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单词 chrysanthemum
释义  Related topics: Plants, Gardeningchry·san·the·mum /krɪˈsænθəməm/ noun [countable]  HBPDLGa garden plant with large brightly coloured flowers 菊(花) →4  See picture of 见图 FLOWER →5 see picture at 见图 flower1Examples from the Corpuschrysanthemum• Claire Maslin was out in the vicarage garden cutting chrysanthemums.• Gold chrysanthemums spilled from ceramic pots; lilacs and cherry blossoms flicked clusters of light into our garden.• Keep growing chrysanthemums, darling and wearing daisies, the hooch is not good for you.• My next step will be to brew us a pot of chrysanthemum tea.• White fire blossomed suddenly in the sky, chrysanthemums on velvet, turning the crimson black.• It's not only the chrysanthemum or dahlia enthusiasts who search for the best types of plants for the show bench.• The sunlight caressed the crimson and white chrysanthemums in the abandoned courtyard.• On the antique round marble table by the window was a vase of fresh yellow chrysanthemums giving the room life and warmth.Origin chrysanthemum (1500-1600) Latin Greek chrysanthemon, from chrysos ( → CHRYSALIS) + anthemon “flower”chry·san·the·mum nounChineseSyllable  garden Corpus coloured brightly large plant with a




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