishan Hospital and mother told me that it was established by Americans. Mother studied in American church school and saw doctors in this American hospital.
143. Mum is now back to work in a tourist company and grandma is with Freya at day time.
144. Primitive art such as that by grandma moses is often colorful and striking.
145. Grandma and grandpa passed away the meager heritage and left me.
146. I used to sit with my grandma under a big tree.
147. A young teenaged girl a prostitute and, for obvious reasons a secret from her grandma.
148. Carol: Grandma, mum, the bachelorette party's in less than an hour and you don't want to be late. That's all I'm saying.
149. The character and image of Grandma Liu is not only a new selecting prospect by the author, but also a comparison of the rise and fall of the Jia Clanship.
150. I don't want your shitty house or your dead grandma.
151. Grandma can shake the hula hoop for a long time.
152. I have understood that it is reasonable for grandpa and grandma love their grand sons by stories, but cosher is not so good.
153. It was a West India gherkin, Grandma told me later. Folks around here called them "big toe" pickles because they grew short and stubby, just like a lot of people's big toes.
154. Grandma can make snacks with banksia rose petals, which smells and tastes fragrant as the flower.
155. Figuring , figuring that gramma Grandma could probably walk up to a box and push a button.
156. Grandma: Now now, it's nothing to be alarmed about, I will have it off in a jiffy. Do you know where your father keeps his chisels ?
157. My grandma and grandpa celebrated their fifty-fifth anniversary surrounded by their children, grandchildren and a lifetime collection of friends.
158. I have to hold myself back every time a white-haired grandma leans in to her pig-tailed granddaughter and teasingly asks her, "So, do you have a boyfriend?"
159. The wooden chair is a hand-me-down; it was given to my grandma by a friend in New York.
160. Helplessness, they made a decision at length, however, they only drink the creamer, it tasted like milk as grandma described.
161. That is long term lop come, color must resemble the hair of the grandma in vain.
162. Darker to the light room, living room, square hall or the second bedroom of the boy with lively disposition, with cream-colored , grandma yellow, shallow violet etc slant warm polychromy.
162. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
163. Grandma Meagram sits trim and straight. Her hair is beautiful, white but stillslightly tinged with the red I have inherited from her, and perfectly coiledand pinned into a chignon.
164. The old handicapped grandma is spending all her life to train his grandson to be a great cycler.
165. Grandma asked them to all take their seats at the dining table.
166. Another night, no moon, no grandma, but I was back to the patio.
167. "Paintings by Grandma Moses's great-grandson make a striking match for the classic story, " said PW.
168. One "mail call" brought me responses from Grandma, Dad, and the Reverend Nelson -- and my reading of their letters left me not only astonished but more humbled than before.
169. The new story is set in a contemporary urban setting with Red as a sexy adult nightclub entertainer, the Wolf a debonair skirt chaser, and Grandma an oversexed man-chaser.
170. Darter Webb: Hey Grandma, not okay to answer the door when you're not wearing clothes.
171. It's true. He told me that his grandma could talk the hind leg off a donkey.
172. A long time before I was born, my grandma grandpa moved into the house on Beechwood Avenue.
173. A car door opening to the grandma, grandma of two little yellow-dog will come to greet us.
174. Grandma and grandson each caught a catfish in 10 minutes.
175. Both Rosie and Christie cheered because Grandma always has the best mashed potatoes and gravy.
176. Even casual baseball fans —heck, even your grandma —are familiar with the Sultan of Swat and his 714 home runs.
177. So, Grandma Ignatia said, I married instead a man who hadn't an ounce of spare flesh, a man who hated the color blue and never wore it, a man whose sisters liked me.
178. According to el comercio May 25, in Cajamarca, Peru, an 8-year-old girl suffers from hutchinson-gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) which makes her look like an 80-year-old grandma.
179. Small also grandma compose oneself, shedding a tear to persuade a son, should small also canthus film stays in worldly continuance light.
180. Grandma just celebrated her 90 th birthday. She's spring chicken.
181. Grandma lt marly, so that tomorrow can hav a good spirit.
182. Began to mountaineer, uncle nob, father the 2 nd, below ordinal it is me, grandfather, grandma, mom.
183. Malcolm worked up the nerve to ask Grandma Rose for some help.
184. Grandma graduated from the Chinese People's Anti - Japanese Military and Political College in Yanan in 1937.
185. An 8-year-old girl suffers from hutchinson-gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) which makes her look like an 80-year-old grandma.
186. Grandma watched as the bees did theirs way into a hole up the leaves.




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