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单词 Groundwater
1. There are fears that groundwater might become contaminated.
2. We are still worried about the groundwater mystery, however.
3. Most of Nichols' farm is enriched through pumped groundwater or private river water that he buys at just two-thirds that price.
4. As a result, the groundwater overdraft, instead of being alleviated, has gotten worse.
5. An enormous amount of detailed technical evidence on groundwater was presented during consideration of the earlier Bill.
6. For example, if groundwater solutions had dissolved some of the lead produced by uranium decay[/groundwater.html], the age would be underestimated.
7. Sometimes conventional biological reactors are used to clean-up groundwater and/or contaminated soils.
8. In some new build areas groundwater infiltration to existing sewers is as high as 20 times the dry weather flows.
9. Because of this, many people find groundwater more pleasant to drink than water from rivers and lakes.
10. To take them off groundwater may well mean we have to subsidize them some more.
11. When groundwater flows naturally or is pumped from an unconfined aquifer, it drains from the pores.
12. In Florida, farmers are squaring off against cities for rights to groundwater.
13. Increased consumption of water has led to rapid depletion of groundwater reserves.
14. Zimmerman believes the time has come for Tucsonans to stop relying on groundwater.
15. Afterwards, the city discovered the hazardous substances in the groundwater that threatened the nearby public drinking water supply.
16. Sandstone, for example, can hold very large volumes of groundwater because spaces are formed between the rock's rounded quartz grains.
17. An investigation revealed that the mine was polluting both the air and the groundwater.
18. Ripping out deep-rooted forest vegetation and planting shallow-rooted crops is causing groundwater to rise to the surface.
19. It found evidence of extensive oil pollution of lakes, rivers and groundwater and of the destruction of virgin swamp and forest.
20. They say that because the chalk's porous, dangerous chemicals could seep into groundwater below.
21. Everyone was living off tens of thousands of years of accumulated groundwater, like a spendthrift heir squandering his wealth.
22. And by sinking a well or borehole into an aquifer, groundwater can be pumped to the surface.
23. The chromium, used to prevent pipe corrosion, was released from 1951 until 1966, but lingered in groundwater.
24. The Select Committee that examined the Bill took a very close interest in and sought several undertakings about groundwater.
25. Leivi is particularly worried by the high levels of phosphorous and nitrogen in the animals' droppings, which seep into groundwater.
26. Previous research concentrated on the removal of nitrate that was observed when groundwater conditions change from aerobic to anaerobic.
27. It built the Central Valley Project to rescue the growers from economic suicide by groundwater overdraft.
28. Not surprisingly, this washed into the soil and hence into local groundwater.
29. Also, regulation may prohibit the addition of some nutrients to groundwater - eg nitrate.
30. The Committee concluded that, subject to some important amendments and undertakings relating to groundwater, the Bill should be allowed to proceed.
1. Increased consumption of water has led to rapid depletion of groundwater reserves.
31. Farming More intensive agriculture has led to increased concentrations of nitrate in groundwater in many areas.
32. Leaking oil and spilled water around the wellhead percolates through to the groundwater, carrying pollutants.
33. This studied the economics of reducing groundwater pollution in ten catchments overlying chalk, sand or limestone aquifers.
34. We were able to pump clean groundwater from several of the wells.
35. Bioremediation is formally defined as the controlled use of biodegradation to remove toxic chemicals from soil and groundwater.
36. Industrial chemicals such as volatile organochlorine compounds can also find their way into groundwater, with serious implications for its quality.
36. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
37. If we drill a borehole into the aquifer the groundwater will be under sufficient pressure to overflow from the borehole.
38. But last month the issuance of groundwater discharge permits was frozen in this state.
39. And this may be the greatest threat to our reserves of groundwater.
40. Groundwater in a confined aquifer is compressed elastically, rather like air in a tyre.
41. Groundwater system is an intricate and stochastic system.
42. Nitrobenzene can rapidly deteriorate the quality of groundwater.
43. The groundwater is only feet beneath the city streets.
44. Pond formation history, groundwater flow-through ponds, phosphorous contamination.
45. Water resources management, surface and groundwater hydrology.
46. Grass-fed beef Feedlot waste piles up and ruins groundwater.
47. Dilution of groundwater falls behind of soil desalinization.
48. So the gas Rn in groundwater, which is a new observation item of earthquake precursors in groundwater, has an expansively developing prospects.
49. Bury waste and toxins in landfills, and they seep into groundwater.
50. Apparent ages of groundwater are calculated by the input function of CFCs.
51. Building warping dams will increase drinking water for people and livestock, ecological use, evaporation loss, groundwater recharge and water for dammed land.
52. If the water-tight stratum had already existed, what the groundwater pressure distribution regular in it.
53. More than a century of groundwater over-exploitation in Vietnam has drawn the water table down and, with it, arsenic.
54. "Other key factors are land subsidence caused by human activities, including over-exploitation of groundwater and massive construction of high buildings in coastal areas, " Liu said.
55. The main factors, which lead to hill landslide, are following: human engineering activities, corrosion of flowing water, change of groundwater and concentrated rainfall.
56. The flowing groundwater in coal measure can affect the coalbed gas content largely.
57. In order to satisfy the balance of groundwater in many years, a punitive factor is introduced in recursion equation.
58. By using the above obtaining conclusion, inconvertibility, nonstationarity and multiformity of result in evolution process for groundwater system of mining area were expanded on.
59. These include constructing small reservoirs and using groundwater systems sustainably, including artificial groundwater recharge and rainwater harvesting for smallholder vegetable gardens.
60. The paper analyzed the difference and the error of trans-mechanism of moisture between the lysimeter and the natural unconfined groundwater system.
61. By using the method of fuzzy linear programming the optimal mining plan of the groundwater has been also presented.
62. According to the identified groundwater table the inverse analytic method is applied to inversely deduce the hydraulic inductivity of the aquifer.
63. The feasibility of photocatalytic degradation of hexachlorocyclohexane(BHC) in groundwater with titanium dioxide was proved by a series of experimental investigations.
64. Disperston coefficient is an important hydrogeological parameter for the assessment and forecast of groundwater quality. It is one of the problems not well solved for hydro-geology.
65. The resolution of groundwater will be improved if GPR is able to make use of amplitude-frequency information and RS has theoretical progress in quantitative multi-constrained inversion.
66. U nder new stresses, a groundwater model can be divided into an initial flow field model and an appended flow field model .
66. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
67. A fuzzy recognition approach thereby is applied to evaluate the groundwater vulnerability under fuzzy environment.
68. Many dams accidents result from its abutment stabilizing failure caused by the high groundwater level.
69. PRMF relative phase spectrum IP show the advantage of PRMF signal as source of electrical exploration, can play important in groundwater exploration, mineral exploration, and so on.
70. The variation characteristics of shallow confined groundwater are similar with phreatic water.
71. The relation between hydrocarbon and groundwater flow system with underpressure and normal hydrostatic pressure is discussed.
72. The leakage of the gas station buried storage tanks and the municipal landfill leachate is one of the important factors leading to soil and groundwater pollution.
73. A preliminary study on epidemic endemic disease which results from drinking water is made, according to regional distribution law of the elements in groundwater in Jilin province.
74. Ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (RISA) was applied for quantitative analysis of spatial heterogeneity in landfill leachate-polluted groundwater systems in terms of bacterial community.
75. Plain areas in the east formed a funnel - shaped zone of groundwater.
76. It was concluded that there were two promising methods in remediation of TCE polluted groundwater: bioreactor and zero-valent iron.
77. The geological characteristics are of complicate geology, uneven stratum, crushed rock, strong rainfall, ample groundwater and strong tectonism.
78. Abstract: Groundwater is the major carrier for radionuclide migration in the high-level radioactive waste disposal.
79. The sandy vegetation in regional zonal vegetation has little to do with groundwater depth, however the wetland vegetation in azonal vegetation is much related to groundwater.
80. Groundwater flowline generation is one difficulty in results visualization of groundwater simulation, by which we could analyze groundwater movement easily.
81. The result obtained is that the recharge of silting and blocking rioter to groundwater is mainly in spating season.
82. O groundwater recharges the mine through buried outcrop of bedrock laterally.
83. Dispose of that nulear waste properly or it will contaminate the groundwater.
84. Because MTBE is highly water-soluble, it dissolves in water, leading to higher concentrations of MTBE in many lakes in the California Sierra Nevada mountains and in many groundwater supplies.
85. We propose that As anomalism in groundwater possibly resulted from the combined effects of organic matter-enriched lacustrine sediments, geological setting and topographical characteristics.
86. The groundwater recharge, specific yield of aquifer, groundwater storage and the yield can also be gotten by the said method.
87. According to the deformation data of each soil layer monitored by extensometer groups, the characteristics of soil deformation are analyzed under each mode of groundwater level change.
88. Zero-valent iron is cheap and easy to get, and can effectively remove heavy metals including uranium in groundwater.
89. Masses of alkaline COREX slag not only occupy great amounts of land, but also pollute the groundwater through leakage.
90. Water resources shortage and groundwater mining are serious in Shanxi Province.
91. Using GIS technology as supported platform, the paper analyzed the balance of groundwater between exploitation and replenishment and development of overfull areas with GIS.
92. In the siting and site characterization studies for high-level radioactive waste repository, the chemical features of groundwater are one of the most important evaluation factors.
93. The equipotential lines of the groundwater in the ore zone are simulated on a computer.
94. The groundwater level that is most advantageous to recharge is from 2.0 m to 2.5 m.
95. The dynamic laws governing the water movement in unsaturated zone provide a reliable theory for water transform, water saving and groundwater formation and ullage.
96. For utilizing the groundwater resources in aquifer of fine silt and decreasing producing cost of water, the bridging filter shall be positively popularized.
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97. This paper states some treatment methods and relevant precautions of groundwater in earthwork construction.
98. This paper simulated and predicted groundwater level of Minqin County located in the downstream Shiyang River by time-series analysis method.
99. Comparied with a single-channel monitoring well, the multi-level groundwater monitoring well will save the construction cost and running cost.
100. An excessive amount of groundwater is the major cause of land subsidence.
101. Geographical Information System (GIS) and numerical emulation are combined to study the distribution of the NO3- concentration in the groundwater system.
102. Since the Jurassic period, there have been three different stages of the groundwater hydrodynamic evolution.
103. From the survey data, Berg's team created the first three-dimensional groundwater map, using statistical modelling to show levels that are relatively arsenic-free.
104. Although precipitation in this region is small, supply area is large, evaporation and excretory is concentrate; so change of water level trends of groundwater is not obvious in short term.
105. Water and solutes go fast through the macropores in soil and pollute groundwater. Field and laboratory tests are needed to determine the macropore flow properties.
106. The influences of groundwater advection to heat transfer process and different soil property to the soil temperature field around the single U-tube underground heat exchanger were analyzed.
107. Catalytic reduction of nitrate in groundwater by sodium formate was conducted.
108. In the 21st Century, people may be in a situation of dehydration due to long term uncontrolled exploitation of groundwater.
109. The activities of various chemical compositions of the standard pathogenic water and non-pathogenic water in a region can be estimated through establishing and solving the groundwater aqueous model.
110. In addition , we found a obvious groundwater divide on the south side of Ma - An river.
111. The groundwater systems are the main part of the fluid systems and they include petroliferous systems.
112. Trichloroethylene(TCE) was widely used in industrial production. TCE is one of most ubiquitous pollutants in soil and groundwater.
113. The influences of seepage force on foundation pit quicksand are analyzed herein based on the features of groundwater seepage around the water tight screen in the pit.
114. Finally, the relationship between Tangshan groundwater level anomalies in epicentral area and focal evolution process is discussed.
115. Assessment and zoning of groundwater vulnerability and risk are important approaches in prevention of groundwater resources.
116. The nuclear magnetic resonance is a new geophysical technique for groundwater explration. characterized by direct survey.
117. Some irrigation areas overestimated volume of exploitable groundwater, and the trend of table decline continues.
118. Groundwater flowline generation is one difficulty in results visualization of groundwater simulation groundwater movement easily.
119. Xinjiang Baizhong 7well area is the area of groundwater collect of Xinjiang Baikouquan. It is one of the domestic water and production water supply of Karamay.
120. Study on Soil Water Movement With Changeable Groundwater Level During Soil Freezing and Thawing.
121. An engineering example of heat - supply using water - source heat pump of shallow groundwater is introduced.
122. The paper presents the simulation experiment using semi-permeable sampling device(SPMD) with triolein in order to develop a method to monitor groundwater by simulating bio-accumulation process.
123. Highly mineralized groundwater can be explored from strongly salinized land thus producing mirabilite and table salt.
124. Application of seasonal exponential smoothing method to groundwater level prediction is discussed herein.
125. Exploration works have shown that there are alveolate isolated aquifers in the loose deposits with rich groundwater. By direct viewing, the landslide was caused by road excavation in 1998.
126. So, in our country,[Sentence dictionary] disposal the "high arsenical content" groundwater is a question no time to delay.
127. The industrial solvent trichloroethylene (TCE) is among the most ubiquitous chlorinated compounds found in groundwater contamination.
128. Otherwise, the initial performance period should be in summer. The heat pump performance had little effect on groundwater quality and restrained the growth of bacteria.
129. The descending of groundwater line due to soil water reducing was the main reason that resulted in the destruction and deadness of forests.
130. The secondary effluent from Gaobeidian Sewage Treatment Plant was treated with the DGB tertiary process for groundwater recharge.
131. This paper introduces a finite analytic method of solving groundwater flow. This method combines analytic solution with numerical method, and can rise computational accuracy and improve the stability.
132. Groundwater vulnerability assessment is a useful tool for groundwater resource protection.
133. Along with decreasing of groundwater level, MDA contents of Tamarix Hispida would obviously increase.
134. The groundwater flow is simulated with the seepage model of heterogeneity isotrope, and the partial differential equations are solved with finite difference scheme of irregular triangle net.
135. The groundwater observation well is the basic facility to grasp the groundwater regime, and to appraise and study the groundwater resources.
136. But at present, the government of Ruoqiang County still have not got a Appraisal of Groundwater Resources, and has a very limited hydrology and geognosy survey.
137. The concept holds that uranium is leached by groundwater from tuffeceous rocks.
138. Problems existing in water resource exploitation of Fuyang city are analyzed herein. It is pointed out that overexploitation of deep groundwater induced ground settlement of large area.
139. The mathematic model can reflect the actual hydrogeology of the local area, it can be used to simulate and predict the change of groundwater quality of Daba area in a certain extent.
140. Conjunctive use of surface and groundwater, keep the balance of exploitation and supplement of water resources.
141. This paper gives a brief introduction to the karst development in Dushan area and discusses the types, distribution and tracing test of karst groundwater.
142. In the field of nanofiltration, South Africa's North-West University has built a treatment plant that incorporates ultrafiltration membranes to clean brackish groundwater in a ruralvillage.
143. The groundwater in Qian an County includes the pore phreatic water, the pore confined water of the Quaternary period and up Tertiary cranny pore confined water.
144. Eco-hydrogeology is a new discipline formed by interpenetration and integration of ecology and hydrogeology and a theoretical foundation for the sustainable utilization of groundwater resources.
145. After it built a bottling plant in Kerala, India, in 2000, Coca-Cola faced a barrage of criticism for allegedly depleting local groundwater.
146. In Shanxi Province in aridity and semi-arid region, the groundwater is the important resource of water supply.
147. Littoral's groundwater commonly keeps in the aquiferous system which is composed of multi-aquifer and feebleness dank layers, each layers' groundwater is exploited in various degree.
148. It has been clear for some time that the groundwater level at Giza is rising.
149. Due to the characteristic of technical impracticability, it is hard to calculate the cost of remedying contaminated soil and groundwater.
150. Generally, the higher the groundwater, the stronger evaporating capacity of dive and more soil salic are.
151. Groundwater overexploitation rapidly reduced the water table and runoff as a consequence.
152. The dynamic risk assessment method is applicable for any soluble groundwater pollutants from diffuse sources.
153. Due to over pumping groundwater, hazard of mantled karst collapse may often take place there.
154. Data from the evaporation of ground water was processed using nonlinear correlation depicting the relation between evaporative intensity of ground water and the buried depth of groundwater.
155. The heavy over-exploitation of the groundwater resources in causing huge environmental damae.
156. Riverside pumping is an efficient path for supplying water for a long time,[http:///groundwater.html] for the natural filtration and depuration of strata can change muddy water into nicer groundwater.
157. Water source includes aquiferous layer, river, water-eroded cave, goaf seeper, preferred faults with abundant groundwater.
158. Current EPA regulations say that more than 90 contaminants must be filtered out of drinking-water systems, said Cynthia Dougherty, director of EPA's Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water.
159. This research has great theoretical significance in the study of the vadose field in gas field water and the origin of groundwater.
160. According to geologic model of unsteady groundwater flow in heterogeneous medium and adopting the finite difference solution, the direction and strength of oil gas migration can be quantified.
161. The amplitude of coseismic groundwater level wave is related to magnitude and epicentral distance of the earthquake.
162. Above all, it is difficult to include small groundwater - users in a tradable - rights scheme.
163. Groundwater is an important indiscerptible part of the whole water environment.
164. Karst cave minerals are products of hypergene chemical deposition under the action of groundwater.
165. The scope(), range and rate of land subsidence have got the direct relation with overexploitation of groundwater.
166. An oxbow lake may survive as a water body for some time, especially if groundwater seeps into it.
167. The Geometric programming (GP) method is applied to tackle the optimum control problem of groundwater quantity and quality.
168. The influence of groundwater buoyancy on the design and construction of structure is unallowable to be neglected.
169. Water isotope technique is an important method in the field of groundwater studies, which can help to explain groundwater activity mechanism from macroscopy and microscopy.
170. The results showed that the groundwater table had some influence on distribution of salt concentration and moisture content in the soil profile.
171. The Nitrate concentrations in groundwater in the alluvial - diluvial fan of Zhangjiakou area has increased year by year.
172. The groundwater of Xujiahe formation is mainly the calcium chloride type of gas field water.
173. Municipal refuse is the main contamination source of soil and groundwater.
174. This contamination of groundwater and soil through landfills is known as leaching.
175. Karst is a process and result of groundwater geologic function and it is one of bad geological phenomenon facing tunnel construction.
176. At present, in the work of groundwater exploitation marlite has been regarded asaquiclude or bad permeable stratum in many internal areas in China.
177. By the action of groundwater erosion and chemolysis, cavities are well developed in limestone area, which causes many problems for pile foundation construction.
178. The hydrogeologic conditions, the groundwater in const ruction pit and the countermeasures in Wuhan area are introduced.
179. A regional groundwater quality evaluation software was developed to analyze distributed dynamic data groundwater quality evaluation.
180. Abundant hot groundwater has been found during the oil exploration in Huanghua sag.
181. Geological structure, structural plane, rock property, cave shape and groundwater are important factors of qualitative evaluation for cave foundation stability.
182. "Groundwater resources are being rapidly depleted in many regions of the world," says U.C. Irvine hydrologist James Famiglietti, another team member.
183. There is a series of geo - environmental effect caused by overexploitation of groundwater in coastal belt.
184. Advances in research on remediation of organic contaminated soil and groundwater are reviewed with 24 references.
185. Pesticide residues, chlorinated solvents, MTBE petrol additives and oil and petrol may pose a threat to clean groundwater.
186. In general stability anlysis,[http:///groundwater.html] the groundwater streamline was treated as parallel line with slope surface and horizontal line.
187. Based on a large quantity of data of water quality analysis at Suihe prefecture, this paper analyzed and demonstrated the law of distribution of Fe ions in groundwater at this prefecture.
188. Other students, like sophomore and newbie spelunker Katarina Schneider, cave closer to home, measuring groundwater pollution and studying links between microbes and cave formations.
189. Fast decline in groundwater levels will lead to changes in geological formation, and may even trigger earthquakes.
190. Lixiviation and evaporation are main salinization processes of groundwater stored in loose sediments in inland arid basins.
191. The foreground of multi-source utilization of rain water and flood, recharge and replenishment, water reuse, and the method of operation and scheduling rule of groundwater reservoir were established.
192. EPA has developed a special regulatory program to deal specifically with pesticide contamination of groundwater.
193. The high fluorine content groundwater was resulted by the complicated geophysics and geochemistry causes.
194. This paper divided this region into 4 geomorphological belts:the flood erosion belt, groundwater spill belt, delta belt and the joining belt of piedmont plain and the Tarim floodplain.
195. She is not backing away from plans to apply for groundwater rights in northern Clark, Lincoln, and White Pine counties.
196. The impacts of the offshore extending length and the silt-layer's dimensionless leakance on the tide-induced groundwater head fluctuation in the aquifer were analyzed and discussed.
197. Three major problems are involved in the survey and development of groundwater resources: basic geological background, aquosity, and the water quality.
198. The deep oxidation and groundwater leaching solubilizes much of the loosely bound uranium.
199. This paper reviewed the principles of electrokinetics and its application in remediation of contaminated soils and groundwater.
200. Dynamic transformation of groundwater level reflect effect of the climate the irrigation and the geology.
201. The methods of protection of groundwater from salinization and pollution are proposed.
202. This phenomenon can be utilized for the location of flowing groundwater by applying geothermal methods.
203. In the early twentieth century, however, it was discovered that much of the High Plains was underlain by a huge aquifer (a rock layer containing large quantities of groundwater).
204. The pressurized water forms a dam between the ocean and the groundwater basin, keeping saltwater bay.
205. Owing to groundwater overexploitation in the plain area of Xingtai of Heilonggang, a series of geological environment problems such as land subsidence, aquifer unwatering is occurred.
206. The buoyancy of groundwater makes adverse effects to stability of foundation.
207. Because of the different geographical position, geological structure, depth and aquifer rock, coseismic groundwater level changes of the same earthquake in the two wells are different.
208. By controlling operation parameter after filter bed having been inoculated , the technology has removed iron and manganese successfully from groundwater with high concentration of iron and manganese.
209. The main reasons of groundwater descending are irrational distribution of groundwater exploitation and over-exploitation.
210. The groundwater models are distributively invocated with this editor. The result shows that this editor is effective and easily operable.
211. The groundwater system dynamic state synthesized to reflect the influence of the weather, geography, artificial activity.
212. The forest growth was affected by groundwater level and soil moisture.
213. The groundwater is very important in the countywide economic development of Ruoqiang County.
214. The paper analyses groundwater regime in the confined aquifer of the area of Puxi in Shanghai.
215. Finally the utilizable particularity of the confined groundwater storage resources is discussed on above basis.
216. The hot groundwater occurs mainly in NE - and NW - trending faults and karstic fissure zones at their intersections.
217. The price of groundwater is worked out with different pricing methods,[http:///groundwater.html] which is proved with reason in four aspects.
218. In a word, it is realizable and effective in apply GA in groundwater management.
219. Exposure to perchloroethylene can occur in the workplace or in the environment following releases to air, water, land, or groundwater.
220. Finally, coupling groundwater flow numerical model and optimization model constructed management model using response matrix method.
221. The physical model tests were performed to study the influence of pipe drainage system on soil permeability, groundwater level and slope residual downslide thrust.
222. By the primary analysis of observation of lysimeter, the methods above mentioned are used for calculation and error analysis of groundwater evapotranspiration and infiltration.
223. EC-300 is very effective for groundwater remediation near underground storage tank (UST) sites, gasoline stations, pipeline terminals, and fuel tanks.
224. To take the Dabaodang area of Yulin-Shenmu mining area in northern Shaanxi as an example, discussed shallow groundwater characteristics in ecologically weak desert bottomland.
225. In China, many areas have the problems of the parcel groundwater contain too much arsenic, and it leads parcel arsenical chronic poisoning.
226. These results have significant meaning in assessing groundwater and protecting the vadose zone structure for regional eco-environmental protection.
227. It couples the groundwater flow equation with the solute - transport equation.
228. The paper predicts the changing tendency of groundwater resource in Changma alluvial fan by numerical modeling, applying the method of finite difference and irregular polygon cells.
229. The principles of enhancement of in situ bioremediation of contaminated groundwater and soils by electrokinetics and its advances in research and applications were reviewed.
230. The visual software system for IP Groundwater Prospecting is a vital tool in the processing and explanation of IP Groundwater Prospecting data.
231. The software can produce groundwater resource potential subarea map by evaluation index value.
232. Radon concentration in groundwater was measured at 18 points including two continuous recording stations.
233. A groundwater level monitoring network fitting in with Jinan Karstic Spring Area has been designed.
234. Because of no measures to resist floating in design, a power plant ash pond floated and inclined with the groundwater flotage after construction, which have influenced the normal use of the ash pond.
235. At the stage of crack stability, the groundwater is approximately laminar flow.
236. At the same time, the method of light well point precipitation is also used to decrease the groundwater level, which can ensure the slope stability of foundation.
237. Field and laboratory investigations indicate that organic contaminants have polluted the groundwater and the contaminated area is extending further to the southern part of the Henan Oilfield.
238. It was suggested methamidophos, a high-poisonous pesticide, should be less used in the rice field to avoid the pollution of groundwater.
239. The results show that the pollution status are different obviously at different plots and the pollutants of cupper, zinc and PAHs has been found in soil and groundwater at some plots.
240. This paper focus on the effect of groundwater level by gold gangue a model was established.
241. Lithology is a stable factor, while the upper stream inflow and groundwater exploitation are unstable factors that directly influence the transform regularity.
242. Based on theories of groundwater seepage and the objective and subjective synthetic approach, the new method for groundwater control in deep foundation pit is proposed.
243. A desirable groundwater table can be obtained via a solenoid valve and a feed-back pore pressure transducer.
244. Bangladesh is particularly well suited for the treadle pump because a huge reservoir of groundwater lies just a few meters below the farmers' feet.
245. The proposed fuzzy pattern recognition model under fuzzy environment is applied to theevaluation of groundwater vulnerability.
246. The time-series analysis theory is applied to analyze and forecast the dynamic variation of groundwater in west part of Jilin Province, China.
247. Thepropose of the paper is to study karst groundwater dispersive flow field with traces.
248. Based on Dacy's law and the continuous equations, the numerical solution and boundary conditions of the triangular finite element method for groundwater cases are derived.
249. Mud composed of water with clay, zeolite, iron, calcium sulphate, etc is returned and infused to aquifer by the pressure to effectively control the nitrobenzene pervasion in groundwater.
250. The groundwater level appears marked spatiotemporal dynamic change rule after the transport.
251. The temporal distribution of river water seepage into groundwater system is calibrated on the basis of the river seepage simulating test in typical sites and river seepage mechanism study.
252. Based on the analysis of the features and the regional geological setting of land subsidence in Jining City, land subsidence is mainly caused by overexploitation of groundwater.
253. They combined this with the best available information on groundwater usage to calculate the net amount of water leaving or returning to aquifers.
254. With the rise of groundwater lever, the coefficient slope stability decreases with a quadratic function approximately.
255. Due to the unreasonable use of water resources and overexploitation of groundwater, in many areas of china has produced serious environmental problems.
256. Through numerical simulation using Software MODFLOW, the temporal change rules of groundwater table at characteristic spots are educed, and feasible area ratio of water surface is put forward.
257. It may also be leached down into the soil layers, eventually reaching and contaminating the groundwater.
258. Shijiazhuang is a representative city for the study of groundwater salt pollution.
259. Water in the subsurface below the water table. Groundwater is held in the pores of rocks, and can be connate, from meteoric sources, or associated with igneous intrusions.
260. The time sequence model synthetically reflects trends of groundwater level.
261. All the above-mentioned results show that the groundwater table dynamic model of the load-unload response ratio can be used to perform the complete dynamic prediction of the debris landslides.
262. The obtaining of the results fro the experiments provides a helpful method for the extraction of the groundwater with indissoluble glauberite ore.




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