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单词 Altruism
1. She's not known for her altruism.
2. The strength of altruism lies in the fact that altruistic acts undeniably occur in any society and that moral codes universally advocate altruism or benevolence and condemn selfishness.
3. Politicians are not necessarily motivated by pure altruism.
4. He was actuated almost entirely by altruism.
5. The bottom line, he said, is that altruism may rely on a basic understanding that others hae motiations and actions that may be similar to our own.
6. I was torn between altruism and self-interest.
7. Love, altruism - just pretty words.
8. But there is another way to ensure that altruism pays: reciprocity.
9. Kin altruism is therefore seen by sociobiologists as the most basic form of co-operative behaviour.
10. To what extent its reproductive strategies emphasize such altruism depends on the pay-off of such strategies in terms of inclusive fitness.
11. In a flourish of biochemical altruism, they manufacture deadly molecules and then turn this lethal cocktail upon themselves.
12. Apple's altruism was also labelled as a smart ploy to introduce the nation's youngsters to its products.
13. The later florid accounts of altruism and sacrifice by and about missionaries do not do justice to the range of human impulses.
14. There was some measure of idealism and even altruism in this personal concept of my life work.
15. The criteria for reciprocal altruism seem fulfilled as the interactions seem based upon expectations of reciprocation.
16. For reciprocal altruism in mobile animals, as demonstrated by packer in baboons, more is needed.
17. in the fact that altruistic acts undeniably occur in any society and that moral codes universally advocate altruism or benevolence and condemn selfishness.
18. Many choose to work in developing countries out of altruism.
19. People participate in the club for reasons of self-interest rather than altruism.
20. What makes the family happiest is when a member behaves with absolute morality-play uprightness, coupled with altruism if possible.
20. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
21. Similarly, many different motives came into play, ranging from political manipulation to the purest altruism.
22. Honesty makes better people and creates human relationships based on trust, integrity, righteousness and altruism. Dr T.P.Chia 
23. Some may choose to work with vulnerable elderly people out of altruism, and a genuine desire to work with this age group.
24. So, it looks like a promising case for a bit of reciprocal altruism.
25. Loving others is the greatest gift we can give ourselves. Altruism that rewards one's self. Allan Lokos 
26. Some have therefore concluded that behaviour in this category can not be termed altruism at all.
27. It is therefore possible to give an account of moral altruism by appeal simply to the principle of natural selection.
28. This is because where selfishness brings higher rewards than altruism, selfish individuals leave more descendants, so altruists inevitably become extinct.
29. The picture that emerges is one of muddle, intrigue, greed and occasionally altruism.
30. Those who helped the group succeed seemed to be guided more by ethnic altruism than by greed.
1. She's not known for her altruism.
2. in the fact that altruistic acts undeniably occur in any society and that moral codes universally advocate altruism or benevolence and condemn selfishness.
31. The motivation of the already infected is altruism, the desire not to infect others.
32. From egocentricity to altruism Infants go through a period of being completely self-centred.
33. But pervasive as this behavior may be, we do have moments of generosity and altruism.
34. While charity and altruism are great, they do not show up often enough to sustain a society.
35. Nepotism is selfish behaviour having the appearance of altruism since it benefits relatives as well as ones own concerns.
36. In offering to give up his hard-won judgment, Goldman also volunteered his attorneys for a bit of unanticipated altruism.
37. Or should we politicize the principle of altruism on the grounds that it is no more than enlightened self-interest?
38. In reciprocal altruism individuals are not required to have any particular genetic relatedness with one another.
39. In offering to give up his hard-won millions, Goldman also volunteered his attorneys for a bit of unanticipated altruism.
40. The principle of altruism underpins the code of ethics and practice which provide regulatory guidance.
41. The autonomy granted to the legal profession by the state and tolerated by the public is based upon its expertise and altruism.
42. It requires an altruism not commonly associated with the nature of big time politics.
43. Other depositors may be willing to deposit data for reasons of altruism.
44. A strong hand had to bring forth political altruism, whatever the tone of economics.
45. The classic form of induced altruism in the animal world is, of course, the bird raising the cuckoo's egg.
46. None of them actually obey the formal theory which suggests that altruism towards kin in human societies is directly in proportion to shared genes.
47. There are important questions that should not be brushed aside about the place of altruism in policy making.
48. Altruism is crucial for social cohesion.
49. He worries that corruption would scare away altruism.
50. Ithas the close proximity with the philanthropism and altruism.
50. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
51. Egoism and altruism are the essence of Mahayana.
52. The egoism and altruism attribute of individual behavior all is to meet own needs.
53. The benevolence in Chinese civilization emphasizes not only the solicitude and compassionateness, but also the spirit of self-giving altruism to love the families and others.
54. Altruism - the desire to do good - may be a motivational factor.
55. We see it in the growing altruism of Trade Unionism.
56. There are nine character traits including knowledge, facility, enterprising, sincerity, aggressivity, persistence, objectivity, altruism and activation influencing Chinese Language.
57. The key interspecific interactions are competition, predation, parasitism and mutualism, whilst the main intraspecific interactions are competition, cannibalism and altruism.
58. There is also fear that his altruism may be motivated by calculated gamesmanship.
59. It's unlike solidarity or fellow feeling or altruism because love and those other particular virtues or reasons for caring about other people have to do with who they are in particular.
60. On the other hand, the paper also complements the lack of analysis on allocation of control rights in relevant research on familial altruism.
61. But in the long term, although females remain attracted to bravery and risk-taking they also look for the crucial additional trait of altruism.
62. Neither Mukesh's new - found altruism nor his brother's religious feint look likely to sway the Court.
63. Reporting from the nearby town of Harrisburg, Ira D. Rosen captured the bizarre combination of altruism and gallows humor the disaster prompted in the community.
64. Open source altruism is rooted in the prioritization of quick-win, modular ideas, packaged as “kits” in adoptable formats, and provided free of charge.
65. Compared to Samoan women and heterosexual men, the fa'afafine showed a much weaker link between their avuncular -- or uncle like -- behavior and their altruism toward kids generally.
66. So Tomasello's Max Planck colleague, primatologist Christophe Boesch, looked for evidence of altruism in the wild.
67. That supported the conclusion that the waggle dance was an illustration of altruism in the insect world.
68. In order for the altruist not to be exploited by non-reciprocaters, it would be expected that reciprocal altruism can only exist in the co-presence of mechanisms to identify and punish "cheaters".
69. They raise basic philosophical issues dealing with the nature of ownership, the validation of knowledge, and concepts such as altruism and collective goods.
70. In The King's Speech, the lively portrayals of King Edward and Stanley Baldwin, who are both irresponsible and selfish, bring out King George's altruism.
71. Someone called his drawings as Neo - Orientalism painting, and thought he built an unawakened altruism world.
72. For criminal judicial control, we should legitimately reconstruct it according to the requirement of self-regard and altruism.
73. Nowadays, our culture disvalues liberal education, is skeptical of virtue, and, in particular, glorifies self-aggrandizement over altruism.
74. But altruism, fun, community and curiosity are also parts of human sociality and I propose that the Web is an existence proof that these capabilities can be amplified,[Sentence dictionary] as well.
75. Altruism is a rather new word for unselfishness, coined by 19th century humanist philosopher Auguste Comte as an alternative to egoism, which means putting oneself above all else.
76. The bottom line, he said, is that altruism may rely on a basic understanding that others hae motiations and actions that may be < ...
77. The great object of all social teaching should be to promote supremacy of altruism over egoism.
78. The problem and the solution reside in us by exiting our egoism and embracing altruism.
79. Pure altruism, we think, requires a person to sacrifice for another without consideration of personal gain.




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