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单词 Write-down
1, The write-downs resulted in a loss for the quarter, Mr Chandler said.
2, Write-downs in housebuilding were £40 million and Heron estimates the value of its land bank is 60 percent below its peak.
3, The importance of the Speyhawk write-downs may lie in a new realism by the banks who are now in charge.
4, The purchase will result in a $1.1 billion write-down.
5, The unit took a $2.2 billion write-down to buffer against potential losses, as more consumers struggle to pay off their credit card debt.
6, It is expected to involve a 50% write-down of Greece's massive government debt, the BBC's business editor Robert Peston says.
7, Instead, regulators are said to be considering a write-down on Greek debt and an increase in the minimum pass mark to absorb any further shocks.
8, While a 60 to 70 percent debt write-down seems extreme, it actually represents the market expectation, with most Greek debt now trading below 40 cents on the dollar.
9, Previously these costs were charged to the provision set up in prior years for the write-down on the withdrawal from property development.
10, It announced a loss of £2.8m, on a turnover of £13.5m, thanks mainly to write-downs in the depressed property market.
11, Several other major oil companies have already taken large write-downs to comply with the new rule.
12, A large part of the higher expenses was an $ 11. 6 million write-down of office property in Tampa, Fla.
13, These cover the new distribution deal with Federal Express as well as further stock write-downs in the United States.
14, As a result, hedge funds which refuse to agree to a write-down will demand payment in full,() from funds provided to Greece under the troika rescue plan.
15, EU diplomats said the outcome of the game of chicken between governments and banks was uncertain, but some forecast a last-minute deal on a 50 percent write-down.
16, In fact, in October 2007, eBay took a $900 million write-down of Skype - an acknowledgement that Skype wasn't worth as much as eBay had paid for it two years earlier.
17, On Monday, China Telecom reported a jump in full-year profit after a write-down hurt year-earlier results.
18, Wachovia Capital Markets analyst Douglas Sipkin believes that potential write-down following recent results could hurt Merrill's stock in the near term.
19, Tough negotiations were continuing between euro zone governments and Greece's private bondholders over the scale of a write-down they will have to accept on Greek debt holdings.
20, The introduction of environmental laws and regulations may involve an obligation to recognize impairment of assets and consequently a need to write-down the carrying value.
21, Damon Daniel, an organiser, says none of the 16 who applied got a write-down,[http:///write-down.html] though some might have their mortgages converted from an adjustable to a fixed interest rate.
22, Ms. Whitman was also roundly criticized for eBay's 2005 purchase of Internet-calling firm Skype for $2.5 billion, for which it later took a $1.4 billion write-down.




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