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单词 Mandatory
1. Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.
2. Crash helmets are mandatory for motorcyclists.
3. The minister is calling for mandatory prison sentences for people who assault police officers.
4. Attendance is mandatory at all meetings.
5. Murder carries a mandatory life sentence .
6. The offence carries a mandatory life sentence.
7. The judge imposed the mandatory sentence for murder.
8. A reply to this letter is mandatory.
9. In 1991, the British government made it mandatory to wear rear seat belts in cars.
10. It is mandatory for blood banks to test all donated blood for the virus.
11. Athletes must undergo a mandatory drugs test before competing in the championship.
12. The Council has made it mandatory for all nurses to attend a refresher course every three years.
13. Mastery, absolute competence[], is mandatory for a leader.
14. Why not drop the discipline of mandatory celibacy?
15. Drug smuggling carries a mandatory death sentence.
16. Wearing a helmet when riding a motorcycle is mandatory.
17. The company's mandatory retirement age is 65.
18. And testing, mandatory in theory, is not widespread.
18. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
19. Mandatory no-fault insurance has been enacted in 13 states.
20. It is not mandatory to provide any module names.
21. The trial judge, Caulfield J., imposed the mandatory sentence of life imprisonment.
22. Political consistency, however, has never been mandatory in either major party.
23. In a case of premeditated murder a life sentence is mandatory.
24. Is the appointment of worker - directors to be mandatory?
25. The validation of our model using the same selection criteria was also mandatory.
26. The main reason for the huge prison population is the fashion for severe and mandatory sentencing.
27. For products moving only in intrastate commerce, inspection equal to federal inspection is mandatory.
28. Another is a type of safety net that in 1986 was made mandatory on all construction sites.
29. Moreover, it would soon become redundant when the low sulphur standard becomes mandatory for all diesel.
30. Franciscans oversaw construction of San Xavier del Bac during a time when mandatory religious conversion was considered politically correct.
1. Crash helmets are mandatory for motorcyclists.
2. The minister is calling for mandatory prison sentences for people who assault police officers.
3. Is the appointment of worker - directors to be mandatory?
31. The other mandatory modules cover hardware, software and information systems.
32. In some jurisdictions this is a mandatory sentence of death.
33. The Supreme Court ruled in 1976 that mandatory limits on what candidates may spend violates free-speech rights.
34. In others, such as those in the United Kingdom, it is the mandatory sentence of life imprisonment.
35. Can some one explain how kids' birthday parties became mandatory and, frequently, icky?
36. The California Legislature has provided for mandatory arbitration of all cases involving amounts less than $ 15, 000.
37. Although groin guards are mandatory for all male competitors, referees have no way of checking that they are being worn.
38. In July 1989 wearing helmets was made mandatory for pedal cyclists.
39. Those in charge of drawing up a blueprint for health-care reform talk of slapping mandatory controls on all drug prices.
40. Unlike SSAPs, SORPs are not mandatory but companies are encouraged to comply with the recommendations that they make.
41. His idea is to cap expenditure on entitlements: the mandatory spending on things like pensions, medical benefits and unemployment compensation.
42. The Geneva group describes peer review, voluntary, and mandatory monitoring schemes, but makes no recommendations.
43. During the campaign Clinton outlined a role for government in areas from tobacco regulation to mandatory family-leave policies.
44. We should prefer this to making credit insurance generally mandatory on several grounds.
45. The issues under discussion include actually beginning the mandatory registration requirement which was never implemented.
46. This is of course the mandatory sentence for a person convicted of murder.
47. You should repeat supplying valid information for all mandatory fields.
48. They not only reprimanded her, but made her undergo counseling sessions -- in other words, mandatory brain-washing.
49. This relief is mandatory, and charging authorities have the discretion to increase this relief.
50. The limited liability and perpetual life characteristics of the corporation make this form of organization almost mandatory for large firms.
51. This provided for a mandatory 6-month prison sentence for anyone found guilty of rioting.
52. It would increase mandatory penalties for drug dealers selling drugs to children or using children to sell drugs.
53. Is it mandatory for the company to determine the dividends and their date of payment in general meeting?
54. We will examine whether certain regulations affecting individual citizens within their own homes could be made advisory, rather than mandatory.
55. Inspection for wholesomeness of meat and poultry in interstate and intrastate commerce is mandatory; inspection of imported meat is mandatory.
56. The deal struck has been to raise the mandatory retirement age from 60 to 65, starting early in the next century.
57. In such a case a coroner has a mandatory obligation to hold an inquest.
58. Should grabbing hold of that famous stiff-armed bronze trophy come with a mandatory retirement age, like piloting a passenger plane?
59. Courts have also differed on whether evaluation procedures and student discipline procedures are mandatory subjects of bargaining.
60. Wavy Gravy, romancer of a suburban rock culture where drug use almost never results in mandatory sentencing.
61. Two further mandatory modules are taken, covering mathematics and experimental procedures.
62. It could be the mandatory audio fashion accessory of the summer.
63. For example, mandatory polio immunization of all school children has been upheld, despite the religious objections of some parents.
64. Those touting mandatory uniforms point to the successes in Long Beach.
65. The popular president not only made it acceptable for male politicians to sob; he made it practically mandatory.
66. He parents wept as the judge delivered the mandatory sentence.
67. However, it is mandatory for all authorities to give grants for basic improvements such as installing a toilet, bath or sink.
68. Will she insist on a guilty verdict and mandatory death sentence?
69. Thus, if the mandatory penalty were abolished, it would be sufficient to take account of provocation when sentencing for murder.
70. However we want mandatory standards and specifications introduced to ensure appropriate waste materials are used where available, rather than higher grade primaries.
71. It requires member states to set rules on mandatory bids, providing information to shareholders and treating them equally.
72. In some cases the scheduling of records in departments under the guidance of the national archives is mandatory.
73. It is mandatory for riders under 21, and costs $ 65.
74. In some countries, wearing helmets is mandatory for all cyclists.
75. He was the mandatory of his people, the trustee of the general good.
76. It was hoped some aspects of traffic separation would be made mandatory, although he would not specify which.
77. The change would mean a U-turn for Mr Hague, who voted in 1991 to keep the mandatory life sentence for murder.
78. If a procedure is prescribed for making the rule it must be followed, unless the procedure is directory rather than mandatory.
78. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
79. The inhabitants of prisons may also be expected to know it. For the offence of murder a life sentence is mandatory.
80. And the best part of visiting both is that eating haggis is not mandatory.
81. Therefore sigmoidoscopy should be mandatory as part of the investigation of patients with iron deficiency anaemia.
82. Amendments to the Act have now abolished mandatory retirement altogether for most categories of workers.
83. Accordingly article 12 comes into operation and renders it mandatory for the court to order the return of the child forthwith.
84. The next-closest school is Morse, a perennial football power and mandatory stop for major-college recruiters.
85. This is essential for the translation of research findings into clinical practice and should be mandatory in reports in clinical journals.
86. Mr Kinnock hinted at the weekend that direct democracy was likely to become mandatory relatively soon.
87. The overarching concern regarding mandatory therapy is not whether it is just or moral but whether it cures or improves.
88. Where there is such an approved standard it is, strictly speaking not mandatory for the manufacturer to comply with it.
89. Staff would feel insulted if they were told they had to go to such workshops, so they must be mandatory.
90. Like a family, we are bounded by history, duty, love and mandatory interaction.
91. Nor was there any change so far as mandatory life sentences were concerned in the 1987 statement.
92. Only the affluent could afford to take vacations or to travel abroad because holidays with pay were not mandatory in the 1920s.
93. These mandatory standards and minimum compensation made the international ocean bill of lading a more honest instrument.
94. Up until 1966, stewardesses faced mandatory retirement at age thirty-two or upon marriage-whichever came first.
95. During the war, obtaining cable traffic presented no problem because of mandatory cable censorship.
96. The Education Act 1962 currently limits mandatory grant support to full-time first degree and comparable courses.
97. To suggest this child died because of mandatory sentence is grotesque.
98. Talk of mandatory limits on greenhouse gas emissions may seem sudden.
99. Mandatory offer A takeover offer required to be made under Rule 9 of the City Code.
100. However, within the labour movement, interest in mandatory retirement was growing.
101. The court made a mandatory order compelling the vendor to allow the person to enter so that the valuation could proceed.
102. But as public school attendance became mandatory, and as graduation thus became commonplace, the number of college students increased astronomically.
103. When we return to our hometowns, a visit to the old school to pay homage is a mandatory ritual.
104. He called for more mandatory sentences and the death penalty.
105. However, not everybody is in favour of national mandatory registration.
106. Most of these practices have practitioners trained overseas or before the vocational training scheme became mandatory.
107. They started mandatory Sunday classes to teach housekeeping, budgeting, home repair, and parenting.
108. A two-year course in a Soviet General Staff academy appears to be mandatory for those taking up senior appointment.
109. It might also be argued that the mandatory life sentence makes a substantial contribution to public safety.
110. Due largely to changes in mandatory retirement laws,[http:///mandatory.html] there are now only five faculty members in the club.
111. Just as there is not one mandatory plot type, neither is there a preferred historical time period.
112. But it is firmly against heavy-handed regulation, such as a sharp increase in mandatory fuel efficiency for cars.
113. There are first of all mandatory exceptions, to be retained centrally by all LEAs and not delegated to schools.
114. Yet some form of attenuation is mandatory.
115. First, providing enabling legislation for this mandatory requirement.
116. Is this a mandatory or voluntary pay cut?
117. Mandatory community service? Perhaps even a short jail term?
118. Assiduous respiratory care is mandatory.
119. It's mandatory to pay taxes.
120. You can put forward a mandatory national standard requirements.
121. Attendance at the meeting is mandatory.
122. Competent geologic advice is mandatory for any engineering decision.
123. Indicate according to introducing 3 C namely China is mandatory the mark of product certification system.
124. Maj.Gen.Ismail Etman told a private TV station Monday that Sanad's blog was not only insulting, but he also agitated against the country's policy of mandatory military conscription.
125. The government takes the public authority official representative, is established in the legal principle theory of law for all citizen mandatory administration country public affairs organization.
126. High school wasn't always considered a near mandatory rite of passage.
127. The SOAP mustUnderstand attribute is used to indicate whether a header entry is mandatory or optional.
128. However, elements of type string do not appear as mandatory in the form because the schema accepts an empty value as valid input for a string.
129. The formal notice announcing the event, which will be held on Dec 21 after a mandatory 15-day waiting period, was put on public display at Maidenhead Town Hall in Berkshire.
130. If the secretary of state has prescribed a mandatory form for the document under section 1.21, the document must be in or on the prescribed form.
131. A mandatory internal control report would be an important input to at least one significant decision I make.
132. The crate controller we developedconforms with the mandatory requirements of the CAMAC specification on electri - cal performance.
133. According to its development of AHD's jurisdiction basis, CAS Olympic ad hoc arbitration is in fact a kind of mandatory one.
134. Since speaking parts were mandatory, I already received the most minuscule role in the entire play.
135. name is a mandatory attribute that specifies the name of the context variable, in which the intermediate result will be stored.
136. According to a New Orleans Times-Picayune story written that day, the mayor said he was having his staff research whether he could issue a mandatory evacuation, which he said was unprecedented.
137. The RSPB has called on regulators to make the use of these methods mandatory for longline fisheries.
138. Our legislation stipulates mandatory tender offer system at the beginning of our securities market in the principle of protecting minority shareholders' interest.
138. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
139. The Scope attribute is also mandatory, but is filled in automatically.
140. Currently, the government has its own versions of WikiLeaks: the Freedom of Information Act and the Mandatory Declassification Review.
141. The mandatory parameter set is followed by the set of optional parameters.
142. Portugal is the only country paternity leave is mandatory - but only for a week.
143. Note that a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is mandatory only if the two machines (the server and the client) are in different domains.
144. Harmonious investigation a special survey and mandatory measure according to law and social permissibility during the authority organs handling a case.
145. So large-scale carry out " drug-store mandatory ", still belong to in the whole nation first.
146. Q 2 : Are you in favour of revisiting the issue of a mandatory conveyancing scale charge?
147. The mandatory use of the classes makes sure that it's always clear which is used, to prevent confusion and possible error sources.
148. The compulsory third party liability motor vehicle insurance is a mandatory insurance taking as the subject matter the civil remedies of the insured to the third party.
149. Please refer to the Participation Certificate issue by Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority.
150. Morality has some plant aeriform mandatory , removing the normative action of certain level to the society.
151. The Ministry of Transport is actively working on the mandatory vehicle immobiliser initiative.
152. Complete embolotherapy was mandatory because of the shock status during angiography.
153. The migration staff might be able to fill out any remaining blank fields later, based on the mandatory input or after a call-back.
154. In Europe and the United States of America, the inclusion of protective measures in new buildings has become a routine measure. In some countries it has become a mandatory procedure.
155. Frequent ophthalmologic follow ups are mandatory to be sure that therapy is being performed correctly and to avoid the possible unfavorable effects of noncompliance.
156. Moreover it is a mandatory procedure to construct the socialist harmonization. The Urbanization is mandatory to carry out the development plans of Beijing.
157. The scope of mandatory administration shall be stipulated by the State Council.
158. Trade certification for electricians (domestic and rural) is mandatory in Quebec and Ontario, and available, but voluntary, in Newfoundland and Labrador.
159. A new brush fire has broken out in the hills above Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley suburbs, prompting mandatory evacuations.
160. There are two opinions that are negativism and restrictionism to the mandatory factors in mediation system.
161. We document and analyze the voluntary and mandatory accounting changes made in 1999,2001.
162. Violation of mandatory provisions specified in the seafarer service book.
163. A new brush fire has broken out in the hills above Los Angles' San Fernando Valley suburbs, prompting mandatory evacuations .
164. In modern commercial law, because of the transformation from "customary" to "statute Law", the mandatory norms of commercial law began to take effect in the commercial subject law.
165. A mandatory evacuation order has been lifted and residents in Big Sur . California are back checking their homes even though the area's wildfire is still not contained.
166. The message part name is mandatory for interface typed variables, and optional for data typed variables.
167. More than 16 per cent of workers are not insured by any Mandatory Provident Fund scheme.
168. Grace and athleticism are optional for males in human courtship, but both are mandatory in manakin courting.http://
169. Instead, walk away and give yourself a mandatory waiting period.
170. Yet necessary public-health interventions are by nature paternalistic: think fluoridation of municipal water supplies, compulsory vaccinations and mandatory reporting of communicable diseases.
171. When the diagnosis is in doubt it is mandatory to seek a rapid diagnostic procedure.
172. There were no mandatory standards adopted for securing nuclear facilities. And no universal commitment to stop churning out more weapons-grade material.
173. The state and local vocational rehabilitation program is a mandatory One-Stop employment service partner.
174. Mandatory attributes are the minimal set of file or file system attributes that must be correctly provided and represented by the server.
175. Before taking actions, we should consult the state mandatory planning.
176. Among his many business achievements, Mr. Chan is well-known as founding chairman of the Bank Consortium Trust, a venture of nine Hong Kong institutions that provide Mandatory Provident Fund services.
177. This chapter discusses the cause of Chinese Mandatory Accounting Changes in theoretical and practical aspects and states that Chinese Mandatory Accounting Changes is inevitable.
178. The Russian Model developed in the Stalin period. This model means unitary system of ownership, mandatory planning, super-heavy economical structure and rapid industrialization.
179. Norm work out should implement competitive bidding system, the legal sex of desalt norm, instruction sex and mandatory, take commercial way.
180. However, if mandatory under the law to use Bahasa Indonesia, the person should be reminded to pay attention to this president.
181. The attributes of the SOAP header entry -- actor and mustUnderstand -- determine who should process the header and whether the processing should be mandatory or not.
182. Information on the Mandatory Provident Fund ( MPF ) System ( retirement protection ).
183. It's not mandatory to have a shared column name like this, but it is considered good practice -- and it makes it a lot easier to read the generated SQL queries.
184. There also is a little more inherent delay, which may make the use of an echo canceller mandatory.
185. Multilevel security requires additional mechanisms for enforcing mandatory access control that prevents the establishment of a signaling channel and prevents unauthorized disclosure of information.
186. Would you plaffluence tell me what the mandatory classes and acceptive classes for this major are?
187. Section attendance is mandatory. Unexcused absence from section will be penalized.
188. If the arrest of three men also are unissued removal agreement, Jiahe County government is based on what legal documents to implement its mandatory minimum "functions act"?
189. Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) has run for many years, do you agree with value of existence? For example, achieve the ideal value of retirement.
190. An objects clause may be inserted in the memorandum but is not mandatory.
191. For containerships, the mandatory date for compliance with the ISM code is July 1, 2002.
192. Another US delegate said informally that US opposition to mandatory cuts in emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide had not changed.
193. Mandatory accounting changes is among the core content of the research of positive accounting theory.
194. ISM Code adopted at the 18 th Conference by the International Maritime Organization, is a mandatory rule.
195. Manulife is required to submit this request to the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) for approval before effecting the new vesting scale.
196. The component is the catalytic converter, which has a mandatory part of exhaust systems since 1975.
197. There is no mandatory paid annual leave in the U.S.
198. In order to ensure the effectiveness of government regulation[Sentencedict], public liability insurance for the construction of a mandatory approach should be established.
199. The nickel-and-diming can be small (such as $5 for the hotel to accept a package for you) to rather large (think: mandatory valet parking for $50 a night, a notorious fee charged in San Francisco).
200. Mandatory spondylitis whether the method cure with have more better?
201. But even so, as soon as Parliament began debating mandatory iodization in 2002, strong lobbies formed against the measure.
202. It also said that they should have known this would trigger a mandatory general offer.
203. The model that implement mandatory access control is called multilevel security ( MLS ) model.
204. Can see from this, administration permits itself and do not have mandatory.
205. This was after a draft-dodging scandal exposed how he and other actors like Song Seung Hun had forged documents to stay out of the mandatory millitary service.
206. In a business culture that imposes the oppressive rule of mandatory replies, that kind ostentatious declaration may seem sacrilegious, rude or professionally suicidal.
207. Be like estate buying and selling, donative, exchange, successive, of people court court decision, ruling mandatory move is waited a moment.
208. Conclusions:Clinical efforts aimed at improving myocardial function are mandatory for the decrease of SCD risk in aged patients with coronary heart disease and hypertension.
209. In any case, separation of the two viewpoints is mandatory.
210. In mediaeval commercial law, the mandatory norms of commercial law exist as constructive norms that is aimed at the commercial act and the ethical and moral norms that is effected by canon law.
211. Antituberculous treatment combined with surgical debridement is mandatory to obtain satisfactory results with therapy.
212. Since it was a bi - modal distribution of TST reaction, using age specific, risk based cut-off value for children was mandatory.
213. Most of them are obvious: mandatory training and medical evaluations for passengers and crew, full disclosure of all risk to passengers, and successful preflight testing.
214. The need to mix and match tool components will become mandatory.
215. New York City ordered the first mandatory evacuation in the city's history,(http:///mandatory.html) including plans to shut down the city's subway and transit system.
216. This chapter investigates the response by Listed Companies to face the new Accounting Standards, trying to illustrate the economic consequences of mandatory accounting changes.
217. Aside from the mandatory Android 2.2 target setting, you'll need to decide on a few settings.
218. Guns could be made much safer, with the mandatory fitting of child-proof locks.
219. This is a mandatory compliance for all companies listed in Japan.
220. This profound change in the basic education of children would be mandatory, without involvement or opt-out rights of parents.
221. So some doctors and insurance groups are recommending that seniors take mandatory refresher courses in driving and tests for mental dexterity.
222. The thesis points out that the isolated state of dual social structure is the product of planned economic structure, and the mandatory innovation of the institution solidifies the isolated state.
223. Not only will it become the mandatory requirement for newly produced vehicle, but also the integrant part of in-use vehicle I/M system management.
224. It is usually the opposite of a prohibitory injunction but there are mandatory injunctions which have a similar effect to specific performance.
225. Are California's new mandatory requirements for television sets really necessary?
226. The parameter declaration is identical for optional and mandatory parameters.
227. Under the terms of the acquisition, announced yesterday, the UK company would pay AIG $25bn in cash, $5.5bn in stock, $3bn in mandatory convertible notes and $2bn in preferred stock.




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