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单词 Nonplus
1. I was completely nonplussed by his sudden appearance.
2. I was nonplussed by what he asked me.
3. Billy was completely nonplussed by Elliot's refusal.
4. I was completely nonplussed by his reply.
5. The speaker was completely nonplussed by the question.
6. The professor is never at a nonplus, and never perplexed by a problem.
7. Mundin is nonplussed at our lack of proper titillation.
8. "I don't know," he said, nonplussed at the question.
9. Even Orozco seems nonplussed by his fame.
10. Factory were a little nonplussed by the decision.
11. He was also nonplussed that so few real horticulturists were enthused over his resurrection idea for McDowell Mountain Park.
12. George knew that she was a bit nonplussed at his eagerness for her to have her own social life.
13. Nonplussed by such an odd question, Diana replied in the negative.
13. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. Nonplussed, Loretta explained that she had driven right through the village without finding it.
15. Nonplused by the appearance of a woman, stock exchange officials told Paribas to choose a uniform for Sakuma.
16. TYPICAL USE:He was nonplus by the strange customs he saw everywhere in the country.
17. She expected him to ask for a scotch and was rather nonplussed when he asked her to mix him a martini and lemonade.
18. With that avowal, tears sprang to her eyes, leaving Farini nonplussed.
19. Joan's great skill, then as now, was to be completely nonplussed by anything Richard did.
20. And, faced with this question, most men are totally nonplussed at the idea.




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